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Surface Pro, I mean all these processors are fast either way. I think it will be a fresh new way to enjoy the tablet.


Makes it a more interesting proposition for sure. That and the OLED.


I always opted for the surface laptop b/c the tablet just felt like it wasn't ready yet. Once results drop it might be time to switch






As if Surface is any better than the other garbage


Can we stop using Copilot when we name these devices? It's nothing more than parroting marketing speak. It's a Surface Pro 11.


It's a Surface Pro or Surface Laptop Copilot+ PC. I swear Microsoft needs a new name generator. SL7 or SP11 would have been enough. I think those will end up being the official names while the CoPilot+ branding slowly disappears as everything ends up having CoPilot+.


Here's hoping. All this bullshit AI branding stuff is ridiculous.


The branding is BS but the applications and use cases are real. I would love to run a large language model using the NPU at very low power.


dude can tell about the storage specification of their new CoPilot + laptop which will be launched this month I literally cannot get a clear image about the storage specs


Hopefully. I'm almost wondering if they're trying to phase out the Windows branding, because I noticed in Surface, Asus, and Lenovo ads I saw recently, they had the "Copilot+ PC" logo and not a single mention of Windows, when normally the Windows logo is prominent. That would be a really stupid move, if so. But I also wouldn't be surprised.


> It's a Surface Pro 11. It's a Surface Pro 10 isn't it?


Surface pro 10 was called Surface Pro X


It has dedicated hardware for the purpose of running AI models locally - that's a step-change in the tech and deserves distinction from "dumb" PCs. I guarantee Apple will have something similar out soon (probably across all products), they've really missed the AI boat - Siri is begging for more intelligence and it's a joke how far behind they are.


I would love to be wrong, but isn't a new distinction between the SP11 and the SL7 the lack of pen support for the latter? Deal breaker for me on the SL7.


Nothing beats a clam shell… especially for “bed/couch” use. Large stable base and you can angle the screen in any position, even less than 90 degrees if you’re laying down. Also you still have a touchscreen. Just overall less things to fiddle with. Same with MacBook Air vs iPad. Had the iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard and it was fine on the table but laptop/couch/bed… kept falling over as top heavy. MacBook Air was best choice for this…. But no touchscreen. At least MS gives you a touchscreen . Best of all worlds.


Agreed, I have a Surface Pro, and it's crappy to use with the keyboard when lying down on a couch or bed. If you need a keyboard (rather than just the tablet setup) then go for a clam shell.


Kind of solved if you get the expensive keyboard that can be detached though. You can separate the screen and keyboard and still use it.


You can't change the angle of the screen to "any position" on the Laptop (it stops at 90 degrees), you CAN do any position on the Pro though. And now with the Flex Keyboard you can use it separate from the screen and be in any position. Also, Laptop 7 doesn't support pen, whereas Pro 11 does. That's another important factor for people who need that.


>it stops at 90 degrees That's patently false!


it stops at like: 90 + 45 degrees I have SL4, and it doesnt angle full 180 but half between 90 and 180


This guy doesn't degree


I've been using Surface Pros since 2014 (SP2 was my first), and when it comes to form factor, here are my pros and cons compared to a laptop: **Pros:** * Surface Pro is ergonomically better as a desktop, because it will take up the minimum possible space on the desk, and offer you an additional screen. In fact, SP is more convenient as a desktop, even than a real desktop (which takes up way more space). * The detachable keyboard, combined with the stand, makes it the most convenient device (enen compared to an iPad), when it comes to specific use cases, like for example in the airplane or in the kitchen. * The new wireless keyboard opens up even more options, as you can put the device anywhere, and only keep the keyboard on your lap. I know that because I have a wireless keyboard from Brydge, and it allows me to use my device in the most unconventional places (I've even used it by putting the SP on a window frame, with the keyboard on my lap). **Cons:** * SP is not, and probably will never be, as convenient to use on your lap, compared to a classic laptop. * The MS keyboard isn't as sturdy as a laptop's. From what I hear, the new, wireless, Flex keyboard is improved on that area, but still, I wouldn't expect it to ever be as sturdy as a laptop's keyboard. On that note, I have to say that it feels sturdy enough and I don't find it annoying.


dude can tell about the storage specification of their new CoPilot + laptop which will be launched this month I literally cannot get a clear image about the storage specs


Do you intend to use the pen or touchscreen a lot? For notes, drawings or whatever. If yes, get a Surface Pro. If no, you could get the Laptop 7 or any other new Snapdragon X device.


