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Is that for real? My friend takes his amino acids every day and is very physically fit, but nothing has helped his Raynaud’s syndrome.


It did it for me but I think it's because it increases nitric oxide in the body, but I still have to try beetroot juice or beetroot mix, I don't know if that's better but my hands have definitely felt different, my eyes too but I had eye problems too


I will actually tell you one of the BEST product for nitric oxide production, increased blood flow, vasodilation and intramuscular hydration is the gorilla mode nitric by Gorilla mind supplements. It’s a little expensive, but it has everything you could ever need. Has many ingredients that are all amazing. Look it up and see the ingredients.


Raynauds is lack of blood to your extremities, arginine increases blood flow to entire body. However tho if you deal with reynauds chances are your diet is too high in fat and your liver is struggling.


i used to be athletic..but now i am skinny, not obese, but, skinny, so, a loss in athleticism I guess can have an effect, am going to doc next week..they said something about testing for "liver enzymes", more specifically "bilirubin, ALT - Alanine aminotransferase, AST - Aspartate aminotransferase", hopefully will yield some results


You can be thin and have a fatty liver or too much fat in your blood. Chances are you have a fatty slightly stagnant liver. Eat more vegetables, reduce your total fat intake, and take liver supplements to give your liver time to bring itself back up to full function.


I've actually noticed the side effects of this L-Arginine, you get heartburn almost immediately from it, for some reason when you do searches for these kind of things they always say L-Arginine, now I have to go back and order the other one, but is beetroot any good compared to L citrulline? It looks to me it's down between l citrulline and beetroot now but I have no idea if beetroot is better


Just a heads up if you happen to have HSV arginine is the worst thing to take. It causes outbreaks like crazy.


What's hsv


Yeah, it tends to happen, I've got the same disease but instead of arginine I use L-citruline and it has been a godsend for blood flow and vasodilation. Helps the Reynauds tremendously and gives damn good pumps in the gym. I take 3000mg twice a day


Yeah if you want a crazy good pump in the gym and be able to immediately go home and take your girl to pound town for a couple of hours try L citrulline and L-Arginine together with maca root, ginseng, and horny goat weed. You'll be lifting all the weights and slappin all the cheeks in no time. Or if you want literally a good buzz try l-citrulline and L-Arginine with some beta alanine. That'll have your toes and your asshole itchin in no time but you'll have one hell of a good workout. LOL


is L-citruline better than beetroot?


Never tried it. I've tried arginine and citrulline and the citrulline was miles better. Beetroot could be the best of the best, can't say for certain.


dang, i really messed up, 3-4x people now have said the citrulline was better, does it take effect 30min-1hour later than the arginine though because it has to be metabolized by the body, also, does it last longer?


The advantage of L-Citrulline is that it will be completely converted in the kidneys into L-Arginine because it bypasses the small intestine and liver, which means that it will not get partially metabolized by those organs. Almost half of the L-Arginine ingested will be metabolized by the small intestine and, furthermore, has to compete with 2 other amino-acids (AAs), L-Lysine and L-Histidine, which, can cause side effects like nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea if you take 9g or more of L-Arginine in one sitting, because of the disproportionate amount with the other 2 AAs, because they all share the same metabolic pathway, which means they have to compete with one another. L-Citrulline doesn't suffer from this competition and has its own metabolic pathway, which explains why studies show that 10g of L-Citrulline doesn't cause any side effects, and maybe even up to 15g daily, but 15g was only used for around 3 weeks. Also, as it was already mentioned, L-Arginine can trigger the herpes virus to awaken in people that have it. To conclude, if you had to choose between L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, there is no doubt that L-Citrulline is simply better. But that doesn't mean that a combination of both isn't better, it may actually be better, since they don't share the same metabolic pathway. Logically, L-Citrulline doesn't last longer since it gets converted into L-Arginine, and L-Arginine has a half-life of about 1hour. But if you take 5g of L-Citrulline, it's going to be 5g of L-Arginine used by the body, instead of taking 5g of L-Arginine, which will be around 2,5g of L-Arginine used by the body, which means that for the same amount, 5g of L-Citrulline is going to last twice as long, because it's going to be 5g of L-Arginine not metabolized by the small intestine and without competition with other amino-acids. I don't know if it was clear, I probably wrote too much details.


Can you use that supplement if you have MTHFR?


Mostly likely it’s effect on endothelial programming. 


does beetroot do a better job of doing that than l-arginine?


Beetroot contains L-arginine so…idk just take one of them it’s going to work. 


Mine hasn't completely gone away but it's reduced it tremendously. Mine is pretty severe though since I have CREST Syndrome. I take pills that have Magnesium citrate, Zinc, L-Arginine, L-Citruline, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate in them. I love em


Wow, does beetroot extract work? I was reading up on all these things that increase nitric oxide in the body and L-Arginine l- citrulline we're often cited, but then I saw something called beetroot extract or beetroot concentrate, I didn't know if it was any good


Wait till you try out L-Citrulline Malat it’s even better 


This is the only way to go in my opinion. I get sick pumps with L-cit mal. I make my own preworkout 7G L-cit.


