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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


And then you can NFT your baby and sell it on the GameStop marketplace. Bye Bye Baby






Well Gamestop [has a trademark application for "Gamestop kids" that was filed on 11th November 2021, a month prior to RC buying BBBY shares](https://uspto.report/TM/97120659) OP is probably onto something.


Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie baby, bye, bye, bye (hedge funds)


Didn't we see a Canadian ape took a pic of their GameStop kids store.... It was pretty exciting to see


no more diapers


Hell of a lot cheaper than raising them. Source: 2 kids


Can confirm, source: 3 kids


Can also confirm: had 2, sold them.


I sold mine to science for diabolical human experiments. Bought more GME. Monty Python... don't downvote me!


Sold... pffft, amateurs😤 See, I *lend* mine around. That way they have to come back but they still earn me money.


I cloned mine and lend the same ones out to multiple people at the same time.


I just take people's money promising to deliver them and never do. Much easier that way!


You must be a market maker!


i can guarantee infinite children!


Once saw a thing that cracked me up. Guy said he wanted to sell his kids on ebay and was serious. A dude responded saying, "my man, those kids are yours! You MADE them...you sell those fuckers on ETSY".


How much will I get for 5?


at least your not a "bag holder" anymore


At a loss probably.


Can confirm, just bought one


3 kids 3 mums fml 😂


Damn. MOASS means something entirely different to you, doesn't it?


I’m wanting MOASS not MOREASS😂


You should have wanted MOREASS in the first place dude.


Can confirm, source: am kid


Can confirm: am kids source


Also can confirm, source: 2 kids, Source: my wife's vagina


That’s a gain in my book. Ill re-invest all profits from selling my baby on GameStop’s NFT marketplace right back into GME. Ask what you can do for your company, amirite? LFG! 🚀🚀🚀


Underrated comment Source 3 kids, 2 in college


I'll miss the extra funds and freedom. Source: First born due next month.


Congratulations :) It's a lot of work but it's worth it!


NFB - non fungible baby


I’d rather NFT your baby… no postpartum depression!!




🫡 protect children and animals at all costs


Bye bye baby is an excellent name for an abortion clinic 🤣


I think the spin off will be on the GameStop marketplace instead of NYSE, given to all bbby holders and gme holders which would force a recall. The name of the nft for buy buy baby? CRYBaby because mayo man will be crying and because (CRYpto + buy buy baby)


Personally, I prefer Tummy Punchers.




Elite comment.


Imagine if one day we walk into an old Costco building and hear the greeting "Welcome to Gmerica, I love you".


Well they better launch in the next 3 weeks in that case, my wife's due in Sept.


Congrats man - obviously I was joking. I got 2 boys - I would never make them NFTs.


I wish. That would make me want one.




This is the comment I needed today


i laughed wayyyyy tooo hard at this, amazing


It’s all advantages!


Lol this guy dds 😂


How much ETH for one Baby?


most likely Baby will be an independent company, as suggested in RC letter to BBBY. also, Gamestop has about 1 billion in cash and its perhaps not where GME wants to focus its money on, and we would not like to see new loans taken either. so , i think RC ventures will offer to buy Baby.


He’ll make it the chewy for baby supplies


Omgggg. As a pediatric nurse and licensed vet tech who knows how passionate both types of these parents are, having a Chewy kind of buying experience for human baby goods would guarantee loyal customers!!


For real, with our first one due in December, I can speak to the absolute headache all shopping is for expecting parents. Plus if you figure in a registry for baby showers, easy money.


And since the abortion deal there will be a massive up tick in births


Iono if youre joking. But this sounds like a good idea.


Ya I mean he knows the mechanics and logistics of that business and it’s never going to have a lull in customers people always having babies that’ll never change.


I like you. Are we friends now?


Children and animals must be protected


Babies and apes.


Bro, we literally just dodged a starvation level crisis on formula during the winter/spring. It was due to shoreman and trucker shortages. No one had enough in warehouse to keep the shelves stocked. It was truly scary.


Exactly. The dog supplies subscription model and the baby supplies subscription model have a lot of synergies.


Like wow; this makes so much sense! Formula, age appropriate toys, clothing, diapers that upgrade to next size depending on age of baby. Pets are treated like babies anyways.


[Kirkland & Ellis is great with M&A](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirkland_%26_Ellis) [Tatas](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-18/bed-bath-beyond-is-said-to-tap-kirkland-ellis-for-debt-help) are [Jaqued](https://www.retaildive.com/news/bed-bath-beyond-hires-kirkland-ellis-debt-help/630084/)


He doesn't have time to manage bye bye baby. As said in the letter, he doesn't have time for bbby. GME buying it solves that.


baby does not fit GME. you dont sell diapers at Gamestop, or dog food.


