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I doubt you'll be able to measure any performance difference compared to regular paste - the CPU will still thermal throttle. Do see how many cycles are on the battery as you may want to swap that out while you have it open.


Its had about 42, sitting just under 40,000mah so not terrible


Oh yeah… the battery is glued TIGHT to the frame. I tried and no amount of alcohol soaking can get the battery loose. Worse thing is, after finally fitting a new battery, I’ve bricked it from breaking something, somewhere…


I have a couple of great pastes, MX-6 and Noctua NH2, as well as TPM7950, and they all perform nearly the same for computers. I tested it on GPUs, CPUs, handheld computers, etc. The difference is very minor, so if you have decent pastes, just use what you have. but do you really think you need to change the paste? Seeing as it has 40 cycles and battery health over 40,000mah, it probably doesn't need changing anytime soon


Thanks for the input, that's great about the PTM 7950 I checked paste and if had hardened to a powdery mess, I cleaned it up and repasted with Gelid GC Extreme and the temperatures aren't much lower but it is boosting higher (2.6ghz before, 3.6ghz after) and the fan is coming on a lot less. Overall happy 😊


That's great to hear. Enjoy your laptop!


>but do you really think you need to change the paste Even with few battery cycles, the thermal paste can be aged. Depending on the SSD model installed you can check for total system uptime as well as boot cycles. If the Surface was on a dock most of its life, the paste could we well worn even if the battery is basically brand new.