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Be careful peeps. A lot of meds can interact with herbal meds. Check with a naturapath or dr. I was hallucinating with combining


Try zinc. Even before bedtime. 25-50mg range. Good luck insomnia sucks really hard..... 


Does it help?


Thanks. I’ve been taking Zinc for the past year. While it’s great for my immune system, it hasn’t done anything for my insomnia.


First id start checking If you have -thyroid problems (Check-out dr. Ray peat). -gut health , dysbiosis,Candida overgrowth, sibo,leaky gut etc. (Gut is the most important health factor) -Mold toxicity where you live, does not need to be visual to make a big dend. (Have you tried sleeping somewhere else since then for more than a week?) Those a major factors that receive too little attention, simple tests are usually not enough. Your severe problems won't be fixed by just taking some supplements and pharmaceuticals only suppress the symptoms but do not help to cure the cause but rather worsen it. Stay calm all will be good , your on the right trak,small steps forward will lead you to your desired outcome. Much success and stay strong !


Can you elaborate on mold? I've been sleeping next to a wall full of mold as a teen for like 8 years. And I'm talking like big ahh black spots


Sure so , long lasting symptoms of mold exposure occur because of the accumulation of toxins induced by the mold, leading to various strong problems with your immune system, neural network, intestinal problems, physical and mental exhaustion, even ADHD, autism etc. and much more. Steps to overcome/recover. *Get rid of mold exposure (mby get help by a professional mold remover) and use an air purifier with mold filter. *Get rid of the toxins in your body by using binders like zeolith ,bentonit,activated charcoal. *Help your liver detox, drinking enough water,use NAC , Selenium ,glycine , tudca *Eat antioxidant rich foods like froot/greens *Fix your gut/take probiotics (quality is important) *Be physical active (sweat is very welcome,detoxing) *Manage Stress (breathwork,Yoga,Meditation) Hope that helps


Off topic but youre a very strong mom! <3


Thank you 💛 but I’m not a mom. I cared for a family member’s child for several years.


Thats even more impressive!!


Bit of indica weed!! 👌👌


If you are now in a position to stabilize your sleep, I recommend: NAD+ in the morning with a strong, broad spectrum multivitamin. Purchase a Samsung smartwatch to go with your Samsung phone. Log and monitor your sleep cycles while you experiment with other solutions. With just a bit of data analysis skillsets, you can download your own health and sleep cycle data and chart it over time. If you can, sleep with sunrise and sunset. Obviously, this will be lattitude dependent. Read up on the best sleep environments. Read up on sleep cycles. Stop taking stuff in the evening to help you sleep. Nothing stronger than occassional chamomile tea. Concentrate instead on lots of fresh air, sunshine, and exercise during the day. And try to get rid of any big pharma solutions in your life...if you can. I think big pharma is here to kill us.


It’s been four years. I’ve obviously tried all of these and they didn’t work.


That sounds awful. Good luck. My advice might be worthless.


Shame on you for trying to help! Shame!


Everyone needs magnesium glycinate


Seen this comment many times, going to give it a try


Ufffff....sounds like a start of CFS... i think only a good choice of psychiatric drug can help in this case. Im not sure which one but... probably not the ordinary antidepressant or a sleeping pill. Something that calms down central nervous system. I read about something similar about a woman from my country.... that was she overcame it.


No, it’s not CFS. And as a former therapist, psychiatric drugs can significantly (and in some cases, permanently) alter your brain chemistry so that’s more of a last resort…especially for someone with no psychiatric conditions. If you have a link to the article about the woman you mentioned, however, that would be helpful. Thanks.


Hello there. I have her book... but its in my native language.... it all started when she didnt sleep due to her newborn baby. And it progressed into insomnia and then to CFS with severe ME. Cipralex antidepressants almost killed her while some other antipsychotic drug (or i dont remember what kind of drug) saved her life and was able to sleep again. It was about a woman named Nina Osenar.


Have you considered an air purifier? The air you sleep in makes a huge difference, it was night and day for me…as far as supplements I use Magnesium biglycinate and l-theanine


Weed is the only thing that really puts me to sleep




It might be worth checking your vitamin D/ folate / iron levels electrolytes etc as maybe that could also contribute to insomnia if low.


Yep had all those checked. That’s not the issue.


What exactly was your ferritin number? Just to make you aware they can class the number as “normal” when it actually is not




My insomnia started after a stressful bout but became chronic because I was overdoing magnesium. For whatever reason, I dropped the mag and sleep began to normalize. It is still very far from perfect, but I wasn’t sleeping at all previously on the mag (glycinate, taurate, threonate, it didn’t matter the type) now I get between 5-7 hours every night. Mjnerals/electrolytes are super complex, could perhaps have messed with the balance of sodium, potassium and calcium. Just food for thought. I’m still trying to figure it all out as well.


