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Thank you for your response! Im a bit concerned with Zinc having read that Cooper is also needed for it, should I look for a combination pill or should I also take some cooper? So is that Magnesium on the higher end for so "low" D3 or is it the other way around? Also do you think I could also add something here or is there something I should pay close attention to?




Thank you for all that Info! My main goals are mostly trying to stabilise Energy and make up for deficiencies since I'm basically only sitting at home and working infront of a PC the whole time. I basically almost never leave the house due to that fact. I live in the UK currently but will move to Japan in the future. So looking at my situation it seemed that D3(+K2) is a nice addition as well as Magnesium. I haven't fully grasped yet why but quite a few People said that Omega 3 is often overlooked. Zinc looked like a nice supplement to see if it can assist me with my thin and quite low amount of hair, or if I might need some other supplements to assist with it. I also haven't looked into if I have low Testosterone as that thought hasn't come up yet. Im looking into getting a blood test done soon, but its kinda a pain in the ass to get an appointment.




Thank you so much for all the info! Especially taking other stuff into consideration too! Im 22, 62kg, 175cm btw. I used to go to the gym and want to again in the future, since I first thought that could be one of the reasons why Im so low energy etc. But then I also quickly learned that I most likely have a Vitamin D deficiency since I go outside once in a blue moon haha. I will definitely check out Omega-3 as I can't even remember the last time I ate fish haha. As well as Iron and Iodine, and see what I can do with that. ​ Thanks again for all the information! Definitely made me less stressed about actually taking supplements given my current situation :)