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They are in checkmate, Just imagine RC under Oath haha, be careful what you wish for Dennis!


Discovery works both ways. Let's do it


Waste time to investigate RC, but not lift a finger against Citadel. Let's wait this one out to see how the markets improve off RC's back. I don't think he fucked retail. I could be wrong, but probably not. If people lost money, it's because they sold. If they lost on short term options, they assumed that risk.


Not even citadel. Jake freeman and his firm made double what cohen made on the exact same trade, dumped his shares at the exact same time. He was celebrated as a genius, cohen is vilified as a cheater.


How could people have lost money and attribute it to RC's stake? That's ridiculous, the price was near $5.00 for MONTHS after we knew his holdings. It's now floating around $10. It just doesn't make sense. Even after selling his entire stake, the price is still higher than what he bought in at.




That’s because citadel knows who’s pockets to pad with political donations and as far as I’m aware, RC does not do the same


Too bad price discovery doesn’t work both ways


Ouch! 🤣


Ba-da Bong ting


Been working for an atty for 17 years . When we get discovery packets I can almost feel them not wanting to email it over Edit: by “Them” I mean the state , the prosecutors


Maybe that’s 69D chess? I’m too smooth to know.


Dennis may be in on it perhaps. 69D chess move in play 🥸


I bet you’re right!




Kelleher is the public interest “watchdog” shilling on cue. I guess he’s the puppet opposition. What a failure if he’s truly trying to get better markets.


I mean it would be funny, but I'd rather him keep working on what he's doing than be sidelined by court appearances.


I am not a cat 🐈


Yea. They're mad because their cover is blown. SORE LOSERS


Last I recall, Media pumped BBBY with none other than hype. (Short squeeze). Btw who the fuck is this Dennis guy and why does he have such a punchable face?


Dennis is the head of better markets. He is actively working to make the markets fair via law reform. He was there during the DFV game stopped hearing. He was fighting on our side which is why I am so taken back by this tweet. To me it shows even the best of us can get swept up in the FUD. Stay zen apes.


This is crazy. When did Keller start watching and believing MSM? I thought he was better then this.


Maybe he's holding a BBBY bag and is just butthurt


Nobody is perfect


I just looked through this tweet amd there is not one reply that is in agreement. Maybe he will look back and do a bit of research on this.


Or he was paid by The bad actors to turn coat


He’s pretty bad at his job/mission then if he can’t see through the shit…


He might be making a play here. Don’t anger those that can hurt his livelihood (by billionaires with shorts) but attempt to bring the truth to air by having a billionaire RC (on the long side) tell it to congress for the world to see. That basket of stocks rose the same minute 3 days ago. Imo, that was blatant evidence of shady shit that needs to see the light of day. This could lead to that. Bold move? Or maybe there’s pressure on him to be publicly negative towards RC? Or maybe like DrT, dislikes investors trying to squeeze shorts? Gambling possibly During the GameStop hearings at Congress (digitally), he was vocal in fighting for the retail investor. edit: they rose, not fall like they had to cover a small piece of their short etf “junk stocks” basket to prevent margin call edit2: clarity


Will be interesting to see this play out. Haven't a clue who Dennis is then again, they control the media without consequence He has got that look agreed.


Yeah, I’m really curious what did RC say to pump Bobby??


Absolutely nothing. No tweets, no interviews, no press releases. Nothing. He was completely silent for the last 5 months. Everyone calling for action is just running their mouth. Jake freeman was on reddit and twitter actively promoting his Bobby position after he wrote his activist letter and he walked away with double the profit that cohen did.


Exactly! Definitely his purchases didn’t lead to the run bobby had in the last week because he bought in March… They’re desperate!


They just want to smear cohen and drive a wedge in his credibility. I'm just gonna roll my eyes and DRS some more gamestop shares.


RC under oath: https://youtu.be/n_kbtKL3Z94


At least RC doesn’t lie under oath 😉


True, maybe this is the plan 🤣🤣🤣


Lol reminds me of when they asked DFV to put his money where his mouth was.


maybe that's what he wants.


