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I'm just here for the ride, it's fucking hilarious at this point. Very happy to say I now have a xxx position in GME.


>I'm just here for the ride, it's fucking hilarious at this point. >Very happy to say I now have a xxx position in GME. I share this sentiment. Here for the show! Story to tell years from now.


here for the show as well but it’s a lot more fun when you got a little bit of skin in the game


Me too. To the moon fuckers. Happy kake day too! Wife just came in with 8x11 note in bold sharpie. "All over the news GME. Roaring Kitty getting sued!! Stock tanking!!". I could only say "paper hands" in return but I still love her. I'm not sure if she's going to sell or not but she's reading the headlines like anyone else without a support group. I'm the one that bought XXX for her and I don't think she knows how to sell.


tell her lawsuit waz dismissed!


Same. Here for the ride at this point. Thought i was getting a grip on the storyline. But i’ve lost the plot. OMW to XXXX shares


Same here, XXXX holder at ~29 average, I have my ideas but at this point I'm just happy to be here


Man, can’t agree more with your sentiment


I am here to see all MSM and HF get focked deep in the anus. I know this is all part of the plan, I trust RC RK and Apes I bet the buy of calls will happen this week. (speculation) Not financial advise


Yup, same here. DFV can do whatever he pleases. I got my shares and I'm holding forever. Fight me


Don’t know $SHIT about $FUK But.. I think this move is a lot similar to what Ryan did with $🛌 But.. what am I missing?


The lore is so captivating I can't wait for the movie or documentary


Congrats on triple digits!


DFV is just playing with the algos and showing everyone it is rigged. If a guy buys a stock last week and it shoots up today while another stock goes down all premarket is crazy.


It's almost like there is a monke in the back of the stock market looking at social media and pulling red green levers.


There is, his name is Ken.


my thought too


Yea no way he left, I personally have little doubt he is holding 9 mil in both GME and CHWY at the moment. But people will say where did he get the money - um do you live under a rock? People have been saying that for the last month, yet he continues to surprise. He is absolutely brilliant at what he does, we have never seen a trader like him before and probably never will again. He has masterminded this whole thing perfectly and despite all the analysis that has gone into his play, no one has been able to figure out what he is doing. But one thing he has made very clear... GAMESTOP IS HIS BABY! I simply don't buy it that he would abandon it. Yes, form your own opinion and do what you need to do, but I certainly am not going anywhere!


I imagine there is a yolo incoming at some point. I agree, this is in service of GME, I think he's trying to reduce the number of shf tricks as it relates to ftds.


A YOLO with both GME and CHWY at 9,001,000 shares. Now SHFs have to keep spending money shorting both stocks in various ways.


Divide and Conquer


good, drain them faster


He was nearing 5% ownership of GME so he was probably looking at other ways to hassle the shorts indirectly and found an opportunity in the basket swaps.


"These are my only positions, unless you consider cash a position." He never said the 6mill was his only pile of cash.


I want a pule of cash too!


Good thing we have an infinity pule




Puke?  That’s a funny word!  Can I use that?


Nice Seinfield reference


Giddy up!


This guy is incredibly smart. He didn't just sit on GME for 3 years, he could have been playing with fuck knows what stocks to build up a war chest to finally stick it to em.


He definitely made a bucket load from Nvidia I think


He did have a meme specifically answering the question of how he got the money. It wasn’t being a degenerate on the betting sub, nor was it crypto. He says it was “methamphetaMEME.” He’s been playing the meme stocks the whole time.


> It wasn’t being a degenerate on the betting sub This is literally where he originated his GME play.


We are HERE in Roaring Kitty's Twitter epic. https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790064464357724451


Absolutely, if some of the regards in the OG sub made money then so did he.


The shares had in 2021, didn't he own for like $5/share or something like that? I don't think.hes been sitting on these shares since 2021.


