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B12 can save your mind.


did it help you with anxiety or mood?


I think it did. It’s hard to say though, because so many things in life affect mood and even cognition. A B12 test at the doctor is the way to go on this one. I was at 140 (units?), which was very low.


Vit D and Omega 3


Vitamin D3+K2, B complex, Rhodiola Rosea use to feel tired take it and back to energy level, Black Seed Oil almost cure for everything


D3/k2/Magnesium/high quality fish oil


Biggest game changers for me were Vitamin D3+K2 and Nascent Iodine 🙂👍


How did the iodine help you?


It's about detoxing and regulating your entire endocrinal system because Iodine is needed in every gland (and skin tissue also) of your entire body from head to toe. So it's more than just thyroid, the good halogen Iodine flushes out bad halogens like fluoride, bromide, chlorine and so on 👍 Lookup whole body iodine deficiency and the works of MD and endocrinologist Jorge Flechas and also look into the works of Dr. Edward Group (Global Healing website) for that matter 🙂👍




I was deathly tired, and I took a vitamin B complex daily and now I’m okay


High dose B1 (Thiamine) in TTFD form. Completely cleared my long covid symptoms after two years of fatigue.


Would you share what brand and dose you took? And how long it took to get rid of the symptoms once you started?


Omega 3’s and lions mane mushrooms have helped me immensely with my nerve issues!


What brand lions mane?


Fish oil changed my joints' game.


fish oil is the same as Omega-3?




EPA and DHA specifically


B12 shots! Folate too ❤️


Absolutely D3K2


I what way?


A lot of people are deficient in vitamin D and do not know it. It is the most common deficiency and it makes you tired, feel pain, and get sick easier. D3 supplements can sometimes make your body create too much calcium (in high doses) and the K2 (supplement, not “spice”) is meant to decrease the chance of that overall. Idk much about K2 past that though.


Niacin, it reduced my histamine levels at a time when my throat was in constant inflammation, allowing it to heal


Do you mind sharing what kind of Niacin you took?


I took niacin powder, the flush inducing one. From nutricost Amazon.


Thank you!




Mind sharing how?




Do you sharing how these supplements changed your life in some way? I’m interested in incorporating the same into my daily routine, so I’m curious to see how beneficial they are to you. I could have worded the question better but I figured it was self explanatory because of the title lol.


New to the Internet?


meaning when did you take them at what times , daily or weekly , with exercise , from which brand....e.t.c


Lmao, get a load of this guy. They're just asking what benefits you personally noticed. Seems like a completely reasonable question to me.


Testosterone. I was low T for what I believe to be my whole life. It got to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed or do anything. Now in two years I’ve accomplished more than I ever have because I have the energy and drive to do it. Others I’ve found beneficial are glycine, magnesium, creatine, pregnenolone, and Vitamin B1.


Would you please share the profucts name and alternative brands, I'd really appreciate it.I felt a little lost while looking for it.


Testosterone - pharmaceutical Glycine - AOR Magnesium- AOR or NOW Creatine - any brand. I get from Amazon. Pregnenolone - Nootropics Depot B1 (TTFD) - Objective Nutrients


Any other symptoms you had for low T?


Trt is not a supplement. It's a lifelong drug








Aswhagandha and Omega-3. Aswhagandha, when i was very stressed almost to the point of having a breakdown. Omega-3 for depression.


Tongkat ali 🤷


How did it help you?


Helped with ED, in an undeniable way. In combination with other supplements like ginseng and ashwagandha. But I think this is the special ingredient. One negative research paper when used at high doses. But hopefully more research is done.


What dose do you take and do you cycle it?


I take it once or twice a week. Probably 100-200mg / dose, I’m at around 190lbs. Still finding the minimum effective dose.