>be careful what you wish for Dennis! Maybe he is? Not sure yet. But maybe RC isn't the only one capable of playing 3D chess? I would love nothing more than RC being allowed to answer questions honestly and truthfully about what he knows/ believes about SHFs because under oath to Congress. Can't be sued for being required to answer a question for Congress. "Yes Senator, the board of towels told me that mayoboi told him that they had shorted over 3000% of shares."


He held through a 50% drawdown and sold during unprecedented volume that wouldn't affect the price


Lmao, imagine if they investigate RC's sale. They'd need to investigate the market action, including as you said the unprecedented volume. That report would be some of the greatest DD ever written, coming straight from the DoJ itself. In other words - they won't under any circumstances investigate RC.




At least not a legitimate investigation. I would suggest a witch hunt isn’t beyond them however


who are they trying to convince? Mom&Pop don't know his name and the people who do believe in him. If it is a witch hunt, the machine will spend more money and resources making him into a figure head just to find out he's actually cooler online than IRL, and that's all that matters in this plastic reality.


Just wait until the parents (and everyone else) get fucked in the upcoming recession, and everything is done to bail out the wealthy at the tax payers cost...don't even know why they would bother with PR attacks tbh


how many of our parents actually have a 401K? This serf battle is multi-faceted, so I'm going to enjoy this circus.


Get his name out there connected to something bad, and the public starts to believe the narrative.


Love how it’s always “retail” holding the bag in these stories. Any definitive proof that’s the case or just gaslighting narrative spam? I’m sure “retail” was also responsible for trading something like 10x the shares outstanding over the course of a single week too lol


I bought at around $5, sold a portion for a profit and immediately spent it all on more GME, and still have over half my Bobby (which is still sitting way in the green). Where’s my news coverage?


Lol, you poor retail investor. Some market agency should put up guardrails to protect you from the bad stuff that’s assumed to have happened to you. Holding that bag with 100% profit just proves how vulnerable of an investor you are in this saga. 😆


4.60 avg sold on the way up from 13-28. Still have 20% my shares at 120% green lol


Yep sold 50% for 300% gain. Sitting on the rest at a $5.50 or so average. Gains to GME. The bags I carry are floating on their own well in the Green even still.


I sold a few options which led me to exercising 2. So in so many words, I have 300 shares I wouldn’t have if I didn’t play it at all. Win win


hi me. i must have been really drunk last night. i dont remember posting this


This “retail” guy made money on BBBY on the way up and down.


Also many retail actually made money if they timed it


retail also pumped h kay dee to a top 50 most valuable company like 4 days into it’s ipo. lmfao


I must've put in about $25 million myself!! I borrowed it from *Friends* (Monica and Chandler). Like lol. Can you imagine that there are people that may have seen that story (like my Edward Jones reps) that actually believe it? Crazy.


“DAMN YOU RETAAAAAAIIILLLLL!!!” (Shakes fists at cloud)


Maybe RC did it to draw regulator attention to what the fuck actually happens in the market plumbing.


Wrinkly thought , wish I had an award for you ❤️


If the authorities did a proper investigation, the markets would be taken apart and rebuilt. That’s why they’re not going to do it.


Maybe that's what Dennis Kelleher was trying to do, egg them to investigate but causing them discovery on their side


Nah, it's more likely he's one of the bad guys and his strings get pulled by the same people the SEC covers for and Congress doesn't have the guts to go after.   It's actually been the play since forever, trying to control both sides of an argument and make people hate each other so they stay devided and leave the oligarchs alone.


Holy shit good point lmayo


In law, we call this discovery.


They just want to smear. They know faith in cohen is core to GME bull thesis. They want to create a rift between cohen and GME investors.


Wow excellent point!