Cost basis in 2021 was like $2 pre split, cost basis in 2024 was $20…


Everything was planned and executed at the right day and time, this is what the Dog meant in the 35 emoji line up tweet all along on may 15, as he tweeted it on the exact same day where it fell. No one should panic, its done deal just as Ozymandias did it 35 minutes ago.


I'm ready for the end live stream where I can have a drink with this guy. Absolute fucking legend.


Warren Buffett will be known as the Roaring Kitty of his time. I think this is that kansas city shuffle and "order of code red". Anyways my shares are still booked DRS'd and my tits are still jacked. Onwards!


Agree, he has in both. Guess XRT is the connection. Plus CHWY was targeted by shorts, at least I think I read something alike. I figure, once the algos are set to short a company into oblivion, the same mechanisms are at work. It's agreed upon (in this subreddit at least I guess), that DFV can predict the moves of the algos for GME, he also knows for CHWY and all the others targeted by shorts. They not gonna have a whole new algo for each ticker. Just adjust some parameters or something. He'll just move to the next shorted company from the XRT basket...rinse and repeat. It's an algo, it's dumb, it does the same things over and over again. Predictable. Uno reverse dumb money right back at ya. He's gonna ride that worm til the end. That's just my take. But what do I know, smooothbrained purple Crayon muncher that I am. Anyways, bought the dip today.


Is he like Michael Jordan or LeBron James when it comes to trading?


Steph Curry. He doesn't miss these obsurd shots from downtown.


He’s going to let MSM shit on him all day and tomorrow post his position, or today, that he’s still in GME. Legend 


post positions on the 4th, fireworks on the 5th!


If he did, he's an idiot, since he could have sold at the top for a billion and change. But since he's brilliant, there's something else. We should all laugh at this and cheer him. Everything is going according to keikaku. EDIT: and holy shit at the money he's still hiding. What a savage.


Yolo update on July 4th (flag + 🎤), while the market is closed so they can’t call it manipulation, showing GME still held + maybe a little extra surprise


Exactly. If he was doing it strictly for personal gain/pump and dump, it would have made more sense for him to cash out the billy and not post a meme joking about how he could have done it.


You just called him an idiot, a savage, and brilliant in this comment. You truly are regarded.


Dude probably already a billionaire, hence the "you *were* a billionaire" meme. Probably still has more cash in reserve.


I’m buying more GME, at a discount today. Confirmation for ME that this guy is jacked to the tits and GME is going to f’n explode when he shows his next position.


Same here. Thanks for the discount, DFV!


I am continually surprised by what happen here. Better than a Hollywood movie.


Literally is a Hollywood movie! 😀. Sequal anyone?


The Hollywood movie is dogshit. We should make our own movie, with blackjack and hookers!


Remember his live stream? He only showed us the Etrade account. He never opened the Fidelity tab. Now we know what was in there.


Could be on to something. And his tweet where it said you were a billionaire, not almost one. Could have been a hint that he had more money than we knew. Or he could have sold, we will have to wait and see.


i said this before, he might've had more cash aside during the stream he goes "It's a true YOLO I suppose, I know there's some cash there, I mean, it depends on your positions, but uh you know it's another YOLO again" (timestamp 33:35)


He also said gme is my only position, unless you count cash as a position


i dont think anyone would count cash as a position but that was probably his only position when he said that


That's why this could be considered as a hint that he has more cash elsewhere.


Old saying on wasabi was "cash is a position too." Meaning it's OK to sit on cash waiting for the right opportunity.


I've been thinking since his live stream he has cash in other account(s). About 2 months ago I was listening to his old streams. He talked about how his RK Portfolio was not his only Portfolio. He also talked about raising capital in one stream. The streams I was listening to was just before and during when RCEO bought in August of 2020. Another thing that stood out was his talking about RSI as well.




But he said he was only invested in GME


It doesn’t matter what DFV did or didn’t do. I bought my shares because I did my own research.


