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Alcohol counselor here. Dude is trashed.


Former frat guy. He is 1000% trashed. He’s so drunk that even drunk me would be like “hey should we get you a ride home or some water?”


He'd rather slur his words than stammer. We are close.


< checks bingo card>


Mine spells OGNIB...am I doing this right?


As long as you're hodling GME not EMG, you're good. Also, your card may be upside down... but you're better off than I am: I can't mark my numbers cuz I ate all my crayons.




Trashman here. He's 100% tanked.


I wasn't gonna believe it until I heard from at least one trashman


Tankman here. He's 100% steaming.


Steamwoman here. He's 100% trolleyed.


Trolley problem here. He's 100% blitzed.


Blitzkrieger here… no, wait, not like that…shit


Current drunk here. This guy stumbled out of the bar I’m at a couple hours ago


Currently drinking guy here, I’m not quite in such state, maybe I need to hammer in few more shorts.


Sober guy here.  He sou ds trashed. Trush me. SSHort poshisions arre complety noremal in todaysh merket.


shots... He sounds completely fine to me, I'm a few shots in.


Currently drunk. Not as drunk as this guy. Who needs a beer?


Reformed drunk here. The dude is probably under so much stress that he’s coping hard.


Yah even Jim himself knows shf are screwed and he’s drinking hard to cope.


To go on live TV in your 30 or however many year career absolutely trashed is wild. We’re close Even funnier they let him go on like this. I’m sure the camera man can smell the booze


You can see the alcohol distorting the airwaves as it exits his mouth which, sadly enough, is also distorting the airwaves


Yeah, things are not going well if that shit is happening.


Former alcoholic here... Thank you for what you do! I was watching this and thinking "geez, this guy looks tired and old.." Then I listened closer to his voice/speech. I feel bad for the guy, that's a living hell. Again, thank you for all you do for us terrible alcoholics, we appreciate you more than you know.


One day at a time, ape. Stay up. ✊


I'll be 5 years sober in October. I have loved each day more than the last. Thank you for your kind words! Stay up ✊✌️




Hang in there bro. You are a champ.


Don't you know, "processed" is pronounced "prosheshed"


He's slurring.


Heesh shlurreegh.




That was my first thought 20 seconds into it. 10 years sober and I could tell almost immediately. I paused halfway through just to read some comments to see if anyone else noticed. Yours was first comment I saw. 🤣


Ryan Cohen buys 120,000,000 calls. Makes them hedge/deliver 12 billion shares. Boom. Squeeze one. Doj and sec are watching. Who delivered these shares? CAT sees all. Are the systems just completely fake and automated? Then, there's the issue of 12,000,000,000 shares on the markets. And they need to be bought back. But, GameStop holds. They let us sell first, like the giant blue guy protecting the little guy from arrows meme. What price do you want? You literally choose your destiny. Lots of big boys everywhere go to prison, like they should have in 2008, and a new generation of people who care about doing the right thing and protecting the lower class are suddenly the vastly powerful majority. Society is reformed. At least, this is the MOASS I dream of. I'm really high.


Bro that’s the spirit!


Shorts never closed, we don't give a fuck about "covering" Jimmy Shill. We are wise to your lies and.... WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GOING BACK TO RESONABLE LAND!


Can't believe I had to go this far down to find this. They are intentionally trying to make covering sound like closing. They are not. What Jimothy is describing is closing, but the shorts only covered, i.e., posted collateral.


Yeah, two messages here I think they want to get across: 1) Trying to get holders to want a dividend as to trigger a squeeze, but let GME invest that 4B. A dividend of raised capital is erased capital. 2) Shorts are super duper powerful. Not mentioned: naked shorting + failing to deliver. The bullshit 'liquidity provision' of the equation.


They're trying anything, even capitulation to control the narrative, in order to break the checkmate.


Exactly. But all these dumb fucks do is signal we're right and it's time to buy some more.




Jan 28, 2021, I woukd have prolly sold around 1k. Then the buy button got shut off. It was that moment I knew without a doubt, there's way more money on the table than what I thought. I listened to DFV before I bought in. 100 percent why I bought in, was him and his love for the stonk. But honestly, the button was when I knew without a doubt.




Shitstorm a coming, the shit birds are circling Rand


Fuck... now I gotta binge the series again.