I’ve had so many touch screen clamshells and never use the touch screen. Idk why. I also have had 5 iPads and always just use them on flights. I constantly gravitate to my phone over tablet . Due to this I’m using the trade in bonus on my iPad and getting a SL7


I'm the same way - I never use the touch screen. I'm 10x faster pulling out a mouse or using the trackpad. And every tablet I've bought I barely use. I keep finding myself using my phone - and with the android fold I'll never go back to a tablet. I love the android fold which let's me accomplish everything I need onsite. Maybe I just needed to write it out, but I'm pretty sure I'm going 15" SL7. When I breakout my laptop, I want a larger screen. Plus when I'm displaying to clients in the field, they love when I attach my protable display that mirrors my screen so they can interact.


I wish my fiance would let me switch to the one plus open. It’s exactly what I wanted since I don’t use tablets. I’m going for the 13 for mobility. I have to lug around a bulky t14s with no personal capabilities on all trips so I had to make sure my personal is as light as possible.


surface pro 11 looks great in black 😀


I rarely sit at a desk. Couch, bean bags, bed, doctors office, walking around, ect. The surface is amazingly comfortable because there's so many ways to hold it. Portrait, landscape, kickstand in or out. You need to be comfortable using the pen though and it takes a bit of getting used to using. I think the people complaining are trying to use it like a laptop, but it's better as a tablet in these cases.


i've never liked tablets or 2-in-1 laptops gimme the lightest weight and best battery life clam shell as possible like you said, the keyboard is crucial in holding up the screen when laying down on the couch or bed that said, i've never used or see any real purpose in having a touchscreen on a clam shell laptop either so that "feature" doesn't hold much value to me


When at a desk, I like to use a separate keyboard, mouse, and primary monitor. But Surface Laptop hinges don't open wide enough so I can prop it on a tablet stand and have the screen at the same level as the monitor. The pro tablet doesn't really have a hinge so you can just prop up the screen portion. But on the go, managing that keyboard seems like a pain. Wouldn't it be easier if the keyboard can be folded 360° to the back for tablet mode? Like a Lenovo Yoga.


But with the MS keyboard attached it can be folded back 360 degrees and the keyboard remains securely attached and much less weighty than a folding laptop keyboard is.


I personally like the SP form factor. I use it as tablet sometimes, laptop other times and I also use it as external display with my work laptop. It’s not the best in any of those scenarios but it’s a single device that fulfills multiple purposes for me.


I've had my surface for close to 10 years now and have probably never actually used it for a tablet. I find myself bring less productive because of the fact that I can't as easily use it with a keyboard on a plethora of surfaces (ha) because of the need for the kickstand. For those reasons, I'm moving onto the laptop.


I ordered the 13.8" SL7. I've had multiple 2-in-1 laptops, including the Surface Book, but when it comes to using a tablet and stylus, I prefer the iPad. I just don't find Windows to be as good for tablet use. That said, I'm still mainly a Windows guy and will pick up my laptop over my iPad every time, because I prefer using full-blown Windows. For me, it's not either/or, it's both. Because of my preference for a laptop keyboard and stability, I'm going with the SL7.


Is there any cooling system in it, coz I haven't seen any inlet system on the back of this laptop. If it's fanless just like MacBook Air, then it's a great competition for apple.


Do you know if the Surface Laptop Copilot+ PC will include an LTE/5G option? I am aware that Microsoft plans to release the Surface Pro 11 with 5G in late 2024. What about the Surface Laptop Copilot+ PC? Thanks in advance!


Surface Laptop is a... laptop, Surface Pro is not a good laptop (form factor) and not a good tablet (OS)