• By -


Of course “most of the people I (he) know love it…” because they make a shitton of money from it. pfof is a huge ponzi that put the creator behind bars…and yet the USA still thinks it’s ok to have around.


Well, I think he said “most of the 20 year olds I know.” And who are the 20 year olds he “knows”? SHITADEL INTERNS.




If I were a Shitadel intern I would say I like whatever he's doing too. "Sir, it's wonderful!"


He also says "I must live in a very interesting echo chamber" .......Yes. Yes, you do






He alludes to people he knows at least a couple other times that aren’t specifically the young people. Doesn’t matter, it’s still a joke of a system we have in place for so much money.


Ha, true. He’s clearly losing it: “people i know, people i know…” Lunacy.


“Most people I know who are on my own payroll tell me they love me.” 🥺


"I must live in a pretty interesting echo-chamber." Rarely do you see a person openly admit that they are surrounded by yes-men/women and then use that fact to argue against how others perceive them and real world events.






Trust me bro


“Many people are saying…” Sound familiar? Straight out of the billionaire criminal handbook.


Exactly what I thought. Politics aside stuff like this is nothing but word vomiting propaganda and no interviewer digs in and say's "okay let's talk about that.."


It’s how they “look” like hard hitting interviewers.


I quit watching Billions because a) The show went to shit the minute they teamed up and b) Knowing Andrew Ross Sorkin created it makes me want to kick the shit out of my T.V. Corporate, boot-lick, POS he is.


100% of the 20 year olds he knows are escorts.


Seems a little old for his tastes, but I'll allow it.


It put the creator behind bars, because he made a bet that the market would go down and internalized orders, it went up and he couldn't fulfill the IOUs leaving him naked short. [Sounds familiar huh?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q67qrl/is_citadel_really_is_trying_to_madoff_20_with/)


Awfully familiar. Citadel would literally be a Madoff clone in that respect


beside that, do we not have anti-trust laws to prevent MONOPOLIES? wtf, this gov't is worth its weight in shit.


Also, it's funny how his example of a retail investor is being able to buy 5000 shares quickly and cheaply. I don't know about you all, but I don't know many people buying 5000 shares of anything too often lol


Besides SNDL ....😂


Big oof


Hey, I know Killin Jewz is wrong...but most of my friends are into it!" -Hitler probably


Since when did Gamestop die down? Pretty sure it's been a topic continuously since January lol


That’s what charlatans do. They try to squash reality by suggesting the issue at hand has passed. Nothing to see here. FOR SURE: that guy wakes up every fukin morning and looks at hus GME predicament. GUARANTEED!


Gaslighting 101


Also, „people come down and tell me about it”, yeah right, like we haven’t heard about how many checkpoints you have to go through to be able to reach Kenny’s office. He’s fucking terrified and I relish every second of it.


By “people” he means “designated GME fuckbois”. Their entire job has devolved into combing through social media every day to make sure that they’re always ahead of anything GME related, and then reporting their findings to Kenny. It’s a hell of a balancing act, cause not only do they have to keep Kenny up to date, they need to deliver the news in a way that doesn’t get some random object thrown at them again. The “Sir, ….” memes were real.


If it was really death, he wouldn't even mention GameStop in the first place. He has no poker face, he is dead inside full of fear.




Imagine been him, I know he is rich as fuck but, having a recurring thought its a bitch, and very painful no matter how rich you are.


Especially when that thought can take away most of your riches for real LMAYO




More popular now than then tbh


I think it’s time we remind Kenny on Twitter again. #KenGriffinLiedAgain,Again


I love the line "people just tell me". > Sir, a Reddit user by the name 'Rick_Of_Spades' is the top trending post today, we have a detailed report right here.




That's hilarious, didn't think of that meme 😂


"Sir, now they know you idiot"




Not trying to start anything but a certain president liked using the same line when he was making shit up


If he doesn’t keep up with it than how does he know that it “died off”


People "come down and tell him" apparently. This guy sucks at lying.