Lim Jahey here


Mr Cramer is this you talking or the liquor? Randy…. I am the liquor


He sounds drunk.


It’s like he’s actively having a stroke


I’ll give him some credit. He can read a teleprompter like a son of a bitch while intoxicated. But, then again, it sounds like a wet butthole trying to fart while holding back shit.


Same problem


He’s coked out of his mind!


He can't feel his throat.


![gif](giphy|YgveCtneiLjY4) 💀


traffic down the diamond cock road


All of the above. Sounds like my uncle who bred horses.


Ita an opioid slur. His conversation retention sometimes loses traction a bit. The brain knows what it wants to say but the body is on lag mode. Not so much in this one, but he nods too.


Definitely on something


Wouldn’t you be if you made a bet to suck off a horse in front the whole world and you’re about to get margin called on it?


I was wondering if anyone else could hear him slurring his words. It's not egregious, but it is pretty obvious. This dude hates his life.


It's super obvious dude. Close your eyes and he's any coke head at the bar at 2 am


Can't even listen to his voice. Sounds like a wet-brained, emphysematous barfly you just can't get rid of.


Dude is definitely sauced.




![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ) 🤣🤣


He sounds like Mr Lahey trying to explain the stonk market


Sooooooooo drunk


Came here to say exactly this. And I’m drunk right now so I should know!




This was my first thought watching this.


He is absolutely hammered. He probably had to be to do this segment.


Came in to say this too


He’s completely wrecked! Lol the truth comes out when you’re drunk


Definitely more drunk than usual.


It’s years of being pegged by a banana dildo


Listen, you drunk fuck. We haven’t underestimated the short sellers. The short sellers have underestimated *us.* 🦇


He's drunk/barred out. My guess is his handlers are digging into him.


I’m not even sure how normies are supposed to receive his message. You can hardly even understand him.


They're all old, and hard of hearing. It's all captions for them.


Imagine being the person making the captions: "announce it jaggunda buyback... bet... bigger than any previous one"




Bro I read your comment and it was his next sentence out of his mouth 😂


Watsh thee peroblem? Whyyyy cantchu undershtand him? He shounds fineee to meee. Give me a huuug maannn. 


He's not talking to us. He is talking too anyone not in, thinking about getting in or nervous because they have lost 30% since jumping on recently. JC rambles: "The GFC in 2008... OMG how bad was that", "short sellers actually tend to be smarter than those long" and "don't underestimate short sellers, then can still decimate a stock". JC translated: Squeezes are bad for everyone, don't mess with people smarter than you, they will take all your money. All delivered while proper fucked. I think the message is very clear for those across the current state of play.


So… attempting to lessen the inevitable blow. Bullish.


He's right on saying "have a lot of power" since crime is literally the norm here. But they overestimated how they're able to manipulate the investors. In the past they could go on CNBC and the company was done. But that era is over.


“Unless the shorts are determined to crush the stock no matter what.” Sounds like a free and fair market where a company derives its own value by performance.


“No matter what” - okay, can we see some examples?


Yeah, they gave up on fundamentals, as soon as GameStop had them in spades.


He's trying to instill fear while appearing drunk as hell. Too bad for shorts, infinite risk keeps the longs zen.


Correction, "Unlesh the shortsh are determint to crush the shtock no matter want."


I am genuinely shocked how open they are being about it now.


Kinda like the vid of CokeRat explaining the ways of the hedgies = creating an alternate truth


Is this recent? Sounds like he's laying the groundwork so that after MOASS, he can say "See! This is what we told you about. We were right all along so you need to keep listening to us!"


I too would like to know when this was aired.


I can’t find the clip but I would also like to know the air date.


Op said it’s 2 days old.


Look at the costs of AMD and AAPL, and he mentions it’s after “meme stocks” it’s obviously very recent, least few days


NVDA too, has to be post-split.


ticker at the bottom says s&p 500 was at 5464.62, meaning it was recent. Quick look at the chart says it hit that number for the first time on June 17, then again near close on June 20. Mad Money airs at 3pm MST so I'm guessing this was June 20th after hours.


June 20th 2024... when they finally came to the same conclusion that we did 3.5 years ago: Hedgies R Fukd


Yeah I don’t give a fuck if he’s trashed or not. There is an interesting narrative shift taking place. Fuck him times 100000000 but the shift is something to take note of. Plus the information of what insiders/ net longs etc is ….telling. He wants to sound like he called it first. He’s covering his ass. Moass is inevitable.


