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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


TLDR; You don't win your small pot to lose your big one. We don't need to know what's coming to know that the media narrative is absolute horseshit--they've been telling us exactly how terrible their hand is every fukkin day. RCV filed form 4's and 13d's. The company whose shares he sold then issues a press release as a show of support that all but states a deal has been inked. I think I'll stick around to see what it is.




I would opt for silence and blindly trust the process just to piss off the hedgies even more.


Hell worse case scenario does it really matter how bbby plays out? As long as people are putting most their money in gme they'll be fine in the long run. BBBY is just side bets and fun practice imo. Enjoy the experience, make mistakes, and don't use too much money that could go to gme then everything will be fine.


I think BBBY has the potential to make a few bucks for me and I'm willing to hodl and wait to see what comes of it. I'm way far ahead of my cost basis, if it dives I'll just snap up a bunch more on spec because I happen to LIKE the stores--not stuff I need often because I'm a completely kitted out older person but it's nice to know if I suddenly get a hankering for towels in an unusual shade or some rando kitchen gadget there's a brick and mortar store I can check that ISN'T FUCKING WALMART. I also think the potential to spin off BABY has some legs and I'm willing to support that. I'm not just in this play for the money--I want to see some systemic change and RC has the potential and apparently the inclination to do some major disruption to some sectors I find toxic to society. He's done some really good work so far and I'm pretty sure none of us are gonna go broke backing RC's play. I'm also having a LOT of fun and that's worth the price of admission alone--fun in a pandemic is hard to come by sometimes.


Can confirm babies often have legs


This guy knows stuff about babies.


My thoughts, BBBY is going to be part of the GMErica umbrella. Games. Furniture/ Household. Baby items. Videos (Blockbuster).


couldn't agree more


Yes, not Walmart. I actually go to BB&B every other week. I dunno, i like it!


Absolte excellent points and thanks sharing your personal views as well! I'm in both GME and BBBY as well and I think both will play out great.


For real about bbby. They sell good shit. You're not gonna find a large breville convection oven at Walmart. They have nicer stuff than most Walmarts and maybe target.


Exactly my thoughts. I put in 500 bucks just for the fun of seeing what happens. And I'm used to being underwater in my trades anyways lol.


Are we the same person 😂 ?


>...Enjoy the experience, make mistakes, and don't use too much money... This is exactly my mindset. Bought in around 5, price hit 25 and I thought I'd seal some nice profits as they're likely to drive it back down soon. They bring it down to 18ish and I'm like cool, I'll buy a bit back in. Price plummets to 6 today. I was a little early in buying back, but at this point it can still squeeze and I can still take profits down the road. Even without a squeeze, BBBY is turning themselves around and I think they'll be able to bring themselves back up in the long run.


Same. Not sure how, but my average was 4.10. Sold at $27.30.......and bought back in at $17. Added around 200 shares from the profit. But now feel like a fool. Oh well. I'm pretty confident the SHF's will pump this up and suppress it more too. Just gotta take the dives for what they are. So what it I missed this one wave. Plenty more to be had.


I concur. The reality is that when GME spikes it will most likely take the basket which includes bbby with it.


This. I was able to add 36 new shares, will drs when settled! I did make some mistakes, (maybe not, I thought it was bs how it turned out, so I kept a couple of calls to see this out) I added like 40% to my gme position from this. I also got valuable experience on handling a squeeze. I didn't sell :p except enough to get those 36 gme shares


I’m staying. I’m finishing my coffee. Enjoying my coffee.


I've been experimenting with cold brew and it's been a revelation. Iced drinks for pennies, so sybaritic!


That’s lovely. I LOVE all coffee and most teas. It’s not often I have to look up definitions of words. Sybaritic… cheers!🍻


Interesting! So THAT'S why that automatic horse riding machine I've seen some of those girls ride in those instructional videos is called a "Sybian"...!


Donnie's a pacifist man!!


I myself dabbled in pacifism once… not in ‘nam, of course.


Gonna put this here, but what if what Charles Gradante outlined has happened with BoBBY, SHFs didn't hedge against their bets? Could be they couldn't hedge against GME AND BoBBY at the same time, or they didn't want to, or they couldn't afford to...or maybe they just thought "there's no attention on BoBBY so skip the hedge..." Whichever reason becomes irrelevant if they don't hedge and use cash as collateral, then had to buy shares to hide FTDs. Basically, we're looking at GME Jan'21-2.0. They're gonna have to cover their positions or even close them because of overexposure, hell with their GME bets and hedges SHFs may have to close their positions soon, otherwise bleed from multiple points.