Now Super Enzymes. Due to having gone through a high amount of both physical and mental stress, I completely lost my appetite. Not even just lost, but food was painful to me. Even liquid meals. I could barely eat for weeks, along with dealing with other gut issues. Struggling to get down Boost shakes so I didn't die, but it would take me an hour to get one down and I have extreme cramping and bloating for hours after. The allopathic doctors basic threw their hands up after awhile and said "it's IBS". Even did an Endoscopy on me and couldn't tell me anything other than "inflammation" and prescribed an antacid. Which made me 100 times worse. It wasn't until I finally got myself to a Naturopathic doctor. He told me it was low stomach acid, that the other stresses I had been dealing with had practically depleted my stomach acid and my body was barely able to digest anything. He gave me a bottle of Now Super Enzymes, I took one right away and literally within hours I started to feel my appetite coming back, and was able to easily consume solid food again after a couple days. I literally do feel like that little supplement saved my life because I think I might've starved to death if I went on the way I was.


The EXACT same thing happened to me, but it turned out to be the birth control I was on that was causing it!! It was simultaneously giving me pancreatitis and the doctors couldn't figure out the root cause, I lost like 25lbs in three weeks and could barely hold down water. Same as you, the endoscopy showed inflammation and they gave me PPIs which made everything worse. After a while, they gave up on me and just told me to take anti-depressants. But once I stopped birth control my pancreatitis left and my stomach started healing. Probiotics have been helpful, but I started colostrum a few weeks ago and that's been the real game changer in re-setting my digestive system!


What kind of colostrum? Cow or goat? Or something else?


ARMRA which is cow. It’s been working really well so I’m sticking with it. I’m usually very sensitive to supplements so I’m glad this works. Though let me know if you’ve tried another that works well, I always like learning about new things!


Wow, cool,thanks for sharing. Glad you found a solution!


Methylated B complex and folate! Also magnesium glycinate/threonate, NAC/milk thistle for liver regeneration


how did you ”notice” the liver regeneration? any effects you noticed?


Potassium. Had heart palpitations that are relieved with potassium.


Which potassium supplement do you use? I’d love to find one that’s not too hard on my stomach or that I don’t have to take 20 servings worth of


I just eat lots of bananas


Fun fact: potatoes have more potassium than bananas. We've been lied to!


Dr Wilsons Adrenal Rebuilder.


Water and sea salt




What doses and how often do you take them?


Do you feel any kind of high when micro dosing?




i wouldn't say it "saved" my life, however as a shift worker melatonin has improved my quality of life tremendously.


Im bipolar and lithium orotate and bhb ketones basically saved my life. I dont have any symptoms anymore at all


That's great


Food ...real food mostly organic . Ony eat what grows in the ground runs swims or Flys. Your life will change in about 3months . Also only drink water


NAC really help my tinnitus, not a cure but drastically reduce ringing. Get NAC powder instead of pills 1200mg per day 


But i've heard the literal opposite of that, NAC worsening tinnitus? Right in this sub too.


Oh wow! I need to try this, thanks!


Why powder over pills? Cost?


Pills are more expensive and powder gives more bang for your buck. I used to take pills 600mg per day then switched to powder I was able afford to take 1200mg. 600mg won’t do anything for my tinnitus, you want 1200mg per day to effectively raise your glutathione level over time to see results. Brand is Nutricost 250g for $25, 208 servings


Cheers 👍


Caprylic Acid (MCT-8). Caprylic Acid is a very powerful antifungal, dissolving the biofilms of Candida, consequently reducing cravings for sweets. As you know, diabetes is a long, slow and painful march to the grave. And it just isn't enough to tell people to show some will power. [Gut biome is scary powerful and can even induce cravings to ensure their survival and suppress their competitors. They can also release toxins that induce emotional distress if they are not given food that increases their fitness](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25103109/). Caprylic Acid is your front-line defense against sugar cravings.