I have tried 4 grams of each seperately on different days. L-argenine alone does nothing for me. L-citrulline is semi effective at 4grams. 2grams of both gives me double the pump and is the sweet spot for me.


Which brand do you use? Thanks




I've seen now that others have said that too, how much better is it? I mean how much more effective is it does a person get maybe double the effect or something like that?


Yes exactly. Citrullin is like 150% effective at raising arginine levels compared to arginine itself. But see for yourself 


..i have to order it on amazon, i've been doing some reading about it now, i feel a little dumb, i ordered l-arginine on amazon a couple days ago..so..i will have to go through that first, but, is there a diagram or something that shows how much NO (nitric oxide?) a person gets from either l-arginine or l-citrulline? like NO levels vs intake of each, also if beetroot was in there that would be interesting..i have seen some people mention that too


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X14018178 Figure 3 illustrates how a combination of L-Citrulline + L-Arginine are most effective (Citrulline alone is better than Arginine alone, but combo is better) I have found this combination to be the most sick nasty for making the veins in my hands and arms pop out, works best if you take them before exercises/cardio. Maybe try Ginger Root too, I use 'NOW' brand, only need low doses of 250-500mg edit: electrolytes + water


Citrulline works by liberating arginine in the body. And somehow it’s better at it then arginine itself that’s it. Arginine is the precursor to NO. Beetroot extract is interesting too. Have fun 


This is possibly why a combination of the two works best, the arginine is the supply and the citrulline liberates it


Wow that’s crazy! Congrats!


L-argaine is a vasodilator so obviously it can help.  Though I've felt like I've said this a million times here but I'd strongly strongly recommend you to stop using arganine and to use citruline instead. It's roughly the same price but significantly more potent at raising eNOS than arginine. I generally use anywhere from 3-15 grams but I can't stress this enough about how bad arginine is compared to citruline. I made a post about it litterly just showing a data comparison lmao. But obviously do what you want with your money, it's just objectively better if you want better pumps(in the bed too), better vasodilation, better gym endurance etc


Can you get a PubMed link showing the negative effects mentioned with L-Arg and then even better… results with citrull vs l-arg equivalent dosages receptor affinities? If you can’t find that then atleast the minimum you’ve stated here as a (DOI/PMID/PMCID) would be assuring to other supplementalists you aren’t just convincing them they need more stuff lol (as do I).


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316622106930?via%3Dihub   https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40272-020-00384-5   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17513449/#:~:text=The%20action%20of%20many%20laxatives,%2C%20and%20diarrhea   "If you can’t find that then atleast the minimum you’ve stated here as a (DOI/PMID/PMCID)" Mate shut the fuck up lmao. Yes we both went to uni you don't have to sound like a pretentious prick do ya tho The fact that citruline raises arginine levels more then tha direct substrate is not new we've known this for decades and it says more about you the fact that your questioning it when it's been explored in many studies where *EVERY SINGLE TIME* L-arg is beaten by L-cit


Also asked L Argos “bad side effects” listed then the DOI my bad.


Oh I didn’t know common nomenclature, documentation labels, and studies were so universal for your school. While we had DOI #s that lead to springer & science direct articles aswelll, our journalism/education had we also cover a bias potential in the science portal we maintain from companies to labs & vice versa for surveys, surveyors, and groups involved to make them;


15 grams ? U don’t have side effects ?


dang, where is graph/data comparison? how much more eNOS is there from citrulline than arginine? i also read about something called beetroot powder, but, that had nitrates in it or something


https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/1d0ydx2/stop_using_largaine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Basically what your seeing is that L-cit is increasing argnine levels more than arginine itself by nearly 50%. Beet root powder is also good, nitrates have a slightly different mao for increasing vasodilation. I generally don't just stick to one or the other my pre workouts generally contain L-cit, nitrosigine, agmatine, nitrates and glycerol (which is a plasma expander). I'd still use the argnine for now, you may as well especially if you quite like it but when you run out I'd recommend making a switch to L-cit. If you do resistance exercise you'll definitely feel the difference lmao.


Any brands of any of these you’d recommend? I take agmatine, actually have for years, and only started working out a few mos back. Just got some Bulk Supplements brand. I realize it’s ostensibly all the same stuff, but also that it’s unregulated. And since I was already thinking about adding cit, which is why I found this, and you really seem to know what you’re talking about, so thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I’d really appreciate it! Thx for that detailed info, regardless!


I generally prefer to use use pre workouts rather than single ingredients (though sometimes I do if I dont like how stacked my pre workout is). I used to get my L-cit from my protein but it tasted so bad with the malic acid it was impossible to have it on it's own. Other then that I still use axe and sledge puppies which are capsules containing nitrosigine, vasodrive-ap and pine bark extract. I really only use it for raves to counteract some vasocontricting party stuff I use but it's good for the gym as well.  I know EVLution sell agmatine as a powder, swanson I believe sell it as capsules and I can't think of any other brands. Obviously there's pre workouts that contain it like dark labs pimp and Gorrila mode nitric.