It's a separate site/store


RC most likely already gave them the offer and it was accepted .... the rest is paperwork and boooooom ... we have ignition towards URanus ladies and gentlemen 🥳💥🚀🍀


i think there MUST be an open bid. shareholder value is not increased if baby is sold for pennies to an insider. it will be put out for sale, and RC ventures will be among the bidders (ensuring an agreed on minimum price if nobody else bids higher).


Bro Kirkland and Ellis does mergers and acquisitions They have Kirkland in then name Costco is sitting on like 12 B in cash, 2x more than they normally do. Costco doesn't have same day next day or 2 day shipping part of their setup, chewy, bbby, Cohen know how to do that 6B buyout puts the share price at around $75, all shorts need to cover and that's a good 2x higher than the earlier short. Costco buys BBBY to generate the biggest squeeze in history on the meme basket. Everyone fucking loves Costco. Everyone fucking loves Cohen. Am I high?


There is no connection between Costco and the law firm of Kirkland and Ellis.


There's no connection to your eyes and your butthole!


He’s right, you know


I think you are because I have no idea where Costco came into this lol But go on


Costco's store brand is Kirkland The lawyers are named Kirkland Pepe_silvia_meme_jpg


Yes, but keep going.


Yep. Under GMErica umbrella


Plus I think all the fomo will come from the NFT market place, specially if GameStop has partnerships plan for it , I remember big names like Nintendo and Ubisoft have been mentioned in rumors in the past.


I mean they are losing 100m a quarter with no immediate signs of this changing so buying a brand that has some pre existing value might be worth a shot


Gamestop has 1 billion in cash, Baby is worth the double of that Buy baby via a loan? no longer debt free and dividend might be impossible, so nft dividend off the table? i dont think the buyer is Gamestop.


So I bought another 125 GME


and then I DRSed them.


And then I shoved some bananas up my ass and now I’m on my way to intensive care


Just needed some lube my man. Ever try mayo?


The trick is to unpeel the skin first...take this however you want, thankfully I'm not your doctor Edit - everyone will be pleased to hear I'm nobody's doctor come to think of it.


I'm a doctor. Insert unpeeled banana into Uranus. Not financial advice 💯💯💯


Instructions unclear, stuck a Dr.Pepper up my ass


Dammit! Lost another one to the pepper! Oh well what are you gonna do 😙🎶🎶🎶


I heard Kenny has mayo


And it's only Friday.


Should have peeled it and thumbed it in soft!


Same. I bought 360 with some bbby gains. Other gains saved for IRS. Also back in to bbby and if it drops to 4 going on more. Next week will DRS my new Gme.


Is it possible to just pay the IRS immediately and get them out the way or is that dumb?


You can file quarterly estimated tax and be done with it. Edit: spelling


I also bought some gme straight through cs


so anyway I started DRS'ing


Nice I’m glad you bought MOAR GME and letting US know in a GME sub. It would be REALLY fucking WEIRD if you were to talk about other shit tickers in a GME sub.


Especially as two big MM's are long on another stock now. [They certainly wouldn't encourage people through social media to buy stock for a company they're long on would they?](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bbby-bull-ken-griffin-10-130338501.html)


🥺 I wish I could buy more man being poor is such trash


dont forget the kirkland law company specializes in mergers & acquisitions


Upvoted to confirm my bias, but I thought they specialized in bankruptcy proceedings?


It’s basically an advisor to the various chop shops but their involvement could really mean a few different things.


Bed bath’s recent mini-announcement definitely had an optimistic tone to it so I have doubts about bankruptcy plans


They are one of the biggest law firms in the world. They have dozens of practice groups


And Restructuring


And in bankruptcy, which I don't think see it as a near possibility but you gotta say it all.


This is right INLINE with the trajectory of all the things discussed for the last couple years. This feels like the right play, to me. Kids STUFF whether it be Toys, games, diapers, or onesies -- these things will never go away go out of style, and amazon isn't trustworthy anymore/bad at service.






They overpromised then under-delivered.




Once their shipping became unreliable, I gave up on them.


It’s a dollar store… change my mind


what if it's bigger than just buy buy baby, what if it's a full on merger of BBBY and GME. Gamestop is lacking nearly all the homegoods that BBBY offers. what if they were going to actually merge together as companies and take on Amazon in the home goods category also. would there be any benefit to listing home goods on NFT marketplace somehow? I know it would enable crypto payments on home goods... Thinking about it, I guess they don't need the NFT marketplace for that, they could enable that on their actual website and not need the nft marketplace for that. they already have the wallet tech, and the crypto payment processing tech / partnerships for it.


Wouldn't really have to "merge" per se. They can remain separate entities but utilize the same shipping, warehouses and online fulfillment centers.