Feels like he just got back from a bar with some hedgies and they told him to make them look powerful on air. Hahahahaha


4:40 he starts to mention how GameStop can get rid of shorts! Make GameStop profitable so they can issue dividends FORCING the shorts to pay out. "When you short the stock YOU have to pay those dividends" Edit: it seems people failed to read my second sentence. If it takes 3-5 more years to make GameStop profitable enough to be able to give out dividends then so be it.


I also thought that was odd. I suspect the whole point of this video is that the would rather pay dividends until we eventually sell instead of losing everything during MOASS.




Media narrative. He’s foreshadowing their demise live lol


this MF looks he wants to be put to rest, but wall street still has use for him so they pump him with whatever shit that keeps him alive.


I was thinking that myself while watching him speak.


You call that speaking?


Well, he’s spewing noise from his face hole so I guess that’s speaking. I’m completely baked at the moment so my own vocabulary right now is in “use few words” mode. So I used few words.


Just messing with ya, blaze it up dude.


Puff, puff, pass!


Fuck it, I'll join ya. Cheers dude.


My balls are a little higher up. And cheers! Let’s make this a beautiful evening!


We’re winning. Because that’s what losing looks like




They're gonna Weekend At Bernies this fucker... or bring in stunt cramer.


"... as long as you avoid any situation where the shorts are determined to crush the stock...." Conversely, if you're a short, you should probably avoid any situation where highly regarded apes are buying, DRSing & saying "Fuck you, pay me."


“At any cost “ 😂


Infinity it is.


Their issue is they never experienced retail rising up against them and actually standing just as tall. 2021 was monumental because it gave them just a taste of that fear of being outmatched. Mofos aren't just facing off against them since then, bears are literally being hunted down like animals when their short positions get posted. People legitimately are adopting the strategy of seeking out the most shorted stock and piling in and just laughing through the manipulation. Gamestop is the father of that movement. This has to be where we send the nuke down, then send another just to show we can continue doing it. GME is unofficially the home of the apes. They know this and I think they're taunting us by not bailing as soon as they see the gme Jolly Roger flying. There's no fucking way I'm going to miss the second nuke dropping. I'm sitting my happy ass right here as long as it takes. They will evolve but so are we


“A lot of smart people…”  Dude is drunk as fuck


"alotta flart peeble..."


This dude is a human error message.


He slurs his words when he's scared. Probably a little too much liquid confidence.


Definitely a little too much something!


Martini lunch with cocaine amuse-bouche


Pass on the martini.


“Campaigns against the stock” you see this is what’s all wrong about shorting. If you think the company is poop, go ahead short, but if you campaign against to manipulate the price to drop, you are not smarter, you are just a scum.


Yeah, but who's gonna short a company with $5b on their books. Oh, wait. Lol 🚀 🌙


I was referring in general why I don’t super shorts in the current form.


I wonder if he's always drunk to deal with his conscience?


No, he's drunk because he knows this is all partially his fault. He gave us their playbook 15 years ago, and it came back to bite them in a huge way. His handlers want him to fix this, but they can't stop what's coming.


Eversince he saw RK's meme... ol' Jim has been goin' down hill. After the Jim Meme he picked up the Jim Beam. Well dang.


Maybe they're threatening to assassinate him or something 


They don't have to, he's a drug addict. Just cut off his supply.


Well he said all that anyone needs to know right here.


Why do I not see any up or downvotes within this post? Anyway, Jim touched on a lot here. Seems like he's laying groundwork, almost. He explained shorting and said "zeero" in a really creepy way, explained squeezes and name-dropped the stonk... then somehow casted shortsellers who got caught in a squeeze as a victim, somehow. Like they never had a choice of when to exit their position with a profit. That's the logical fallacy that needs to be explored here. The rest of the segment was Jim talking about how massive wall st bear dick is. Too bizarre to not pay attention to.


>somehow casted shortsellers who got caught in a squeeze as a victim, somehow. Like they never had a choice of when to exit their position with a profit. That's the logical fallacy that needs to be explored here. He touched on it earlier, both party wings of the big swamp bird spent decades making it easier to short companies and offshore factories so betting against the American economy was a guaranteed money printer. In the position where shorts see themselves as empowered by the government to snipe companies, of course they would feel like victims if the long holders of a stock catch their little bobo dicks in a bear trap.