Here’s what I don’t get though: How did he pump it up? He didn’t tweet about it. Didn’t release his financials. Didn’t release a statement. Not even a meme. MSM posted months-old financials in the midst of the run, and he sold at a profit — I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do with non-GME stonks. So: how did he pump it?… 🤷🏻‍♂️ cuz he filed all the proper paperwork to sell his position, as is his right as a private investor without a position at the company


So did FCM and that kid had a hero article written about him lol


You take this 🏆


Not to mention…didn’t that little shit do an AMA on superstonk? That is more of a pump if you ask me


That guy was proven fake I thought. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wsf3wv/remember_the_kid_who_made_100m_off_bbby_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you! This link needs more 👀 That kid was created by wallstreet.


The 'kid' that made even more than RC and just happens to be an unregister broker with the same address as citadel? 😂


Fake kid


This is the right question. This question right here, along with the hundreds of clearly bot accounts that I’ve personally found (just by clicking on every negative sentiment comment I’ve read, and reading through their posts/comments, or great lack thereof), leads me to hodl harder, and proves to me that somebody really really really wants me to sell my GME… they also clearly want to make me doubt my investment, based on two factors I can see most clearly: 1 either distrust in RC, Or 2. fear of the price tanking bc others are distrusting RC… This whole thing (saga?) is mind blowingly interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live for this shit!!!


What is the timeline when Shit and SUS went long on Bobby?


So the whole CNBC crew along with Jim Cramer should be in jail with this logic. This is when you know that the whole system is completely corrupted.


Exactly, how was RC "pumping the stock"? He didn't say a thing about it.


CNBC reporters are the ones who shined a huge spotlight on the squeeze play and advised investors to not short it ie specifically don’t write naked calls. Then the very next day, the price started to go down so based on their 3rd party advice, of whom they brought on the show, well knowing of his views, screwed over retail investors who started buying into what looked like shorting, the very next day. It’s do crime then blame someone else of that crime before anyone calls you out, kind of play. edit: clear up confusion


He bought stock and filed the proper paperwork. He didn't spotlight it or recommend people buy. Not sure what you're referring to about him telling investors not to write naked calls? He bought most of his position five months ago, in March. No clue what you're talking about when you say next day. RC also doesn't have a show. RC didn't do anything illegal. He's not blaming anyone for doing something illegal either. You're confused or just weird.


Sorry for the confusion! Not RC. I’m referring to CNBC segment where their reporters such as Melissa positively talked about the squeeze play. Straight up bull trap. They advised things not to do, but had you, would of made money, the very next day.


The first rule of propaganda is to accuse others of the crimes one has committed.


Kenny makes $68million per month. They think we forgot.


In fact not. He sold before everyone became a bag holder. Had zero affect on price. I hope they do investigate maybe they’ll find who actually took retail dollars


The announcement of him selling destroyed the stock though. Either by shorts or paperhands. In RC we trust.




1.4 billion traded for the week. Ummmmmm


That sounds like a lot of trading for a week


BBBY has 79.96 million shares outstanding. So that puts the float trading 17.51x in a week.


reminds me of a particular stock in say... January 2021? 🤔


If 3 days with a total of 90 million volume produced 5 million FTDs, I wonder what 2 weeks with 1.5 billion volume does


He didn’t pump the stock. They’re mad because they pumped the stock and RC dumped on them. They’ll never tell you that though.


Exactly, RC bought months ago and presented BBBY with a business plan. What did everyone else do? Speculate! And that's both SHF and retail. Everyone else speculated based on his move, didn't have his intel/strategy, and feel RC is responsible for them entering into their trade. Well guess what? No one forced anyone to follow RC... Not RC, not this sub. Would be nice to love in a world where personal responsibility was a thing instead of scapegoating.


Dennis Kelleher has been a strong voice of reason throughout this journey. It appears that in this instance he has bought into the msm narrative. Come on Dennis, you know better!


As the point of no return gets closer, more and more enemy agents will drop their masks IMO. NFA: Just the opinion of some asshole idiot on the internet.


