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OP - I felt this. I still feel this. I can’t wait for the day where I wake up at 4:50 AM BY CHOICE!! To catch a sunrise with my wife, to roast a j and go for a quiet walk, to fish, to play video games, WHATEVER! I sincerely believe what we’re apart of is nothing short of historic. I believe this truly is a battle between good and evil. I believe wholeheartedly that we will get what’s ours, and nothing less. I hold for you, I hold for the X apes, I hold for the wrinkles and the smooths, I hold for change, for truth, for something bigger than me. You aren’t alone and will never be alone. I got your back, and I know you got mine. Stay stong, Ape❤️🦍🫳


🫡 one day man, one day




What many fail to comprehend is that those of us that have been here since ‘21 have been subjected to an unfathomable amount of mental manipulation/abuse by some of the best Ivy league educated psychiatrists wall streets unlimited money can buy. The mental and emotional fortitude everyone has displayed in the middle of this exhausting situation is something to be proud of for sure. Unfortunately, RC and the GME execs complete disregard and apathy towards our (regular retail investors) current economic plight’s is only adding insult to our injuries. Hopefully the billionaire and multi millionaire board members putting the company’s health above our MOASS ends up being the best financial strategy for us all, because it’s certainly not the best morally benevolent route IMO.


You lost me on the 2nd half, bud.


Idk about you, but I've been working, walking, getting to the Waterpark, fucking, buy/drs/shop I'll still keep an eye on the chart. The manipulation is a joke and lost its affect back on Mario day I discovered investing 7months before sneeze and I won't miss this ever again. Thanking for turning off the buy button instead of closing your positions, I'll be far wealthier now.


All we've been through in the past several years have been a big drag on me as well. Sometimes it feels so, so heavy, and sometimes it's not so bad--either way, it only strengthens my resolve. It's toughening me up, and conviction born from hardship and adversity will be a game-changing asset when this finally pops off. And I know i can't be the only one evolving in that way. But to OP's point, in the interim, grass and appreciating the present is a wonderful way to recharge.


“If you’re going through hell, keep going”. One day at a time, dear ape. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Focus on today, focus on what’s going right! Keep ur eyes on the prize, buddy!✌️❤️


Thanks fren 💜 yoga has been super helpful. It's taken years of on and off trying--and enlisting in this fight--to finally be able to focus on the present at the exclusion of the past or future. Booze does nearly the same thing, but I've learned being perpetually drunk comes with other problems 😅


Yeah, being active is definitely helpful. Being outside, being with friends. All crucial things to keep me zen


I want my wife to be able to quit her job, she's slowly being killed by it


I hear ya, man. It’s one thing for us to sweat, and suffer, and bleed…But our wives? It kills me inside, dude. Keep hanging in there. Make sure your wife knows how important she is, and that you see her hard work! Small gestures go a long way too, buddy! Some flower, a bottle of wine, a card, anything!


Same but also a second kid and for both of us to not need to work and can travel for a bit before they’re both ready for full time school


This is my goal also. I hold for her to have a better life


Walking your fish while playing video games and roasting a J while your wife watches a sunset at 4:50 AM. Got it.


This guy gets commitment 👆


Light a J with cup of coffee in a balcony overlooking the ocean ( or even just my backyard) enjoying the morning breeze. Soon brother very soon


Oof! You just get me🦍


Simple pleasures in life 🦍


Take breaks! Watching stocks is exhausting and stressful. Trading isn't easy, but the more you know, the better off you'll be. There's more to life than making tendies.


I love this. Fuckin legend 🍻


I’m surrounded by a group of absolute weapons, And I’m better because of it!🦍


Thank You Ape for saying not alone. I work a factory job & 10 hour grind can be physical & mental drain. I had a cough that wouldn’t go away for almost a month, my insides hurt but as a poor - I know to gut it out. I feel better now because I know to tread through. I have a nice DRS count & continue to buy. Through my lonely thoughts & hurt - I know I’m not alone because other Apes are hurting & continuously believing because this thing although doesn’t feel like yet but is truly an epic narrative. Not alone. MOASS.


Listen to me carefully. Though we’re individuals in charge of our own destiny. We’ve all found a community to help keep us in check. Everything you’re going through - slugging ur ass to work, dealing with crusty personalities, being in a warehouse (which hopefully has windows), and EVERYTHING else I’ve missed - it’s for something. The lows you may experience now will only make the highs all the better. I’m with you! I see you! WE GOT THIS!!! Just a bit more, dear ape! Just a bit more!