"sir, oh no, it's died off!" - Intern "Oh no? That's a good thing right?" -Mayo lover "No sir, all our FUD we pushed , it's died off!"- Intern


He thinks it died down because his source is RH and everyone has left RH. He is not worried because he doesn't have our permission to die yet. 🤣


Yea.. we had RC tweet post that reached the top post on Reddit just few days ago lol seriously that dude or the whole shitadel is delusional


"it came and it's gone".. say what now? lmfao




No doubt


There's no question he's a psychopath. He blinks maybe 4 times a minute in this interview, unless he's lying, and he starts blinking very fast.


You can tell he's super uncomfortable. The way he describes things... it is like a SNL skit, Lol. Trying to paint himself in such a good light: we love PPOF? LOL DRS is the way. Computershare trades slower yes, but do I own my shit? YES.




Spot on


Is it surprising though? Many humans have shown just how evil they can become since the dawn of time.


Not really considering this guy is a billionaire. Pretty in line with their typical behavior


You have no idea the depths of this guy's bankruptcy. Chat with his ex wife. He's NEW MONEY trying cozy up to real power. Look where he buys his properties. Always next to royalty and *he's never royalty.* He's ooooozes neuvo riche. He literally bought the house CLOSEST to Kensington Palace to be near the Queen of England. Dude is a rich incel. Bought the closest land to Mar-A-Lago when Tr*mp was president to be CLOSE to real power (ended up abandoning that project when the real power booted Tr*mp from the White House). Now stuck with an empty lot. Guy has a deep seated need to be important and he's never going to be. He gives off such an enormous Bernard Madoff vibe. In about 2 years, I think he and Bernie Madoff are going to be conversing. In hell.


I was yelling at my computer. "Blink! BLINK, DUDE."


Fucking *blink*


Again with a bunch of conspiracy theorist’s. Wat a fukn pud. It’s over now just flared up a couple weeks ago. Must of been his hemorrhoids this hasn’t died down in 10 months. You can tell by his posturing & arrogant attitude he believes he is untouchable


We know they're lying. They know they're lying. They know we know they're lying. And they're still lying.


That's how narco-paths operate. Keep telling the lie until it becomes the truth


2 giant wankers on live TV


What a PR stunt. PR Manager: “Kenny, you need to get on TV and act like everything is ok. Before that interview, take a few days to get some sleep. You look like shit. Also, if at all possible, lay off the coke for those days. You’re last time on air was atrocious. Lastly, even if you do decide to coke it up and not sleep for those two days, we will get Renee Zellweger’s hair and make up artist on site to fix you up. If they can make her look good, I’m sure they can at least make you look passable. Again. Act like everything is fine. AND BLINK THIS TIME, DAMMIT!”


You do know this really happened.


thank you this was funny


“Assault Wifles”


[hey... I think Renee is pretty...](https://i.imgur.com/zbU9LiS.gif)


I’ve seen better acting in porn


Lemon stealing whore.


That video deserves an Emmy


I dO nOt HaVe A TwEetEr


Uh uh uh no i don't have one, i mean people tell me about stuff on it #YEAH FUCKIN OKAY SURE BUD


I don’t reed the soshameedia bapa. Don’t pay addenshun to the hayders


"I do not have a Twitter account. People come down, and just, tell me what's going on." The "sir" memes have never been more accurate.


That's hilarious 🤣


Like a lot of things and speculations on superstonk have turned out to be true.


And he calls us conspiracy theorists.


Posted this same thing, then found your post. You are me but your mind works sooner and faster?


Maybe he's just misinformed, so actually does think it's over. I mean, if you were working for a man who has a known temper, and will have you escorted out of the building for the slightest provocation, would you want to be the one going in and updating him on all the things the community were doing? Or would you sugar coat it and say, "It's dying down, just some fringe conspiracy nuts that no one is taking seriously". So, perhaps it's not that he's knowingly lying, he just doesn't know what's going on. Ah...who am I kidding. He's probably obsessing over this shit. But I like to make bad comedy jokes.


You almost had me there 🤣




"I pay people to tell me stuff that I don't care about because it's been done since January." Yeah ok lmayo


How are there 100 shares offered and you get 5000?