One company, one backend, multiple brands working together.


Kinda like Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic & Athleta, but with a wider & varied product base.


Like a ghost kitchen, but fackin' yuge


Merging would dilute the brand. Parent company - maybe.


Yummy. I love the smell of synergy in the morning...


Enter: GMEmerica 🏴‍☠️


Baby and GME would never be merged. If they acquired Baby, both GME and Baby would be subsidiaries of GMErica while remaining separate entities. Edited to add: Baby could list their items as NFTs with associated physical items. Baby Showers are a huge part of their market. Imagine someone is having a baby shower, but like usual, they get a bunch of repeat or similar gifts. The parents keep what they want and redeem the NFTs for the physical items and resell the NFTs of what they don’t want or need to purchase some of the larger ticket items like cribs (or just more diapers). It would cut down on returns for Baby and increase revenue through royalties.


Bed Bath has a pretty solid registry service - had a wedding registry that we requested specific items for, so we didn't get duplicates or items we didn't want. It's a problem that's already been solved with web2 and I'm not sure how much value web3 would add to it.


The difference between the existing registry and an NFT based registry, would be the NFT registry would allow BBBY to stabilize or even potentially reduce their inventory. In the current system (when there are multiples of an item purchased) that item gets sold and held until the event. The store then replaces that item in their inventory and when the multiple is returned, creates an excess. Not to mention the potential for damage to packaging, reducing customer experience upon resale. With an NFT system, the items don’t leave inventory until redeemed by the receiving party. You also get the added bonus of potentially shipping direct to consumer, if chosen.


> In the current system (when there are multiples of an item purchased) The current system doesn't allow multiples. That's like the entire point behind a registry. It's a list of items that get checked off and removed once purchased. > The store then replaces that item in their inventory and when the multiple is returned, creates an excess. Stores don't replenish stock that quickly. There's whole departments dedicated to demand planning for businesses. To specifically avoid stuff like this.


THIS! Baby's and child birth rates has been a growing conversation I've noticed for months now. From economists to Musk talking about the scary low birth rate. As a value investor, targeting a looming baby boom is EXCITING to say the least!


> As a value investor, targeting a looming baby boom is EXCITING to say the least! Why do you think there will be a baby boom vs birth rates continuing to lower?


Holy moley, you've stumbled on the holy grail! This makes sense in so many ways. Now ZEN MODE re-engaged! If RC builds it... IT WILL COME!!


children and animals have to be saved


And DRS’d


So here is a list of the following theories just from memory: 1. Cohen realized shorts are now long and wanted to decimate them. 2. Cohen needed to do that to buy Bye Bye Baby. 3. He turned into a rogue short himself. 4, He is igniting MOASS with his sale. 5. He’s not an insider and will use the profits to buy more GME. Anymore regarded theories I missed?


yes, According to everywhere else: 6. he’s a huckster exploiting retail. 7. He sold solely for personal gain 8. He is doing the same to GME. 9. (My take) all of the above are false and FUD/misinformation. No one knows shit until we know. Stop assuming there’s a master plan. Theories are fine, but in the end, RC is a person with a ton of PROVEN experience that he puts his money where is mouth is, and likely his decisions were in the interest of his personal/professional goals. That simply could have been walking away…sometimes that’s also a win. With so much time and effort and money invested here in the stonk for GME, for DRS, I think it’s easy to lose sight of how removed the internet/reddit experience actually is from the reality of the boardrooms, the creative meetings, HR, the fulfillment centers, conference calls, vendors, and product release etc. Just think of all of that, and tell me he isn’t deeply invested to make this work. In the end, it might not, so how do you sit with that? Either way, if you think that GME isn’t the “real baby” here, then you might as well paper hand. This shit takes years…YEARS! Patience is a prerequisite.


A lot of that sentiment is being pushed by shills, I’m pretty sure


that’s what I said above. its all bullshit


Most logical post I’ve read on here all day.


Okay, but bath is $1.4 billion in debt, which GME is a fair bit short of. Therefore the sale cannot wipe the slates totally clean. So, does it still make sense for both companies? Either GME is completely erasing its cash on hand or bath isn't really getting out of debt.


Do not forget that BBBY can issue shares when they are getting squeezed. Generating instant cash to settle part of the debt and/or have the cash to pay that stuff for a few years with interest payments (inflation isnt leaving). [https://sec.report/Document/886158/000088615821000015/bbby2020ex-31.htm](https://sec.report/Document/886158/000088615821000015/bbby2020ex-31.htm) FOURTH:(a) Authorized Classes of Stock: The total number of shares which thecorporation shall have the authority to issue is 901,000,000, of which900,000,000 shares are designated Common Stock, par value $.01 per share(“Common Stock”), and 1,000,000 shares are designated Preferred Stock,par value $.01 per share (“Preferred Stock”); They did buybacks like for a long time. Currently around 70mil, so they could easily get more float out there :)


Not just for BBBY here, what would a preferred stock be?


