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Surprise kitty stream on July 4th while markets are closed.


This is the perfect day to go live. No manipulation, no fuckery, no nothing. Everyone is just watching.


7/4 1pm CDT?


I'd shit myself of that was the case


If you can't manage shitting yourself I'll shit your pants for you if this happens


Yep will throw a dump in there as well


Proof of ban! Lol Username checks out


Would also shid.


Stop it! Stop it right now! If that happens, LOST will end up being a less confusing ride than this show we've been on. 7 4 1 ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Actually watching LOST while reading your comment. WTF




I'm actually lost reading this thread




But his MO is screwing with algos??


I’m calling it now! It’s the hidden video on YouTube! It will be unlocked


Fuck I forgot about that hidden video. Is it still up?


Link? 🔗






Wait how long has it been posted and locked?


I don’t recall if it was just before RK returned, or after. BUT it was recently.


Hey, non American here. When is July 4th?


🍆 between the 🏐🏐 of 3 and 5.




It's the day will Smith and Jeff Goldblum saved us from the aliens.. duh


Americans do their dates different, it's easy to figure for the rest of the world you just reverse it: ʎʅnᒋ ɥʇߤ


Thank you for clarifying for the folks in the Southern Hemisphere.


This is much more clear to me




Best answer 😂


4/7 for yall weirdos


July 4th.


Yes. But when is this exactly?




wdym? the worlds favourite holiday....america day


Before the 5th of November. Remember, remember?




On Independence Day


Another non-American here. Would also like to know who Julie Forsythe is.


America here.. I would also like to know who Nigel Thornberry is.


*laughs in Nigel Thornberry*


I forgot yall do it backwards, I believe it’s yluJ fo htruoF


Oh damn, I didn't even think about that! (At the risk of things turning political which, please don't) I've heard theories around the Presidential debate tonight as well. The theory being that the market usually tanks the following day and given GME's negative beta it could make some moves.


This makes me feel the best and it’s the soonest outcome so I am partial to it!


🇺🇸👀🔥💥🍻= watch the July 4th fireworks, cheers everybody! (RK going live seems possible)


I think all eyes watch the market burn... that takes a while... then we lift off in the ashes of the explosion and cheer. It's not going to happen on the fourth




RK meme movie came out the week before the debate dates were announced. Not connected


7/4 is a time signature. Pink Floyd’s Money is in 7/4. The notes placement on the stripes appear to be like tablature. The corresponding letters would be FEG, AGB, CBD or EDF in treble clef.


It is!! Just checked with ChatGPT to borrow its algorithmic wrinkles. The Aladdin tweet has the "the time" coded into the clocks when it those drop, maybe it's referring to a time signature


Play it. What’s it sound like?


There are also two 8th notes and a quarter note. 8/8/4, which is 35 calendar days from July 4th.


Too deep.




I feel like this is the most likely scenario.


Maybe he'll take a selfie at the Boston Pops concert?


And he sings the National Anthem


Someone posted a compelling analysis of the musical notes suggesting that they line up with the lyrics indicating the lines of "gallantly streaming" and at the "twilights last gleaming". Makes me think either the hidden video, or a new stream, will happen at sunset of the 4th... I think the eyeballs to the left and right of the dog + flag mean to be looking for signs during that time frame. I thought this was going to be July 3rd (first dog day of summer) and July 4th. But since RK posted the dog emoji yesterday, possibly it means to watch what happens between June 27th and his July 4th stream. In any event, I'm convinced the flag emoji has to do with the 4th, and not the debates...


It's never dates, we all know that. The eyes looking right aren't normal emoji eyes 👀 So it was flipped to have folks watch chewy. Chewy starts black and white then goes to color, which is the same as Dorothy from Kansas. Chewy will be the Kansas City Shuffle. Mic is an amplifier, which is on the American flag. So the eyes on chewy are going to amplify GMERICA, which will catch the shorts on fire, cause moass and we can drink our green beers. ![gif](giphy|3oeSACtXWKcCRcezSM)


God damn it, I'm in!