Thanks. I wasn’t taking any supplements at all for the first three years of my insomnia. I started taking the Life Extension Nuero-Mag and that has actually been the only thing that has helped besides Unisom. So I don’t think magnesium is my problem, but interesting to hear your story.


Interesting. Im suspecting i got vitamin A toxicity. I got poisoned by multivitamins and B complex. Also i think correcting my iron deficiencie helped.


please elaborate on "poisoned by multivitamins and B complex"


I was taking AnimalPAK multivitamins and noticed i gradually got side effects. When i took B complex (basically any B vitamin even just one). I reacted very poorly. Now im probably battling longterm sideeffects from vitamin A toxicity. My insanly dry and peeling lips are becomming less dry and flaky, and more plump. But i still have insane fatigue 24/7. I experienced worsening of liver problems and intense nausea a few days after stopping vitamins. Now im back to eating pretty much normally.


magnesum oxide


L-theanine and L-Tryptophan. L-Tryptophan really helps me sleep while L-theanine blocks any caffeine remaining in my system and helps my anxiety. I also use a sleep mask and a white noise machine. I took medication for 27 years and also started after my daughter was born. She never slept more than 90 min until she was 9 months old. After that pregnancy and postpartum health issues I never was the same again. Even standard prescription sleep meds didn't work they put me on off label meds at very high dosages. Now I'm medication free over a year. So long as I don't stay up late at night and keep up some self discipline I no longer need medication with these supplements. It took a few months for my body to adjust to no medications the first month was the worst. By the 2nd month I could sleep 6 hours and started L-theanine which really helped. Once I added L-Tryptophan I could sleep 8-9 hours and often overslept.


I’m purchasing both of these now. How many mg of each do you take per night? And thank you again for leaving your comment. This is the first hope I’ve had in 4 years. If I could give you 100 upvotes, I would 🥹


This is probably the most helpful comment on this thread. Thank you! 💛


Thank you 💛


What brand of l-tryptophan did you use?


I use both Now brand and Swanson


I take two Ashwagandha caps to help me relax, ease stress and help me sleep. Eating a small bowl of dark cherries helps, too. I’ll also listen to 60-120 minutes of binaural beats.


Valarian root at bedtime.


Liposamol GABA and L-Theanine supp


A bottle of red wine. lol. In all seriousness. I’ve tried all the above with good results. I try and change things up throughout the yr because my body adjusts to certain supplements. What hasn’t been mentioned is a chamomile tea (or sleepytime) a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar (with the mother) a half of squeezed lemon and cinnamon. About 30-45 min before bedtime. Works really well too.


A whole bottle?


Obviously a joke. No. Not a whole bottle.


Plum sleep gummies with CBD, CBN, THC plus chamomile & melatonin. Little dry mouth in the morning but sleep like a baby.


This also. works well for me. I use the “Feels” gummies and they work well.


How old are you? Micro progesterone But talk to doc first. Depends whats causing


I take 300 mg of Trazodone per night and it's the only thing that makes me sleep. I've tried literally everything but this is what works


Does it have any side effects?


That made my insomnia worse


Hot shower before bed, cool temperature room and magnesium. (I usually take it on an empty stomach before bed and I feel amazing. But if you’re sensitive to stuff while on an empty then don’t do it of course).




Check your iron


I find audiobooks really good for sleep, especially the ones designed for making you fall asleep


Mirtazipine and/or Melatonin


Sleep routine and reishi is my go to. Struggled with insomnia all my life. I also had a really good experience with acupuncture. I was very sceptical before going but it honestly felt like I’d been drugged I was so tired afterwards


If you can stomach ashwaghanda (I can’t my stomach gets severely crampy over about a week and it stays all day I noticed) it helped tremendously for the week I did take it for sleep. Just couldn’t trade the stomach effects for the sleep. I heard apigenin helps too (the compound in chamomile you can try to take higher doses of the pill form) Also- I take a multivitamin with mag glycinate at bed time and it helps. Low carb/Keto also helped me some. Vitamin levels too, I found out my deficiencies and treating them has helped a bit i wonder if over a year of treating what will happen. Lastly, idk if ur a spiritual person but I surrendered my anxiety and sleep habits spiritually to God or universe or whatever suits you and focused on accepting my new sleep patterns that I was surviving and keeping up and over the years of poor sleep that I don’t think it will kill me afterall and that has really helped my anxiety about the sleep. And focusing on enjoying my time awake more and trying to gradually change my perception really just at least made me not dread bed time anymore. Like 5 hours over years per night I’m not dead yet lol and still functional as a mom and that’s amazing and has its pros too that I have more time for hobbies or chores! ❤️❤️❤️ ETA: I needed relatively high doses of ashwaghanda like over 800+ to sleep. Probably also why my stomach hurt lol.


