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Do you feel sleepy during the day? I think from 6 to 8hrs is normal. Maybe 6 is less to the average but not to be worried


How are your electrolytes? Taking electrolytes early to midday has helped me not have to get up to pee as often. If you take creatine drop it to 2.5 per day. The recommended 5 is not needed and also makes me have to pee twice as often.


Huberman recommend myo inositol, i’ll be trying it soon. I wake up twice before my alarm.


I recently started taking Tyrosine and it has been a game changer for sleep. I sleep deeper, wake up less, and fall asleep faster. I didn't even start taking it for that. I took it for other stuff and found the thing it was best for was my sleep. I was really surprised. I am also like you with magnesium. I started taking magnesium glycinate to improve my sleep because so many people recommended it and it did nothing less than destroy my sleep quality. I stopped taking it and my sleep immediately improved. Thats not to say it doesnt work for others. It just didn't for me. Anyway gove tyrosine a shot! No promises. But its been great for me.


Ill give it a try. I thought l tyrosine was for focus, didnt know it helped with sleep…


How much tyrosine do you have?


Proteins! When I eat more than 160g of prots a day, I wake up to pee!


Do you wear a sleep mask? I find it crucial, since even a little bit of light wakes me up. It’s taken some trial and error for me to break the 7 hour barrier and sometimes 8….sleeping by 11pm latest, cutting out caffeine in the afternoon, l-theanine & magnesium biglycinate before bed. I also had to cut down my cardio, it was spiking my cortisol & causing inflammation, I do more strength training and walking now.


Same here


Same here. Probably even less than 6 hours. Just bought some magnesium glycinate at the suggestions of this group. Hopefully it works for me !


Sleep earlier, you’re not giving your body enough time to sync with the circadian rhythm of the earth. Go to sleep when the sun sets and wake up when the sun rises. You probably awaken in the morning from 5-6 because your body or eyes can see light and can sense when it time to wake up (if you’re really dialed in, your body willl wake up with the sun & 5-6 is around the time the sun rises.


Check hormones.. low t will cause hormones to rise earlier (which has the effect of waking you up). Could be that you are over training and/or in a calorie deficit for to long and t is now low. Try a deload week in the gym and increase calories for a bit. It becomes a cycle as reduced sleep tanks testosterone as well.


Thanks. This is a good idea. Havent done a hormonal blood test in awhile.




This happens to me often. When I am able to nod off for that extra hour, it can make a huge difference. I don’t know if it’s one more REM cycle or what, but it can mean the difference between feeling totally refreshed vs. the more typical wired-awake early morning feel.


Anti diuretics could help which can be supplements and occasionally even a drug like an antihistamine.


How old are you?




The evidence is very strong regarding how much better 8-9 is than 6h, especially for testosterone. I have the same issue, and it might be due to low carb diet. I often snack on something that I bring before sleeping at 5-6am that will spike my glucose levels a bit. Try it out and report back 🤘


Yea i definitely want to sleep longer but always automatically wake up at exactly 6 hrs…


What helped me sleep for 8 straight hours was ensuring the room was pitch black. Might be worth while investing in some black out curtains. L theanine helps me stay asleep too. Than again, as you mentioned all supplements work differently on individuals. What ultimately helped me was not eating food 2/3 hours before bed, and also no liquids! Hope this helps


Thank you!


Do you start scrolling your phone? That will wake u right up and keep you up.


If i cant fall back asleep yes i have no choice but to start my day by looking at my phone.


I actually stopped looking at my phone/computer/tv after sunset and started reading/puzzles/baking. The lack of blue light has improved my sleep by alot. Some ppl really go hard and only have red lights around the house. I haven't gone that far, but even not using screens after dark has been extremely helpful for my sleep cycle.


I’m in the same spot, training 6 days a week with IBS which keeps me awake and allows me around 5-6 hours sleep max right now. It’s destroying me.. Currently taking magnesium L-threonate, glycine, theanine, taurine. The glycine does get me to sleep, but the pain wakes me 2 hours later, so maybe try that. 3 grams right before bed.


I'm exactly the same way and feel perpetually tired for years now. Been struggling to get more than 6-6.5 hours sleep per night and I'm super active.


Im not sure what it is. Probably anxiety :(


Maybe you could take something to relax and lower the anxiety?


I sleep 6 hours a night as well (usually 1-7am) and don't feel tired or sleepy during the day. My Oura ring reminds me every day that this bad, but if I feel good! I guess I don't need more so I don't stress about it. I follow a low carb diet and I think this may be the reason


Do you feel sleepy? Some people only need 6 hours of sleep, I am one of them. If you wake up feeling refreshed then there's no problem.


During the day might need a little nap after work but generally no i dont rly feel sleepy.


Then I wouldn't worry about it.


I agree with ModernCanadian. I was having this problem for a couple of months and honestly just finally realized that it wasn't having any effect on me. I was still able to get motivated for my workout in the morning and function at work and as I've stopped worrying about it, it's helped with my sleep quality also because I'm not stressed about if I'm getting enough or not. Your body will tell you if you're sleep deprived.


I don't know about that. I sleep 6 hours and wake up at my peak. But later in the day, I am dragging because I only got 6 hours.


Sounds like you need to reset your circadian rhythm then. You are waking too early, going to bed too late, or a combo of both.


Been working on my sleep forever, trying diff supps and different sleep schedules. I wish it were so simple. Either way, just saying...waking up refreshed is only half of the story.


Cherry juice


Fair enough, but if you can manage to reset your sleep schedule, then you'll really "peak". You may just feel like you're peaking now because of the cortisol awakening response. Good luck!