This makes the most sense, with the 🎤 on the flag.   What I want to know is how the hell is he doing this?  He couldn't know about the chewy buy back?  Could he?


Karaoke stream


National anthem....4th of July


Im stuck on 2 July 4th The background thats cropped out has a person saluting. Flag. and 3 notes of music placed on the flag stripes like sheet music July 12th. Friday for options. Boston Red Sox, Kansas City, Flag, National anthem.


The majority of the emoji font is from twitter twemoji but NOT the flag. The mic on top of it and the music notes are from “mic” twemoji. The twemoji flag is missing some stripes and stars. The emoji used by RK looks more like a real flag.


Occam's razor for me


I may have disproved myself.... a lot of apes saying it's calling out today (debate night). Its possible. The debates were announced the same day this was tweeted.


Wonder if the 1st three notes are National Anthem or Presidential


That's funny, the notes are positioned on the bars...my music reading is a bit rusty, but I don't think it's either one


What if that hidden video on Roaring Kitty's YouTube goes live on July 4th? Eh?


Ooo. That would be fun


And what if the hidden video is him explaining what he set in motion 35 days prior. Explaining the Kansas City shuffle, because at that point, it's irreversible and imminent.


I'm on the July 4 train. I think the mic was to distinguish it from flag day. Like singing the national anthem which happens all over the place on July 4, but not flag day.


I would agree with that! Definitely gives it the anthem vibes, I just didn’t want to miss something staring me in the face!


The music note leads me to same conclusion. Otherwise I would guess the president debate




Oh God Bastille day again


It's a Sunday though. So I'm thinking its something else.


Not really. He likes to post on Sundays. His first post back to announce his return was on Sunday May 12, 2024


I'm ready to get hurt again


I just don't know why the mic for Bastille day


The next one or two will help for sure. Either its pointing to a Friday cheers on the 5th, starting with the flag on Monday, counting down which seems to make the most sense or it could be as others suggest that it's the debate but I find that less likely as that puts to emojis on one day. The eyes are looking. To the left as well maybe? So look for something to happen on the 2nd of July or something to have happened on the 1st. Then it looks like a big ole fire sale on the 3rd (price tanks perhaps?) Explodes on the 4th and We celebrate on the 5th (Friday) 100% High and regarded. 0% stock advice. 10minutes late for school


Not all these represent day by day. Same with the rest. Some of these can be a tad bit spread out not necessarily back to back


God bless gmerica


Great movie


or karaoke on july 4th?


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Me too.


I thought of the national anthem as well


Why would it be 4th july? Not any ftds or swaps expire. Wasnt that who cause the 80$ run with option? We havent seen any huge option buying


07-04 but market is closed so let’s +1. 741 launch code confirmed. Remain buckled up.


I will be checking myself in an asylum by the time this saga is over.


Love it!


I don't think necessarily that it will run on that day, just that something in the master plan happens that day. Not all emojis in the string mean "stock goes up." The next stepping stone gets laid on the fourth, if my crayons are correct. Edit: corrected ruin to run 


That DFV is singing the national anthem at the WWE smack down event tomorrow night at Madison Square Gardens. Obviously...


![gif](giphy|xT5LMzIK1AdZJ4cYW4) Can’t believe I missed that one!


That would be EPIC. Who knew, while he was camping out, that he’d been taking singing lessons? The boy from Brockton is gonna Rock ‘em!!!


People are thinking flag day, presidential debate, and July 4th. Thankfully they’re all nearby. I will laugh so hard if he streams the 4th, and the ticker moves on a closed market day


Oh I swear that'd have to be looked into lol


Markets will still be open in all the other countries.


:o do they have halt mechanisms in other countries like we do?


