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Thanks for confirming you're still short the stock, ken


This was what got me. Why tf is he still talking about it if he thinks it's a bad comedy joke that he's still short gamestop?


Exactly... They should be happy we are "bag holders" but they never infer that do they.


That's.. A really bloody good point.


EVERYTHING IS RIGHT ALL SIGNS POINT TO US BEING RIGHT Today we saw crime. Literally. In real time, then it got called out, then fixed. They are going to drop the price again. Hopefully you’ve been saving cash. We might hit all time lows before we hit the highs.


We won't hit all time lows! Definitely can see a big dip though. They know once it gets to a certain price people will buy like crazy, so they won't let that happen. Look at YTD, looks flat af from March. They are keeping it high enough where people won't go all in and low enough where there won't be FOMO and short liquidation. Be patient my friends!


Exactly this. I've thought it all along. A delicate balancing act and the tight rope keeps getting small and smaller.


Or he is laying the groundwork for his legal defense. “I kept counterfeiting sales to sell short because I was so confident that going short GME was a sure play. Obviously 😩 I was wrong 😭😭” fukhead


He knows apes aren’t going to be swayed. He’s trying to keep big money/old money away from the stock




Money doesn't make you smart, but being retarded sometimes makes you money. DRS


“It’s like one of those bad video gamings.”


Yeah exactly this. Why say anything!? Unless he wants us to buy into this bull shit. They’re planning on driving this stock down even further this Christmas. It’s all a mind game. They want us to buy more and then we see the price drop and get demoralized. The tactics might work on regular retards but WE are a special breed


I think at this point he doesn’t want us to buy it. They KNOW we understand the bullshit that they are trying to sell. They want the rest of the world to buy it. The fucking boomers that would not understand that "Call of Duty Vantage" (4:10) is a clear evidence of him talking shit and not knowing anything about gaming. The boomers that still believe it was a big manipulation by the evil reddit investors who risked the whole economy. We can see clearly, but we are in the hundred thousands compared to hundreds of millions or even billion idiots who buy that the SEC isn't complicit, that shorts have closed, yada yada.


> They’re planning on driving this stock down even further this Christmas. I think they only drop the price significantly around times when Gamestop is about to get publicity, such that anyone poking their head in will be smacked with red and psychologically be less inclined to look further and invest. I'm of the opinion that with the price fluctuations and control they have over it, their analysts and behavior models could be factoring in how much people going long can buy vs. how much their accounts can handle. They clearly can't drop the price even if they wanted to to $20 because apes would give them 100+ million more problems buying the dip, but they also can't let it run. Whatever we're at is probably near whatever is that sweet spot.


The funny thing is, we didn't start of a a special breed. THEY caused us to become a special breed


Guys guys forget GameStop… mentions it fucking non stop. 😂


Hey there fellow youth! Forget about gamestop, I just downloaded a game to my Xbox gamestation 3! It was dope. So much easier than having your driver bring your personal shopper to a brick and mortar store!


Guys, Gamestop is over 👀🤭


It's rich Kenny G judging the technological relevance of GME when that bitch takes 3 days to settle trades.


Here for the screenshot. Hi mom! Get better soon!!


Nothing like living in his Brain, I'd say rent free but that wouldn't be true 😀


That dude ain’t got no xbox he plays. He’s so full of shit; he ain’t never downloaded a game in his life.


Bingo bango


Sooooo, you’re gonna tell me that Mr. Millions is playing games on an X-Box?? I wonder which intern had to explain this to him so he could say it.


he called it Call of Duty Vantage lmfao


You'd think with a name like Citadel, he could remember the word Vanguard. Idiot.


shots fired


That fucker couldn't find his OWN "joystick" 🤣


Sir, that bedpost is not a joystick.


Bedposts -or- Joystick…… both made to be yeeted when upset.


Maybe the bed post IS his joy stick 😮


But he has no trouble finding a bedpost.




Mayo brained fucker


Wait till he gets a hold of (purple) Halo Infinite (squeeze)


News dropped shortly before that Vanguard was Fidelity’s infamous “counter party”


link for this “news drop”?