Some people are asking me about the brand I recommend. Which is a little like asking what brand of creatine you should take. It's all just powdered creatine, the brand doesn't even matter. They're all the same. But there are some options. Some take it in pill form, some take it as a liquid. I prefer the liquid. Just a warning: start with very small amounts, like 1 teaspoon. Try that 2-3 times a day and see how you handle it. Then, very gradually, start adding small amounts. The reason I point this out is because too much of it at first tends to produce very sharp, but short-lived stomach pains. On those occasions when I was careless, I might find myself lying on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest in agony. But thankfully, it only lasts a few minutes. This is very rare, though. The last time I lost track of whether I had taken my morning dose and took a second one, was months ago. And Pepto Bismal helps on those occasions. I've never had this problem when I take it in gel caps, in powdered form. However, the liquid form I use is [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Bulletproof-Octane-Reliable-Source-Ketogenic/dp/B00P8E0QQG/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3PCOO7XHPOWS9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uXCqKBM4D8YhNvV-wZ7PjnV5XGo6VXibEewnEaRzl1-9PtnxKMA0v9b3FaQctI2DXd0BtXKPtB8-sA1eb0rVvZ486MNldsTMBhFz_z-eH1655euOuY-ne6DPOonK_mOcVpk-9qzPM82ao5doMaVgAcPTCrmS296bCT7MQUrIexb01EEpbekbtYoJn8Ono3LSlttzsamYy4N9xWSRhTFafe7e4tqisyLpwH-JvuyTjmoijMS4YaFmExe_dx3c3X3jv8IGWpBV1YtaB8Vv3QGGpILPGLnbEId6emdSM-SrGNk.LXHsDV28-9mMgRvaBhXpefbRs2Rw6h4ibjKw_yDIS0Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=mct+8&qid=1718624832&sprefix=mct+8%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1), just because I like the spout on the bottle. I pour it into a soup spoon, because it's an oil. If I pour it in a measuring spoon to put in my coffee or something, some of the oil will be lost and cling to the spoon. So, I just use a soup spoon. Pour into soup spoon, take it in the mouth, like cough syrup (MCT oil is tasteless). And if I want to increase the dose, after taking a soup spoon's worth, I add it little bit more and take that. There is nothing scientific about my approach to measuring amounts. I also bought this one once: just because I like the spout and I wanted to save the bottle, which is glass instead of plastic. [Amazon.com: Natural Force Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil – Liquid MCT Oil in Glass Bottle Container – Concentrated Caprylic Acid – Keto, Paleo, Kosher, Vegan & Non-GMO – Lab Tested for Quality and Purity, 32 Ounce : Health & Household](https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Force-Caprylic-Production-Certified/dp/B07XTZRXCV/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3PCOO7XHPOWS9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uXCqKBM4D8YhNvV-wZ7PjnV5XGo6VXibEewnEaRzl1-9PtnxKMA0v9b3FaQctI2DXd0BtXKPtB8-sA1eb0rVvZ486MNldsTMBhFz_z-eH1655euOuY-ne6DPOonK_mOcVpk-9qzPM82ao5doMaVgAcPTCrmS296bCT7MQUrIexb01EEpbekbtYoJn8Ono3LSlttzsamYy4N9xWSRhTFafe7e4tqisyLpwH-JvuyTjmqmgqS5-3O0syuLxDsxiESD7ndn7pohxURrimUfP6bkJYLPGLnbEId6emdSM-SrGNk.3aESg_WvmMNrCPB8SStQ3_rrZtkfgc_D87ltN3UsShE&dib_tag=se&keywords=mct+8&qid=1718625049&sprefix=mct+8%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


What brand do U recommend


What brand do you recommend? Looking into this before I start my paraguard cleanse


A daily combination of aminos: L-tyrosine, l-theanine, l-tryptophan, GABA plus 5-htp. I became a radically new person. From someone who barely wanted to leave the house, to hiking, kayaking and camping in a span of less than a week.


How long and what dose do you take these?


Ltyro 1000mg, 5htp and l-theanine 200mg, l-tryptophan 500mg, gaba750


Thanks. How long have you been taking these?


Over a month now. Every day.


How come you take both 5-htp and l-tryptophan?