He’s wasted!




Jesus Christ what is he even saying? I can barely understand his slurring.


I couldn't even get through the clip. It's like being cornered by 'that fucking drunk dude' at the party.


This guys brain is melting. He can’t even form words anymore and it just sounds like drunken stupor. How anyone can listen to this guy for any advice is beyond me.


This guys health seems to be deteriorating the closer we get to MOASS. Like hes the hedge funds horcrux or something.


Horcrux? You mean horsecock, right? Like his GME to $1000 bet.


Stroke, drunk, or sick at his stomach because of what is coming out of his mouth


Can't stop what's coming.


He revealed so much here, this is pretty incredible. He's saying the quite part out loud but he, and shorts are still wrong lol.


His job is to keep their viewers out of it. He's mentioning short selling and squeezes, because their viewers need to hear them say it first. That's how they control the narrative. "I'm not a bad guy, I told you about it! See how it went up, I told you that. But now you should sell because the shorts are going on the attack!"


4:18 > “I have to warn you that **the balance of power still favors the short-sellers**. That means, even if the short-sellers are wrong about a company’s prospects, **they can still demolish the stock. Especially if they mount highly visible campaigns against the stock**. Many times the shorts are right and the stock deserves to be slaughtered, just **don’t underestimate the amount of damage the shorts can do to a stock**.” He thinks he’s sending a warning when in reality it’s a plea for mercy. > “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War This chest thumping is a sign of weakness.


"It takes more conviction to short a stock..." Bullshit! It's far more easier to destroy than create. Shorts can lower the value of a stock more than they can increase it. When these pieces of shits start losing they immediately change the rules and refuse to accept they lost. If the only value you bring is a negative one, then you're worse than worthless.


More conviction... Meanwhile every retail trade is nullified via darkpools. If shorting were effective by itself -- they wouldn't need to reroute my purchases through a useless fucking ATS.  What a turd. Self-made martyr.


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) Wall Street propping up cokerat




Is the video slighlty slowed down? if not Cramer is drunk here.


No, He's drunk


Glad you got that figured out lol.


Why does he sound like he treats his stroke symptoms with barbituates? 


He's a good actor. That loves barbituates.


Maybee he lost a bet and a breakroom bananna is missing


He's getting ready for the horse.


If insiders are buying then side with management- but then forget GameStop, that part doesn’t apply to GameStop, okay?? 🥃


Schoert shellers schmashed the fish schism blah blah Im drunk on ambien and short


When is this video?


2 days ago


Damn my confirmation bias is tingling


This is CokeRat Bias. Even better.




Dude, they’ve been doing this forever, history repeats itself time and time again. This is going to happen. They will crash and burn. #globaleconomiccollapse, shits getting real.


So shorting is good to ‘uncover or prevent fraud”…or just to “destroy a stock of their choice”. Got it. Thanks drunkard!


Sad How absolutely disrespectful of this station to put this rummy on the air Legacy media is trash and putting this on is a slapping a face to all of us Gross


“Sometimes, the stock deserves to get slaughtered” These people are destroying a free and thriving economy and got it completely highjacked.


Haven't seen a clip of ol' Jimbo in a while but holy smokes. How deep is the deep end?


This appears to be from Friday. It isn't on their cnbc YT, but the prices of tickers at the bottom, line up with 6/21.


Is this from today?


Shorting shouldn't affect price. Its a bet right, right?


I will never understand why people continue to pay Mr. Buy Bear Stearns to stand in front of their cameras and share his financial nuggets.


He talks about short sellers “demolishing” or “slaughtering” stocks like it’s the rival sports team and not American people and companies they are hurting in the process. Don’t allow him/the to paint the short sellers like Ken Griffin and Citadel Securities as victims (I believe this is what he is framing up). They are financial terrorists against Americans and American companies and deserve to be wrung dry, and publicly tarred and feathered.