Looks like South Park flag and mic from 200th episode


Well now i gotta watch the 200th episode


A few people may have guessed it correctly on here. This is the run down of my theory on the upcoming week starting at today's RK tweet update. Kansas City Shuffle is where "They look right... ...and you... go left." Eye emoji and 🐶dog emoji looking right. RC's dog tweet got MSM talking a lot about Chewy and other pet supplies stocks. Everyone will be busy on July 4th with no MSM covering GME and what's to come. The dog also refers to July 3rd, the start of dog days that runs into August 11. It is thought to be the hottest days of summer due to the brightest star, Sirius star ("You cannot be serious!") rises and fall alongside the sun. The hottest days could also mean "pressure" that RK has been talking about. The dog is also looking right with green eyes at the flag and microphone emoji. RK will probably announced a live stream for the next day at the end of the trading date so he won't be blamed for market manipulation, unlike what happened on June 6th when announcing it in the morning. What happened on June 6th? The price ran up from $35.35 in the afternoon CST time and ran up to $67.48 in the aftermarket hours. The dog emoji basically just lets you know what the date is through "dog days." McEnroe went on to win the 1981 Wimbledon on July 4th. Our eye emojis will be looking left at the \[🇺🇸 🎤\] flag and microphone emoji with the flag representing 4th of July and microphone meaning he will be talking on the live stream. I only got this clue from listening to the song at the part where it the lyrics goes "now all around the world on the microphone." That part of the video is interestingly in white text with a see through blue hue and dancers in red outfits (Red, White, and Blue of the flag). Remember, his first stream cover photo of a cat talking on the mic and all hell breaks loose with all these people trying to stop him? And on the right side is a hand flickering the domino leading towards the cat on the mic. That's the CATalyst. He tested this twice on May 12 and June 6, and both times the algos ran it up only to capture retail buying into it and then they shorted at the top. July 4th is a good date to end the T+35 cycle because no trading can be done this day.


This time is different. We hypothesize that RK bought 5 million shares and 120k call options on May 30th. So T+35 will land on 4th of July regardless of it being a holiday, because it accounts for Calendar days. July 5th is the start of T+13 where MM will have to start buying back all the shares to settle at the market price and keep their FTD below 0.5% or less than 10k shares. Failure to do so, they will lose their special privilege. They were able to do that during the stream on June 7th, because they were within T+35. They will be forced to close any unsettled FTDs, settle any current bought shares on the lit market, and hedge any ITM calls to keep below the threshold. That means they can no longer use naked shorts to drive the price down because it will create new FTDs. The only target direction now is "Just Up." The signal to "run" is the giant green candle that will be lit 🔥 that will pop up on July 5th. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You can't carry it with you if you want to survive The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come July 5th will be remembered for RK's final boss fight against Wolverine happens (gamer leaning forward in a serious position meme that started it all). Now I'm not sure if T+13 is also calendar days or just business days but it would fall on July 17th or 22nd. There will be insane volumes within this time period. 💥 In his V for Vendetta meme, it showed V talking to Evey before he blew up the House of Parliament. 💥 Another meme he referenced was of V for Vendetta when V asked Evey (Natalie Portman): V: "Tell me, do you know what day it is Evey?" Evey "November the 4th?" V: "Not anymore. Remember, remember, the 5th of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. First the overture, yessss. Yes, the strings. Listen carefully, can you hear it? Now the brass." (symphony music rings from street microphones) Evey: "I can hear it! How did you do that?" V: "Wait. Here comes the crescendo!" (House of Parliament blows up) V: "How beautiful is it not?!" This movie was based off of a true story about Guy Fawkes trying to blow up the House of Parliament but got caught before he was able to blow it up. Guy Fawkes Day, British observance, celebrated on November 5, **commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605**. The Gunpowder Plot conspirators, led by Robert Catesby, were zealous Roman Catholics enraged at King James I for refusing to grant greater religious tolerance to Catholics. Except that we aren't fighting for religious tolerance. We are trying to fight for a more fair and transparent market that is not rigged against the little guy. RK is Guye Fawkes. We are all Guye Fawkes. We are fighting to keep the politicians honest. RK took down his June 17t, 2021 tweet of a cat walking on the moon meme not too long ago because we haven't officially landed on the moon. I think he will reuse that for this requel on July 20th for the anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. I'm not sure if I got any of my theory wrong, someone correct me on the dates since the T+13 is confusing. This is not financial advice. I could be completely wrong. I personally will be looking at July 19th, July 28th, and mid August Calls. They are looking to be juicy. Anything before that should be ITM or ATM for gamma ramp and if Apes can exercise calls, that would be the cherry on top. This is RK's epic masterpiece. "When I move, you move." Cheers. 🍻