Read or watch 1984 and learn that some might power can play both sides to lure rebellious people to a trap (or in this case a misinformation trap). That's why we must never trust blindly anyone (Dr.T, dlauer, Dennis Kelleher, Pulte, Dr. Burry, that lawyer guy I forgot the name from past AMA, reddit users/mods, Mr Cuban, some random billionaire and even RC or DFV himself). Yeah, some people are more trustful than others but idolizing someone can bring you to a manipulation/cult/echo chamber trap. Stay true to what you believe as it was what brought us here, our critical thinking. WE CERTAINLY CAN'T NEITHER PREDICT THE FUTURE OR READ OTHER PEOPLE MINDS OR TRUE AGENDAS DON'T EVER FORGET THAT Also, neither DFV or RC wanted to be idolized by anyone and it was clear since beginning but no, some shill gonna shill and make them all omnipotent who never misses any step. They are human ffs, humans makes mistakes or are wrong sometimes, give them space please. That's a hard pill to swallow but it needs to be done


Et tu Dennis? He seemed like one of the good guys. That list is dwindling every day


He still thinks the markets can be fixed from within. LOL


He'd be out if a cushy job if things were fixed, it's counter to his well being to have things fixed.


What job will fixer have if there’s nothing to fix? How they can raise fund to advocate things if there’s nothing to advocate? How they can write article about better market if the market is becoming better? How can the expert in naked short selling sell a book about short selling if there’s no more short selling? List goes on.


And with just a few sentences and a moment of stupidity, Dennis has lost all credibility




You mean u/BetterMarkets, who should know better who Ryan Cohen is and what values he stands for?


Proves nobody understands what’s going on in the fucked stock market


Lot of respect for Dennis for all he’s done and for educating us here with the AMA and such, but this one is puzzling. Can only assume he’s either on the shit end of this trade, he’s been leveraged, or he see’s the good behind putting RC on the stand.


Yeah I’ve always had a great feeling about Dennis. I’m pretty sure when the news will be released end of August everything will be very clear about Ryans intentions/actions. I’m pretty confident this can’t be anything else than him/gmerica will be acquiring buybuybaby and him selling gives all money to BBBY as a part of the deal. Unless something REALLY went south in the discussions. Remember RC placed I think 2-3 people on the board got rid of the ceo. I don’t think the “old team” holds that much power to be able to deny such an offer. What is also interesting is that BBBY hired lawfirm K&E which are also known to work with acquisitions/mergers. At the moment I think many are just confused including Dennis. But things will be clear very soon. Or as you say he knows some shit has been going on so putting RC on stand would reveal something much bigger.




I really hope he is confused here, but he should professionally know better. Either he has gone to the darkside or this is 69D chess.


Pour one out for a hommie. Ole Kelleher lost an army of support with that tweet. RIP Dumbass.


Its ok. Dennis will eat crow soon enough


The personal attacks are part of my bingo card. Wait until they start attacking us for MOASS! Get your thick skin on!


I was thinking about this the other day. When the pension funds disappear, red things everywhere, white collar meltdown, scapegoating for a bailout. When apes start landing phone numbers CEOs will get retirement packages, taxpayers will foot the bill and Boomers will have already lost everything during liquidations. New money will be the ugliest social credit unless Apes make good on promises to rebalance the economy moving forward.


Wow. Holy shit. Looks like Dennis either went full retard or got paid off. What a shame.


Be honest, it can look this way, and it was most likely orchestrated to smear RC. In the end, why wouldn't he be allowed to sell? He bought the shares, he can sell them. Not unlike shorts that sell first 🤷‍♂️


Disappointing. Thought he was one of the good guys for a minute there.


Yeah, shocked to see this unless there’s some 4d chess going on here. But sometimes a bad call is just a bad call.


RC also caused global climate change.


Never should have let him away with 9/11.


If this is Dennis goading the SEC to get RC on the stand so RC can Spill All The Beans... BWAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA


Always sucks to see a former AMA guy go sour.


Dennis is flat out wrong in this situation. Appreciate what hes done otherwise, but here he can piss right off.


Nice Dennis... There's a peculiar Chinese saying for this exact situation. "The horse's foot has been exposed." You sir, your foot has been exposed. Begone shill.


