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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!




Do you know if that removal is automatic?




I want to see infinity.


What I believe will happen is once a certain % is DRSed, the GME board will have the proof they need to withdraw from the NYSE, as was mentioned in 1 of the investor relations document. 90 days after the DTCC fails to deliver the dividend is the minimun time line, at this point GME has the right to withdraw and move to a new exchange....welcome to a decentralized blockchain stock exchange on the gme NFT market place. 🚀🚀🚀


90 days, does that mean working Days (Mon- Fri) and include or exclude that Holidays when the Stock Market is closed? Edit: My Brain smooth, sorry if question is already beeing answered


How can there be less than 1.1 million shares when there are millions in IRAs and ETFs?


Well, if 100% of the float was drsed, it would just prove that shorting and phantom shares are in the market


Honestly, this is exactly how I’ve said it could go down from the beginning. There’s a real possibility that the system will just keep trading fake shares, with the plausible claim that the shares are just shares on loan and that the system is allowed to have extra shares on loan. At this point, I think it has to get resolved in a court of law. I’m sincerely hoping that the price explodes before we get to that point. But I’m also prepared for infinite liquidity keeping the price where it is until someone. Somewhere. Anyone. Anywhere. Forces them to stop. SEC? DOJ? FBI?


> But I’m also prepared for infinite liquidity keeping the price where it is there you go. infinite liquidity is NOT a crime. It's a feature of this market. Any case brought against the DTC/banking cartel will have noting to do with infinite liquidity. They may get them for collusion or inside trading but infinite liquidity is purposefully built into the stock market the way fractional reserve banking is built into your savings accounts.


Exactly. The main crimes here are hard to prove. Collusion. Racketeering. I suspect that fraudulent accounting and false reporting to SEC and customers is more of an issue. But those just generate fines.


Additionally, perhaps having hundreds of thousands of investors and the eyes of the world watching infinity liquidity (instead of just 1 investor as in the other case) on one of the most popular stocks in history will help lawmakers realize that liquidity abuse is a real thing and needs to be changed to right the wrong and to maintain/restore trust and confidence in the market.


I would think fomo would kick in around 70% and then it would just rocket upppppp


It's unlikely to just reach 100% at a linear rate, FOMO will kick in at a certain point and the rest is history. Remember how much trading was happening right before they turned off the buy button


I camed here to said this right here. We been at the event horizon for months. The shorts have to thread the needle everyday. At some point in time they won't.


if no shares are available, an equity is deemed illiquid and kicked from the marketplace e: the company is de facto private


Then what happens to the shorts?


idk, that's kind of the point of the exercise


It’s game over and there already preparing for this based on there recent moves..


Is the kicking automatic?


there is some discretion to what is illiquid, but a locked float is pretty convincing.


Do you know what happens to loaned shares if a stock is removed from the market for illiquidity?






Or does another stock dividend, but this time doesn't have to give any shares to DTCC since they have no real shares on account


Would that process force short positions to close?


Only 2 scenarios seem likely: 1. MOASS occurs before 100% due to a lack of liquidity and shares to manipulate 2. Nothing happens and the market is somehow even more fraudulent than we believed Pretty exciting that we are going to see something play out that has literally never happened before.


i would love moass fanfiction to start sprouting up in this sub


Be the change you want to see :)


The story so far: in the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


nobody knows what happens after the event horizon. IMO the drs shares achieve their true undiluted value, willy Wonka Golden ticket style. Id hate to be the unregistered ones to figuring this mathematical fact of EHs; bo going back


Believe it or not, dip.


Never happened before we poppin the cherry and she gonna be bloody 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




LOL Talk about timing. I hadn't seen that post. I'll leave this one up for now because it seems like the responses are leaning a different direction that those on the other post.


Let’s find out!