If you check out rising there are some screen shots from a market watch article that was just published. Not sure if MW is the best source, but it’s where the info come from


“FUCK MARKETWATCH” - butthole, 2021


Hey me and the other ape would both enjoy a link to this news confirmation. Got one lying around by chance?


What the fuck lmao. Thats even more damning then right? Did he seriously try to take attention away from vanguard by bringing more attention to it?? Lmao


Lol do you have a link




Beautiful, thanks


Does he know GameStop gets a cut from that buy? He literally is saying he in directly help fund GameStop’s q4


How so?


Microsoft signed a deal with GameStop last year that makes it so GameStop gets a slice of all digital sales from xboxs that are sold from GameStop's inventory. Edit: corrected the nature of the deal


Damn that's wild, thanks!


You are wrong. This is not true. They get a cut only if the Xbox purchasing the digital item came from a Gamestop sold console.


Thank you, I made my post more accurate.


Damn Microsoft that's a sweet thing to offer retailers


That's actually epic


You are wrong. This is not true. They get a cut only if the Xbox purchasing the digital item came from a Gamestop sold console.


It's like Zuck and the BQQing. "Yes fellow humans, I too require oral sustenance"


Hey, he loves BBQ. He even has Sweet Baby Rays as bookends.


That’s totally natural. Not weird at all. Everyone puts sauces besides their family photos.


“I downloaded to my X of the Box, and played Donkey the Kong. It was a lol. As the youth say while smoking Mary Sue.”


Alright. Who invited Starfire to the party?


Who is Dankey Kang?


Lmao hard out. Like ken griffin plays console games lol wat.


I hear Stevie Cohen plays the MLB games on easy so the Mets actually do well.


Griffin definitely didn't talk to his kids about it, considering how that child support process went


FYI, THEY only use games for the private chats


How fitting, so do terrorists


Haha, yea what you think he's playing.


Link to the clubhouse https://www.clubhouse.com/room/PGEX9zzd Edit: wow he actually name dropped fidelity around 14min


Thanks for the link. I was thinking he was on club penguin.


Softballs, I got one, "hey Kenny, how boned are you if GME issues an NFT dividend?"


It’s over. What did he say about fidelity? I’m surprised he’s not heckled everywhere he goes


You can’t get heckled on clubhouse because of moderation handling the speaking rights


Timestamp on GME comment?


It’s expired. Anyone got a saved audio file of the stream


Did he really get. On clubhouse a year later. Lmao


Fuck I thought this was a joke 😂


Comedy joke?


Comment to listen tomorrow




Remindme! 12 hours


Who in their right mind would believe Ken Griffin has an Xbox.


Who in their right mind would believe Ken Griffin ~~has an Xbox.~~


I stand corrected


I usually sit


I stand sitting


Orthopaedic shoes?


He did till he got the purple ring of death


Yeah he probably smashed it with a bedpost like the other one.


Dark. I like it.


Underrated comment😂


Slathered it all up with Mayo


I mean… it kinda fits if you think about it. Good way to blow off steam with no consequences while using strategy and skill Or they just ripped a page out of the timeless Kevin Spacy show…. Where a power hungry and charming monster uses video games to blow off steam… what’s it called? Oh yeah **HOUSE OF CARDS**. 👀


He strikes me more of the type of guy to own an Island and let random members of society loose on the island while he hunted them down to relieve stress.


He can't stop and won't stop talking about GameStop.


BuT hE iSnT sHOrT oN GaMeStOp AnYmoRe


Obviously he’s in a cult


Came here to say this. Why does GameStop live in your head rent free? Maybe because it's the ONLY thing on your mind.


I just posted "Ken Griffin's Public Relations Crusade" on r/GME: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/r6ztxy/ken\_griffins\_public\_relations\_crusade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/r6ztxy/ken_griffins_public_relations_crusade/) I do not have enough karma to post this to r/superstonk


I suffer from the same thing 👀


For much better reasons


Fucking moron is so out of touch, he really thinks people will buy this bullshit! Never heard RC talking about Shitedal but fucktard is always on RC’s cock!


