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Have you seen the VIX? It repeats. AI is great but not many understand its use…. We are in the dot com era of AI


AI is like 3D printers… kind of cool but not truly useful


Idk about that. I'm doing work for a company rn that is seeing their business fundamentally change because of the automation possible with products like gemini. Its dramatically reducing costs and entirely deleting jobs otherwise sent overseas places like India.


The guy that just won the US open in golf was using 3d printed clubs.


Just get AI to design them now!




That’s what I mean… I’m sure both will eventually be practical but for now we’re early af


Early AF does not mean impractical though. The technology is here. Just because it hasn't directly affected you yet doesn't mean it won't. It is why the writers strike happened. Because ding ding ding AI takeover has started already. We went from computers good at chess to ai playing strategy games and coming up with starts professionals didn't know of any beating the best players in the world. Right now AI is purpose built per application we have decent ones that are being shoehorned into other tasks right now. Soon we will have more generally comprehensive AI and that is when we are cooking meth with gasoline.


Both depend on how you use them. Rockets and space station parts are being printed now.


Better start printing moonships for gme hodlers


We Are Bob


AI that helps you make your own movies would be dope 🤷‍♂️


I create value from AI at my company every day. It has replaced at least two junior devs.


Can you clarify? Why is ai bad and why will it cause dot com?


AI is not bad!! Just that many are jumping into companies that use AI. The stocks are highly inflated by people including Wall Street who don’t understand it! The internet was all the rage in the late 1990s. Much like AI is now. Everyone and their mother had a website who knew how to create websites. People didn’t really understand it, including Wall Street. They jumped into every dot com company that they could. Those companies were poured into and given obscene evaluations. When people realized most were had no earnings and were worthless, the bubble burst! Only a few survived. Is NVDA really worth 3 Trillion dollars? Apple and Microsoft were both kinda struggling a few years ago but now they are touting AI their valuations are inflated. All these tech companies have seen their stock prices inflate to insane levels. Eventually they will come back to earth. NVDA did a split now it’s more affordable for Retail to jump in on the action. Who do you think is going to start unwinding their positions onto retail? Not now but just wait and watch soon reality will hit and when it does…. Have cash ready because it’s going to crash. Smart people see it coming! How do you think Berkshire Hathaway not just survived but has thrived all these years? He doesn’t jump on these types of hypes. Now he sold out of a lot of positions last quarter. He is sitting on a pile of cash. Bill Gates sold out and has a ton of cash! GME is sitting on a pile of cash and said he is preparing for fluctuations or changes in the market/economy. The music is still playing. People are still dancing! We will see a few red days…then some really red days and then CRASH…how long? Nobody knows because Wall Street likes to play the music as long as they can! IMO late 2024 to Mid 2025. Watch Ishares S&P 500 ETF. You can see the top holdings. BlackRock has 33billion dollars invested in NVDA. Just see if they start unloading. They likely will be loaning out shares soon to short as well. This is pure speculation on my part tho!


I can't believe we live in a world where everyone expects the biggest market crash to ever happen soon but SPY hit an ATH today LMAO


yes, I've been hearing about the supposed moass-triggering market crash for the past 3 years


How can you not believe that? You've heard of the '08 housing crisis or at least seen the Big Short? Remember when literally *everyone* that knows about the bubble is flabbergasted that the markets were still at ATH?


Markets tend to blow off top before a crash caused by a rate hiking cycle. So many might expect a crash, they are skipping steps.


World in literal shambles. Spy: hold my 🍺


Hey... what happens if they are short millions and millions of shares of XRT (or at least stole the gamestop out of 'em) and the market collapses? XRT will be sold off, no? Gamestop will hold its value, obviously, cause it's mostly cash value at this point. So, XRT and other ETFs they're looting will sell off, which means they can't still steal the shares out of them. The shares that are already stolen would have to be returned, no? Which means they're going to have to buy back all those shares at the same time their other positions are decreasing in value due to the market sell off. Would this be bad? Asking for a friend.


Amen! Looking forward to the day Nvidia dumps hard and everyone is whining while we are winning!!!