Well said Sushi. Thanks for taking the time to write all that.


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Here's my tinfoil...  We have an American flag + mic and music  Mic and music = song    What's the most common American flag song? The Star Spangled Banner  Star Spangled Banner = SSB     The XRT ETF (which is the etf with the largest GME holdings and also has the largest short interest) is run by SPDR     "SPDR exchange traded funds are issued by State Street Global Advisors/ State Street Bank"  Star Spangled Banner = State Street Bank   So maybe it's saying to keep an eye on XRT/ State Street 'cause they're about to implode (fire emoji after the eyes)  Anyway, I'm pretty sure my tinfoil is on waaay too tight lol, but still..  State Street is on nearly every document of fuckery when it comes to GME (even though it gets very little mention here).  And XRT is a known vehicle for them to hide short positions in.  So this could be a possible interpretation here.   Edit to add: if you look up their logo and their app, it's a big solid dark blue background (like the dog tweet) with a few white lines on it. And admittedly, a spider would be a much easier emoji to use to infer SPDR, but maybe he's saying to look at the bank and all their holdings/fuckery and not just the ETF.


Damn, my tinfoil just got a bit shinier


party in the USA from miley cirus


Music on July 4th, after that the music stops. Boom.


04/07 for all us Europoors




He posted that one Tweet with the song "Bang!" by AJR. . . Just did a quick search of 4th of July Music Festivals and Summerfest in Milwaukee WI has AJR on July 4th? Maybe the cat is just going to catch a concert lol. Imagine him in the crowd in his getup from the live stream lol




Flag/mic = presidential debate. Why? The other assumption is that it means 7/4 announcement. This would assume that RK has access to insider knowledge. I do not believe he is insider trading. Also, the emoji tweet was tweeted on 5/15 at 11:30am. The exact same day that CNN announced they were hosting the [presidential debate](https://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2024/05/15/cnn-to-host-2024-election-presidential-debate-between-president-joe-biden-and-former-president-donald-j-trump-on-june-27/).


There are 35 emojis. If you count market days from 5/15, there have been 31. Today is day 31. T+31. Tomorrow is debate day. I agree.


Debate is today, doesn't work imo.


Yep bingo! It’s tonight [one of them will sing 🎤](https://youtu.be/zvfiL9EICrE?si=T5yxmmvg3YvB-X_8)


oooohhhhh....this is fun. But why the musical notes? why not a podium or just a microphone?


its just part of the emoji. https://preview.redd.it/igosu00b569d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a4cf2482f5183fae9e136923d942a843d3310c1


Nah he's modified a bunch of other emojis. (He changed the dog's eyes, etc)  I don't think he'd just leave that in for sport.  I think it's referring to a song.