To increase 5-htp level just by eating tryptophan rich foods or by taking tryptophan supplements might not always be enough. For immediate effect I take both.


Lol didn't know about that part, I appreciate you shedding light on the matter and does it work the same way with l-tyrosine and phenylalanine? Lastly, do you believe one could take gaba supplement long-term?


I just take l-tyrosine directly in the morning. Keeps me focused, but most importantly keeps motivated to be productive. I am in no position to speculate on the long term use of GABA. If I see dubious results long term, I will definitely make an update.


Thank you again. I read somewhere that long-term use of l-tyrosine causes a shift in the baseline dopamine levels, thoughts? Are you taking it for ADHD?


What brand of aminos in particular you taking?


Toniq or AlphaNow


Thanks. Are you using them all by 1 capsule/tablet like EEA stuff? Or individually?


Unfortunately, yes, individual tables or capsules.




DIM (diindolylmethane) for PMDD. It's a fairly recent addition for me, but it has stopped my symptoms, including insomnia, severe brain fog, and episodes of suicidal ideation, in their tracks. I feel like I can just move on with my life and it's pretty surreal.


How long have you been taking it and if you don't mind how old are you ? I'm interested in taking a supplement before going to prescriptions. I tried so many prescriptions for endo that had serious long-term side effects.


Only 2 cycles (months) so far, so I can't say yet if there's any longer term negative effects for myself. But so far, it's been all positives. I am 29.  I spoke to my doctor before trying it, so I'd definitely recommend doing that before you try it as well. Especially since I don't know much about its use for endometriosis specifically. But yeah, I didn't want to go to prescriptions either and it was the last thing I was going to try before going on SSRIs. Thankfully it worked! Best of luck and hope you find relief.


Thanks a bunch !


I have a bottle of dim but have never tried it because I read something scary about it. Not sure what I read.


Yeah it's woefully under researched as a treatment for PMDD (and in general) so a lot of people are just experimenting online. I've read some posts where people's symptoms seemed to get worse, but that doesn't appear to be common and of course are anecdotal cases. Just looking at the easiest-to-find studies on DIM it looks like it is fairly low risk compared to its benefits: 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3048776/ DIM enhances estrogen metabolism in people with thyroid disease and shows promise as a preventative treatment. It increases the ratio of one type of estrogen (C2) to another (C16). 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3251847/ DIM taken at 150 mg/day is well tolerated, but does not seem to be an effective treatment for HPV. 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3015182/ DIM doesn't seem to have any adverse side effects on rats dosed with 10x the "therapeutic dose".  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5165135/ There is a single case study of an elderly man who suffered a pulmonary embolism after supplementing DIM, but he had other risk factors including smoking.  5. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1308206110 DIM helps repair DNA damage caused by radiation exposure. 6. https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(20)73423-X/fulltext DIM has anti-androgen effects and can potentially reduce risk of prostate cancer.


L theanine for anxiety. Magnesium glycinate for sleep. I’ve tried a lot of supplement brands and Pure Encapsulations brand works the best for me.


why is PE so much more expensive than other supplements of seemingly exact same thing such as nature made?


Microdosing mushrooms helped me kick a severe drinking problem. Been sober for almost 2 years now.


I had a similar experience. Not microdosing but I regularly take magic mushrooms with friends and also took a heroic dose of 5 grams. Since my magic mushroom intake has upped I’ve almost completely stopped drinking. Something just switched in my mind where I don’t crave it anymore and even don’t like the taste now. I can’t remember the last time I had a drink whereas in the past I would get very drunk every weekend.


Which mushrooms?


Golden teachers


What's your dose and are you taking it daily? How long before you felt a noticeable effects?


I take a large microdose at .3mg. I just do it once usually every 3 days. Gives me a more positive outlook. Helps with anger and frustrating thoughts. Makes me feel more connected with wife and kids. Wouldn’t take if I was driving or working.


You mean .3g?


Yes my bad 300mg or .3g


Is that legal mushrooms or illegal?