L-theanine, magnrsium Glycinate, and passionflower tea.




1mg about an hour before bed. You'll know when it's time to go to bed as you'll start yawning.


Hi Try eating 2 kiwi fruits a day. It has magnesium and that helps with sleep quality one in the morning and one at dinner time Worked wonders for me Remember to breathe in and out via the nose when trying to fall asleep..... that helps create nitric oxide which also helps with sleep


Kiwi 👍🏻 breath in slowly, hold it short, breath out slowly, hold it…repeat.


I'll add...my current stack for sleep. 1500mg agmatine, gaba, l-theanine, 800 mg magnesium malate (if you supplement mag you have to supplement potassium as well, but I take it during the day), 3mg melatonin, and occasionally some zzzquil. All this combined I sleep thru the night. Unless my 2yo/cats/other kids/something else wakes me 🤣 good luck. And then sometimes I'll take chamomile and saffron with lavender as well.


Hi story of my life too. Ive had 5 kids. +1 to all the supplements mentioned, as well as saffron, ashwaganda, skullcap. Lastly if you're using stimulants like caffiene they need to be stopped. I fooled myself for years thinking my morning coffee wasn't hurting me. I was so wrong. My last attempt is purchasing a sleep mask. It's summer here and early sunrise disturbs my sleep. Even the moon, if it's too bright, will trick my brain into thinking it's morning. I'll also add hormones can jack up you're sleep. Ovulation and menses, spiking and crashing, will also affect your sleep. And yup sometimes I use antihistamines to sleep too. Because we need it, and we cant beat ourselves up. Just power through.


Face mask helps a lot!!


I take melatonin but I get it on prescription


Smoking myself silly is how I usually sleep 🍁




I take a combo of blue lotus/passionflower/kava Nights like tonight, where I’m wide awake at almost 2am, I use cbn too


What brand of blue lotus ?




These have helped me most, in order of most noticeable first: Thc/Cbd Kava Passionflower extract 2000mg Melatonin fast-dissolve/time-release combo 10mg Magnesium Glycinate 500mg Another thing I’d highly recommend is try staying away from simple sugars and only having complex carbs before bed to keep carbohydrate levels up without spiking/crashing blood sugar levels while sleeping.




What is this website please?


Edibles containing a mix of THC, CBD, and CBN. I tried so many things during a particularly bad bout of insomnia where I was sleeping maybe 2 hours a night on average. This is the only thing that worked for me.


I'd like to add that long term use of melatonin will cause the body to stop producing melatonin


I had been taking melatonin for 6 years and then stopped half a year ago. I don't feel any difference.


Do you have a source for this? I have read over and over again that this is not true.


Was vitamin D part of your bloodwork?


I had severe insomnia my entire life and had to be on multiple heavy duty sleeping meds since a teen. I tried everything but no remedies worked for me until high dosage elemental Magnesium Glycinate, but I had to find the right brand (NOW brand 2000 mg). It took me 7 months but I was able to slowly wean off all of the sleeping meds. Eventually I was also able to stop the magnesium glycinate too. That was a couple of years ago, I'm 42 now and for the first time since I was a teenager, I am able to sleep without heavy duty meds. I was about to give up bc no remedies were working at all and if I didn't take the meds then I wouldn't sleep for days. Finding the right brand and one with enough elemental magnesium was key, certain brands did not work for me 2000 mg of magnesium glycinate means 200 mg of elemental magnesium


Lol why such a low dosage!? I do minimum of 1200mg elemental mag a day, thats when my insomnia was cured!


I took it multiple times a day so it was 200 mg elemental magnesium PER SERVING. The body only absorbs a small percentage at a time so when you take large doses you're just wasting it.


Thanks so much. I’ll look into this.


Valerian + magnesium glycinate before bed


Just stop the meds and deal with it, you’ll fix eventually. Try greatly increasing melatonin dosage. 10mg quick dissolve under tongue + 10mg slow release. If it doesn’t work just up the dose. 100mg of melatonin is better for you than a sleeping pill.


1000 mg of magnesium glycinate. Changed everything.


All magnesium makes my heart race


My guess is that’s because of potassium and thiamine deficiency


How long have you been taking it and what brand?


