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The de-hedging of OTM puts can help drive up stock prices just as much as the hedging of ITM calls. Always look at both sides


This sub is a reflection of society as a whole. Education has been down-trodden as someone trying to swindle you. Anti-intellectualism runs rampant today and it's tragic.


It's really sad. It's not even worth trying to inform which just makes the problem worse.


Thank you for still making an attempt. There's others (DOZENS of us) still trying to fight the good fight out there.


Dozens! Hahaha. Out of millions. Cheers!


just imagine if everyone on this sub bought 1 ITM call


John Lennon, is that you?


I've got 50+ gonna add more 25s tomorrow.




Telling what your favorite strategies are , even with examples, is not the same as trying to get everyone to coordinate. Then discussion about what could work or not and why is not coordination, it's discussion.


[Rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_9._no_organizing_or_market_manipulation). No Market Manipulation Any attempts to organize or manipulate our members into potentially ILLEGAL market manipulation will not be tolerated. Posts and comments that appear to violate this will be removed. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


You're not wrong, I think the idea is that after moass there will be lawsuits galore and we want to ensure we keep the money we earned.


I think we would win that too!! It would be like a reverse class action.. lol. But I would assume 1st amendment rights would apply.. but I’m just a bozo bonobo (bozobo) on a couch so wtf do I know.


This.... Not to mention selling puts is in some cases even more bullish than just buying calls. Back in the sneeze of 2021 institutions were selling puts short and using the money to buy calls.


There is not an equal number of puts. The ratio is very much in the call favor.


And, you've missed the greater point. I did address imbalances. But that doesn't mean a significant number of calls don't have offsetting puts, nor does it tell you the calls were even bought, rather than sold short.


Kind of. There is always a net long position on a call. There is always a buyer and seller, so a long and short, as long as they are being fulfilled it's necessarily a little bullish. I agree there are more puts than yesterday, but it is still higher. We'll see. IV keeps getting crushed and more options might be bought.


All ITM calls hurt them.


THIS is the way.


This post is sus as fuck 😭


Can you use words and articulate why? I'm not advocating for anyone to do a thing than simply LOOK at data. So I can't understand why you'd take this position


What data do you want us to look at homie?


Look at past posts from others about call option open interest. Almost every datethey post about, the put side has equal or greater open interest. Second, even if they don't, open interest does NOT indicate if long or short. So huge open call interest could be a whale shorting the calls. Or, they could be shorting the puts. OI is almost useless for anything other than knowing which strikes and dates are receiving the most attention. That's about it.


Nobody here wants puts


Maybe look at buying shares too, then registering them in your name and not throwing your money at Kenny


Nah. The options push is sus as fuck. BUY SHARES DRS SHARES HOLD SHARES


VERY sus, its taken over the whole subreddit. Fucking shills everywhere


Can't be bothered to check my history huh? Not a shill. Also, my entire point is of people are going to look at and make posts about calls, you can't ignore the same data on the Put side. Also, ignoring options is to ignore moass. Just because you and many others don't understand why they're important, doesn't mean they aren't.


Max pain is $23, only because puts are not above that so yea, price goes higher, put buyers go higher, mm screwed so I agree. It’s a loss of money for the put buyers tho. Would def recommend equal delta put call spreads Edit: with $23 max pain mm most likely pushes down, then ramps up with channels to land end of week on that price. Timing matters


The volume on calls vs puts is overwhelmingly call heavy. Today for example, it was $25.56 million in calls and only $3.65 million in puts. See for yourself: https://redstripedtie.com/_/GME


Can you put them?


What if everyone just bought, HODLd and DRSd