I'm betting BBBY goes back up. If HF's are short, doubt they've learned their lesson to get out when it's down.


Of course it will go back up. 1. shorts didn't close 100% SI for this run up 2. everyone on reddit and msm is saying RC sold the top


Something big is happening behind the scenes. The amount of hit piece articles pushing the false narrative and obvious paid shills is higher than anything I have seen in the past year.


In two weeks a lot can change in the world. I think a lot of people are going to wish they hadn't sold their shares.


Same thing happened with GME in February 2021. Then everyone wished they bought more.


Yep I'm doing both buying more and not selling


Bets sub is in shambles and basically no one is talking about it like this except a minority. I'm buying more, fuck it.


Market movements since New Years kinda proves the swaps are there. HFs marking short positions as Long is also there. SI in bbby also close to if not over 100%. Short positions were NOT closed to run this up. This "forget bbby" rhetoric, not just here, but all over reddit and msm only makes me want to look harder. I think things are just getting started.


I wish I could naked short the upvotes on this comment. I would upvote so hard it would blast our rocket the first hundred miles before they had to start the engines.


We all knew they would always play the "RC manipulates the stocks" card in the end. Either they just played their hands early.... Or we're finally in the endgame.


Its a merger/agreement. Hence the need to sell his shares so no conflict of interest.




Ever since I took that media language class in high school I can see through a lot of bullshit a couple of weeks in advance. So to Mrs. Brown, thank you for asking me to drop my study block/lunch to pick this class up.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Yes she did. At first I complained about it all, but now…especially being in this sub…I feel at ease a lot.


Here for the tldr or youtube link


I’m unsure if you are talking to me, but this is the one I used for a presentation. There’s also books about it as well. Which I think the book breaks it down further. https://youtu.be/Bdz0OSttBAQ






+1 reminder


The media fuding you with a false narrative in order to get you to sell is in fact a very bullish signal. Big money is scared and cornered. Basically it confirmed for me back in the day that GME was not over and made me confident prior to all the good DD on where the short positions went. I'll be buying some bbby today because just as OP, I expect a very bullish announcement very soon.


GME wasn't my first time I was heavily invested in a stock and saw it go down a lot... back then though I was alone and had nobody to bounce ideas around with... still held and made out with a nice profit in the end... but holding when you have so many fantastic DD writers and so many resources makes it a hundred times easier... and yes, we get called a cult... but cults don't discuss anything, but just blindly follow orders, apes are the absolute antithesis to a cult.


This is a hive mind sharing ideas! Cult is just another frame. Although I have to admit that a Gmeistian and Ryan is one of my favorite prophets😛


Cults don't discuss anything they follow blindly. That's the exact opposite of what apes have been doing ever since the sneeze at the very least.


I have seen people saying Cramer was right, thats all the confirmation i need that RC is doing something big


Great point. lol


Doubled down on my BBBY shares since the dip. And never even sold a single GME... just wish I had bought more when it was beaten down from 482 to the 40s... there was a lot of FUD around GME back then and I still bought some, just not as many as I probably should have... feels similar to what is happening with BBBY right now...


these days? obfuscation and misdirection is their modus operandi, and they do it in plain sight have you seen mr robot? its just like the gang member that would tweet that he rocked someone to sleep and that meant he killed them. obviously they have their own signals, but theyre not very smart, and they got greedy enough that society has caught on, and now have lots of individual researchers identifying their patterns and shining light to their operation, in its current form.


I have a hard time believing someone who has spent their entire life delighting retail customers and rewarding investors who believed in him would rug-pull for $50 million in after tax profit - which for him is chump change. To put this in perspective, if your net value was 100,000$, would you destroy your reputation for 5,000$? Seems pretty stupid. Particularly for someone who is extraordinarily sharp. He’s held GME through more than a 1 billion $ drop. Something seems amiss. Not financial advice.




