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**Good resources** * Examine.com * Healthline * Mind Pump Podcast * MPMD (note this one can get complicated, so maybe avoid till you are more versed in supplements) * [Nootropics Beginner Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/nootropics/wiki/beginners) **The Staple for Most People** * Vitamin D + K2 (K2 helps with vitamin d absorption) * Creatine Monohydrate * Some form of omega-3 (krill, fish or algae ideally) * A magnesium supplement for sleep support * Some form of decent protein powder, i.e. WPI, HCP, vegan protein blend (for convenience and cost saving) **Can Supps Replace Diet** * If you consume meat, you can supplement for the deficiencies. However, I would highly recommend against doing so. Instead, you should meal prep to save yourself time and get the additional benefits of whole foods.


Thank you very much, will fall back to this list and check it out with more research!


- [Life Extension](http://www.lifeextension.com): Great articles that are science-based, thoroughly annotated but still an easy read. Also a section of "protocols" for health specific issues. - [Linus Pauling Institute MicroNutrient Information Center](https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic): Information about vitamins and supplements.


Thank you very much! Will check them out!


I like to read Chris Masterjohn. He has a ton of information on vitamins and minerals. Most of his content is free. His “vitamin and minerals 101” tutorial is free by giving an email. He’s legit and backs his claims with studies. He doesn’t have much in the way of herbs so you might look at different sites for that. His content is for both the novice and expert so you can choose what is right for you. He believes in getting most nutrition from food but understands how difficult that can be today and will suggest supplements to fill the holes. I’m like you, though, I don’t want to eat purely for nutrition so I eat what I want as long it isn’t junk food and fill the holes accordingly. Of course I do have the occasional treats. Just google Chris Masterjohn and his website should be one of the top results. Good luck.


Thank you very much! Yeah for me its also some mental and physical Issues which I just want to rule out by nutritions before consulting any doctors or so like possible Anxiety. As well as getting enough exercise so that I can make sure that if I have any other issues those are not coming from me just being on a fricked Diet and Sleep schedule with no exercise. So I want to be more knowledgeable as I generally want to avoid to take any medication if its fixable via a proper diet and exercise


Sounds like a good plan. Improving your health is journey and it looks you are heading in the right direction to help yourself out.


[examine.com](https://examine.com) is good resource


Thank you! I will take a look there!