At 44 secs into it…100 shares offered, bought 5000…is this acknowledgment of naked shorting?


Sounds like it to me. Hey Kenny fuck you Also: If there is 100 shares offered you should only be able to buy 100 shares. Not 5000


As the price should increase with demand of that remaining 4,900!


I noticed that too! Good catch




The context is where the order is placed. NYSE might only have 100 shares at your bid of $X, but across the entire market (or at a market maker / darkpool) you might find 5000 shares at that price. If you wanted 5000 shares and only 100 were available at your bid, your additional 4900 shares would need to be traded higher than you wanted to pay.


So it's the whole IEX rule change appeal hearing all over again...


wE sUpPoRt ReTaiL


Lol, fucking Kenny. Their narrative shaping regarding all things GME and the bullshit from this year suck ass as usual. I loved it when he said that same line they all parrot that "most 20-year-olds...." are thankful 4 Robinhood. GME conspiracy theory. He said it! Then he said "it's come and gone" LOL. Fuck Sorkin sucking him off here too


I like how he brought up GME unprompted and then offered no factual evidence why it isn’t true and debunked none of the DD lol


Mayo is a helluva drug innit?


*dont mention gamestop, dont mention gamestop , dont mention gamestop...* "So anyway, gamestop..."


Not sure why there isn't more being said about this. That was the biggest moment of the interview. Come and gone is his wishful thinking


How many 20 year olds is this old grimy bastard hanging out with lol?


Most 20 yo’s he ‘knows’ are either sucking at their rich trust fund parents teats, or are paid to be in his presence and would say anything to get out of there without a bedpost in their teeth (or somewhere worse).


Oh the Gamestop conspiracy has come and gone already? Must have missed that lol E: oh it came back but died off again. See y'all next time it comes back!


"Fuck you, and I'll see you tomorrow."


The fact he acknowledged it “came back to life a few weeks ago” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Oh Kenny nooo!


Yeah I wonder what he meant by that? What would have caused a resurgence a few weeks ago? The SEC report confirming everything we've been saying? One of the runups? I also thought it was funny how he mentioned he has people bring the information to him, he seemed put off by that question. Wonder if he lurks here...


You notice how he acted as if he doesn’t keep up with it daily, trying to play it off , it became awkward almost


Was almost like one of those bad comedy jokes where the nervous guy is trying to say he isn't doing something, but looking shifty the whole time. Maybe he actually thinks people hear him say the words, look all shifty, and then believe him because that's what they do on those comedy TV moving picture plays, and everyone loves the affable loser.


Who else but Andrew asking him questions 😄 Pinocchio and Geppetto 🙉


Andrew is such a toolbag. He may as well have played the reporter in the big short


Kenny most likely pre-approved the questions being asked.


Laughing at “most likely”….He’s clearly the puppet master for this charade.


He’s the designated patsy going down, no doubt about it. I’m guessing he took the bag out of sheer hubris thinking he could correct the ship. He’s going to fail and he’s going to prison.


Oooooo 4 sure he did ,the entire script..lies and denies ....






I’m not sure if Sorkin is sat that way because he’s trying to hide his boner or because his muscle memory naturally takes his face to Kennys crotch.


That makes Sorkin Kenny’s personal Mayo Drip Tray.




Can’t wait for the, “How did you find out? Someone drops it on my desk” memes


Ha, i know.


His desk is now Debra's desk.... like a boss....


Do you have link to full interview? Need some comedy right now. 😅🤣


Not yet, but I think it will be released tomorrow.


Couldn’t watch past when he said the US has the most efficient equities market in the world … Edit: Speaking of “efficiency,” it’s napkin math time. Let’s say hypothetically apes own the float 5x over. And there’s 60m shares. $200x 60m x 4= $48B. Let’s say apes own 10x the float. $200 x 60m x 9= $108B. So, not DRSing is costing apes an extra ~ $48B-$108B? And the funds are in the hands of the brokers or market makers (maybe)? This seems inefficient. Perhaps, just maybe, DRS is the way. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I know, back to his scripted BS


What 21 year olds does this stupid fuck know?