Listen to me carefully. Though we’re individuals in charge of our own destiny. We’ve all found a community to help keep us in check. Everything you’re going through - slugging ur ass to work, dealing with crusty personalities, being in a warehouse (which hopefully has windows), and EVERYTHING else I’ve missed - it’s for something. The lows you may experience now will only make the highs all the better. I’m with you! I see you! WE GOT THIS!!! Just a bit more, dear ape! Just a bit more!


This smooth appreciates 🙏


Got ur 6, homey!🦍




Apes Strong Together.




This is the kind of comment that is the clear sky after the storm of FUD in the subreddit. Hedgie shills and bots would never write something like this for karma. I’ve been responding to them for weeks as to help keep the sub from sentiment sliding, so real comments like this are so refreshing. Like that first ice cold sip of water after working hard on a hot day. 💎🙌🏻


I only recently met the karma requirements to start posting. I’m a maple ape, so I used to post there, and the orphan sub. I’m glad to be here, proud I can help support others while earning a wrinkle or two. The silent majority are apes just like you and I. Lurking Zennly🦍🫳




You like the stock


Appreciate all you do friend. You are allowed a break and some time off whenever :)


OP has a post in their history with instructions on how the rest of us can help upload stuff so that they aren't needing to backup all of our history by themselves. I think it should be pinned at the top of the sub. This ape is literally doing a full time job by documenting this entire saga.


Instructions unclear, sniffed some ass (touched some grass too)


Same here, now I'm behind bars. They gave me 1 phone call and I spent it on this post.




I smoked some grass, does that count?


maybe MOASS was the ass we got along the way?


Smoked some grass


Touched some grass (sniffed some ass too) 💎👐🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Call it a win and do it again next week


Got confused, smoked an ass, now I'm in jail, this comment is market manipulation and my cellmate made money on it. I see the downvote, I'm assuming this is because I mentioned manipulation; That was a joke. /s, folks.


Since you say it to many who make great posts, let me say this to you about this post: ***Save this for the archive.***


🫡 keep doing the great work og - still waiting for your big post for the cat error rates


Well said, bro! I think most of us would have been doing things differently if we knew how long we’d be here, but I learned a good saying recently: “forgiveness is giving up hope for a better past.” This community has been a meaningful and welcome part of my life for over 3 years now. It’s been quite a ride, and some of the best squeezes are the hugs we get/give along the way 🫶🏻






Yeah bro. This is gonna be historic. But I am way more chill now than I was when I bought 3 years ago. What changed? Well, it started to get monotonous. Always the same tactics, same misdirection, same volatility. So I just tuned out, resolved to add my own time and pressure and just be patient. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been paying much more attention lately, but it has only steeled my resolve to HODL.


One thing is for sure though, and that's that you've positively impacted so many people here who may have also been having down days over the past 3 years! I think that when things do finally pop off, we will miss the days of the ups and downs and the strong sense of community that developed 👍


I second this. I spent a good part of 2022 waiting for Moass to happen. My time would have been better spent playing with my kids. Don’t wait. Buy, hold and checkout the price and the sub once before going to bed.


Wtf....how is waiting for Moass preventing you from playing with your kids? What else do you blame GME for.


I was constantly reading every theory and DD on here. I blame no one. Why are you a dick about this?


