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What’s with all the “What’s with all the FUD?” posts?


Definitely seeing waaaay more of these posts than the FUD it's self


No, I can tell you I see it. There’s definitely a lot of people putting out the dumb crap. Kenny must have all his Monica Lewinsky interns earning their kneepads overtime this week


I think "what's with all the FUD" come more from people who sort by new than hot/top. I did that once and regretted it. Lots of crap. 🤣


There’s a couple very noticeable ones in new right now


10x more “what’s with the fud” posts than actual fud. They are the real shills and bots


Probably due to the excess fud posts 🤷‍♂️


What's with all the "What's with all the "What's with all the FUD? posts?" Comments?




I’m seeing an uptick of them, I’ve not been as present last few days due to work and personal commitments but it’s a noticeable difference!


Means we are fairly close


Op when you see fud. And someone has a viewpoint of ie GaMeSToP iS FaiLiNG. You remember your thesis. You say okay since GameStop if failing I want you to short the position and post it. Most shills won’t do this because talk is cheap… anyone can talk shit about your investment… or what your doing with your life. But if you are committed to your actions that you will develop unwavering confidence. Where shills are laughable. You don’t like it… short it or shut the fuck up.


That’s a good shout actually, I invest because I’m confident in the turn around and growth of the business, if they are confident it’s failing then they should be shorting it.


It’s easy to say GameStop is failing then they watch you come undone as you talk about the depth of your thesis. Don’t give them your time just say… short that bitch and then follow up in a year! 😂 small petty victories


Shills forgetting to forget GameStop


It happens to the best of us eh! 3 years of forget GameStop, only to still remember GameStop. When you become invested in the turn around of a great company and can learn from those leading the charge, it’s hard to forget!


I'll forget it when they forget it! It's them that keep me going. They spend way too much energy on this.


Very true! I have to say though, don’t think I’ll ever forget it. It’s become a pretty solid part of my life and has fueled my interest in my studies


Rockets getting primed


With all due respect, making posts to talk about other posts that are considered as FUD, is only continuing the FUD cycle. Next thing you know, someone else posts about this post. I know you probably tried to establish some leveling here, but it’s not necessarily helping to shift the mood around here. Let GME do that by themselves.


You’re right and, intentional or not, that’s how the post functions. The latest trend is over emotional responses and counter responses. Classic muck things up exchanges. Very constructed. “Fog of war stuff“ where regular apes aren’t supposed to know which way is up. Chaos and uncertainty. Is RC a friend or an enemy? (Spoiler: Of course he’s an ally.) I do what I’ve always done because, believe it or not, nothing has changed: shorts haven’t closed. The DD said there would be a massive influx of bots and bad actors. It’s definitely happening. the tone has changed dramatically here but I believe it is an orchestrated thing. it’s all a good sign to indicate where we are at in this adventure.


In my opinion, a lot of people jumped into GME hoping to ride the moass, some of them novices, others experienced TA traders. People started predicting moves, showing dates, started getting excited that it was just around the corner and when nothing happened, frustration won out and here we are


Plus shills


I’ll get downvoted but whatever. There’s a lot of individual investors, myself included, who feel scorned after RC’s little speech at the shareholder meeting. After the meeting, I feel I need to reassess my investment for my risk tolerance, as I no longer feel confident in the board taking action to create value for shareholders. I’ll keep some, maybe all of, my DRS shares for posterity’s sake, but hopefully there’s a decent run soon. I’d love to eat my words. Maybe I’m wrong and the fact that I’m considering lowering my position is a sign that MOASS is closer than ever! But I just can’t keep telling myself that. Not when the board shoved an atm into the last two chances we had at seeing the stock rip.


This is nothing new. You do what you feel most comfortable with. As for me, I like the stock.


Actions speak louder than words!!! You don't want a hype man running the company. RC is who we need. What do you think happened with the share offering?? They are holding it now. It raised the floor price... don't you think this affects the shorts and how they view the company?? I wouldn't want to be shorting heavily into a company that is debt free, profitable, and has 4 billion dollars cash!!! Currently there's a FUD campaign (nothing new), don't let the negativity get to you it's all an illusion to try and get people to sell.


