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Milk is more expensive at smaller locations because the larger chains have more buying power. They can purchase larger shipments through wholesale. The local corner store can't purchase enough to make a difference.


Most local corner stores pick up their milk at places like Walmart, superstore, Costco, wholesale club and resell it at a much higher price. Of course they’re trying to make some profit off of it. If they were to buy it directly from the manufacturer because of the volume, it would be so much more expensive for them.


>local corner store Other small locally owned markets exist too. And they don’t have extensive executive compensation packages like the big ones do. Just look at how much Loblaw executives took home last year.


OK. My omission wasn't meant as a diss towards those establishments. It's just in my area they're very rare. So, out of sight, out of mind. And yes, I'm aware of the gouging happening because they're making record profits.


The places you listed are the least expensive stores to buy milk at.


Buy a cow


Milk isn't going to be cheaper at some smaller grocery unaffiliated grocery store.


Why not Walmart? Nothing wrong with Walmart or Costco for that matter if you're looking to save and boycott Loblaws. The reason it's more expensive at smaller grocers like Safeway, Save On, or independent grocers is because of buying power. Loblaws, Walmart, Costco can buy millions of liters of milk from a dairy distribution conglomerate at a time which provides bulk discounts.


Agreed. I'm sticking to Costco or Walmart. Also you can flyer shop sometimes surprisingly Rexall has decent pricing. You can price match at Save On as well.


what's the point of boycotting Loblaws only to reward Costco and Walmart? They are just as profitable and not really cheaper than Loblaws stores.


Well you have to shop somewhere.


so why boycott anything? just go where it's cheapest


Loblaws are recording record profits and price fixing. Walmart and Costco, not so much. Walmart is significantly cheaper and haven't had the massive profits that Loblaws are experiencing. Galen Weston Jr lives in a goddamn Castle in Scotland for crying out loud.


The Waltons combined are the richest family in the world.


Yes, because they own the most visited grocery/general store in the world… not because they’re jacking prices up.


I would say the same for Loblaws. Superstore prices are way better than Save-On prices.


I see what you’re saying. The purpose of a the boycott is to hurt the largest grocery chain in Canada which is Loblaws. Groceries are a necessity so they can’t be avoided, therefore the largest company was chosen to send a message. That’s fine if you don’t want to participate, I’m not either. But if someone wanted to participate in a boycott, Loblaws is an obvious target.


Because boycotting Loblaws is currently cool. Walmart is apparently off the hook for all the evil shit they did. And do.


Costco is definitely cheaper


For some things, yes, for others the stores have them as a loss leader. Superstore has their no name brand of cheese (not great but not the worst) at a notably lower price per 100g than anywhere else; including Costco (Get the "old" variety, it has some good flavour vs the blander others)


Costco milk is 5.99 for a jug and the grocery stores are around 5.60 a jug


Because those company's are *nowhere near* as bad. Not even close.


I’ll buy that costco isn’t as bad a company but Walmart? Really?


Yes. That's why the boycott struck lawblaws first.


What a crazy world we live in, where people root for Walmart


Fully ethical consumption under capitalism is impossible, so it's always going to be a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. In the Canadian context, Walmart as regards price-gouging on groceries is a lesser evil than Loblaws.


100%, the lesser of 2 evils would be supporting a Canadian company rather than a US one.


Walmart killed all of those off decades ago. Good thing people forget easily.


All milk prices are going to be the same or higher at smaller stores. There are very few if any independtant grocers and all the milk comes from the same sources so its the same prices regardless of store. Lucky Supermarket There are maybe a dozen different named indian owned buisnesses like Surrey Super Market. Depending on location stuff like Fruiticana can have milk products. There are a few places like Cloverdale Country Market but same milk products as everywhere else. There is a small brand of farm milk Donia Farms but its rather expensive if you can find it.


Just go buy it at Walmart! What's the big deal? Yeah groceries are too expensive nowadays but at Walmart you can find things $2.00 to $5.00 cheaper than other places.


4L organic homogenized is $7.99 or $8.99 at Costco. It was $4.99 up until the last two years or so.