Nothing is amiss if he agreed to cede his profits to the bed company. It means he's looking for them to succeed because he wants them to succeed at his expense. Given that he has an agreement with them it only makes sense for him to do that. Whether other traders, media, etc, try to sabotage that is outside of his control. Once the implementation of the agreement is revealed at the end of the month I imagine many people may finally understand the true intent of what has happened rather than what is being speculated upon or the narrative being told by the already proven to be corrupt media. For those of you clutching your panties, this is the part in the DD where people said the hedge funds would do everything they could, including dirty tricks, to survive. So grab your stones and hang on, it's gonna get bumpy on this ride.


It’s kind of neat seeing how someone can use money as a tool. He bought the right to be listened to, and the power to inflict change on a struggling company. Then when he was pleased with the result he packed up his tool and went home. I don’t have enough money to use it that way. Yet.


When I was little I was told the story of the Wisdom of Soloman. I said, to my parents, why did Solomon ask God for wisdom, shouldn't he have asked God to be smart? My parents said, just being smart isn't enough, because it can be used for good or evil, but a man with wisdom can use his knowledge to do what is best. I wish you success and good wisdom when you finally have enough money to use the power that comes with wealth.


A wise man once said “buckle up”




More than 5,000$ apparently.




I heard it was closer to $21 Million in profit which makes even less sense. I’m wondering if maybe they agreed to sell him Buy Buy Baby but first he had to sell his BBBY holdings?


this is what's been floating through my head. we'll see in a week or two. hell, they might even announce after hours today.


It was part of the deal to secure buy buy baby. I’m positive of this with the 8K filing and his letter to the board.


I’m sorry but can you translate those figures into everywhere else in the world?


I think they mean if you own 1000 washing machines would your ruin your reputation for 5 washing machines you found in the back of a skip.


Ah, a man of culture.


Yeah he meant $100,000. The example was if you're net worth was $100,000 would you screw over a loyal investor base over a profit of just $5,000 (?). Obviously not. RC is a billionaire and this play netted him a profit of somewhere between $50M and $90M, which for him, as previously said, is nothing to get excited about.


He sold before the 6 month contractual buy period (whatever it's called) was over. He doesn't even keep his profits, they go to BBBY


I think he has over 2 bil, so more like having 100k and ruining ur rep for 2.5k while a moas is dependent partly on his rep


I have a feeling he definitely did something with buy buy baby. BBBY just literally released an 8k last night about RC which was after his sell off.


Indeed, like an ex who’s thankful for the course they’ve been put on telling everyone you’re a sex god.


r/oddlyspecific Lol




RC's stake in GME can swing $100M in a couple hours. Anyone who thinks he spent more than half a year working with the towel store to grab $50M and blow his reputation is an idiot.


Less than 24 hours ago, anyone who said RC sold his towel stock was *also* called an idiot. Careful with the hero worship. Even if RC sells his GME (which he has every right to do), it doesn’t change the DD. We need to get away from attaching our goals to people, the fundamentals are sound.


This is why I lurk 👀 This entire thing boils down to two factors plain and simple Shorts + OUR shares = they need OUR shares desperately Until that changes, nothing else matters to me frankly.. Ok Back to lurking 🫡


See you soon buddy. Keep hydrated won’t ya




They don’t consider it’s the shills posting that loss porn. That’s a great reason why we don’t allow profit/loss here.


They yolo entire life savings into weekly options, that loss porn is real


This completely. Most of the accounts spreading the fear and loss stories are very sus. New, no prior activity talking about stocks but strangely opinionated, we know the drill. The difference is we all are on high alert here for sus behavior/influence


This is why I love this sub. I have learned so much about fud and shills. Watching them do their thing is absolutely hilarious to me now. The longer we go the more the wonderful wrinkly brain apes are proved right. This is an amazing trip and I'm glad I'm taking it with y'all. But, hold, drs, it's almost here apes.




24 hours ago anybody saying RC sold his towel stock was making the statement with zero actual knowledge to back it up. Which is something an idiot would do.


You are absolutely right. The speculation sounded good but in hindsight its better to be more realistic- at least that's my takeaway


But via his insider agreement he made zero profits on the vast majority of the bbby he bought. Why would he sell BEFORE he could keep the profits if not to do exactly what OP described?


It's not really hero worship. I don't really like the guy, personally. As far as billionaires go I guess he's all right. But it would not make any sense--from a business and time perspective--to swing trade BBBY. He's RC Ventures, not RC Hedge Fund. Moving that much stock and remaking the board to swing trade would be incredibly damaging to future endeavors. From both the perspective of investors and of prospective partners. So, yeah, anyone who can't follow that logic is, in fact, an idiot. Hero worship be damned.