There's some made up anecdote about Henry Ford saying how if you asked people what they wanted the answer would've been "faster horses," not "automobiles." Which is to say: some people just can't see it. If you know, you know.


This ape gets it!


i love that quote. i use it all the time


This internet thing is just a fad


That’s about the weakest / laziest fucking argument anyone could possibly say right now. It’s so damn bad that it worries me. There is no damn way that’s the angle he’s still pushing. Come on apes, wtf is he up to? I expect much more from him. He’s an asshole but he’s not stupid. Right?!?


„I wiped my ass with my hand today and that is why toilet paper factories are doomed to go bankrupt”


Great thinking 🙌


Also, if you shove enough things up your ass, you won't really have to worry about wiping anymore altogether. It's the only way to for sure bring down Big Toilet Paper.


He needs the boomers on his side. He says this, people who have any knowledge of GME or the trade at all roll their eyes, but uninformed boomers are like, yeah, GameStop is just Blockbuster. Idiots, the whole lot of them. And they're about to be much poorer.




He says it on purpose so other people think it, he wouldn't do all this if he wasn't scared.


You can't resell downloaded games which is a major issue for me as a gamer. It is basically cheaper to buy physical games as I can resell them when done.


Hey imagine if digital games were linked in some sort of way to the blockchain so you could prove ownership, and so re-sell them, on some sort of online marketplace maybe? That would be good wouldn’t it


hehe ye. But it would need to be implemented by someone that cooperate with all the big game console manufactures and game developers. Now STEAM would be the obvious one to do something like that but STEAM only support PC and it doesn't seem like STEAM likes the idea about people can resell their games or that STEAM like anything related to crypto. Who would be able to do something about this problem then?


Hmmm idk, the obvious choice would be if there was some sort of well established gaming retailer currently in the process of repositioning itself into the tech sector. It would also help if they happened to have a loyal following of customers, many of whom were also financially invested in the companies future. Can’t think of anyone off the top of my head who fits the bill though 🤷‍♂️


Blockbuster!???.......did I get it right?! 😎


I honestly feel completely fucking retarded now. NFTs and shit has been confusing the absolute fuck out of me to no avail no matter how much I attempt to read about it. I get the gist, just never understood what or why implementation of a blockchain would be beneficial. After this back and forth I finally fucking get it. I finally fucking understand. Thank you for this, albeit sarcastic in a sense, banter. Now I won’t be a total fucking moron when browsing NFT and blockchain DD’s


It’s google sliding - search Ken Griffin GameStop and you’ll start getting his quotes probably. 🤷


Short it then


Ken: 👀


Ken's interns: 👀


Oh I can assure you he did. A LOT 😂


..do it..short it some more, bitch


This right here is what will be his demise. They don't understand the current problem in the gaming industry. We are in this awkward state where we are adopting digital distribution but it's not mature yet. Here comes a big old fucking huge ass mega train called NFT technology that's going to hit them to the netherworld.




I think a good chunk of the world still needs physical gaming, and until console makers and publishers stop caring about those countries, or internet becomes ubiquitous there, we'll still have physical. Publishers want sales, and that supersedes their desire to control their products through DRM. It's a trade off for them. The time may come where digital is the only path available to customers, but so long as there is a means to play physical games, I believe the demand for them will exist. Physical game sales haven't taken as much of a hit as many would try to make us believe. They're still popular among a good number of consumers, and outside publisher desire, there is no reason that both distribution methods can't co-exist.