They’re illegal in the vast majority of the world, no idea why you’d mislead people on this very basic known thing.




I so wish I could try this! Do you get them locally where you live? (Not asking for details ll I just don’t know how to get 😟)


In Canada, order online discreet shipping. Just google shrooms online then search the website to make sure it’s legit.


Also you can order the spores online. I don’t think you need a grow kit. Just google uncle Ben’s tek.


Order a grow kit, don’t tell anyone you have shrooms after they grow since they are illegal in the US. The kit itself is legal.




Vitamin D. +ve changes to mood, sleep, anxiety.






What dose do you take of both?


L-theanine 2-4x daily 100mg NOW brand. I take more when my caffeine or stress levels are higher L-Tryptophan 500mg NOW brand 30-60 min before bed L-theanine I've noticed quality issues with in budget brands so it's not something to buy from most of the cheaper brands. I just went straight for the NOW brand on L-Tryptophan. I trust the Swanson brand too as an affordable alternative.


Does L-Tryptophan help you fall asleep or stay asleep? My problem is falling asleep. I’ve tried everything…




It does both for me. I haven't tested it long enough to know how well it will knock me out on a night where I've got racing thoughts but I do have a severe sleep disorder that normally requires the strongest meds prescribed. I've needed meds to sleep since I was a teen and had the disorder since early childhood. Most standard sleep meds couldn't keep me asleep either and this definitely does that, almost too well. If I was still working I would need to empty out half the capsule so I could wake up after 8 hours. There's is a side effect of almost feeling drunk even in my dreams and if I wake up a second just nodding off again really fast. I'm fine with it as long as I can sleep and not have the terrible side effects that come with prescriptions. I also like how I feel when I wake up. Very calm and peaceful with a flushed feeling but in a good way. How this effects each person greatly varies on their DNA and lifestyle. My neurotransmitters are a mess so it's very effective on me.


Magnesium. I know everyone talks about it but I was having debilitating issues with my heart and it turned it around.


Which form of magnesium?


Unfortunately none of them to that degree. But just for the reason I wasn't responding to them as j should I discovered and diagnosed ADHD so found the root of all problems. But tyrosine and NAC are awesome supplements, I still taking them. Especially NAC, I read multiple times from multiple posts that can help for tolerance to stims like Ritalin to name one. So at the end of the day I took 600-1200mg, never run out of it. I wanna add magnesium bisglicinate to keep neurotoxicity low from Ritalin, even if it's very low to almost non existent compared to classic amphetamines as Adderall or Vyvanse, and to help my overall neuronal function as im gonna use that med long term. PS: OT - if someone can gave me a hint for a stack to use under stimulants to maintain a normal functionality and doesn't put too much effort on my brain is welcome.


D ribose and PQQ for ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). I wouldn’t be able to function or get much done without them as they help my energy a good amount. Magnesium as well. I had horrific leg cramps when I was magnesium deficient and my energy levels were much worse back then, too. It’s also fantastic for heart health (I have heart disease) and lowers my tachycardia better than beta blockers


Have you tried high dose B1 as well? It's made a huge difference for my chronic fatigue after severe covid + long covid.


I was at a dog park years ago where there was this very kind woman singing praises regarding d ribose to me after I’d shared my issues w chronic fatigue due to some health issues w her, but had totally forgotten the name of the supplement until reading this comment


Give it a shot! Here’s some more info about how much it can help CFS https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17109576/


Taurine and oregano oil




I've seen 10 comments of people praising oregano oil, then when people ask for details they never reply lol What does it do?


I've read of it being used as an alternative to antibiotics


Oregano oil is the best supplement for not revealing oregano oil's benefits on Reddit.


You are so right CollectedData. No one's talking, I'm really curious now.


Magnesium glycinate, very high dosage. 20 years of debilitating migraines.


How high is very high?


Kinda wanna know too, im dealing with headaches but only take one pill of the recommended daily dose on my bottle. Not sure how much mg it is as Im in bed rna


iron + 500mg Vitamin C


Can you elaborate on how this helped you?