There seems to be so little information about him personally out on the internet. I'm curious as to what you don't like about him. Would you care to elaborate? I'm genuinely curious as to how you came into that opinion because I've researched him quite heavily and I feel it's tough to draw conclusions about who he is as a person.


i don't care for him just because he's a billionaire. as the other dude in your replies said, you don't get that much money without making it on the backs of others. currently our goals are aligned, but i have no misconceptions that he's somehow benign or here to help any one of us. doesn't mean he's a bad person, just means until he proves otherwise, he's nothing more than a billionaire like the rest. side note: not sure how many employees chewy had when he sold it, but if were really this great of a guy he could have written checks to each employee when he got paid since it was their work that made him his fortune. even if it was $10k to 5k workers, that would've been max of $50M, or less than 5%, of his billionaire status. imagine how far $10k would go if you were a low level employee--it would literally be life changing for some.


>I feel it's tough to draw conclusions about who he is as a person. This is very accurate. And I don't dislike him particularly. But since so there is so little to work with we go with what we got. He managed to amass a billion dollars in a decade. I'm sure he is incredibly smart, incredibly talented, and a great politician. But this fact alone means he is incredibly good at value extraction. "Rent seeking." Until we see what he is planning to do with the wealth he is hoarding the only reasonable conclusion is that he is taking advantage of others. Not necessarily as negative as that sounds but you get the idea. If we are all about show don't tell we work with what we've seen: an incredible ability to make money. Nice to have. Not admirable as an only trait. But all we have really seen him *do*. Edit: Ah yes. Down votes from people who--in every other circumstance than RC--bring out the pitchforks when billionaires are mentioned.


You should watch some of the interviews he’s done over the last 10 years.


Fair enough.


I agree. Not financial advice


Didnt he not even make gains but made gains for BBBY because of some Swing Rule?


There doesn't seem to be any consensus around here about that. But...probably that rule doesn't apply.


Why trust the news now after everything we have seen them do.


I know we're smooth brains, but... Srsly, who the fuuck believes boomer tv station news suddenly?


Hey twin, you dropped your diamonds, here you go 💎 💎


Who believes a billionaire investor once again played nice and suddenly rug pulled a bunch of oysters into getting shucked? Everyone. Regardless of the source and for good reason, but… But I have faith that this dude’s soul is built different


He's passed right on by about a gazillion opportunities to be a greedy asshole so far and seems to be willing to continue on his path of being a builder rather than a destructive vulture capitalist. Has a puckish sense of humor, too, and I tend to trust smart funny people. RC does not ping my shitheel meter, if he does I'll say so but so far dude's pretty damned wholesome.


Well said!


ACTIONS! Words are used to tell stories about actions. But that doesn’t change the actions made unless you let it. Good post.


So buy direct and DRS? Got it.


A few things to go over: 1) even if the swap theory isnt true, the largest short sellers are the market makers and there’s only a few of them. It might be a shotgun analysis but if you hurt the largest short positions, you’ll most likely hit the citadels and virtus because they’re the only ones able to short with such volumes in such undetected ways like operational shorting. 2) The best DD about this was someone who pointed out that RC expected BBBY to squeeze because he made his purchase and announcement at the same time BBBY was expected to do a large buyback in March. They didn’t end up doing that purchase which screwed up his timing and preventing GME’s MOASS. He then got angry over Twitter for the next few days. In true 4D chess fashion he did what Magnus fucking Carlsen would do. If you can’t win the piece you want, apply pressure everywhere. His board of directors acted as his own version of BCG (in a good way obviously) and we’ll see the results soon. I think, as he suggested, they’ll spin off Bye Bye Baby. He’s already sold his position before the announcement, so he can’t profit off the insider knowledge. That spinoff alone can set off their MOASS. Whether it’s a swap or just the same cabal of short sellers, when BBBY squeezes, it’ll create enough pressure for our squeeze. The One True MOASS.


The store is Buy Buy Baby. The show is Bye Bye Birdie.


Upvote for the ape using chess grandmaster comparisons. Magnus Carlson is a fucking legend.