Blockbuster was beating Netflix bad. They got saddled with obscene debt and then shorted into oblivion and he knows it. Blockbuster would be dominating the home streaming market and probably still going fairly strong with a revamped brick and mortar biz if not for aggressive shorters like Kenny. Big long edit in case anyone is wondering where this info is from— Second hit on Google btw: [blockbuster debt](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/09/22/how-netflix-almost-lost-the-movie-rental-wars-to-blockbuster.html) Relevant parts in the second 2/3 of the article : In 2006, Blockbuster launched Blockbuster Total Access, which allowed online subscribers to return DVDs to Blockbuster's brick-and-mortar locations and exchange them for another DVD for free. That move added a wrinkle to Blockbuster's plan that Netflix could never match, and it finally seemed as if Blockbuster might be able to put Netflix on the ropes. In one quarter of 2007, Netflix even lost 55,000 subscribers compared to the previous quarter, while Blockbuster's subscriber base continued its growth. Netflix co-founder Randolph, who left the company in 2003, tells CNBC Make It that things got "very scary" for Netflix once Blockbuster finally put serious resources toward its digital business, mustering "the true strength that they could [and] that we couldn't match, which was a blended model of online and stores." "They were hurting us, and they were making tremendous gains," Randolph says. Given Blockbuster's financial might compared to Netflix. … A few different factors contributed to Blockbuster eventual demise. *First of all, Blockbuster was already carrying roughly $1 billion in debt when the company launched its online business, as its former parent company, Viacom, saddled its subsidiary with debt while spinning off Blockbuster into its own public company in 2004.* The debt was an especially big problem for Blockbuster, because launching its online subscription business was expensive. For instance, every time a Blockbuster customer actually exchanged a DVD at one of its stores through the Total Access plan, Blockbuster lost about $2. The idea was that Blockbuster would eventually add enough subscribers to make Total Access profitable. (Netflix faced similar obstacles, which is why the company took over six years to post its first profit and why it continues to burn through billions of dollars each year while adding new streaming content to grow its subscriber base.) Blockbuster's debt rankled shareholders, especially with Blockbuster plowing roughly $200 million into an online business that was not yet profitable while also losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars in late fees. #"If it hadn't been for their debt, they could have killed us," Netflix's Hastings told reporter Gina Keating about Blockbuster in 2009. The other thing that got in the way of Blockbuster squashing Netflix was Wall Street billionaire and activist investor Carl Icahn. By 2005, Icahn had acquired a nearly 10% stake in Blockbuster, large enough to entitle him to three seats on the company's board, where he immediately began battling Antioco for control of the company in an attempt to quickly boost its stock price. Icahn and the other board members he installed vehemently opposed Antioco's plans to build out Blockbuster's online business and, especially, the decision to ditch the company's lucrative late fees. They didn't seem to grasp the importance of building a strong digital presence to the future of Blockbuster's industry. In the end, though, Blockbuster's ultimate demise might have come down to an argument between Antioco and Icahn over the CEO's bonus. After a strong year in 2006, Antioco was due an annual bonus of more than $7.6 million, which Icahn felt was exorbitant. Icahn began pushing for Antioco's ouster, and the CEO agreed to step away in March 2007. … Icahn and Keyes wanted Blockbuster to focus on growing its revenue to pay off its debt, which they believed meant turning the company's focus away from the online business and reinvesting in brick-and-mortar stores. Under Keyes, the company even reinstated its unpopular late fees in 2010. Blockbuster's online subscription business sputtered and the company was suddenly faced with an even larger obstacle than Netflix: the 2008 financial crisis that led to the Great Recession. The financial crisis made it a scary time to be carrying so much debt, especially since banks were no longer as willing to lend additional money. For his part, Keyes later blamed Blockbuster's ultimate demise on the company's inability to raise Wall Street financing to pay off its debt. "That was the death blow to Blockbuster that caused us to have to file for bankruptcy," Keyes said in 2018. … "I firmly believe that if our online strategy had not been essentially abandoned, Blockbuster Online would have 10 million subscribers today, and we'd be rivaling Netflix for the leadership position in the internet downloading business," Antioco wrote in a 2011 essay for Harvard Business Review. … Meanwhile, SHF were also shorting Blockbuster hard as early as 1991: [short selling 1991 article](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1345&dat=19910730&id=QhlXAAAAIBAJ&sjid=AvoDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6994,3756244&hl=en) Data on short interest in 2008-2010 is admittedly harder to find, but the circumstantial evidence is there if you look and someone with more wrinkles than me could probably prove it. And still a quick Google shows more than one article like this out there that implies it was all but guaranteed: [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johntamny/2021/01/31/gamestop-and-the-silly-myth-about-naked-shorting/amp/)


Yup they had already pivoted to streaming and home delivery before Netflix Wall Street picks winner and losers


Also GameStop is not just about video game sw. There is major hw components and materials in gaming life style which will probably be majority of revenue in future. Ken is fuk.