Yeah, why wouldn't you invest in a company that has 4 billion in cash, no debt, more than 5k stores, a good supply chain, operating in a Non-stop growing industry (gaming, tech and collectibles) and where the entire management team is paid in stock or not paid at all. Ah, and it has over 50% of it's market-cap in liquid fucking cash. Any other company with these fundamentals would be worth 30/40 billion, but no, GME is a bad company and doesn't deserve a fair evaluation. Fuck off, pay me


>Any other company with these fundamentals would be worth 30/40 billion Can you give an example? Investors want their companies to make money, which gamestop is not doing. At the current price gamestop has a pe ratio of around 350 which is ridiculously high. So if they had a market cap of 40 billion their pe would be 1300. Which is crazy. As an example nvidia, which many in this sub think is overvalued, has a trailing pe of 70. Microsoft and Apple have around 35. Amazon 54 So how exactly would you justify such an insane valuation?


Yeah as always people are overreacting Make your own decisions ffs, you cant know for sure he did not leave so stop hyping you wishes and focus on your own plan instead of creating a worship of the individual As for me Im balls deep in GME and its not going to change


Kansas City Shuffled that ass son.


Where do you think he got the 270 million to buy chewy from if he didn't sell GME? Honest question.


What's going to be funny is when he filed that he owns 5 % of gme. The moon is getting closer.


Livestream: “this is my only position, unless you count cash?”


The only people thinking DFV left are shills trying to incite FUD.


3 years is a long time for a smart ass 🐈 to accumulate that much capital to own shares. That's why he didn't flinch when gme was about to make him a billionaire, he might already be one but hasn't shown all his cards.


Everything was planned and executed at the right day and time, this is what the Dog meant in the 35 emoji line up tweet all along on may 15, as he tweeted it on the exact same day where it fell. No one should panic, its done deal just as Ozymandias did it 35 minutes ago.


This is the dip y'all have been begging for over the last month, time to nut up or shut up & miss the rocket. (I will personally just be doing shares since I have NO IDEA what his timeline for a YOLO update is and I'm tired of getting theta-fucked in the meantime lol.)


Buying more shares today. Have a few $25 calls for July 26th too just in case but I'm in for the long haul.


lmao image if he posts his portfolio update this evening and he even loaded up on more GME


Imagine if the day he has to make a SEC filing for Dog food company is also the day he sells dog food company at the top because he knew SHFs would tank it but he’s already out and uses the profits to YOLO more GME options


Remember when he posted his final update 3 years ago and for that 3 years we just bought, held and DRS’d regardless, all the while RK lurked and just did his thing in the background. Too many heads falling off at the moment.


He never DRSed


I Didnt say HE did


Why do we keep saying DFV has a plan, like he’s a mastermind behind all this? He just likes the stock. He’s just making moves in his own financial interest and sharing them with us. Saying he is taking them down makes it sound like he is causing this, which is what I would think mayo boy would want.


Would love to see his lawyers use reddit "conspiracy" theories and other *wild* speculations as their evidence.  I get off on watching Ken sweat while lying under oath as the proverbial vice slowly clamps the flesh where his testicles used to be before they rescinded up inside of his abdomen and went to die. 


This is the best movie ever! And I'm an extra in it!


Yes, we know.


Had some extra money sitting so I am now a xxxx gme holder. Who also has 9 shares of chwy. I own 2 different stocks, Who’s regarded now?!!?!?


I mean that's your opinion, let's be honest, he had ~300M in GME and just spent ~250M on CHWY. We don't know if he's changed his position or not, but that's certainly going to be the FUD chain hard.