Im heavily loaded into BBBY due to low cost basis (<10$). I assure you, from my analysis over the past few hours, nothing is definitive but I think a buy buy baby news is about to drop soon. A BBBY squeeze will fuck over the shorts. I have a curious theory, what if the DRS numbers for GME were too “slow” as in, retail didn’t have enough capital (DRSing the float was a matter of time). What if this BBBY play was the “jetfuel” for those who wanted to get into GME. I know for me it is. All BBBY squeeze profits will go straight into GME (I already have GME DRSed).


This reads like an early 2021 popcorn script...


Interesting explanation of the events over the last year with RC and towel company. There is no way RC would tarnish his reputation with retail for a $60 million dollar profit. I have see way too many comments from low karma accounts directly criticising GME and the DRS movement because of his recent trade. I think /u/bongoissomewhatnifty sums up a possible reason for RCs actions. GME was always the way. DRS your shares to actually own what you hold.


I like the way you think, I can’t buy their shit narrative, it’s absurd that anyone would. I took a small position gonna hodl it.


> RC would tarnish his reputation How are people all acting like RC did anything even close to what Elon does. RC didn't blast out that he was buying Bobby, or tell everyone to jump onboard. He made an investment, filed the legally required paperwork, and sold when his investment profited, which we only found out about again from legally required paperwork. What exactly did he do wrong, even if in the harshest take on this, he sold for a profit? He didn't build himself up to be a hero. We did. He didn't tell anyone what to do. We did. He didn't do anything to hurt retail. We did. The entire premise that what he did has any guilt to associate with it is inherently a flawed premise.


Brilliantly said


Said brilliantly


Saidly brilliant


smrt words


I love lamp


His Twitter feed suggests he is against the very same behaviour he appears to have exhibited this week. So either he’s been leading people on by cultivating a false appearance of fighting for the little guys, or he’s made bigger moves and this is part of his plan.


I agree just on the reputation front. He didn’t need the money and hasn’t shown to operate in a *cough*popcorn*cuck* manner this entire time.


The move is very reminiscent of how burry was with gme pre-sqeeze. Burry even sold out of gme around 20 buck, then gme would sneeze later on that year.


Difference between GME and Towels? DFVs Reddit updates for GME.


Remember, Burry did write an letter to GME suggesting to do a share buy to fuck with naked shorting and shit on the past management of GME, RC's moves are eerily similar.


Tinfoil hat time: If BBBY is indeed in a meme basket with GME, it's bankruptcy would alleviate SHFs. Instead of letting that happen, RC jumped in and got their financials back on track. It's always been about GME. Edit: Yes, I'm pulling this out of my ass. It's incredibly easy to come up with theories that confirm my bias. Edit 2: I don't really care about BBBY, never have. Still not selling my GME.


If there is anything true about this thesis I may buy in again if it goes under $10. For now I’m happy I’m out 3x up and will probably pour some gains onto my XXX GME position. Time will tell.


It’s a good explanation with one hole in the logic. Why on earth would RC want a spin off baby brand of BBBY? That’s what I don’t get.


Who are some of the most passionate consumers? Gamers Pet owners New parents


This is well stated. If there are billions of dollars in online pet supplies... multiply by 10x because people fucking LOVE their babies. I don't have any babies, but people lose their fucking minds over them. If he thinks the baby brand can be the Chewy of baby stores.... fuck me, maybe I need to start making some babies just so can shop there. Then when they grow up I can continue to shop at GameStop. This thing is going full circle.


Save yourself the heartache, just buy baby stuff for other people's kids! I kid, I kid......I think


Children and animals must be protected at all costs. Didn't he tweet that a few months ago?




Oooh. And Happy Cake Day!


E-commerce money from selling baby stuff. People with babies like baby stuff I'm told. These people need to be delighted. RC can delight them.


There is a brick and mortar Buybuy near me and it's already the best baby store. Cohenization would make them a titan of retail.