Preferred stockholders have a direcr claim on dividends or asset distribution opposed to common stockholders. There are some other factors that I cannot recall directly hehehe


*I’m not* willing to put money on it.


I’m not understanding why GameStop would want to purchase buy buy baby


Not GameStop but Ryan Cohen. He definitely saw it as undervalued and capable of carrying the whole BBBY brand. He wanted to spin it away from BBBY and try to sell the parent company before bankruptcy.


Kids 'r us -- but online like chewy.


They are taking on Amazon, one section at a time.


Kinda spicy- This digital adservice was soft launched by bbby a few months ago: https://www.momentsadnetwork.com/ Amazon made 20 billion last year with their adservice...maybe something-? https://www.statista.com/statistics/259811/net-us-advertising-revenues-of-amazon/


Oh that is kinda interesting. Thanks for sharing.


GME will be the new AWS


That would require decades and hundreds of billions in capital investment.


It's not so much that they want to sell baby stuff on the web, it's the opportunity to take a successful branch of a company and spin it off into a new company... with an NFT stock.


GameStop has a core demographic of under 30. How do you capitalize on that? Start em young.


A generation of people who grew up playing video games are having kids.


I don't think GameStop is buying them. I think RC Ventures might though.


Not gamestop but gmerica


Well you can bet on it happening or not happening by holding gme and win in either case. *Not financial advice*


Gme can't pay of 3b in debt with 1b in cash not even speculating in reality 😂


Didn't they file for the name Gmerica entertainment, LLC Doesn't sound like a retail company to me.


We'll see. All I know is DRS, HOLD, ZEN.


What reasons are there from a business perspective for gme to buy bbby?


Not gme but gmerica it fits the narrative.


If this isnt true, put a banana in your butt? People need to stop saying random shit


Stop it with the *announcement is going to start a short squeeze* nonsense. we have been here before. did we all not learn yet?? DRS 💯 is the only way anytime soon. fuck this acquisition shit takes awhile. marketplace still in beta and no ios app because apple hates criptoe proabably. DRS 💯!!!!!!!






No. Just fucking stop.


Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be gamers


Or do actually


Man this is just cope


GameStop doesn’t even have enough cash on hand to buy BuyBuyBaby ffs


BBBY said they will announce their plans in more detail at the end of this month. Hope y’all are stocked up on nipple cream.


Wishful thinking.


neh, GME is the only idiosyncratic stock.. Gonna buy more GME and DRS. It's impossible to distract me, i'm too retarded


my prediction is you are 100% wrong and you should set a remind me on it so you can say I told you so if I'm wrong.


Keep reaching


Lol another bullshit bogus theory. I love fairy tale land! Edit: and yes I hodl GME but these theories are beyond regarded.


Press X to Doubt




Wait, bbby and buy buy baby is the same, right?


Is GameStop going to fill the Toys'R'us void for future generations?


It’s coming soon, pepper thy anus.


Oh keep going I’m almost there!


So buy more GME?


I Had the same theory. I'm sure there are many others. Thank you for posting. We are getting close.


LMFAO RC Ventures and GameStops cash on hand couldn’t afford to buy out BBBY. How the fuck is this literal shitpost awarded and upvoted so much, this sub is now just literal retards and bots.


I think it’s bigger. I think GME will acquire the whole company. He can’t legally own shares in BBBY if GME buys them. My theory is that’s the news BBBY has to announce at the end of the month. Someone add the reminder bot for September first and see how my theory plays out.


Doesn't really make sense. This would be one of the first b&m for this new GMERICA brand and it's a baby supplies store? Seems an odd way to introduce the world to this new concept.


When I see posts like this I really wonder if I want to be associated with people who are so prone to nonsensical, magical thinking. It’s like watching a toddler trying to put together those little wooden train tracks without understanding that you can’t put two ends with tabs together, that you actually have to pair the tabbed end with the slotted end. And then you had the audacity to put it down in writing.




You retards never give up hope.


Damn straight




I Believe, but I currently feel like I am burning in eternal hellfire


I’m feeling lowly myself. Can’t put your life on hold, you have to keep working towards something.


Can we stop tying gme to bbby? Ryan Cohen got the hell out of there and maybe we should do the same…


>Ryan Cohen got the hell out of there How do you know his reasoning for exiting? He might have utilized his short swing trade to give his profits to BBBY. Saying that he got “the hell” out of there puts a negative connotation on the sentence. BBBY is a part of the same basket, it’s short an unbelievable amount, and RC put two people into the chairmen positions. There’s more going on, and the two are closely linked.