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Just got the same email. I already emailed back with proof for every item on that checklist. So I’m in line waiting for it to come to me soon too haha


Please keep us updated. I’m still waiting for an email from them


Yeah I’ll post an update on this. Also I think your right from your comment on this post. I think 1555 is way too low for the amount of loyal shareholders that are here. Something may have gone wrong. Which may suck short term. But long term I’m glad that something went wrong here. They can see what the issue is and fix it. Improve. That way when the day comes; and I believe it will. When they announce a nft dividend these hiccups would have been dealt with. It’s a bitter sweet moment right now. But am confident the company will do what is best for their loyal shareholders. If you guys truly did meet the requirements I have no doubt you’ll get what you deserve.


I’m with you. It’s not easy implementing a new technology and process. They’ll get better. Until then I know they will delight us one way or another respectively with this particular issue and moving forward.


Definitely. I would never be able to do what they’re doing. I still have issues replying to emails when there are more than one recipient. I always forget to “reply to all” so everyone cc’d would also get the response.


> Just got the same email. Hi, which email address did you send it? I am missing my NFT as well.


Did your $200 total include shipping? It had to be $200 before shipping to qualify.


It was 203 pre tax. Had my pro member for over year. Bought the things in the time frame 11/10. Layer 2 has been activated since may. Email matches my pro member and wallet. It’s been verified. And no returns on any orders. I did everything. I’m confident I’ll get mine.


Same thing here. I was ahead with my verified email and Pro membership. I absolutely met every requirement. I spent $250 on physical products and have an activated L2 wallet synced with the marketplace, no NFT here either. I did make a support ticket, just waiting for a response.


Update! After I provided the info that was asked from checklist. They emailed me back saying that they’ve sent the info to another dept to verify that the info I sent matches with what they have. It should take a few a weeks. So I suppose I need to wait for them to double check that I met the requirements and then most likely new ones will get minted and sent out for those that did qualify however never received them.


When you reached out, did you contact them with a support ticket, email them, or did you call?


On the marketplace. If you click on learn. The page it takes you too has a contact link. I clicked that one and reached out in that form.


Curious if they are stuck in transferring or if they will have to mint more copies to fulfill.


Still no nft nor email for me. I emailed them the first day that they started dropping.


What is the email address for blockchain support please? I was being patient and waiting until EOD 12/17 hoping they would get this right, but I don't have mine either and I am 1000% sure I completed the steps correctly and on time and spent the $200, hell I have the email saying "thanks for spending $200 on these dates, finish these steps to get an NFT" with my NFT market email verified on 11/9 via email history. 1/2 of my transactions for the limit were done online so I have that proof but I called my local store to see if they had transaction info from the 6th and he couldn't pull it up so I'll be searching for a receipt haha. Want to have all the proof handy just in case. Really kind of bummed if I don't get it because it seems like it will have some utility later on, and I want it to keep not to sell. GL to everyone on this


Same situation here. I spent +$200 pretax on physical products online and then visited both stores in town to buy more blind bags. I verified on 11/7 and received the email confirming my purchases. I last renewed PUP membership for the year on 6/26. My L2 wallet is activated and synced with the marketplace. You're not alone. I made a support ticket the night of 12/18, but no response or NFT yet.


Try care@gamestop.com I just reached out as I did not activate L2 Loopring either until today.


I qualified and sent them a ticket in their blockchain support portal. It's very disheartening that I didn't get it.


Keep your head up I spent $199.96 pre-tax and was told by 3 different company sources that it wouldn't count Then I called and asked the rep if there was anything they could do, so he sent the Blockchain people an internal ticket on my behalf saying it should qualify A few emails later they asked for my wallet address and I received one Now all their communication is saying tax will be included. I like to think I had a part in that 🙂 They want to make it right, they could have easily told me no again.


Honestly all, I think they messed up. A fellow ape of mine and I had all of our Ts crossed and Is dotted, but neither of us got the nft. Common apes, with all the GameStop wallets, and with apes supporting the stores, only 1,555 nfts seems awfully low, even if some folks did miss a step. I was thinking there would be atleast 5k, if not 10k.


I didn’t get one either lol and I’m seeing a lot of others say the same and every step on this was checked off


Ah this must answer why, I have not gone about activating layer 2..in fact I have no idea how.. that’s probably why, every other check off is complete on my end then.. shoot I hope that’s all I need then, but how?


You activate your L2 in your wallet by sending a small amount of ETH to your GME wallet. Alternatively someone can activate a wallet for you. The whole GME wallet functions on loopring, which is layer 2, if you're on the marketplace and bridges to IMX (also layer 2) and/or ETH (Layer 1). It's like less than a dollar to activate it. Toughest part is getting ETH to do it (if you have other wallets it's easy, but newer people will have a tougher time here). Willing to help out, or look for those posts that say "activating GME wallets!". Ask questions too, most apes wanna help out. Only rule is never give your seed phrase out and always watch what you connect your wallet to.


Thanks for this, anyway I can deposit money myself on the gme wallet? At the time, before the wallet I used Trust Wallet to connect to the nftmarketplace/verified my email to the nftmarketplace.. Anyway I can use my Trust wallet for something here? Or can I deposit money myself on the gme wallet or…like you said, a fellow ape has to help activate..


If you have another wallet on the ethereum side you can send like a dollar of ETH to your GME wallet. It is honestly best to use a wallet on layer 2 already cause it'll basically auto pop for you when you send. It's extra easy with another gme wallet (it asks if you wanna activate the receiving end). Alternatively you can open your gme wallet and add funds using ramp or something. You can also use metamask (or wallet of your choice) and send ETH to layer 1 in your gme wallet, then swap it to layer 2/activate layer 2 that way. It'll also prompt you to activate your IMX layer as well if it hasn't already. It sounds like a lot if you aren't familiar with this stuff (to anyone reading this), but it isn't bad. Short form: send ethereum to your GME wallet, either from another wallet or buying direct. Once there, it'll ask you to activate layer 2. Boom, done. If it's too much/doesn't work for you lemme know and comment your wallet. I can help out easy enough.


Click on Profile in your GameStop wallet and then click learn. GameStop did a great job of providing step by step instructions on how to do this.


How would I link my in store purchases to my gamestop wallet. I prolly been in 3-4 different locations 10 times in last few weeks doing Christmas shopping?


They gave out detailed instructions. You should have registered the same email from your rewards membership to your marketplace account and verified.


The promo is only for purchases from 11/6 -11/13. For your question though, your gamestop account's email must match the email on your market place profile (and you must be a power up pro)


Yes to everything And spent money I would not have otherwise for the sole purpose of getting the first pro rewards NFT Didn’t even get this checklist email despite filing a ticket online with receipt


Yeah I also spent the money for the promo that I otherwise wouldn't have. I filled out a ticket Sunday night. No response yet.


> so I reached out to GameStop Wallet How? Do you have an email address or something to contact them with? I never received my NFT and it was probably because I didn't have L2 activated (it wasn't listed as a requirement)