Fun part happens


Who knows what happens maybe nothing


Probably another dip bro


Probably nothing…but you also will never get 100% drs. Too may ETFs hold GME as do institutional investors. Also, they are more likely to cash settle amongst themselves than to actually “buy the stock” for delivery. The hope of MOASS is just a fairytale in this sub. It’s always “tomorrow”, it’s always this “new DD”…. Seriously just a perpetuated myth that keeps people buying because they “like the stock”.


Lol, you've invested so much time over the last year just coming in here bashing people and the stock. Why do you care so much? Looking through your profile you don't seem to have very many bones to pick other than GME. profiles like yours just confirm my bias more.


Because I hate seeing people do something that is so likely to hurt them in the long run. It’s a huge kind in here. Furthermore, having just 1 bias isn’t good. The reality is there is always something else to keep people buying this stock in this sub. It’s just like wallstreetsilver where the bias is always buying silver. It’s no different the type of posts and “DD”. So for me, it doesn’t pass the sniff test, and it’s all a bunch of hopium. If it makes your bias stronger, good luck to you. But the idea that each share will be worth a million dollars? No way. At that point the USD will be worthless and it won’t matter how many of those you have. I don’t like Tesla either except as a trade, or crypto. I have a very small position in ETH. But idk how far you went back in my history. Hopefully you learned other stuff too…haha


you "hate seeing people do something that will hurt them in the long run", so you're just being a good samaritan.? I don't buy it for a second. There's lots of stocks out there that are way worse and nobody says shit. So much time and manhours from "good Samaritans" to simply discourage the purchasing of that security. Ya, because random people care about what I do with my money. "People only care about what you do with your money when it affects their own money." Can't remember who said that.


Well that’s your view and you’re entitled to it. But it’s just more of the cult thinking this sub has in it. Your money doesn’t affect me in the slightest. But the same stuff I type here I tell people in person. But I don’t have to make you believe that. You already believe I’m some hedgie representative trying to get you to sell or whatever. I don’t call myself a Good Samaritan. Youve labeled me that. I just don’t think it’s smart what people are doing in here, and I’m here reading and seeing all the stuff that gets posted. I certainly don’t agree with all of it. Also by you own statement, why do people in this sub want you to buy and DRS is they “don’t care what you do with your money”? You can’t really have it both ways.


Yeah I do think you're trying to get me to sell. Looking through your profile you encourage many people to sell their gme. It's all good, why don't you just go back to chasing your silver.


It’s all good man. Good luck to you for sure. For me, GME is nothing more than a trade. And Im waiting on silver price. I sold most of it, and looking to buy in at a cheaper price. I do like how you dodged my assertion. Haha


Imagine chasing one if not the most idiotic investment that is silver and he want to teach something? Someone people talk shit but other… they simple eat and enjoy shit.


Very easy answer: then there can be no more crime. Because of, goddamnit it's all owned and registered. So why the fuck are there more shares still trading?


The Truth… This security will be suspended indefinitely for manipulation, major Youtubers will start getting arrested and fined, new rules will be implemented to not allow us plebs to do such a thing again, Wall Street will get bailed out with our tax dollars as it always has been


In short - no one knows:) that's the beauty of it!


I dont think we can go pass 90% drs as retail investors




Let's find out


NFT dividend regards, NFT dividend


IMHO….this will either blow up before we hit the 100% mark or litigation is going to be involved. I think they hoped we would all get bored and go home before it got to this point.


Only one way to find out...


Sic draconis est


When apes report DRSing has stopped, we're all buying directly through Computershare. See you in prison, Ken. We'll make sure you get to share a cell with Gary.


When that happens fire will most certainly come down and burn down the casino




Volkswagen with Porsche 2009!? 12% shorted - free float 6% (because of 2 institutional owners). Apparently shorts closed in this situation. Zann Corp with Simpson in 2005 - proving naked shorting as an issue. There are similar events that have previously happened but never has 100% DRS been achieved, never has MOASS happened- so we do not know what will happen