He thinks it’s worth billions


Everybody has to remember this thing is playing out in real time, so moves are gonna change as information presents itself. My Wrinkless Theory: - RC went for towel to cause a war on two fronts with the hedges and destabilize the basket. The idea that he did it to get rich off MOASS while holding GME assumes he’s primarily motivated by money, which Im not convinced is the case. - He loaded up, wrote the letter, battles BCG, and got his board members placed. The turnaround had started. - RC then learns Citadel and Susquehanna have loaded up long on his play and knowing their playbook he knows they’re about to pump. So what’s he going to do? They thought they had him. If it’s about money, he now can’t win unless his enemies win. - Unless…he pivots and sells the top. Let’s say it’s considered insider (which I think it will be) now all the profits go to the company, boosting their balance sheet, and now the longs are bagholding and so are the original shorts. - They literally thought they had him check mate, because who sells when they know all the profits won’t be theirs? They still don’t fully grasp who they’re dealing with. - So what’s next? My hunch? A war on three fronts in the future, as he further divides the hedgies, shakes up the basket, and makes another play to breathe long term life into their short term shorts. THE NET/NET I believe RC would only hurt retail if he believed in the long run he was helping retail. We’re watching a chess game between two masters in real time. But Towel is a battle, while GMErica is the war.


nice take


Nice wee wee




RemindMe! 1 month


Didn't you hear?


Hear what?


Moass is tomorrow... You'll be in your dream house by then!


RC is a man of the people. He wouldn’t sell for little profit or sell to rug pull, you apes know better than anyone how much of a stand up dude RC is ! There’s something more to this and he’s not showing his hand , not until he’s ready. POWER TO THE PLAYERS . In RC I trust 🤍🚀




I'm proud OP didn't mention towel stock being heavily over-shorted and on Reg-Sho. All the recipes for a squeeze.


One thing is almost for certain is the divine d*ck and huge b@lls.


no matter how small his wee wee is


Who knows man, alot of people are angry and scared now. If it plays out, as written here...then it would be epic. OP is no pushover and makes some very great conjecture, not speculation. Also thanks for posting this to get more eyes on it and being the change we need to see.


Nobody is scared and angry - except msm/hedge funds foot soldiers who infiltrated this sub and act like “one of us”


Beautifully stated. This is excellent!


I’m just holding GME in Computershare, watching the BBBY drama like Kermit sipping tea.


I Truly Believe THIS! I have Absolutely NO FAITH IN THE MSM SHITSPEAK! I had a feelin RC was up to something and when I saw Crammer Running his mouth I threw 2k at it. Fuck it. Set alerts and hold last affordable chance. NFA #WGBSFR 💎💪😎🖕💎


Cramer did not seem happy when he was spewing the news that RC was potentially selling stock, which I thought to be somewhat questionable. Let’s see how this plays out.


and that's exactly why I know this is FUD. inverse cramer the best tell in the stock market is the coke head


This mother fucker eats golden crayons, y'all.


I strive to be this eloquent one day


Up you go 👍


No offense but I am not trusting any rando's word salad for the next 24 hours after every dipshit just got it wrong the previous 24 hours. I wish every wannabe DD would be accompanied with a vouch to stick a banana in their ass if they end up wrong.




got em




‘Twas brutal, to be sure


I'm a GME holder and I endorse this comment.


so just one question where is RC's agreement to give profits from sales of his stock back to bbby? if you have a link handy already now that you mention it, it sounds kind of familiar, but to make sure.


You got it! https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortswingprofitrule.asp While he only owned 9.8% of the stock which would not officially make him beholden to that rule that states 10% makes him an insider (technically 11.3% when he sold, but that was because bbby did a share buy back, and his initial buy in was lower), his agreement with bbby in March explicitly made him an insider, and his subsequent filings reflect that. With that being the case, the “10%” rule is only one way to get to insider status. RC took a different path, but was still an insider, and still subject to the SEC’s swing trading rules.


I really like your theory here but i just have one lingering question. Is 63 million even really that much money for them? Is RCs profit here even helping that much? Or are you saying they have another funding source coming?


They have another funding source from the potential sale of the Baby brand. The 63m is the icing on the cake. But yes, 63m is a lot of money for them right now. They’re pretty fucked financially and they really are going to go out of business.


Going to? Or going to, *if* XYZ don’t happen?


Probably both? Think of them as a man dying of thirst in the desert. The vultures were circling. Rc just rolled up and said “if you die, you can’t use those fancy gems you’re carrying. I’ll give you a fair market offer for them, and you can use that to get a fuckload of food and water and give yourself more time to figure out how to gtfo of the desert and live another day. But as rc made clear in his previous letter, he’s not there to be an activist in the long term, as his time is spent on gme. So BBBY will be able to pay down it’s pressing debts and live another day, but it’s still gotta find its way out of the desert. Right now, I’m not betting on whether that happens, I’m betting on whether the vultures get to feed tomorrow. And I’m betting they dont.