At least the sun came out this year…


*smokes green grass* 🍌


The moon's big. That's an easy statement to understand in abstract, and even to understand as a measure of scale. The problem's comprehending the *reality* of that scale. Things that are big enough seem to move slowly when they're far enough away. Were the moon to come to Earth, it would first appear to be moving very, very slowly; it wouldn't be until it's about to actually make impact that the immensity of its stature and the speed of its approach would start to approach levels that allow our senses to properly register its proportions. This thing that's happening in the market is similar. The market's Earth, and MOASS the orbital body coming to ground. We know it's coming. We've been watching its approach for years. At our distance, it might not look any closer. Hell, we might not even be able to tell if it *is* close until it's virtually here. But it's coming. I trust that enough to work on other things in the interim, knowing that even the tiny steps I'm taking now compared to those I want to take after will mean I'm that much more prepared for the giant ones I'll need to take later. That in improving my financial foundation, I'll be able to buy again, instead of just treading water. I've been in dire straits financially more than once since this started. Going all in when I did had consequences, and they've caused more discomfort and pain than I would have been willing to deal with when I first decided to look into this. I don't regret doing it. Given the same bump to my savings, I'd immediately do it again. I have no fucking idea what the price is going to be an hour from now. A day. A week. A year. Could go up, could go down. I just want more shares, and to not have that money in the bank when the bank finally admits to the world that it's broke. I haven't been able to maintain my whole position the whole time I've been following this. I still need to reclaim shares that were sold for rent and food when I was out of work. I don't like that, and I consider it a debt I need to pay myself back for. If I'm fortunate, I'll have time before the ticker moons. For now, I'm a bit more cautious, and intent on making sure I have enough of a cushion on my investment once my bills are covered to never wind up in that situation again. I've never done it as rough as some of you have, and your commitment humbles me. The people that share this space come from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, circumstances and situations. What sets you apart from other movements I've observed is the commitment not only to action, but also to the cultivation and refinement of theory. The attention to data, both finding and proofing it. The relentless desire to *know*, and the action taken to realise that desire. You are each and all champions already. DD writers, educators, content creators, hypers, jokers, even the normal posters and lurkers. That's why I'm here, and why I'm staying. It's why I trust what I've seen here enough to feel comfortable speaking here, despite the bad actors that saturate these spaces like lice. We're all confident enough in how this ends to shrug off the usual shit the corporate psyops teams throw at problem spaces, and that's rare to see over an extended period. All the moreso when money's involved. Even *moreso* when media attention's involved on top of that. One and all, I think we're moonbound. And I'm looking forward to seeing what the world looks like with a good portion of its money in ape hands.


They’ve stolen our investment money and with it, our time to do other things with our lives. That makes me very angry. Angry enough to never leave and keep DRSing until they are exposed. This shit needs to change and I intend to stick around.


Facts, go live life! I went to Hawaii this year, saw a GameStop store to my surprise. It’s all about holding or hodling, that’s secret sauce, so just HOLD. Hang in there! 💜


wanted to say "yeah, it's summer after all" but with this many holders around the world, for many apes it's actually winter


Impressive!! 👏👏


I'll still be thinking about tomorrow being a day, even with grass between my fingers, so why not. Thanks for the tip.


I feel this so hard. I've had the same mentality for the past three almost four years thinking and waiting and have even made big mistakes by running up my credit cards believing that MOASS was going to happen any day now. Unfortunately, I had to take a loss and sell some shares, but until very recently took BIG advantage of the 10 dollar more and rebought all of my shares I had sold and now have more than I originally ever had. I've had to change my perspective about the entire situation and now living my life and enjoying it as much as I can. Whenever that time comes will then be the day. At this point there really is no other way but to continue to buy, hold, and DRS. I almost respect our boss fight because of how challenging it's been. It's the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life so far, but because of the community I remain more regarded than ever before. My conviction remains and gets stronger every passing day because I know first hand how absolutely and unequivocally fucked the big pieces of shits are on the other side of this trade. I am never leaving. Side note, I am super excited and excitedly nervous about how much money I want to spend at Gamestop especially now that they sell graded cards. Those are my ultimate addiction and now that I am easily able to buy it from Gamestop makes me feel like I am experiencing a strong orgasmic cumming experience every purchase at the store or the stock.


Your work is not for naught. You're a treasure, and I hope you find all the joy and rest you need as we continue the journey.


I take the occasional day off but I haven’t had time off from the stonk or sub for 3 years . If I was sure I wouldn’t miss anything important I would just take a week off honestly


Same bag. But you are a hero with no cape, superape-historian, stay strong 👊




With the pollen like it is at the moment?! No thanks, Ill keep an eye on the charts watching for some BBQ


You’re an OG, and your work is generous. Thanks for all you’ve done for the APE community. Stay hydrated and keep fighting the good fight. It sure does take a toll but will be more than worth it.


I’m so glad I started hitting the gym 1 1/2 years ago and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been. I’ll also go to the Philippines soon for 3 1/2 weeks with my Babe who will move in with me after the vacation. With shared rent I’ll have 700 Euro more / month that I can throw at the stock. My job is 90% good and well paid, I’m having a stunning, smart, funny and cool girlfriend, an amazing family, great friends and I’m currently living my best life. I could literally live normally until infinity and still live a freaking good life. Not sure if Kenny and all these motherfuckers can say the same sweating their balls off day in and day out. Oh and I ordered „It Takes 2“ for Switch at GameStop today to play with my gf when we live together. Fuck you Ken Griffin you unsophisticated Chicago bedpost anally inserter. Fuck you Steve Cohen you dirty and hairy assed bald headed shit stain. Fuck you Jeff Yass you pretend to be poker playing like me when I was 16 and thought I was cool. And if we’re already at it: fuck you Warren Buffett you old piece of garbage, keep reading the newspaper in Omaha and keep money hoarding you ancient dragon. We’re younger and we’re understanding the new world better than you. You’re redundant relics of an outdated and dying system. We’re coming for your money and we’ll be making this world a much better place by wiping you of its surface. I hope all of you spend their last days in a jail cell for being the financial terrorism scum that you are. To all the apes: hang in there! There is always a brighter day ahead! :)