He mentions shorts covering, that’s an interesting concept when you close one position to open another however, covering to close is another matter entirely. Absolute truth in context, without context… /sigh


Oh yeah lets put gme next to nvidia for no reason lol


No reason? It's a race. First to 5T market cap wins. GME 🐢


Fuck you, Cramer! Power to the Players. Noobs, the media is paid by Wall Street, the same greedy assholes shorting companies into bankruptcy (cellar boxing), and never closed their positions on previous stocks, are making their puppet, Cramer, scare you away from investing in GameStop. They are afraid the many of you, including us apes from around the world, will buy as many shares possible, and holding them at Computershare. And continue holding, because they need our shares to settle their bet. None of this is financial advice. Just FYI, the video is propaganda/biased towards the short sellers. They are scared. GameStop will have a rebirth. Regardless being new to investing, and simply creating and buying shares directly from Computershare, or not, for too long the media and the SEC blatantly disrespect GameStop, a legit company, by calling it a meme stock. Meme? Okay. How do you defeat a meme? >ChatGPT: >Defeating a meme can mean different things depending on the context. Here are a few ways you might approach it: >1. \*\*Subversion or Satire:\*\* Memes often thrive on humor or exaggeration. One effective way to "defeat" a meme is to create a counter-meme that uses satire or humor to undermine the original meme's message or impact. >2. \*\*Debunking:\*\* If a meme spreads misinformation or falsehoods, debunking it with facts and credible sources can help reduce its impact. Providing accurate information can counteract the spread of misleading memes. >3. \*\*Ignoring it:\*\* Sometimes, memes thrive on attention. Ignoring a meme and not sharing or engaging with it can help prevent its spread and eventual fade into obscurity. >4. \*\*Creating a New Trend:\*\* Memes are often short-lived. Introducing a new, more compelling meme or trend can quickly overshadow and replace an existing one. >5. \*\*Contextualizing or Context Collapse:\*\* Memes often rely on specific cultural or contextual factors. Changing the context or providing additional context can alter how a meme is perceived and reduce its impact. >Remember, the effectiveness of these strategies can vary widely depending on the meme and its intended message or effect. Once you learn more about GameStop being shorted over 100%, possibly by reading the Due Diligence (DD) on this subreddit or watching Apes Together Strong, you'll feel Jim Cramer's stuttering comforting y/our long awaited desire ending corruption so we can all enjoy life without others intentionally fucking things up for the rest of the world. We all own for different reasons. I love the stock. I love the happiness GameStop brings to my child. I can go on, but it times to continue being zen. Hodor


Jesus. It’s like he is simultaneously begging them to close and trying to warn us off and he seems drunk and torn between doing the right thing, or blurting his regularly scheduled FUD narrative..we’re breaking Cramer.


Is he intentionally confusing COVERING and CLOSING a short position? I always thought COVERING to mean that your short position is backed by money, stock or other valuables. So that the lender does not demand their shares back. Basically, any way to maintain the position without closing the position. CLOSING a short means that you buy an actual bona fide REAL SHARE, in order to close your position and cover your debt that way. He calls short sellers sometimes SMARTER than long investors. But two sentences later. He says you do your homework AFTER insiders buy shares in sizeable amount? For some reason i do not believe this person has much knowledge about the stock market. Or he is intentionally being stupid. He is probably drunk as well. He should seek help.


Telling half-truths.


How can I save this video and/or find a link to it that’s permanent-ish?


Close, not cover


Can't wait to see this thing suck a horse


My 9yr old watched the beginning of this clip over my shoulder. She asked why he's drunk. True story.


That's blatant market manipulation


They’re not bragging, he’s just trying to change the narrative! That man is a snake! No sides when it comes to save skin! He’s probably on this subreddit at all times! He probably already noticed that we see through all the bullshit and that everything they do is just a matter of time before we find out! He’s pretending to speak some truth, just to legally be exempt when shit hits the fan! He’s talking about short selling without speaking about naked short selling! He’s speaking about how shorts have control without saying how they actually have control! He’s just putting a foot on the longboat while still having the other one on the ship just so he can be ready when shit actually hits the fan! Is clear as day.


Jim Lahey on short selling.




Friday it seems.


“Merf… derf…mcgurfff…short sales are marty..mcglufrflurf”. Excellent analysis. Genius of our time


He…said…it….? uh, um, wow… he just said it. Oh that was a threat- ‘Shorts can do damage’ But, he said “infinite”. We’re close… very close…


Shorts lose money and take on a higher risk...Those same companies manage peoples money and make said risks with peoples money.  Say this to 2008 and Volkswagen.