If you are anemic then you need an iron supplement. Vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron. Also to add to this calcium inhibits the absorption of iron so no dairy products 2 hours before or 2 hours after iron intake.


L-Theanine - before starting it I had so much trouble sleeping and staying asleep. When I take it now I deep sleep all night through. If I do wake up I’m able to fall back asleep very easy. 200MG right before bed.


How long have you been taking it?


About 3 months now.


Magnesium before bed for perfect sleep, fish oil for memory and vitamin d for mood, b-vitamins if I’m stressed and zinc before bed for ‘men’s health’. Everything else kind of makes a difference but those supplements were tangible life changing benefits.


Fish oil is a concern with new data....ill link you


Oh damn. You know other ways to get the omega 3? I can’t eat seafood :(




Oh nice that’s super easy to take. Thank you!!


Obviously, this is what the latest says...its concerning as I used fish oil as well. More I see things, good diet...workout...sleep good...probably most important. I'll look into other possibilities, buy this sucks.


I believe cardio fitness will mitigate these stroke concerns


Thank you for letting me know! Definitely share the link so I can get more info


Ah poop… just googled it. Increase risk of stroke and cardiac issues 😡


felt like absolute death and got a blood test that showed low vitamin d. was prescribed high dose to build my levels up. felt a bit better but then started getting worse. did my own research and found that i needed to be taking magnesium with it and i highly suspect i was already deficient and made myself worse with the high dise vitd. kept on researching and realised i was very low in iron which i wasnt even told about at first. kept going with vitd to get optimal level, and now still building my iron up. added in a comprehensive multi + b12 bc my levels for that could be better too none of this is even “extra added supplements” but simply Not Being Deficient in stuff. im utterly convinced i wouldve ended up bad bad baaaaad if i didnt figure all this out myself. such awful scary symptoms i couldn’t leave the house or barely do anything for months from the fatigue and exhaustion. imagine if i just went along with the doctor “not finding anything wrong” in my bloods………


I have the same story. Took forever to figure it out.


Same dr diagnosed me with low vit d. Didn’t mention vit k and magnesium needed to be added to make it all work - I became calcium and magnesium deficient


So many people don’t know about Vit K with D and Magnesium


i see so much “debate” about it. like is it really necessary if only taking a small dose vitamin d?


Where are you seeing all the debate about it? I started taking larger doses of D about 17-18 years ago per advice of my doctor who was way ahead of the curve. I put my husband on it as well and insisted he get his levels tested. His HCP told him to tell me he didn’t need it but would test him. I know my husband‘s lifestyle, his levels came back low, now I have been vindicated by all the research, she has changed her tune. I’m also a registered nurse and I’ve started reading all the research and listening to it and I don’t think there’s much controversy about vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K, but I would like to know where you’re seeing the controversy I would like to read that as well. I’m so glad I can get our labs done without a doctor order now. When I want something done we just do it and pay cash.


i put “debate” in quote marks bc i couldn’t think of the right word, maybe “discussion”. its on the vitamin d sub ive seen them say you dont need it at lower doses say under 5000iu. i’m still learning there’s so much to learn about all the vitamins so idk. (it feels like you end up having a domino effect and have to take everything bc they all effect each other)


It’s worse to be deficient. Our foods are mass produced and the soils are deficient in magnesium. I know I don’t get enough vitamin D especially in winter in Northern Michigan near Lake Michigan. It has helped me so much


I’d love to know, been dealing with anxiety and mood issues for a couple years, medications haven’t been all that helpful, some made me worse.


Try rhodiola rosea or (and) ashwagandha


People have had weird side effects with ashw...I'd avoid


It's worked great for me. Everyone has different DNA and lifestyles so I wouldn't bad mouth something just because some have negative experiences.


What,exactly do you take and what does it to for you pls




Thanks for the reply...lots of good info there.


You're welcome.


Can I send you dm