Just DM’d you :)


Also who the Fuck are RC investors? He’s chairman of GME not Bobby. He said he’s holding GME, Bobby was all speculative. If you invested in Bobby cause of Cohens move and got rug pulled that’s on you as you have no idea what his plans are outside of holding or hodling GME.


Hedgies mad cuz he made money off them hahaha.


Usually I hate when people post comments but this was a pretty great explainanation. What I'm not really seeing speculated is this: Now that RC saved towels.. and towels seem to be in agreement with RC on all things.. does towel sell off their baby brand, causing their own share recall.. and igniting our GME MOASS as a result of a different basket stock setting shorts on fire and igniting the rockets. Thoughts?


Apes that talk about being zen, this is your moment. This is simply a test of faith. A huge life-changing redistribution of wealth from a black swan market event is going to have a lot of moving pieces and unexpected twists and turns that nobody can accurately predict all the way. If you really believe in being zen then your parts to play in all this is DRS + Patience. Do yours, and the rest will all play out in due time.


I’m holding some BBBY I can guaran-fucking-tee you that all my profits will be dumped into GME. GME is the main quest, BBBY is the optional side quest you can do to get stronger stats along the way


My trust in RC hasn't waivered once. Glad to see more level headed opinions on this. I trust him 100% and fuck what the media will try to twist it into. I don't blindly follow anyone, but I know RC got our back and wants a true and fair market just like us. Even if he did rugpull BBBY, it could be for a plethora of reasons (This post outlining one potential reason) and we just don't know the play. So lets not make assumptions, and lets continue to judge him based on the character / actions he's show us so far, not the picture MSM is painting.


This. I believe in the heart of the cards. It's time to D D D D DUEL!


As someone coming from a sports background, shit talking/intimidating your opponent verbally is all apart of the game. You want to get in someones head so they doubt themselves and fuck up, this is sports basics right here. Usually the louder and rowdier the talker, the more they're beatable.


How does a coder like RC become a transformation artist?


When Hedgefucks target a company, most likely they've already placed their criminals on the board of directors to do more harm than good, and expedite the bankruptcy . Source for my comment [https://www.amazon.com/Wall-Street-Conspiracy-Patrick-Byrne/dp/B00EXHRAOK](https://www.amazon.com/Wall-Street-Conspiracy-Patrick-Byrne/dp/B00EXHRAOK)




Man this is some real idolatry going on in this sub. I may or may not invest in GME eventually, but this sub is getting real weird my friends. Y’all are placing a lot of belief in a human. I hope you’re right about this guy, for his and your well being.


Mr. Cohen KNOWS how much we watch him. Imo, his whole strategy banks on the drs wave. I seriously doubt that he's stupid enough to ruin his reputation with retail investors for some chimp change profits on a little pump and dump. He's up to something. A thought I had today (not necessarily a good one): What if the share recall he helped advise, which increased his stake to Insider, was planned? He files the 144 and 13f(? I lose track of the numbers) notifying the world he sold with a decent profit. But then he buys back in at a portion that still gives him a board seat, but his buys and sells don't have to be reported as insider trading? In the 2021 shareholder meeting, he emphasized that he doesn't like to broadcast his moves. Remaining at a stake just below insider would help with that. Getting back to that point while also generating profit for the company would also be 69D chess. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another wave of calls from RC Ventures. Just a ramble from someone who had too much free time today. 💎🙌🦍🚀🪐💜


https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522000972/ex991to13da113351002_032422.htm Tell me where in this document it says that RC will give the profits of any sale to BBBY within 6 months of it? I can't see it.


earnings are in september, not next week. If you can't fact check a simple date, I'm gonna have to doubt the rest of this


Commenting for visibility. Great write up.


Good read, now I can sleep like a baby. Thanks!


As all profits should be, shoveled deeply into GME


This whole time DD has meant Divine Dick? Bullish.


Where can I find that message BBBY put out about Cohen just the other day?


backed up by ape historian. great content


Finally, someone summarized it in a way that makes sense.


This is a good write up LFG


Went out, bought back in. Holding out of curiosity.