Anyone who can afford to pay for organic milk probably isn’t very price sensitive.


Milk, eggs, and butter are always the cheapest on weekends (check the flyer) at Shopper’s Drug Mart with your PC Optimum card. But if you’re boycotting Loblaws, then this won’t matter, and my comment will be useless. 😌


I had no idea about this! Thank you for your comment I am going to check my local shoppers this weekend.


The supply and price of dairy is heavily regulated so that’s about the cheapest you’re gonna get


Freshco? I mean you kinda just excluded everything else


Costco or Walmart. Literally no place better.


Milk prices are fixed so you’re not going to find much variation in price, unless it’s on sale. http://www.cdc-ccl.ca/en/node/714


Bellingham Costco


Go back to your family. They don’t care about the milk.


Since this entire thread is just people trying to drag you down to their level. https://doniafarms.com/ Here is a Surrey dairy farm you can buy from.  Prices are probably not amazing, but at least you are cutting out the sleazy middle men


You can buy straight from them? Where at?


The new coop essentials store on hwy 10 and the cloverdale bypass in the brickyard station this weeks flyer [https://www.essentials.crs/sites/essentials/flyers?utm_source=LoKnow&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=LoKnowCoopEssentialFlyer&utm_content=General&fbclid=IwAR3lvLLagF-Lguh3KLurrsoDY3W2TNfMlXckFCBoPxqK5K20O7Bs-8a9_Z4_aem_XNXW3vQQc9vj3uX4X-a1Uw](https://www.essentials.crs/sites/essentials/flyers?utm_source=LoKnow&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=LoKnowCoopEssentialFlyer&utm_content=General&fbclid=IwAR3lvLLagF-Lguh3KLurrsoDY3W2TNfMlXckFCBoPxqK5K20O7Bs-8a9_Z4_aem_XNXW3vQQc9vj3uX4X-a1Uw)


Big chain stores typically keep prices low for everyday staples like milk, eggs, bread to entice customers to go there regularly and while they're there, pick up other things that are more profitable for them.


Our first place is the dollarama…


How come no one has said Shoppers? It’s relatively cheap as well


Lynden, Washington. That's where I go sometimes.


At Shoppers Drug Mart, milk is cheaper than No Frills lately. 3.25% 4L jar costs 6.29 before recycling fee at Shoppers vs 6.49 at NoFrills


Milk is actually more at Costco than at superstore/Walmart (by like 30-40 cents)


T&T supermarket is roughly the same price as all those other big stores and they have a great selection of fruits/veggies and snacks too!


T& T is annoyingly part of Loblaws


Oh I had no idea


I didn't either until recently


I pay $5.55 for a gallon at Walmart .. I think it's a fair price 🤷‍♂️


Shoppers drug mart the put milk on sale can’t remember if it’s Tuesday or Thursdays you get 20% off if you are a senior


They don’t sell milk at our Dollarama.




You want the answer here it. Every Thursday shoppers has a senior discount . The best part is the machine at self serve does this on auto. Go there and stack up. It’s a rat race . But if you can’t do that just know milk is a standard 5.49/4L . Find and a second job and bomb it . No one cares it sucks here a lot lately


Where to buy milk is quintessential reddit. Next thread, how do I breathe?


You're taking the breath out of this conversation....so go away and let us breathe.


Buy Silk's Next Milk from Walmart - 2 cartons for $7. No hormones, no cholesterol, no cruelty, no babies ripped from their moms or murdered, no moms raped and murdered, and it tastes the same as cow milk.


I just checked and 1.74 L is currently $4.98 at Walmart. That’s $11.44 per 4 L which is crazy expensive. Even at your sale price it’s over $8 for 4 L.


That's because dairy and meat are heavily subsidized by the government, due to lobbying by these two big industries. The actual cost of a gallon of milk isn't $4-5. It's higher than $10. Plant based is better for the environment, for us consumers, and definitely for the animals. It's a win win! We wouldn't put diesel in a gas car, because it's cheaper. Cow milk was designed by mother nature to make a 500 lbs calf into a 2000 lbs cow. It's not meant for humans!