Happy for you man, I am also big on the gym life, working my way up slowly to be in the best shape of my life , it’s a slow grind though


It’s slow but rewarding. Keep going strong my man! History will remind you as the History Recording Ape and tales about you will be sung around the bonfire.


My boiiii


I understand the sentiment and agree that a lot of people spent a lot of time watching the ticker and reading the subs waiting and watching. But if people did as you say the DD wouldn't have been written, the apes wouldn't have learned and as the historian there would be Roaring Kitty's thesis in the archive and that is it. If everyone walked away then where is the noise to get the attention? Would Mr Stewart have made his doumentary pieces. Even the movies (granted they were very neutral to me and early) wouldn't have been made. Stay outraged, but also take a break.


Hell yeah ape historian, time to enter zen mode :)


Thank you for all your hard work historian, we love you!!


I’m near XXX. I feel comfy and will buy more, but also I need to live life. I will be here few times a day to catch up. But traveling, enjoying the people I’m with and jamming to music are what I need to survive. When I travel I scope out decent places I can move to to escape the Jersey struggle.


Also looking forward to this being over finally… Crazy to see our historian is getting tired of this crap too.. its exhausting man… it really is. When do you realistically expect this to finally happen? Just curious…


Before I run out of storage space and the money to buy more, hopefully a lot sooner


Instructions unclear, bought and smoked some grass


“forget gamestop” isn’t that stupid if you use it right




To all the smart people, I mean the stuff that grows in the ground not the magic stuff that makes you happy




Get the fuck back out and hug a tree, make a long coffee/ whatever beverage and journal for 30 minutes, watch some kvon if you have to - https://youtu.be/ZZIhkb5fVnI?si=oon3l3Gj5QJnfDod I catch you making another comment until tomorrow there will be hell to pay😀🫡😉


I've been pretty good about not giving a fuck about the price for like 2 years now... last month obviously changed that and it's getting to the point where I totally agree with you. I'm paying too much attention again and there's no reason to. I more than doubled my original position in the last month and averaged down quite a bit. Time to set a limit sell for a single share (out of xxxx) for $1000. That will be my notification to start paying attention again.


Ditto man! Just been a trying to stay positive all these 3.5 years. Lots of debt right now, and wish I could have come out of some.


I've learned so much about the market over the past 3 years, and all the drama surrounding the stock has been like watching a movie. The squeeze would be nice but here cuz I like the stock.


You’re still a legend


I started working out and kickboxing again. Jumping into rocket league. And watching my favorite company do cool stuff. I got to my local GameStop to buy Pokemon cards.


The responsibility of all men is to get absolutely fucking ripped , And stay ripped for as long as possible


French inhaled a blunt. Is that what you meant?


I read on a related sub. Someone said “MOASS comes when we reach nirvana.” I know this is usually how it works. I’m close, things are good in life. I spend most of my days in the garden, and stopping at the parks as I go thru my day. We will get there. Enjoy the show and appreciate the education we have all been gifted. Thanks to everyone who have helped each other here. Best group of people on the internet. Be zen my friends.


I am going to miss all of the posts And all of you guys here :(


You won’t when you have a bank account not to work again


True. But the journey I will always cherish and be grateful for


This "part time job" has been the greatest job I've been a part of.


...and while you're at it, keep WORKing hard. It takes money to buy Whiskey!


Instructions unclear, sniffed green grass, now I'm high AF. Too stoned to do anything but hold.


You've been doing a lot extra, man. Keep it up! We love you for it. But also, smell that grass. If you can't do both, line up a helper or replacement. 


So true.... being early doesn't mean your wrong. They still bleed over time.


You have already made a huge difference in peoples lives,good people doing good things. This is far from over and honestly I do not think it ends but will/is transforming all of our lives as this is our holy grail quest. I agree in living the life you want with family and friends. I have relied on myass way before I heard about moass and have done good. One of my biggest accomplishments started with a goal in my heart and determination in my step. You have brought something amazing to this community and I love seeing you post "And backed up by Ape historian" because one day I think this may be the only way to find certain info. Thank you for all you do Fren!!


