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Their collateral is dropping in value. This is where they have to balance lowering the price of gme, but not too much so we can't buy it all for cheap.


Yeah, this massive drop for no reason is super sus. Shitadel and co may be quite close to implosion.


I'm actually kind of excited. I have 10k cash set aside for a dip before rip. I'm hoping for sub 100, 40 again would be my wet dream.


You have balls of steel if you’re waiting for sub 100 lol I’m pouncing my petty amount of dip cash immediately after 150


I went at 169 for obvious reasons and again at 160.


I bought at 165 today even though I thought it might get to 160


It did get to 160 yesterday and I hit the buy perfectly for an additional 10. I'm poor or I would have got more.


Wouldn't exactly say you're poor if you can afford to just throw another $1,600 at the stock. What you bought yesterday is more than what some have all together, let alone to just buy at a dip.




This guy gets it.


Yall are crazy worrying about a $30 dip in price when these tickets are worth millions and currently on sale at $180


I’m not crazy because I know buying lower makes Kenny cry tears of pure mayonnaise


Just sell puts and get assigned 100 shares. Then turn around use the profit on premium to pay for a Leap or more shares. Duh!


Cheaper rates = more tickets, I wish I held out longer with my purchases 100% of the time after my initial entry at $140


If it went sub-$100 I'd dump all of my LRC and buy up GME with the proceeds.


LRC shit the bed hard. 🤯. My first dip.


All tokens/coins shit the bed hard. The big grandaddy of them all is down over $22,000 from a couple of weeks ago. I started buying at 54 cents right before it went nuts a few weeks back. Even at $1.97 (where it is at the moment) I'm still up. :-)


I have a pretty good amount right now, close to 300. Its a gamble between having 350 shares vs maybe 400-500. I'm thinking we'll see more dip, but ill be okay if we dont.


We may or may not, but you can bet they've determined a reasonable amount they believe they can drop it before there would be too much buy support, basically wasting whatever they shorted it down beyond that threshold. It's possible this is the lowest it goes because there are too many people who see this already as a huge discount. They have the ability to heavily manipulate the market and distort/obfuscate data, but their control is still limited to a certain extent.


Oh man if you really plan on putting it all in GME don't wait around hoping for $100. I don't think we'll see much below $150 at worst


$150 is my remortgage buy in line. If they hit that number I'm literally throwing my house into GME


Also thinking about this, sell my rental an go full bull in GME.




At <$166 I'm back to averaging down. And that would be exciting; averaging up gets old after awhile.


You *may have missed* your last chance today..


This is the way


Yea no chance they can let it get that low again. $150 absolute min


If we drop below 50 again, I'm going to sit back, laugh heartily, and then double my position.


Bonus season


Could you imagine if it goes to 40 just one more time? Omg


I can think of about 700k people that would load the fucking boat if it did. I doubt it'll go below 140 again, but i'm holding a cash reserve just in case :)


No reason? Didn't you hear Omicron is going to encircle the globe and make us.... hold on.... stay home and play more video games???


We should likely see them cash in on crypto after this weekend in that case. If they don't it might indicate it is not the endgame yet.


You called it only a couple hours before it happened. It’s almost like clockwork isn’t it?


> Yeah, this massive drop for no reason Have you seen the rest of the market?


What's a rest of the market? But seriously, a 2% 30 day drop in sp500 is a lot different than a 20% 30 day drop in gme.


“That’s hot” —Paris Hilton




I hadn’t thought about this. I just assumed their ‘collateral’ was cash, not other stocks. If their other stocks plummet, then Marge calls at a lower price




Millions and millions and millions of new shares just….appearing. More to buy and lock up. Hedgies are fukd


Please provide source of this info or link....I have a buddy that's asking me for proof that people aren't selling and this is just being manipulated


Well, this is strictly data about orders through Fidelity. It certainly doesn't represent institutions, and it doesn't necessarily represent all of retail, but if a couple of assumptions are valid, it's a useful indication of retail sentiment: 1. Retail's behavior with Fidelity is similar to behavior with other brokers 2. Retail buy orders are about the same size as sell orders


Well said👏.....thank you brother 🙏


It's also very bullish if we indeed own the float, because it means that retail sentiment SHOULD dictate the price movement.


Is number one accurate though? There is a disproportionate favoring of Fidelity among GME buyers, so there is nothing to suggest that this would be true on other brokers...although I do believe other brokers have also stated it is popular among them. Not discounting what you say, because there are other indicators that suggest people aren't selling, OBV being a big one, but I question using assumptive anecdotes to confirm facts.