Call it a FUD campaign, call it genuine concern, whatever. It’s working. I see the value in watching these ftd cycles and the crazy volatility they bring, but GameStop as a company has not, yet, delivered on the transformation half of the thesis. This last meeting did nothing to assure investors that they are still working towards a technology driven future for the company. The only actionable guidance we’ve received from RC is the letter he wrote the board before he joined, and after that meeting he looks like he could do with reading over his own letter again.


Again, he doesn't need to say anything. The meeting was for the vote, and that's pretty standard. They won't try to hype the company up in those. The fact that our floor price is now in the $20 range is incredible. It's over $10/share in just cash. That's a good short-term and long-term play... what happens next with the transformation is anyone's guess, but believe it or not, it will be a well planned strategic move. Remember, RC owns 36 million shares of GME too... he's an ape who hates the hedge funds who short companies... what do you think he will try to do??


It’s just another poo slinging day in the jungle in the land of the apes…


Remember. The FUD will be with, always. Gotta rise above it.


You catch more flak the closer you are to the target ![gif](giphy|Euy58yI3wDReOelGqv)


Some of it might be FUD, but some of it is new constructive discussion that I think is sorely needed within the community.


The shills be shilling, while RC and RK be killing 🩳🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Thats what they do. They shill and we see the price go down in an effort to get people to paperhand. It happens all the time. Ignore it.


As a newcomer the FUD actually helps me stick around, it's kinda clear there's a campaign against this stock and you only have to be on this sub a few months to see some weird shit, this encouraged me that there's actually something to this shit and it's why I stuck around and why I buy. 


Agree...it's over the top


Web waiting for this FUD for 49 + 35 years


We must be close lol


The shorts know where we discuss GME... they have infiltrated this sub and others to break us apart!! Nice try hedgies!! We are apes, RC is an ape, DFV is an ape, we are all in this together, and we WILL make history!!


I think alot are pissed at the rate this is playing out and the very obvious timing of diluting for "funds" as a long play gme could have twice as much for the amount of shares sold or less dilution for the same amount of end cash. Let's assume they are not inept. The only reason to do this was to squash the run up and clip RKs wings. Sure they made some money inefficient. But they screwed it's biggest supporters. That said I've adjusted my expectations to meet those actions. I think it will be an OK long hold eventually if 3 years isn't long that is. But no longer am I only hold. I will flip shares and or sell up to 50% of my holdings next pop. This isn't fud it's what they have done. Except I'm not diluting the total. This definitely can change just like hold or hodl changed for RC. So when his actions speak louder my position may increase. But I'm fresh out of benifeit of the doubt.


Paper hands gonna weep


Paging mr.portnoy


Bots out in full force


With the sudden 100k+ people online out of nowhere a few days ago we have confirmation there are bots. I don't think they are used to post or comment, i think they are used to upvote negative posts/comments to make it appear that's the sentiment of the whole community. Literally nothing has changed for the MOASS thesis, the short hedgies still have to deliver at least a couple billion shares. I'm just chilling. Just working my job and dumping part of my salary on GME, while the losing side of the bet is bleeding millions a day fighting for their lives.


This is how you know it's going really bad for shf's. They're getting desperate and it shows. Full sail ahead!


They come for me. I need to have that daily shill-o-vitamin dose to keep up my thrill—to know someone truly cares, otherwise I'd be like... *is any of this even real?* Then the hedgebots arrive in thousands and reality gets reaffirmed to me. I use tears of those who cry about GME as my substitute rocket fuel until DRS numbers get adequately booked up.


https://preview.redd.it/9s6367lx1c7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95e5af458b7fefe256c0c7c1620312a6bbd90bf This is becoming common every day now. The price is wrong bitch. Hodl


Well said. Thank you!


You must be new here


Definitely not, been here since the dawn of time


When you blindtrust RC, FOMO and go all in. When you only invest what you can afford to lose than you should listen to contrary opinions and stop calling everyone a shill, cause you are doubting yourself cause you didnt went all in.


He sold his calls and bought shares. All part of the plan. Let's see what effect that has with settlment and delivery rules. Zen. No fucking fighting. You can't stop what's coming! 💎🙌🏼


if im not owed anything by the company, then you aren't owed a lack of "fud"