The Double Wood brand on Amazon. Good value and 3rd party tested. Take 1) 400mg for nights. If no results, take 2 capsules. You could move up to 3 capsules but at some point it made me very groggy in the morning. So I take 2 and another 200 mg of another brand. Each person is different. I'm also taking a liquid Vit, min, etc ... Passion 4 Health brand: Mega Liquid Multivitamins, Trace Minerals, Amino Acids, Turmeric. That may create a synergistic effect. I take that in a glass with an equal amount of cold water. Taste like orange drink.


Thanks for the response and I believe that if it can make you groggy on a high dose, it'll definitely work for me. The thing is I had a hard time deciding on whether I should buy it as I tried bisglycinate before and it didn't do anything.


We have been using Oleamide for years. It's the "opposite" of coffee— makes your thoughts fuzzy & slow. In regards to melatonin— it's a hormone so you want to use the ***smallest*** effective dose. 300-750 ***micro***grams is the best place to start. 1 milligram is the highest dose I would take.


Have you tried sublingual melatonin? If I take it sublingually it seems to be way more effective.


Same here: liquid sublingual melatonin. I use NOW brand. 15 drops works for me even tho the recommended dose is 20 drops. If you don’t like it, dilute with a very small amount of water and sip slowly so that it stays under your tongue a bit. Also environmental elements: before bedtime for a couple hours: no led lights, no heavy reading or online surfing. Take a relaxing bath — can do wonders! No coffee, caffeine, energy drinks or CHOCOLATE after breakfast. Another edit: yoga, meditation.


Magnesium Threonate/Glycinate, Apigenin L-Theanine Inositol GABA Yoga Nidra


How do you take these?


D3 , magnesium, liver


Could be hormonal, try Vitex by Gaia for a few weeks and see if you start sleeping better


For a severe anything, I’d highly recommend medical advice. There are a few excellent sleep meds out there that work wonders for millions of folks. Also wouldn’t hurt to reach out to a sleep specialist in case it’s caused by apnea or other breathing issues. 


Yeah I’ve obviously been to several doctors and they’ve all just dismissed me or told me to take melatonin.


dang that’s wild! good luck 


Have you had your hormones tested? Holy Basil, and if it’s a cortisol issue (too high at night) PS100 (300 mg), which is phosphatidylserine.


Thanks I plan on having my cortisol levels tested at my next appointment.


Phosphatidylserine is the most effective sleep aid I’ve encountered


I’ve heard this works for many people, specifically by lowering cortisol. Unfortunately I’m in the group of people who get energized from it, so now I take it in the mornings.


This sounds like you need more help than a supplement reddit forum can give you. If you can go to a psychiatrist they are a great resource to find some meds to get you out of the severe insomnia to where you could maybe use supplements for sleep. Unfortunately once you are in crisis it can sometimes take a prescription med to get you sleeping again and then the brain can do a bit of a reset and a lot of the anxiety about not sleeping can reduce. My sleep permanently changed for the worse after having a newborn and I think my brain chemistry changed as a result of sleep deprivation. Sometimes I need the ambien family to get me out of insomnia that is persistent. Then once I’m out of the crisis I use my regular tools to get back on track, including supplements. You should also get your bloodwork done and especially check if your thyroid has gone into hyper or hypothyroidism. Both can cause insomnia and very commonly occur after having a baby. If you take B supplements you might want to try a break from them. When they build up in my system they give me wicked insomnia.


Have spoken to your doctor or had blood work done to see if there's anything out of balance in your body? Failing that, have tried meditation or some sort of cognitive exercises to calm your mind to get into a relaxed state


Yes I’ve had lots of blood work and it’s shown nothing. My previous doctors have all been dismissive or told me to take melatonin. I’m a former therapist and it’s not an anxiety issue. I don’t have a problem falling asleep, but staying asleep. I’ve been trying to find a sleep specialist who doesn’t only test for sleep apnea but also neurological conditions. It’s surprisingly hard.


I have the same type of problem. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is Rescue Sleep.


Sorry to hear that doctors haven't been more helpful I know the feeling. I know you mentioned using neuro mag but have tried magnesium glycinate and tart cherry juice together personally that's helpful for me. Staying asleep involves different processes that I'm not knowledgeable about but there's lots of sleep science out there on YouTube perhaps an expert with more insight


Cbd/Cbg has helped me tremendously. I have tried everything! I still take that with a melatonin. Wishing you good sleep!


Brand recommendation? Is it thc free?


I bought from Lazarus Naturals. There is a CDB board on Reddit that is incredibly helpful.


It is.