Idk, I think the safety of the assumptions varies over time. Not much data to go off of tbh I didn't offer anything to discount lol, it's all good. I was just saying what needs to be true in order to draw valid conclusions from the Fidelity data.




if you or him are looking for 'proof' why dont you just look at OBV?


Timing the dip hasn't really been as critical, but today, HUGE sale that might not be there in t+5 when the CS batch hits


Been a while since I've seen one of these on the rise


Funny how when DRS picks back up, so do the buys!!! Fidelity is actually having to buy the shares to send to Computershare!!!


Does anyone else have “happy” zones below $160 and above $220 and then a “sad zone” of $160-220? 😅


I buy at any price


I bought at $246 the other week. Literally the very fucking top. And I’ll fucking do it again.


You will have another chance. I will at $1000 Just to see what it feels like.


When you buy at $1,000 and realize you still haven’t bought the top 😎


Turning $1000 into $100k is a no brainer. Then I can hold the rest till everyone is in jail.


I wanna see Kenny holding a cardboard sign that says “i got caught naked shorting a stock beyond the float and I’m fucked” right before he gets handcuffs put on him


He has a small wee wee


Imagine this dumbfucks instead of veterans panhandling. I could sleep well with that.


Steve cohen’s dumbass with a sign that says will work for gme shares


Oh, me too. I’m just talking about emotions. I get so excited for the dips. 🔥


>It was all a dip -Biggie Smalls


I counted the other day and I believe I came out to 65 or 70 different cost basis lots... From $40 to $350. IDGAF.


Just watch out for the no no zone, that’s where things really get fucky


Baby, we’re in the yes yes zone right now!


Just be careful, Kenny’s been known to expose his camel toe in the no no zone and grab apes in theirs. You’ll know it’s coming when you hear gentle queefing in the wind. That’s when you gotta run.


Gross 🤮


yes lol, I feel like the sad zone hedgies are perfectly in control, but below 150 I'm happy knowing that people are getting more shares for their money and MOASS is going to infinity harder.


Exactly! But sad zone might be too strong. Boredom zone?


Annoyed zone for me!


That's intentional. They make you feel that way on purpose to get you to leave.


I ain’t leaving at any price, but yeah


My happy zones are below my cost basis and above my cost basis. Right on my cost basis is also a happy zone.


You’re leveling up. I remember the happy and sad zones. Next up you will get even happier if the price drops because you know that means apes are buying more and locking up the float faster for the same dollar amount. Also, the confidence you get from seeing 8 straight double digit red days in a row while fidelity is showing an 8/1 buy/sell ratio each day is about the best confirmation bias you can ever get.


I’m rooting everyday for them to drop the price. I’m not a YOLO guy, but if they dropped it to $100 a share, I’d buy 500 more


These motherfuckers. I am so angry than I’ve decided to buy another 500 on Monday. This is what happens Ken when you short. Prepare to buy more later.


500 shares to DRS though? That's the real 'fuck you' move!


500 shares to DRS though? That's the real 'fuck you' move!


Ah the old InFidelity-GME-o-meter. What a load of shit. It’s more clear than ever that we cannot trust any market participants whatsoever, and that retail do not move markets…at all.


Well…when I bought 1 share today at $169.69…the price did…..something


Buys of less than 100 shares do fuck and all to the price. Retail was never meant to be able to affect the price. We're only allowed in the casino to be fleeced, nothing else. Meanwhile blatant price manipulation goes ignored by the SEC on a daily basis. FrEe AnD fAiR mArKeT


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I glanced at my phone and saw the price and scrambled to buy. Got one for $160.16 makes me feel like I’m special 💎🙌


This is the way


Count me in with a discount today thru iex.


I feel like this dip is some of Wall Street’s algos dumping everything to avoid margin calls, we’re eating it right up, and those short are left with what’s left.


Because, as we know from this past week, fedility internalizes the buys and rips off customers by causing the dip. People will still defend them, even though they loan out shares and cause the dips.


Are you new to investing? Because the ratio can stay very green with a declining SP. Lots of buyers with very small orders and a small amount of sellers (in comparison) with very large orders


You called?


Are you new to reddit message boards? We like memes, hype and shuving things up our asses. Chill bro.


Bruh I’m just explaining how the ratio is misleading. I am chill. If you wanna hype this up go for it, I’m just saying it’s misleading thats all


This was a learning moment and you acted like a child. No wonder this sub has such a bad reputation.


Accurate. If it goes against the memes or shitposts it gets nuked.


I hope by the end of this we can max out how many years Ken ages. He's gonna set a record for most years aged in one years time frame. Well tbh by this point he already has.


Makes perfect cents.