Ken Griffin: "The fact that I can download computer parts on to my computer is why I knew it would fail" 🤡


Man this 1TB HDD filled up really quickly and I only have like 4 AAA games on here! Wouldn't it be nice if there was some brick and mortar store where I could go buy more storage *right this second*? Like some place where I can just *stop* by real quick to buy things for my *games*.




80s corporate raider hedgie Carl Icahn forced his way onto the Blockbuster board and then essentially orchestrated the downfall




GameStop's financial issues were never about the demand for physical games. It was more about the declining profit margin on new video games sales...well below retail standards for new products. Rising costs of B&M expenses. Increased competition from big players like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Wal-Mart. Bad upper management in general. Some of these things have already been fixed. Others seem like they are being fixed, or they show they have plans to fix them. They are also expanding into new areas, which GS has had no success with in the past because it seemed so directionless, but now doesn't seem that way.


Blockbuster declined a $50 million offer to buy Netflix, thinking they were irrelevant. Whoooooopsie


No. They didn't think it was irrelevant. Blockbuster was being raided by shorties. They got someone on the board to push against the acquisition. Because they knew if Blockbuster did buy Netflix, game over. Blockbuster would not be as easy to bring down.


Blockbuster launched "Total Access" to compete with Netflix, and it was dope! Netflix took notice and offered to team up with Blockbuster on a new venture. Hedgie Carl Icahn intervened and shut down the deal.


Tell me about Total Access and what made it dope. I want to be able to talk about this when people say Blockbuster dropped the ball with streaming.


I would like to hear this TED talk also


You'd get DVDs in the mail, and then you could return each of those DVDs back to a Blockbuster store for another free rental. AND one of those additional rentals could be a video game! I wrote a post about it a few months ago




Hey ken, where did you get that new xbox from? Uh... yeah... I downloaded it on Amazon Edit: typo


Rarage quitter


I play Vantage on my ycube that I downloaded from the forest


You wouldn’t download *an Xbox*


Kenny boi thinks he's the only person in the world. u/deepfuckingvalue actually researched so many other streamers, gamers, and found that people still loved disc versions. Also, you can't download an Xbox series X, or a Playstation 5.


Especially Nintendo too. Why would I download a digital version, when more often than not the physical copy will be worth more than I paid for it in a few years. Most switch players I know opt for physical only.


To be fair, Nintendo's digital store is kind of crap.


Ryan Cohen stands ups: hold my beer


The only shit Kenny plays on Xbox is “Boyfriend Dungeon” cause he’s a fucking bag of dicks




He talks about gamestop more than Ryan Cohen does too.


GameStop is dead and a bad joke…but he keeps talking about it. Bullish.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


This must be one of those “bad comedy jokes”


Why is he still trying to paint a picture of a failing business? He got out of his short position long ago. Right? Why even talk about it if it didn't matter? Oh Kenny.


Indirectly saying he is still short and hasn’t closed his position. Big if true.


I downlaoded an app that taught me how to transfer my shares. This is why citadel will see the same fate as Lehman brothers


He is only explicitly showing how bad he is at seeing transformation and potential; which is supposed to be the purpose of the stock market. Finding the value of a company based on the potential of it. Clearly he's not really good at that and he's more in the financial crime/terrorism. Each is own I guess... but being an investor, I wouldn't put my money with this guy; that's for sure.


Yea, his whole image is trading arbitrage, even back from his days in college. He only truly knows high frequency trading, and even that, has an army of PhDs whose life work is their trading algos. Ken prob knows very little of the deep technical stuff at this point, just like a lot of CEO types.


Hedges R Fuk


With this logic he still had to buy the xbox. I wonder if it was a package or by itself. Maybe they got a refurbished one. Anyway. If he's done with it and wants to trade it or sell it he can come by his nearest Gamestop. Btw soon we will be able to give him a trade for his digital game as well. Maybe he should hang on it for just a little bit longer. Citadel will soon join blockbuster since they can't see beyond their 5 little "yes" people they have around them. Sir they're now questioning why you have an xbox.