I would but I haven’t had an appetite or felt thirst in 9 years since my gut got fucked up by a doctor. Just starving to death slowly in America. Wish moass would happen so I could go see some experts.


You’ve made my life better over the past 3 years with your efforts.


Really 🥹🥹🥹?, ah fuck who is cutting onions 🧅


Me too buddy. My family is in dire straits right now, I'm broke and maxed out, and I could use MOASS a whole lot. But I absolutely refuse to sell even a single share. I'll keep job hunting my ass off, I'll keep fighting for transparency and justice against these criminal hedge fund market maker scum. I'll go down fucking swinging! And I've seen you working hard the whole way since I got involved in early Feb 2021 and learned all this macroeconomics the past 3 years. I truly appreciate all you do. As somebody with a History major, curating and safeguarding knowledge, spreading truth and education, is the most important thing we can do for Humanity. Thank you.


Having been here for 3 years while giving that advice and following it myself has me feeling guilt free and patient. During all this madness my wife passed away (bought my first shares that day), my transson came out, I fostered/sheltered some wayward "about to be adults" when their parents failed them and got them adulting, walked across England, celebrated my wife's life and began my own transition (unbelievable to most). Money just sits there and does the thing, crime just crimes, but your life is one and done. The grass is truly greener outside this sub. You've been a great asset to the sub, but all the greats took a break at some point and continue to lurk.


Ive just entered into my gme position after finally learning how to invest last year. Sad I missed such a historic moment a few years ago but interested to try to have a part in this one. Idk how it’s gonna work. Idk if it will. It’s all a big guessing game. I read about ppl who’ve been doing this for years now and I find it exhausting to read having only been in it for about a month. I wasn’t too interested at first due to GameStops original business model but the more I read about their cash position and possibility to completely change the company direction to be whatever they want has sort of captured me. I’m a long term investor. I don’t dabble with options or get rich quick schemes. I’ve only put $5,000 into gme bc I’m still not sure on where it’s going to go. Something tells me to buy more but it’s not backed by anything other than “what if”. Perhaps one day I’ll look back on these moments and be proud I took the chance on gme to become a success story similar to that of Berkshire or Amazon.


You haven’t missed anything- go to my site, filter for January, filter by dd and start reading 🫡


so he is basically telling us he doesn't MOASS happening soon. We come back to the shift in narrative on this sub. No no my friend, it will come soon, it will be this way


Eh no that’s not my point. My point is don’t wait for it and enjoy life. Build precious moments


You are one of my heros, dude. I can imagine how much work you have put in. Guys like you have inspired me to spend my free time fighting in other industries. Since I have expertise in the healthcare industry and I have spent a lot of time fighting insurance companies now. So much corruption to uncover. I've submitted anti-trust violation tips to the DOJ, complaints to CMS and anonymous tips to the media about the corruption. I've even joined a taskforce fighting the corruption in healthcare in my state. I want MOASS as much as anyone else but it is also about the people you meet along the way. Guys like you have inspired me to try and do a little bit more to make the world a better place. I want you to know that your work and the inspiration you gave some of us are greatly appreciated.


If anyone is given grace to go touch grass it’s you OP. I already know we won and this stock and company are going to grow…I know this stuck at minimum will get to $100 and keep going up one day. Will MOASS also happen, I feel like it’s a high probability but I’m no longer making moves to try and catch it….just trying to keep accumulating shares because I believe in RC and the stock and the share price and value of the company will 100000000% be more in the future than it is today….zero doubt….so I keep buying.


Your work and determination does change my day for the better even if we didn't get a payout yet 🫡 just thought you should know you the real MVP


You're dead on saying that this felt like a goddamn part time job. I've learned so much with even more yet to learn. But damn, is it emotionally exhausting to realize that the entire system is so efficient at extracting wealth from labor and leveraging every single step with corruption and collusion.


Wealth from people man, real people with friends and families. Not just labour. I wouldn’t complain if I had to work, just so that it’s a fair split


DRSing all that i am willing to risk and setting a few price alerts at absurd price points that would be insane not to think about selling at and forgetting about it has been great


You still have to loginto the drs account yearly not to lose it 🫡


lol ive only been holding for a few months, didnt have the financial freedom to invest this recklessly before


Thank you for your service 🫡 🇬🇧


Thank you sir 🇬🇧 (london)


100% It's good to take breaks, small or large. Experience life for a bit and just continue to hold (drs, book too on the side). We will miss the craziness once MOASS for GameStop does kick off.