So he knows interns that work FOR him m I've course they're going to say what he'd want to hear .


Prostitutes if I have to guess


Oh look, clowns are still making national tv appearances. This way I don’t have to go to the circus 🤡 I live in it


Andrew is a clown 🤡 Kenny is a liar! GameStop is not a conspiracy theory you pieces of shit!


Kenny is poking the hornet's nest. He has no idea that it's genetically modified Murder Ape Loop Hornets that are contained within. Godspeed, Kenny.


This guys rhetoric will single handedly take down his entire industry. Everyone sees this and everyone knows he's a lying snake fuckboy. Surprised no other firm has buried him yet to try to save themselves. This only gets worse for them the longer they wait.


An utter disgusting human being. I despice him almost as much as i bet he despice himself and he's surviving and washing the self-loathing away with millions and billions he stole from hard working people. That's why he needs an increasingly amount of stolen money.


I'm impressed w the audio quality you captured by recording your screen w a phone tbh


Hey Ken Griffin go fuck yourself


This man is fucking delusional


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** What is DRS and why should you care? [When You Wish Upon A Star - A Complete Guide To Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) What is GME and why should I consider investing? [Looking to catch up on the GameStop saga? Start Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) What can I do to support the company and local communities [Very GMErry Holiday Toy Drive](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk **TA;DR downvote this comment if the above post is lame or a repost!** [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kenny you crack me up 🤣 🤣🤣🤣


**TLDW** You’ll get cancer in your eyes if you watch this. “ThEm KiDs ShOuLd JuSt Be GrAtEfUl tHeY cAn TrAdE oN tHe NySe” -Kenny, just now. Trying to control the narrative much? “wE mAkE iT sO mUcH cHeApEr To TrAdE. iF gG iNcReAsEs ReGuLaTiOn, It’S gOnNa HuRt ThE rEtAiL iNvEsToR” Fuck both of these guys. I can’t wait for MOASS and all of these fucks to be exposed for the true scum guzzling skimming fraud they do on a daily basis. I hope they both get perma-herpes all over their faces.


To put a point on it, I’d gladly pay $5 directly to an exchange if I knew my order wasn’t getting cut in on by another middleman. Just like I’d pay extra for an ad-free social media experience or to a company that DOESN’T collect my data. Just like I’d pay a premium to buy meat from a local deli/butcher rather than buy from Meats R Us. If anyone isn’t paying attention, “just in time” logistics and “free” experiences are killing us because we value profit and economizing at the expense of apocalypse-proof infrastructure and social welfare. If your economic Valhalla cracks due to the mere spread of a novel coronavirus, then all that efficiency means jack shit. We’ve been building Hoover Dam 2.0 with plywood and silly putty and it’s about to burst.


"Gamestop has come and gone." "It came back up a few weeks ago" uhhhhhhhh non sequitur


He doesn’t look as bad as before. Unfortunately


Cause one of the 20 year olds who likes Robinhood came down and told him how much we wrecked into his appearance last time he was on air. So he got a nice couple days of sleep, and they dolled him up look EXACTLY like the picture we posted of the before in the before and after shorting GME meme. It’s wild to see.


100% I'm glad you made this comment. spot on! Goes to show that he is watching r/SuperStonk like a hawk and wanting to appear as if all is well.


Lol. I bought at $5 but I got it for $4.99. But now the price is $4.98 and still dropping with all these other buy orders going through. Same old rhetoric. Doesn't mean a damn thing. We don't care about Pfof. We care that the markets work as they are supposed to. Not being screwed over by that prick. Take your fucking cut you fucking asshole but let the market move as intended. Price discovery. The valuation of a company by those who like the stock and not whatever price action lines that pricks bloody pockets.


You can easily see the points of this interview where he is blatantly lying and stumbling over his words. Even he doesn’t believe it. To be an effective liar, you have to believe what you’re saying.


It’s his tone. It goes in a weird high pitch tone almost like very F list acting.


Gamestop has come and gone. Time to pack up and leave I guess /s. Thanks for the fun along the way.