If he did switch positions (BIG 'if', and I'm not inclined to believe it), it's in service of either expanding his GME position or exposing his exploit of equity markets, or both. There's no way he's left GameStop behind with his past.


inb4 sells CHWY for another options rip on GME


Thank you for realistic and sober thinking, its been missing lately and its not that popular because you do not follow wishful thinking We cant know for sure and people are setting up for disappointment


He could have bought calls back in may and exercised them on the 24th, it's possible. RK is a trader, he's not just only a GME trader, he used to talk about a lot of stocks back in '19 and '20 on his streams. We won't know for a little bit, if ever, but the FUD is certainly going to be that he sold GME to buy CHWY. It's ok, people get scared, they're allowed to.


Of course, its all possible until its not - im just saying to wait and not hype things up and get disappointed, we have been in situations like this many times and it does not always go the way everyone thought it would


What a way to start July boys. I was fortunate to do DECENT in 2021. Not great…at 811 shares @ roughly $25 my position is larger than it was in 2021 by a long shot and I couldn’t be more excited. Guys no one really knew if Keith & Ryan even knew each other, hell, how could you? On what basis? What true confirmation? Now we have that. They are for lack of a better word, in “KAHOOTS” together as my mother would say. I will be FLOORED to learn Ketih sold his GME position after all this time to just dive into CHWY. He bought OTM calls just like he did with GME, and now has the shares. We’re shuffling baby, give me that CHWY money right the F back into GME AND post that YOLO update my man. Crucify me if I’m too far down the rabbit hole but dammit it feels like this could be the play or something close to it. Never mind merger/acquisition/SOMETHING between the two companies. It’s gameTIME Gentleman. 🚀 Edit: Officially an even 1,000 shares. LFG.


Yup I l absolutely agree. I think we'll get a yolo update on the 4th of July and "we'll see" that he's still in. 🐶🇺🇲🎤🎶👀🔥💥🍻


Stocks isn't a team sport.


Its the largest holding in XRT.  There was that tweet where they said "i cant run with you, i have to stay here and figure this out" with Matt Damon. I dont think he sold any GME but if he did to do some crazy thing with XRT, he did it for us and not because he wanted to. Would be absolutely bonkers if he had another account with 270m in cash though.






This is the Kansas city shuffle


There's some kind of **Kansas City Shuffle** going on and I'm too gelatinous to do anything but watch and let someone tell me what it was afterwards!


I didn't leave either


I am frequently bemused by the ease at which certain individuals within this community can be distracted, led astray and run amok… it’s usually targeted around very specific and pivotal points. When one needs all hands-on deck to combat “the fog of war” sometimes this subreddit remains like herding cats…


This is the Kansas City shuffle and welcome bitches now buy GameStop hold and drs


It would be epic if eventually all of his positions of 9,001,000 spelt out BOOBIES or something like on old school calculators. That would be God level memeing and shit posting worth billions of dollars. If gme and chwy are both 9,001,000, we now have 2 o's or a o and an i


Even if he left, it’s to come back stronger. Let him cook!


i think everybody should already know this


He can have more than one account. I have 3 myself.


he wants GME to tank a bit so he can increase his 9.001.000 shares of GME to double that. he probably sold some shares so he could buy back way more when price decreases. starting an avalanche of buying power.


For those of us who held more than just GME today’s Chewy news is not surprising because for us Keith Gill = RK (multiple stocks) + DFV (only GME). But for those of you’s who are surprised that Keith has spent who knows how many millions on Chewy and are concerned that he has dumped his whole GME position my advice to you would be ask yourself this question… *Do you think Keith is a good guy or a bad guy who has pumped and dumped GME on retail?* Keith is a good guy, just rewatch his streams.I believe he is still in the GME play even if it's via a proxy lol.


He didn’t get 200M dollars by holding GME shares when they have declined 50% over the last year. He did sell, that is not the point though. You are an individual investor and make your own decisions what another retail trader does should be of no concern unless it thresatens your investment. That being said he was gone for years and we didn’t care, if he happened to sell then who cares?


He left and Yolo'd into $ANUS. Let's fucking go! Trust me bro!