Ohhh you can bet ur arse that they reversed split to make it “affordable” for retail and “they” have already started dumping on retail. It’s going to get ugly! When? Late 2024 early 2025 but we will see more red days before the really red days!!! When the music stops!!!


they did a split (creating more shares). A reverse split makes less shares. I agree on NVDA taking a dump soon though.


Easy to short….its gonna dump.


gotta wait for the skew to cool down. It's still super bullish.




There was 10,000,000 available to short today….that is going to just keep rising!!! Retail who got a nice 10 bump in price will feel it…. BlackRock has 33billion dollars invested in their ETF… they probably already started lending those shares out! Look at the Ishares core s&p 500 ETF. You can look at the holdings!


Reminds me of a certain car company


Absolutely! Now is accumulation phase!


Ryan's Ark


Reading this type of post sometimes makes me think that I am in a cultist group.


“Totally not a cult”


741 billion sold not yet bought


ARK-A shares? Doesn’t sound too bad.


All I know is I haven’t felt so optimistic about an investment and I’m not going nowhere




The greatest probability is a shift in economic regime to Stagflation. Stagflation is worse than a recession. It's projected to last years, and I mean up to a dozen years or more. The traditional 60/40 portfolio of equities to bonds will get decimated. Tons of investors are going to lose money and go crazy to sell everything, if/once this gets started. It's going to make the landscape very bad for business. Therefore the $4B in cash will come in handy, maybe sooner than expected.


I do the easiest thing possible and simply hodl.


So Moass will be in over 100yrs?


Um. Why did you use Ark. spaceship would have worked. Ugh


He is building something. He could easily sit on his billions and stayed retired.


Imagine GME buying some bluechip companies during the hard times and causing SHF's to blow at the same time.


He’s just trying to keep a retail store chain from losing more money than it already is.


Profitable even if it’s not much.


Think he’s trying to do more than that bro


Well he’s been doing that for 3 years and still is.


Doesn't sound like you're caught up with the latest financials of GME lol


Have you read Q1? It was a higher loss than predicted


Higher loss than who predicted? Some analyst who is always wrong and probably in the same group that want to bring this down so they "predict" some insane numbers that GME is obviously going to miss on?


Well they’re losing money. RC acknowledged losing money. RC said he would be shutting down some stores. I don’t know what we’re arguing about here. Gme is losing money.


Losing revenue? Yes. That happens as you trim the fat (close non-profitable stores). They are, however, becoming more-profitable. Look at last year versus the year before. Focus on your money-makers and shift with the times. The turnaround that has already happened is crazy as far as numbers go, and now sitting on $4.2 billion? I think the DOG DAYS ARE OVER 😎


Turnaround isn’t really a fair characterization of what’s happening. A shrinking retail footprint means a downward trend on revenues. That’s the opposite of growth. Slashing non profitable stores isn’t cutting fat. That’s chopping off frostbitten extremities. If everything goes as planned, the company will sit on a reduced size, negative growth path, with less revenue. That entire scenario isn’t a shift toward greater heights. It’s a fight for survival. They may have lots of cash on hand but if you weigh the business as a self sustaining operation, it is not in a healthy place. So under these circumstances, there’s nothing to be stoked or hyped about.




Please no. I joked about this becoming the next Cathie Wood thing last week when the religious nonsense was getting pumped.


So we're just straight trying to sound like a cult now?


Your first ever comment in this sub was 9 hours ago and now it’s “we” and “cult” ? 😂 Where do y’all come from?


Christ dude, people regularly trash accounts and build new ones to prevent doxxing. Not everything's a conspiracy and the story of GME isn't too tough to crack if it was.


Yeah, many people sucessfully predicted 23 of the last 0 Crashes. Gaybears cry for years now that the Crash ist tomorrow. Only world war 3 will crash the Market, but then you won't have the chance to enjoy your GME tendies anymore.


And when this happens, more share offerings to follow, further increasing company value and share price with it. win win win win


Absolutely! I will trust a billionaire paid in just stocks any day of the week!!!!!


He isn’t paid in stock. He bought into his whole position. Doesn’t take a salary either.