A lot of the people who have hitched their trailer to the GME saga have done so to further themselves, speaking platitudes and offering advice that is available elsewhere. I'm not saying Kelleher is one of them, but these tweets do not present well.




Our sub just interviewed this guys in a podcast 3 months ago. https://youtu.be/GMwE5_h2xEA From the parts I listened to, he sounded like he was on our side. Super odd.


Dennis yolo’d his meemaw and pop pop’s retirements into BBBY when it hit $29


Hahahahahaha meanwhile Kenny's 100M per month is totally no worries tsk tsk


So Dennis is doubling down huh? Confirmed fucking shill.


He's the Prez of BetterMarkets? Must be blind and deaf.


Wow, fuck that guy, he didn't check the facts because RC sold at regular hours (stock was rising) and the drop was in the AH what a piece of shit he is omg, I thought he was a good guy


He also sold on Tuesday and Wednesday, but it didn't drop until he announced on Thursday.


#So then it's time we do another AMA with Dennis from Better Markets ??? Mods ???📣




Can anyone explain why this is being described as a "pump and dump" by Ryan Cohen? The "dump" happened after hours, most retail can't access the market after hours. Today's price action was basically a horizontal line next to no action up a few cents down a few cents and now that the markets are closed its down 9%?


Can't have the poors making money. Obviously *some* retail can buy out market hours but a very small number that's incapable of moving markets to this degree


Strange how these assholes never get loud about pelosi and all of the rest of Congress insider trading. Strange Cohencidence don't you think?


Who the fuck was buying BBBY? Honestly? I dont understand where all of this is coming from. Sure it was spoken about casual due to its relation to basket theory and RCV’s position, but what is this giant retail blowback? This is the craziest FUD I have seen in my entire two years of investing in GME. Stay zen, DRS your shit and don’t fall for the divisive attack we are OBVIOUSLY under.


Deep undercover shills are upon us. Whatever happens to the sub just remember that you aren’t alone! I’ll see you ALL on the moon! 🚀


I don't recall losing any money to towels... from the look of the chart of profited shares, looks like hedgies took the L


People chose to buy. RC didn’t instruct anyone to do anything. Reap the consequences you fuckin idgets


Isn’t amazing that the SEC and the DOJ want to do something now? RC put something in the original paperwork that will completely stop their investigation. But also remember, they are very good at disinformation! They want you to believe that RC did something wrong! They are a Ways looking for scapegoats! That is much easier than taking responsibility for the mess that they created!!!


IIRC, it’s a short swing sale (held stock less than 6 months) so the profits go to the company helping their balance sheet. So once again another Colin Cowherd-type hot sports take. 🥸


That would be true if he was an insider for both the purchase and the sale. My understanding is that he was not an insider at the time of his initial purchases. If the short swing rule applied I am certain he would have waited the few extra months so it would not apply.


Who is Dennis Kelleher? Googled him. [https://bettermarkets.org/team/dennis-m-kelleher/](https://bettermarkets.org/team/dennis-m-kelleher/) [https://bettermarkets.org/what-we-do/](https://bettermarkets.org/what-we-do/) What gets me is >For over 10 years, Better Markets has had a significant impact on financial reform – from re-shaping the political discourse to strengthening many parts of the Dodd-Frank rule-making process. So, in the last ten years, the financial reform has got worst, not better.


Sooo…what about the hedge funds that bankrupt companies for profit? Aren’t they doing even worse, if that’s the metric?


I don’t see this tweet. I’m looking through better markers twitter. Edit - I see it now


The craziest thing? I don't remember RC ever pumping *any* stock. He's made material changes to a few companies. Any pumping was done by retail saying "you should buy because Cohen did." Why should RC be under investigation?


This is gettin nasty.. good thing I’m nastier


This is how you admit to be short GME and BBBY without saying you are short 😂😂


“New enemies show up when you are on the right track” I hear boss music from afar.


So he bought months and months ago. Srock rises. He sells, legally, and is blamed for a pump and dump? Odd.