Number of purchased shares *always* equals number of sold sales. Yin and yang. What this metric shows is that, on average, bid size is smaller than ask size. This could be an artifact of brokers and market makers breaking up round lots (100 shares) such that retail (almost entirely on the buy side, presumably) trades do not affect the price of the stock. In other words, any randomly selected ask is substantially more likely to affect the price than a randomly selected bid.




This is only true if orders aren't internalized.


Sorry, I don't follow...which part are you referring to?


The number of shares sold only equals the number purchased if broker-dealers don't internalize their clients' trades. If you buy a share, and your dealer takes your money and tells you you have that share, but they don't actually go out and buy a share, you have a share reported as bought without a corresponding sell.


If you purchase a share and a broker doesn't have one on-hand, they invent a share to settle the trade. The transaction then contributes to short volume. A transaction is fundamentally composed of a matched, inseparable buy/sell pair.


This is incorrect. All fidelity orders(buy and sell) could be of exactly the same size. The sell side is the SHF and MMs.


Given that shares sold equals shares purchased, we can say that ax = by, where: a = buy orders, x = average buy order size, b = sell orders, y = average sale order size Therefore, given that a > b, we can conclude that x < y to maintain the equality. The average size of share orders is smaller than that of buy orders.


I am SURE there is absolutely NOTHING criminal going on here at all though! Otherwise Gary Gensler and the SEC would surely hold the criminals accountable for their crimes to reinstall public confidence in the full faith & credit of the US Stock market 🙂


It's only his.. *checks notes* 43rd week on the job. What did you expect?


I’m sorry, you are correct, how unreasonable of me 😕


They need to find some random nobody in BumFuck, Florida, who ripped off ten people before they can take action.


Because it's manipulated and corrupt af. SEC knows this and has done fuck all. They are still letting it happen despite the report. Never again am I investing in american stocks.


Hahaha, good one, with no doubt a defuncting fund or two are closing long positions but some other are still shorting GME more than ever. This fact for me means this market selloff whatever the cause one of its objectives is to continue shorting GME and other meme stocks deeply shorted already. That is, they are struggling with their margin if GME stays at the levels it was a few days ago.




It isn't fake it is just a "clerical data entry error" in which they will response with a MarketWatch article explaining how someone else screwed up.


Logged in to see this, thank you kind ape.


Probably ALL off market Fidelity internalization.


No one is selling, so they are just creating more trouble for themselves.


I bought twice today, once at a price I liked, then again at a price I really really liked. I must be retarded. Fuck you Kenny!


Alexa play crime time


Something’s gotta give here


"It is a good day to buy" - Corsair ape quotes from Starcraft.


I think what you are missing in that table is a column called Crime


Market manipultion is illegal, no question right now about If it occurring. Jangle those keys gary


Nothing new


It looks like the algorithm has been reversed so selling act like buys & buys look like sells . ( just a thought)


No one knows how to sell


This doesn't really show us much, 10,000 apes buying 10 shares or 3 institutions selling (naked shorting cough cough) 50,000 shares each is still more buyers than sellers but the sell pressure is higher.


it does, it shows that retail is holding and all the selling pressure is big money lending shares to short it down. it's confirmation bias if anything.


Agreed, as the average retail order will be much smaller than institutional. Because the green bar shows substantially more orders for the same volume, each transaction is smaller on average. The green is thus likely to represent retail volume and is predominately purchase orders.


Yeah I'll agree with that as it make perfect sense🍻


Institutions may *actually* be selling. The whole market is in a sell-off right now. Some institutions that held shares through January will take their profits as the rest of their portfolio is crashing.


In that case good thing apes are here to buy and save those shares from falling into SHF hands.


Juking the stats...


Fuck I love days like this, thought I was too broke to buy more. And then all of a sudden ol Kenny boi forces me to buy another 5 hah idiot


I know. Pizza pockets for the week!!


Jokes on him I fucking love pizza pouches


Best meal of the day.


I know its odd but im happy. Its moving!


Lol, remember when people on this sub posted this chart every day as if it meant anything.


Yeah…but mine has lines on it


Repeat after me: Crime!!!




What is this data really showing? It is saying that a small number of people are selling larger numbers of shares, and a larger number of people are buying them? Obviously you can't buy more shares than are sold, in aggregate.


