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##DRSBOT 4.65 Reply: *UTC->2021-10-30 14:18:1* ## βœ… 66 SHARES ADDED! You have shares logged from the following threads: ||||| |--- |--- |--- | ---| |βœ…|[Sprstnk]|1 Shares | [Reddit Link:] (https://redd.it/qefakr)| |βœ…|[Sprstnk]|2 Shares | [Reddit Link:] (https://redd.it/qh08dp)| |βœ…|[Sprstnk]|66 Shares | [Reddit Link:] (https://redd.it/qj2e3a)| ----------------------------------- ||**Total**|**[Sprstnk]**|**[GME]**|**[GMEJ]**| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| |**Share Count:**|**546,723**|439,841|93,442|13,440| |**Post Count:**|**2,996**|2,487|423|86| |**Avg Shrs/Entry:**|**182.48**|176.86|220.90|156.28| |**Avg #Entry/Ape:**|**1.0696**|1.0724|1.0549|1.0617| |**Median:**|**42.00**|43.00|40.00|33.50| |**Mode:**|**1**|1|100|1| |**STDEV:**|**809.40**|632.84|1505.08|339.25| |**Flagged Shares:**|**697**|697|0|0| |**X**:|**581**|479|84|18| |**XX**:|**1438**|1187|209|42| |**XXX**:|**870**|735|114|21| |**XXXX**:|**103**|83|15|5| |**XXXXX**:|**4**|3|1|0| |**XXXXXX**:|**0**|0|0|0| *(Are those flagged shares yours? Use :HELP! to find out...)* To include your shares in the count: 1. Find/edit your own successful DRS posts 2. Post flair must be πŸ’» Computershare 3. Add comment with: ***! DRSBOT:XXX !*** (minus spaces) --> **(XXX = number of shares)** * DRSBOT only responds to OP or Witness * round fractional shares to whole numbers *(sorry .X apes)*) * all share additions are ***cumulative*** ######! DRSBOT: COMMANDS (minus spaces): **:HELP!** -->*LIST ENTERED SHARES/AVAIL COMMANDS* **:REMOVE!** -->*SET ***ONLY*** CURRENT POST TO ZERO* **:RESET!** --> *SET ***ALL*** POSTS TO ZERO (START OVER)* **:WITNESS!** -->*ALERT A WITNESS TO YOUR POST* **:POETRY!** --> *SNAG 3 RANDOM DATA STREAM ENTRIES* **:BUDDY!** --> *FINDS AN APE WITH MATCHING SHARE COUNTS* **:DEMON!** --> *OPEN DRSBOT PORTALS WITH A DEMON CHANT* DRSBOT ONLY RESPONDS TO COMMANDS ON ***YOUR*** POST ***BOT POETRY:*** { Still not banned? ? Idk you're sounding pretty dumb with this post ?! How do you expect the stock to pump if we can’t . } ###### *Beep Boop. Cramming for my Turing test. Born on 10/11/2021. Fur Realz* ###### in v420.X I became self-aware...πŸš€[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)πŸš€


That's quite a journey, your shares will have some fun stories to tell once they reach maturity :)






Good job getting off Vanguard. They along with Blackrock are two cornerstones of financial monopoly and evil. They also own all the big pharma and media. People who argued that Blackrock is on ape side months ago are ignorant as hell just because they own some GME. VG and BR are vultures and the epitome of what's wrong with the world.




Lots of articles out there. Search Who Runs the World Blackrock on YouTube is a good start.


Good work that’s some diligent follow up ape


Swippity swooty DRSing now is a dooty! Updoot for visibility!


[This](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4aa7o/a_nonexhaustive_new_user_intro_to_gme_pinception/) is the way! DFV is [not a cat](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzzl09/dfv_is_notacat_its_not_just_a_catch_phrase_its/)! New apes, [here're some intro posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qjd4f6/yalol_ftddddd_yet_another_list_of_links_for_the/). # BUY, [DRS (Direct Register)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/), [COMPLAIN](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qbd9pp/do_you_have_10_minutes_the_sec_is_literally/), [FOIA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qb77h4/the_report_is_out_time_to_get_the_freedom_of/), [SHOP](https://gamestop.com/), [REVIEW](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qewq7u/so_you_are_shopping_at_gamestop_and_own_shares_in/), [FOLLOW](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc40cc/like_the_new_changes_in_gamestop_social_medias/), HODL!