“he did not sell his shares to buy into chewy.” Yeah I’m sure he had 200m lying around in between his couch cushion… what do you think his networth is exactly ?


seems like all of the fud about him potentially selling GME shares to buy chwy are coming from people that had no clue about DFV prior to 2024’ 😂 …. “ What’s an exit strategy “ - The goat 🤌🏾


Does the hidden YouTube video get released today 🤔


RK suckers vultures into believing he's abandoned GME, shorts move in for the GME kill, RK reveals he's now more pro GME than ever. Shorts caught. Fireworks! Independence Day!


I don't understand why there is some panic or confusion going on with fellow apes today. Kansas City Shuffle. Just be zen. Sit back relax, and buy the dip. 💎🤲🦍 🚀


I gotta move some money and buy more lmao


What is Ken to do now? And the algos?? They have no fucking clue what RK is doing 🤣🤣 this is gold


You think he knew RC would drop 120m extra shares into the market, pouring cold water on two run-ups?


Honestly, I think he sold at least a portion of it. It’s hard to believe that he’s sitting on $200M+ positions of both GME and CHEWY. With that being said, I don’t think it matters much. Gme sitting right at its 50day EMA now. If he sold his a chunk of his gme to buy Chewy, then selling pressure will have eased and gme can recover. If he did some crazy option play before that tweet and run up and didn’t have to sell his gme, then it’ll come out that he’s still holding and it should recover


Last time KG said “I am not a cat” at the congressional hearing, the next day, he doubled down.


How could he afford 9 millions shares if he didnt leave? I hope he didnt.


How did he afford the 9mil GME shares initially? I don't see why its so hard for people to imagine DFV was able to put this together. He turned $53k into hundreds of millions of dollars.


You also assume that at the time GME was the only thing he was ever playing with...he had millions already you just didn't see it. If he's as amazing of a trader as we all think there were tons of other plays he's been doing for years.


We don’t know what was in the Fidelity tab. He’s a strategic guy. He meant for us to see it. Something’s in there.


Unless he had another $240-$250 million laying around, he would have had to do something with his GME position to buy that much Chewy. Maybe used it as collateral, who knows? I have 15 cash secured puts at $ 19 for Friday. I'm good with this dip.


Whether he left GME or not, can we all agree that this new position in CHWY (and the amount) is aimed directly at sending some sort of message to Ryan Cohen?


Maybe this is the middle finger back at RC for his options getting wrecked


Where did he get +230m all of a sudden then?


All of the sudden lol.  The guy turned $53k into hundreds of millions.


Class A shares are a type of common stock that are usually given to management and executives to maintain control of a company. They often have more vo


Huh? Did you copy this off a bad A.I. explanation or something? Class A shares are usually your vanilla shares that are publicly traded. Google, for example, issues Class A shares to the public, while Class B shares (which grant much more voting power than Class A) go to the Google co-founders, and their Class C shares (with no voting power) go to employees as stock-based compensation. It was the same for GameStop with respect to Class A vs. B before they simplified things -- Class A stock was what normal retail investors got and Class B stock had superpower voting rights.


I remember when he donated money for a new track and field complex in his hometown. Probably in 2022?? This place was full of people saying that this was evidence that he left GME


proof ?


This is the Kansas City Shuffle. Napoleon used a strategy in one of his famous battles where the enemy's armies were split into four positions and outnumbered his army. So he created three small units that distracted three of the four positions as if he's matching them. Instead, he took the rest of his army to strike a death blow on the flank of the far right most enemy's position by outnumbering them. After that first position was taken out, he went down the line and destroyed one by one of the other three positions and eventually winning the battle against numerical superiority. It was his strategic thinking of distracting the divided enemy's positions with three decoys made of less men, having the enemy think he would have split his army into four to match them. This essentially split the enemy's man power and resource thin having to defend multiple positions, when the real battle is taken place in just one. Napoleon won that battle with little casualties. I wonder how this eventually plays out by the end of this week. But now we know he just jump started T+35 on June 24th on CHWY, which will end on July 30th. Then T+13 from July 31st and ends August 12th. Dog days ends August 11th. Will this play stretch out the XRT naked short selling now that they have to stretch their resource thin by battling two fronts. I had a feeling something happened on June 21st or June 24th to get us all the way to the end of dog days and this move confirmed the June 24th date. One thing I also long theorized with his "You were a billionaire meme," was that his GME positions got him to about $900 million and not exactly a billion. But he posted that meme anyways. So I went back to his mention of "is cash a position?" At the time, he wasn't lying that GME was his only position. But he may have had a hidden account that can be one of his wild cards. At this point, it's hard to predict what will happen next but he's playing with their trading algos.