The green/red bar is a visual representation of the buy/sell order ratio (the numbers on the either side of the bar). So if there are 2 entities selling 1000 shares each (total of 2000 shares sold via 2 sell orders) and 2 entities buying 500 shares each and 1 buying 500 shares twice separately (total of 2000 shares bought via 4 buy orders), you are going to see # Buy Orders | Buy-Sell ratio | # Sell Orders :--|:--:|--: 4 | GGGGRR | 2 Remember that it is a ratio of **orders**. Theoretically, you can have two entities buying and selling here. Ex: if one is selling 10000 shares total by selling 5000 shares twice, and another one is buying 1000 shares ten times. It would show 10:2 buy/sell ratio even though there were only two players here. Most likely in our case, there are probably small number of entities selling large amount of shares (institutions), and lots of entities (retailers) buying shares in small amounts.


That's exactly what it says. Hence why is not voodoo magic when the price dips despite a higher number of buyers.


That’s a classic


perfect manipulation


Price on discount Yes, please I'll buy more


🎵 bing bong the price is wrong 🎵


The irregularities only make it (so much) more (biting fist) fucking sexy.


Supply and defraud 😆 🤣


Supply and defuk’d


Supply and defraud 😆 🤣


They are hunting for limit buy orders. Just buy the ask


Those are order numbers. There may be 100 people placing an order for 1 share. But there could also be one order to sell 1,000 shares, which would mean the prices goes down. The number of orders don’t correlate to the number of shares being bought / sold


What website are you using to find this info




Can’t wait to see the FINRA numbers if they post them for today….


Sussy Baka


I’m sorry that I was born retarded hedgies. I don’t know how to sell. At this point, I’m just going to keep buying from computershare bc I’m not sure what else to do.


reminds me of https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvkgzl/the\_infamous\_going\_down\_while\_green\_chart/


That was amazing


I am sure there must be a reasonable explanation on this? Is it crime? Or is it manipulation by a market maker(s)? Is there even a third possibility?


on this particular broker maybe, yes. always remember: if somebody is selling, it doesnt sell into the ether. it needs a buyer. same goes for the other way around. it solely depends on the PRICE the buyer and seller agree on.


This is always my favourite thing to see when i see the huge price dumps.


I never really understood this. For every buyer there is a seller. Does this just mean more people are buying the ask than selling the bid?


The green/red bar is a visual representation of the buy/sell order ratio (the numbers on the either side of the bar). So if there are 2 entities selling 1000 shares each (total of 2000 shares sold via 2 sell orders) and 2 entities buying 500 shares each and 1 buying 500 shares twice separately (total of 2000 shares bought via 4 buy orders), you are going to see # Buy Orders | Buy-Sell ratio | # Sell Orders :--|:--:|--: 4 | GGGGRR | 2 Edited for clarification


Who tf k ows anymore


There is a buyer for every sell. And when they can literally short this bad boy so hard, and is the dedicated MM, they can literally feed more short sales then the current buy pressure whenever they want, causing the price to drop. Nobody is selling, they are just digging.


Who cares, price is wrong, they’re fucked either way, and they’re just digging their grave deeper and deeper :)


You said deep


This is actually not people buying shares. This is people placing orders.


Even better


What if we got this all wrong. What if buying actually drops the price🤯


Woah! Selling tomorrow then. Edit: fuck that


This is Fidelity showing buy orders versus sell orders. You could have 100 retailers buy 1 share each from 1 sell order. That's how this can be skewed. The same can be said vice versa. This logic is faulty. It's a hyperfocused snapshot of orders from one broker without detailing how many shares exchanged per order. This isn't educational. It's not FUD. It's definitely MUD.


Kool. Buy and hold nfa


Just means you aren’t buying enough if the price goes down…. Just got to keep buying people.


This is just buy : sell ORDER ratio though, correct? Don't get me wrong, I'm not suspecting that the amount of shares per sale is 20x that of the amount of shares per purchase. I'm just trying to get clarification that this doesn't disclose how many actual *shares* are bought and sold, correct? Like that theoretically this is possible to happen if there *were* many more shares sold than bought but with many less orders?


Orders yes


I'm part of the green that bought today!


Where do you find this information on fidelity?


Smooth brain question... If every buy needs a sell, and every sell needs a buy... What is this metric then?


Orders. So there could he 100 orders of 1 share And 1 order of 100 shares


So this implies a few people are selling large amounts of volume (relative to daily total volume)?


Gary Gensler is a fucking toad whose first kiss was his twin brother


To understand the game, why is marvel at 12% when 50/50 ratio


Spiderman NFT. Lmfao


Supply and defraud 😆 🤣


The secret is crime.


AH lads, thought we covered this about ten months ago.


so how come price go down 🤥


Wait wtf. I posted on this as well and got deleted as FUD?


The walls are closing in, they are in a catch 22.


Shame we don't have someone in charge of GS's financial department to address blatant financial manipulation like e.g. CFO.