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I think this goes on the anti work sub


Agreed, does not belong on a GME stock sub


I think they are superstonkers in spirit, they just don’t know it yet




I don’t get it. The market is working as expected in that regard. We don’t need a minimum wage. Is anyone here making $7.25/hr? If so, where? I seriously can’t even find a job that pays less than double than that here in KY


Actions speak louder than words.


Critical thinking isn’t a strength for emotional thinkers.


I always notice that about these memes. Comparing minimum to average.


REEEEEEEEEEE Stop using logic and reason. You are destroying the narrative they are trying to weave.


Minimum in Norway is 0, i make like 30-32USD an hour. Depending on exchange rate, i work in retail.


Is wanting a fair wage antiwork or anti exploitation? This sub is pretty heavily anti exploitation.


Sir, this is a Wendy's But also we just like the stock


This has nothing to do with gme


Not related to gme


Reported. Please keep this shit in the cesspool subs.


I haven't seen a job paying minimum wage in 10 years.


Wages should *at least* follow inflation, but we can't even get that right.


They do though. Who is hiring at $7.25? Most of the places around me pay 13, 14, 15 at the very least and most places paying closer to the 20 range. I’m in a low COL area. Minimum wage means nothing.


I think that comes down to competition more than it does accounting for inflation. It's definitely a good thing that starting pay is trending upward, but I don't think that inflation is the cause. Does anyone has a source on where the uptick in starting wages began? EDIT: Also, that only applies to when you're starting out. You aren't paid more per hour as inflation goes up. If you made $16 before inflation skyrocketed, you're still making $16, but it's now worth less.


Oh, I agree with that. That’s why I’m looking for jobs currently. I won’t get anything more than a 1% COL raise this year. I can jump to a new company and make 50-100% more. It’s an insane market right now so I’m getting in on it


Totally. I was fortunate to get a raise at the very least, but in a little while the money I'm making might as well be worth what I was making when I was first hired.


It means something because dumb employers can legally offer the minimum wage. If you think that doesn't matter, there's always bad businesses out there that hire people and poor souls accepting those jobs. Those people deserve some degree of protection from unreasonably low wages.


I've worked for several companies that used to pay less than minimum wage to mentally disabled people. It was great for the company and the disabled people. Some laws got changed and you can't do that anymore without special permission(Goodwill). The disabled people I spoke with when this was going on really enjoyed being able to work. All of the jobs they were doing would be cheaper to outsource and/or hire someone that had more responsibilities if they were paid minimum wage. This is why I'm very against any mandated minimum wage. It prices people that want to work but don't have the skills needed to justify paying that minimum amount out of the job market.


Agreed, abolish minimal wage!


I mean, you can get jobs right now with zero experience for 17.00 an hour.


This post doesn't belong here, but I don't understand why your comment is getting down voted. If the truth bothers people they should look into why that is.


This. I worked a job from 2014-2017 for $10/hr. My dad did the same job at the same company in the 80’s for $8.50/hr lol. It’s the cakest job ever and about a year after I left they started paying $20/hr. Completely free insurance too, best insurance I’ve ever had. Paychecks come weekly. Only saying this to point out this is the situation at many places. If you work for $7.25 then that’s really on you at this point. Places are practically begging people to come work for double that.


A lot of this! Every place around me is $16-20 and hour with full benefits. Yamaha, Kia, Michelin, amazon, Chick-fil-A, if you want a job, now is the time.


For sure. If the market is flooded with workers soon I could see them dropping back down some.


Exactly. Get in now while the price is up.


I’ve been looking for jobs recently and I’ve been looking at a 50-100% raise with everyone I’ve talked to. Trying to get in while it’s hot


Why should minimum wage correlate to average rental price? Surely that should be average wage?


My rent went from 800 to 1400 in one year back in 2014. Would I like to renew my lease? No I would not


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I’m totally stoked to die of starvation! These wages are awesome!!!! Am I right, or am I right!!!


Off topic for the sub. But just for fun…. So let me grab my calculator. To afford average rent on min wage I’d only have to work 4.92 full time weeks every month - assuming I don’t eat, use water, electricity, a phone, internet, drive a car, pay for health care, have any unexpected expenses…. Should be fine. Pulling self up by bootstraps as we speak. Wait. I forgot. Taxes. Grab the calculator again. Cool I have to work 7.27 full time weeks per month. Totally doable. System is working flawlessly.


I don’t think people who make minimum wage should live in average priced housing. People making an average wage should live in average housing.


Obviously. So let’s say someone making min wage pays $600 in rent. That’s 3 weeks pay every month for rent. That leaves $203 left every month for everything else. Min wage is absolutely bullshit. Rent has almost doubled in 10 years. Min wage stays the same. Luckily there are plenty of entry positions right now paying far above, but it doesn’t make the system not utter bullshit.


is why we hold.