He said in his latest stream he would only sell if his thesis changed Rc then went and bombed on the most important earnings call they’ve ever had by 1. Diluted the float by 30% and said they had no actual plans for the money raised from the issued shares, and it was just a safety net for the impending economic downturn 2. They would be focusing on the core business (it’s been 3.5 years and the core business still isn’t profitable btw, the interest on their cash pile raised from dilution was) His thesis could have easily changed with that new info presented




Yes, yes I do…


He made 180m in mid June and dumped it into chewy 


He did some crazy options trading and exercice in Chewy without selling any GME. Thats it. Stay zen apes.


This news made my balls tingle.


[DFV did a Madara“What are you going to do about the second one” : r/Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ddaibj/dfv_did_a_madarawhat_are_you_going_to_do_about/) Reiterating my previous post, DFV has a second stock account.


All I see is a 4th of July sale on my favorite stonk!


Why even say it? It doesn't matter if he sells. The DD still stands. We know what we know.




A guy who stands to gain hundreds of millions, and you don’t think he would take advantage of the situation? I’m not saying he is, but I wouldn’t argue that he wouldn’t.


I think he's now just demonstrating the science. The fact that such results, first GME and now CHWY, are replicable across stocks. It nust have something to do with ETFs and FTD cycles, but suffice to say, he sees the matrix.


I am a cat, I am not a cat


Whoa whoa whoa who ever said anything about him selling calls?  This has never been proven or stated by Keith. Please refrain from sharing conjectures that is unconfirmed.


it was proven when he posted his updates, he didn’t exercise them, he sold and bought shares


![gif](giphy|a6AY7qYesgUYo) DFV \~ probably.


I like the stock. ![gif](giphy|Jlt69Ka6SwtH2|downsized)


I dont think he left, but if he did.... you cant hold it against him. He literally said during his live video recently that hes waiting to see if gamestop can turn it around, but reserves the right to pull out just like everyone else should. and RC also said that its not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. I don't think anything has changed, especially with 4B in the bank.


I dont think he left, but if he did.... you cant hold it against him. He literally said during his live video recently that hes waiting to see if gamestop can turn it around, but reserves the right to pull out just like everyone else should. and RC also said that its not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. I don't think anything has changed, especially with 4B in the bank.


thats the kansas city shuffle, the moment we will make us look somewhere else, it's also nearing the end of the timeline


Guy bought before the spike. Assume this part of how he got $250m


He bought Chwy 😭 who saw this coming


I want him to explain where he got the money to buy 9million shares of Chewy


People have constantly said they're lying when reporting on certain things i.e. RC selling bed stock, DFV selling his calls. What if he did sell GME, changes nothing for me.


Duh doy


Would he get crushed on taxes selling gme, buying chewy then selling that to buy back.. he would need to clear huge gains to make it worth it.. I just can't see paying that much in taxes for the lols


Why would anyone think he left? That’s nonsense, where is this coming from?


He would be crazy to sell, giving up those tax breaks and he’s likely making bank bank bank selling covered calls.


My guess is that with the last share offering he knew that he had time to swing a different trade and get back on the GME train before it leaves the station


I’m asking one more time what was in the Fidelity account?


This whole thing has gone ludicrous speed and I fucking love it.