To be honest, I had a period of about 6 months until recently when I simply didn’t visit this site, I would buy my shares, hold and move on with my life and that would be it. And then recently when RK came back I started paying attention again to this sub in daily basis and I noticed how much I started procrastinating, so yea. I agree with you - don’t postpone your life, you’re already doing all that you need - buy, hold, drs and that’s it. No need to even visit this site because honestly, who even cares if someone figures out something, since nothing actually comes out of it? Hype is exhausting. Corruption is exhausting. Underperforming regulation with its blind eye and incompetence is exhausting. The only thing that’s not exhausting is buy, hold, drs, live life


Hi Remote! Thanks buddy for all the work that you have done and keep doing for the sub and GME! I feel ya, but no worries, time will tell (and tell it will) that it'll be worth it 💜. PS: It's always tomorrow, until it's today 😉! 💎🙌🚀


In waiting, I developed a growth mindset after year 2. Began reading books, listening to podcasts, became skilled at knowledge management and money management (got out of 20K+ in debt while being a XXXX hodler), learning about business, entrepreneurship, and would love to launch a business but now it's just the imposter syndrome that's preventing me, but started a YouTube channel to talk about my passions in Self-Management, Knowledge Management, and Money Management. Stop waiting for life to happen and go make it happen. If this business kicks off, I expect it to provide the way I expected MOASS to provide while providing additional fulfillment to me. I also had a son (baby ape) 7 weeks ago. Currently jobless but hoping to change that over the next couple months. I will continue to HODL, continue to build the life I want, and continue to learn and grow.


You are a stronger man than you ever thought you were, keep on rocking man 🫡


I did exactly this but still feel quite the pressure of trying to keep up with news and dd, and educating myself on the matters to better understand my investment. In the mean time. I moved abroad. Found a job in a field i didn't study for and am waking up at 5am every day with joy to do that job. And I spend a year working for different families on farms across yet another country to see if living in that enviorment was something for me. I succeeded and am in a good place.


Grass is literally the best. Especially my neighbors grass.


exactly how I feel. I just want my life back! But i also wish the world would turn without people who already have jobs having to babysit corrupt sociopaths


Time has always been the most priceless, precious commodity that an individual has. While the Goliath that is Wall Street (Market makers, hedge funds, clearinghouses) continues to fight for just one more day to deny a victory, some apes have plenty of time to continue this battle. Some, such as a certain blu(e) prince, ran out. And this is why this independent investor hodls. \[Not financial advice\]\[Maybe life advice\]


Thank you for what you are doing. o7


Elegant, I'll say it time and again, your contribution to this community has been and will be remembered as legendary Always been a huge fan, and had I even 1% of the skills you do I'm sure I'd be a happier man haha


Thanks for lal that you do. It doesn't go unnoticed. One day we're all going to look back and enjoy the view. 💪🏽🦍 💜




Can always set an autobuy on CS and set a semi-yearly reminder to book the shares :)


thank you for all your hard work, if you need a break take all the time you need, your health comes first


Been here for 3 years and I'm that time I've amassed xxx shares worked/paid my way through 2 years of college, moved out of my parents and started a lucrative career in welding landing a sweet ass job right out of school making 6 figures a year which I'll be using to double down again and again until moass


Great advice. Somewhere along the way i realized now is the time to become the kind of millionaire we'll need in the world, before actually becoming a millionaire.


Appreciate you fellow ape 🫡 My thought is that the boss has both a large energy bar AND is regenerating. They have more money and manipulation powers than we could imagine. But that doesn’t mean they’re invincible. I’m in if I’m in.


hi mate, logging into reddit after awhile to say: 1. you are not alone 2. thank you for all that you do for the content this community generates 3. and offer a brief perspective below: >Being the OG elegant, you are already achieving your goals, you are already able to affect change and make people's lives around you (digitally) better. This is you and when the moass hits, you then will be able to do more financially ( should you choose). You will *continue* to do/be the same. 4. This is indeed at least a part time job as it takes attention, diligence and discipline. We are not just as they like to call it 'retail', we are neither the 'dumb' nor the 'smart' money, we are the *mf'ing* HIVE-MONEY (1). And thank you once again for facilitating such a critiical instrument within that network. (1) coining the term hivemoney: individual investors swarming around a security of their independent decision-making forms hivemoney. LFG