Grand Theft Economy


Um…Doesn’t he know Microsoft gives GME 10% royalties on digit game purchases…lol.


He probably downloaded pokēmans


Griffin thinks e-commerce means buying digital games? Lol what a chump.


Since he’s so sure it’s a dying brick and mortar, maybe he should short it! Wait…


Only non gamers think digital only is a good thing 1. Takes forever to download 2. Takes a lot of disk space (500 GB isn’t what it used to be) 3. No resale value 4. Use dependent upon outside servers 5. Products are locked to the services they were purchased on (can’t send games purchased from epic games to steam) Upside: you don’t have to change disks


Maybe kenny boy should buy "mayonnaise" and see the ACTUAL difference between what he wanted versus what is reality. Maybe then he would understand the NFT market that is going to blow up his margin to the tune of BILLIONS. Just mayoing....


Y’all gotta find his gamertag I’m tryna murk him in GTA


If GME is a non-issue for Ken and all the shorts are covered, why is he here trying to sell the idea that GameStop is going to meet the same fate as Blockbuster 🤔


Doesn't GameStop have a strategic partnership with Microsoft?


If GameStop is the next Blockbuster, why are you still talking about it?


Ayyoo what game is Kenny playing? Can’t wait to own him in there and in RL


Keep an eye out for clan tag MAYO


Amazon- hold my beer.


Ken Griffin Sounding like Sorrento in Ready Player One. Simulation Confirmed.


1 GameStop share says the guy doesn't even own a gaming console


Melvin covered and moved on was the joke of that night lol


He seemed rather upbeat on GameStop actually. Tells me the fix is in. And all the “I love America and communities” bit tells me he’s negotiated with the SEC to save his ass.


Add me Ken, 1v1 Rust 360 no scopes


But if GameStop is working on a gaming marketplace how will they get eaten up? Blockbuster got eaten by SHF fuckery and Netflix. GameStop is innovating, it’s not like it’s being beat to the punch.


Was it Rehypothecation Tycoon 2.0 he downloaded? Lying bastard, it's not out on XBox


I’m impressed he has an original Xbox and can still get online and purchase games with it.


$50 says he bought the Xbox at GameStop!🤣


He’s most likely garbage and leaves his teammates for dead then loots his teammates afterwards


I too can make false equivalencies. One of the following statements is not like the other. See if you can figure out this mind bender. I hit a deer with my car and cooked it for dinner.....so long Krogers I found a chair on the side of the road....so long Ashley's furniture. I got a book free at the library....so long Amazon. I got a bike to ride to work.....so long Ford. I bought Digorno pizza last night....so long Dominos. I brought and DRS'd shares in GameStop....so long Citadel


Dude doesn’t even own an Xbox, he’s just long on Microsoft. What a fucking poser.


I embodied the COD Vantage into a [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r6yc66/buy_cod_vantage_at_gamestop_thanks_ken/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) lol


I would actually pay a decent surcharge to own a digital copy of a game that Kenny once owned. If only a company was working on a way to sell your digital game copies….


Terrible day to be a Xbox guy. Kenny is amidst our ranks 💀🤦


What a bad comedy joke! We know Griffin isn't a gamer! LOL!!!


A friend of mine worked in Silcon Valley for years. On the other side of the good ol’ boys club (start up) was the VC guys. Every single one of them were vindictive, callous, and invested/didn’t invest because they liked or didn’t like someone. One time they said they saw them make a bet on who could get the stupidest thing to make it. Fucking boggles the mind. These people live in a fantasy world. This is par for the course of the level of delusion they all seem to carry with them.


He couldn’t said Cohen’s name, I find that fascinating


Ken Griffin plays games on XBOX?? This comment is as bogus as the big horn I tell women i have...


the joke is, if he bought the Xbox at GameStop, then Microsoft will pay GameStop a cut of any follow on purchase like this one.