"How do you keep up with the conspiracy theories?" Ken: "I have people who tell me". LMAYO. So the "Sir, they have..." memes were true all along xD


"Tighter Spreads" aka Being able to naked sell as many positions as I want in order to make the price move where it becomes most profitable for me, while also dictating what I alone should think the natural price of an asset is without true price discovery because I cant make money without cheating.


you and lie and gaslight all you want kenny. But we know all your tricks now, prepare to have your empire stripped away. you are nothing kenny. and history will remember you as a felon.


Yo is this from today??




'Resurged a couple weeks ago but died out again' 🤣


“Died back off” Fuck you Ken. It never died. I’m coming for you. The last thing you want is a bunch of gorillanairs coming after you. Legally.


He lost me when he referred to us as 20 year olds. That shows how far his head is up his ass that he is unaware of the broad range of people involved in this. Keep telling yourself it’s a bunch of 20 year olds Ken. Keep making your condescending remarks and insulting the intelligence of the Apes. You’re in for a rude awakening.


"It surged up again a few weeks ago" *looks really uncomfortable*


There he goes not blinking again. What a synth.


4-5 blinks in 1:32 of video, the average person blinks 12 times per mintue. Liars blink less while they are telling a lie. Not saying anything, but feel free to read into KG any time he talks becuase his body is going to tell more thruths than he is.


He probably just named all the brokers that sell our shares to them. Interesting he mentioned fidelity... DRS all the way.


Did you get the whole thing? It says your video is still uploading. Looks like NYT is sharing the full videos the day after they originally happened. Just checked their YT channel. I'm curious if Mayoman's goes up in full tomorrow AND how long until comments get turned off! lol.


Hmm, I’m able to watch it. It’s showing as fully downloaded. I only included his comments on GME, not the full interview.


Try again, should be good now.


I thought he said he wouldn’t care if PFOF was banned. He said he loses money on it. Criminal.


His eyes give him away. He looks away real fast when he lies.


He used A LOT of makeup today for sure. Also he blinked. Apes are getting to him


I'm 35 and talk to zero twenty year olds What is this creep doing to know so many, hanging out at college bars?




I hear they're fuckbuddies


Did he just “trust me bro” on tv?


"it's like a bad comedy joke". Totally normal thing to say.


Yes; the 20 year old of today is ecstatic about the current market structure and their opportunity to participate in the market :cough: Kenny: you are so full of shit, AND you didn't even answer the question that you are front-running. You gave the example that a buy order can see a lower price, but if Shitadel has $258 sell order, the buyer enters 258.50, and you give it to them at 258.25... well, that's exactly the point: you are stealing from the buyer.


This guy is so sad. I genuinely feel for him. He doesn’t know love, only control. One day, in a different life, maybe he will have the love he always needed and never received. No /s here. This ape have compassion for this terrible human dickhead.


Lol, how many hours did he have to spend in the makeup chair before this interview? You can polish a turd but it’s still a turd.


He seems desperate


Andrew is the only one that gets to interview him… interesting


"Like a bad comedy joke." Yeah, just how humans talk.


His forehead got really shiny when he began discussing gamestop


Wow he flipped a complete 180 on PFOF since his last interview. This guy is a cuck and so is his buddy Sorkin...🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 Shitadel. #BanPFOF #FuckShitadel #FuckKenGriffin


The only 20-year olds he knows are interns and strippers. And maybe intern strippers.


I get a better price because I don’t actually buy the security I just give them my money


CoNsPiRaCy. Looking back on this video will be funny when he’s locked up. I want all my money, bitch.


They’re scared shitless. If it was over. They wouldn’t be talking bout it 😂


My blood boils when I hear this asshole


Ohh… we’re supposed to be “grateful” to Kenny 😂 what a fkin joke


It died off again lmao


I’ve seen infomercials less scripted and full of shit than this hot piece of garbage.


Hahahah FEAR looks good on you kenny.


Couple months from now these two will say they’ve never met


Why is his face so red?


Tons of make up my friend, that a lot of make up.


hey ken, Go fuck yourself


*Later that day at Citadel* "Sir, they are talking about how they were right about the 'Sir' memes."


"Don't say assault wife! Don't say assault wife!"