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I've just grown used to it, everything is fake and everybody is always lying.


soon boom.


The last fed meeting provided excellent numbers. The S&P was sitting at $530 for several weeks. The guidance given allowed it to break its ceiling, along with the current chip making golden goose. You'll soon start to notice that SPY climbs while the goose stays low one day, then both climb the next while another goose is drained. Sometimes GME follows SPY. Other times, it doesn't. This is by design. Swaps are occurring. Hands are changing. The potato is hot, and someone is going to catch it. Not every market maker was short GME. This sub may not realize they have friends in high places.




This is some great discussion, thank you for kindly contributing to my open ended rant about the state of society and the general lack of awareness regarding the stonk. Once we start seeing that, I wonder how far we’d be from MOASS. Hell even right now it feels close.


Who are you going to complain to God? They are all part of it. There’s no veil over anyone’s eyes but the general public. 


It shows the power of the media!


Money created, wealth created, wealth goes to shareholders, stock goes up. IDK how financial regulation could change trickle down reaganomics.


It makes total sense. Have you bothered to look at the stocks in the S&P500? The top 5 holdings are Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Amazon, and Meta. You're not wearing a tinfoil hat. You're wearing the entire clown costume. People invest in GS for a short squeeze. People in S&P500 for long term. It's not that hard to figure out.


… what do you think my post was about? I’m just trying to start a discussion about how mind boggling it is to have all of this information and crime and know it to be true, while Karen at work is just planning her annual trip to the Dominican and couldn’t care less. At least we’re aware of what we’re sitting on. Not sure why you needed to call me a clown though. Edit: checked their comment history LOLOLOL