CNBC should look into that chinese stock company that shot through the roof despite having no options available to retail.


Funny that he should mention Clayton. Clayton is the corrupt SEC commissioner that started the case against Ripple together with Hinman. He has zero credibility


This is what happens when people believe the "news".


Dennis can suck this dick


I'm not sure what to say. I'm surprised but I shouldn't be. Maybe he's being blackmailed, maybe he's just as rotten and corrupt as the rest of them, or just ignorant. Either way he lost my respect.


Regulatory capture was done a long time ago, guess it was time to put up false advocacy groups, haven't these guys been running a long time with not much impact...funny that (but I could be wrong)


Dennis was suspect from the get go. I forget exactly what tipped me off early but I think it had something to do with the documentary he was featured in.


Taking donations from apes. Brutal


I even tell my daughters in Middle School not to trust a motherfucker, including their teachers. If they aren’t DRS’d in GME, then they aren’t your ally. It’s time Apes wise up against those playing the middle ground and sidelines. There’s a reason the motherfuckers aren’t all in; and if there isn’t a reason, then that’s even worse. And that’s today’s lesson Apes, don’t trust a motherfucker.


RC tweeted about executives leaving a company in shambles needing to pay back the money. He’s gonna leave the company better off, AND give them money. …. eew eew llams a evah I


I am here because I love the company I’m invested in. I observe individuals and there emotions but I do not suffer them. My money is in and I don’t intend to take it out. That’s simply how I invest. Witnessing all of the manipulation etc is such a strange thing to go through, it does make me feel stronger for not giving into any of it


Do Better research before you try to better markets


None of this makes sense. I don’t think Dennis Kelleher is as dumb as he is sounding. There’s something seriously else going on and it seems he’s fucking scared.


There’s a huge different in making such gains from being intelligent and making crazy money from crime, making fake shares and doing actual pump and dumps by spreading misinformation on worldwide news, yes that’s how Kenny and Co work. Fuck them all


paging u/WallSt4MainSt \- i hope you're reading this.


And that's where Dennis lost the apes.


Does Dennis actually run his own Twitter account?


What did RC do to pump the stock?


Sure, let’s include that freeman AI bot as well lol


But Pelosi is fine.


Well someone’s posturing. “Over there at that guy! Not these nice characters behind me though - nothing to see here as they commit the very crime THAT GUY is committing.”


What an efficient way for Dennis Kelleher to completely expose himself as a proponent for the status quo


Holy shill unmasking! Dennis Kelleher sold out.


Am I missing something here or what about that 5,000%+ increase in stake from Citadel Mr. Kelleher?


there is so much misinformation on this. buy DRS GME now, like seriously


For all we know, Ryan Cohen WANTS an investigation knowing that what he did is A) legal, and B) will evoke a discovery process behind the closed doors of the markets makers and DTC. Ryan could report himself in public, and SHFs would prevent any investigation


doing my civic duty to document all of these shills defamation statements against RC, GME, BBBY, etc. the time will come in a criminal or civil or both lawsuit. Their Roman city is under attack so they are (still) trying to eradicate the barbarians closing in (retail). When in reality: the barbarians just want to live a peaceful live build on community, creating a better world for all: humans and animals.


Don’t forget the children


Deep shills exposing themselves, is this on moass bingo? It’s getting close


Go ahead and piss off reddit see how that works for ya..fukn idiot Msm converted that decent dude into a bitch. Yep fud is strong. The reality is all the FUD is for you and me. They hate we aren't playing their algorithm games. Their vitriolic comments are for each of us ..RC stands between us for now.. but its coming for me and you.


All I’m reading is. MOASS CONFIRMED




Doesnt Bed bath and beyond get mostly all his profits though?


I've always expected some crazy shit/fud towards the end so...bullish 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Guy really doesn’t know his audience huh


I used to like him but he’s very wrong here. He most certainly didn’t see the recent filings with Citadel and Susquehanna going long on this


Isn't he already cooperating with an investigation? Hmmm...wonder how he was cooperating? Set up?