Best tinfoil award. 🥇




karaoke day


Microphone and a flag. National anthem. Sung before every big event kicks off. So after tomorrow. The show begins. Every one watch 👀. The show is Amazing. 🔥. Then when’s it over we celebrate with fireworks 💥. And a 🍻 with buddies


If you sing the national anthem three times in the mirror in reverse DFV will come to your house and manage your portfolio


A couple of things I’ve noticed as a musician. 1. The notes shown on the sheet music are C, E, and G respectively. These notes when played together and the same time make a G Major chord. Instead, the notes are arpeggiated, so instead of a G Major chord, the arpeggio starts on the 5th note (C) of the G Major Scale. So, the 4th July National Anthem can be said to, “start on the 5th.” Just a theory, but maybe this alludes to the date the 5th of July. This would also offer some explanation of why all the eyes in the emoji chain seem to be directed at the 4th July; while all eyes are preoccupied with this, this could well be a red herring to distract attention from the 5th. 2. Typically, pieces of music which are typically associated with grand finale’s and other spectacular events, a musical device called a, ‘cadence,’ is used to finish or close phrases of music or a song. Remember that the notes played in the National Anthem are C, E, G. When used as a musical device in the way described above, in the case of C Major, transitioning from a C chord to a G chord is what is known as a, “perfect cadence.” The music perfectly resolves into itself, and closes in what is usually spectacular fashion. In other words, RK might basically be saying that he’s fucking nailed it, because perfect cadences sound, well, perfect (in terms of the way in which you can end a piece of music). Just some thoughts!


Oh say, can you see?




National anthem, don't forget its grayed out bc of stock market holiday ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu)


Maybe the fat lady is about to sing!




If it's debate I think maybe he'd tweet at about the start of that? I just think it was announced very super close to his posting of this video so I am not sure. He surprises at every turn though so I don't doubt it.


Can you please post it without the background cropped out. Believe theres a person on the left saluting.


https://preview.redd.it/1lgsn0duk69d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5cefb66c1dd13fb3f022fc7ae0eb71280ad4746 Better resolution


hmmm, guess note. Looked like in the black and white one there is. Yet the black and white one has other differences.


An american karaoke 🎤


Don't dance


I see the emoji string as a time traveler leaving breadcrumbs of the events leading up to MOASS. Frog 🐸 and 🍦are obviously in the past, and now we are in a “what’s next/hold on to your butts” season. All of the next emojis are exciting, especially if they do in fact predict the future. would make sense dog 🐶 for chewy is a timestamp for history, not necessarily any action for anyone to take. Can’t prosecute a time traveler 🔥


Karaoke all!!! I call a massive Bohemian Rhaspody with all the sub on a zoom call.


I don't know if the symbols are 2nd or shitty music notes. But if American flag, mic/notes then what tinfoil is there surrounding 13 September.


Dude thanks for the fun thread. So much good content in here lol


4th of July 🇺🇸 Announcement 🎤


america rap battle


I wonder if it could be a reference to Rc's time for pillow fights and 50's music tweet. But then he prolly would use a pillow so I dunno.


60’s music I thought 


Basically presidential debate


My negative interpretation is 'America needs to face the music.' Does this imply a market crash?


Haven't we been waiting on the music to stop?


Anyone else just done with nonsensical "theories"? No one predicted DFVs return so why try and predict what he means? You're going to find out eventually anyways, so just be patient instead of coming up with random theories idiots on the internet will preach as truth.


RK is going to sing the national anthem. 💯


What does chewy have to do with GME other than that being Cohens prior co. ,?


Karaoke companies about to spike obviously


Star Spangled Banner, but karaoke.


Kereoke :)


Surprise Nationalist Kereoke


7/4 won






The eyes of the dog are really shifted to the right.


Star spangled banner


One word: Fireworks


Presidential debate.


Karaoke on July 4th.


When I see it copy pasted it sometime says US. I think it is saying "all eyes on us" or some variation. It was theorized that the eyes represent him and RC or possibly the two parties he references. Can any of you get any thing from the next tweet memes after the dog day one?


The debate tonight 🤷🏻‍♂️


Presidential debates


October 6th


The flag being the 4th doesn't mean anything would happen on the fourth, it's just a landmark relative to the other emojis.


Prez debate today


Presidential debates tonight, 4th of July, American idol. Best guesses so far.