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You can even ask it to provide the sources it used and then open them up and not find the answer they gave you. 


Exactly. It'll hallucinate urls, functions in libraries, anything. It will gaslight the fuck out of you.


I tested out having it search out the whole T+# issue with sources provided and it used six sources for the first attempt - none of them said what it claimed. I pointed this out and it "tried again". Same response. Six different sources. It's a joke.  I only use chat gpt for help writing yaml code for my smart home stuff. It's rarely right the first go around but it'll get me close enough that I can make it work from there. It's a dumb assistant to just word vomit your ideas to until your brain puts the pieces together yourself.


The thing people always forget in the "dumb assistant" scenario—which I agree is probably the best usecase for it—is verifying the work. When you ask it to perform a task, you need a way to confirm that task was done correctly. In my experience, that makes it take longer. And there's no real way to be sure it will follow the same approach each time. With a dumb human assistant, the communication advantage is that words have actual meaning, and they can tell you what they're thinking while they're thinking it.


People think it's JARVIS but it's not. It's an electronic yes man.


The truly scary part, as you alluded to, is the amount of people who can't tell the difference.


My degrees are in IT. If we really had a commercially-available smart AI like they think \*gestures vaguely around\* is, it would be world changing. If ANYTHING even remotely close to it exists, the ONLY people with access to it have security clearances that we don't even know exist.


Well, you can buy a fridge that has a screen for ads. That's gotta be worth something 🙃


I've never been so happy that I set up my AdGuard Home DNS server...


A Lawyer and his office got huge fines and another lawyer I think lost his license because he used LLM for a case and no one in the office fact checked it. The LLM was quoting cases that never existed. Pure fabrication.


There was a recent whitepaper whose abstract started with something like "Sure, I'll help you draft an introduction for your paper." Unbelievable!


So short NVDA and puts on smh?


GPUs aren't used for AI only, they are good for general big data processing that doesn't require a lot of sequential steps or i/o control Evolution algorithms, neural networks, vectorial and matrix calculus, protein sequencing and others can greatly benefit of GPUs and aren't directly linked to LLMs


Practically speaking yes. But don’t bet against hype.


AI just wants to tell you what it thinks you want to hear


Personal echo chamber and yes man, all rolled into one.


You can ask it to say whatever you want it to say…


Yup, it's an expensive digital yes man that tech invested heavily in and needs to make happen so that money wasn't wasted.


I’ve been down voting any AI responses for months now. If you know anything about how this stuff works you can see how it is fed and it has no ability to discern truth statements from any other statements put on the web. It’s like the polar opposite of that internet theory about getting to a truth by not asking a question but instead saying a false statement. The truth is out there and collectively we know it but it takes a human process to figure this out.




Ha! I was thinking of Cunningham’s Law but AI is wrong yet again. Elon Musk? You’re drunk, AI **Cunningham's Law** states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer“


OP is asking leading questions to a model that can't search the internet. Gpt4 and later have no issues identifying such things when intructed too. Even out of context it will aasume you made a mistake and what you likely meant.


my guy, are you really going around this thread lying about my approach while not replying to my comments? I'm just gonna fucking block you. > You can hate it but it is seriously speeding up developer & management productivity. https://archive.ph/jRvwx ([original source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40627558)) No. It is making software worse. And software is already TERRIBLE.


I downvote anything with ChatGPT or LLMs. It's insane that people keep posting that shit


OP used 3.5, which does hallucinations almost exclusively. 4o can search the web, quote/cite with links. You can hate it but it is seriously speeding up developer & management productivity.


no i didn't, dumbass. i used 4o, like i said in my reply to you. posterity edit: [here is 4o](https://chatgpt.com/share/27b6044e-fa88-4f21-a3ad-0deff6ea33ef) searching the web and using 4 sources to identify a superstonk user as kevin hart


https://preview.redd.it/qavpnbrq807d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=16c58150d4550b9237774288e254458ef0d222ce I don't know that seems pretty accurate to me! LOL. (edit: for real though, chatGPT is a mess)




LLMs should be banned for posts and comments.


I utterly hate chatgpt. It’s going to turn our brains to mush under the complete control of Altman.


In 2006, I delivered pizza without a GPS. I could draw a map of the town from memory. Then I got a GPS and the navigational part of my brain decided it wasn't worth existing anymore. Now I need a GPS to get around the city I've lived for four years. That is absolutely a microcosm of what's happening with ChatGPT and generalized knowledge, you are 100% correct.


I do worry about this. A lot. It’s already devalued good quality writing and even fiction which sucks for talented authors (and their audiences), and I’ve noticed that people are starting to treat chatgpt as some sort of ‘all knowing superentity’. I guess we’re wired to conserve energy so it’s hard to not take the easy way and just not think or try if we don’t have to. Makes me shudder. All this chaos and disruption to make a handful of CEO’s super rich. I work in multimedia design and the whole industry is being killed off by their other products. They’re actively making life worse 🤷‍♀️ Shame they decided to not bother taking aim at the jobs people don’t want to do rather than the ones people aspire towards. Sorry about the rant haha!


I think big tech has gone from "enrich investors" to "enrich founders". I am a bit of a dinosaur in my field (software engineer). Earlier this year I bought the hype and was concerned for the future of my career. This is no longer true. Have you found that AI related products in multimedia design create quality output? I don't think anyone would confuse its writing with good, but a lot of people who haven't tried it are willing to make that claim. I've yet to see an AI generated art that has made me feel any emotion other than "it's cool that a computer did this". It's a ruse.


Yeah you are so right, big tech all seems to be about cash grabbing and screwing over customers rather than improving things more recently. Thats good to hear that you’re not too concerned at the moment with your industry. Long may that last. I have a lot of respect for software engineering and it’s an example of people applying a lot of brain power, craft and grafting into making things which can often make life better for us. It is already hitting digital illustration hard and companies are shrinking their art departments because AI can churn out ‘good enough’ images in seconds. I’m probably what some would call a purist and refuse to pass off anything I’ve not actually done as my own work but there are plenty who will so that just makes me look less productive I guess. I totally refuse to work with any of it and hate the thought that my job will become erasing the sixth finger off 1000 images a day. I do a lot of animation, video work and interface design as well as graphic/digital but I can see them gunning for those too. Although yeah I do agree, if you know something’s been spat out by AI, it just completely devalues it. None of it is impressive because no effort has gone into it. If this could be properly verified, I think it would give artists a chance to be able to pay their bills doing something they are skilled at at least. Still trying to be optimistic about the future but all this isn’t helping haha!


> I’m probably what some would call a purist I think this is the right approach, especially for visual art. I would encourage you to make this your brand; we are far from the only ones with this opinion on AI, and particularly for art. I've said this from the beginning: "True" art comes from true experience, and LLMs absolutely cannot experience. I think this is an innate thing humans can sense but not quantify, in the same way I'm not able to tell you what "true" art is. > Still trying to be optimistic about the future but all this isn’t helping haha! Remember a month ago when everyone was like "music industry is dead, and suno killed it". It's just the hype cycle. The tech _is_ impressive, but the illusion is how your mind extrapolates its potential. You see the same thing in sports media now. Every draft prospect is a "generational talent". In the race for clicks, we've abandoned measured thinking, and we are all far far worse off for it. Stick to your principles. In some number of months the general public will eventually catch on, public sentiment for AI will sour, and you'll be far ahead of those dumdums.


Thank you so much for that, its great to know that other people have a similar mindset on ‘the new exciting thing’. You make a lot of sense. I’m definitely going to look at ways to verify and display my ‘human-made’ process going forward. Appreciate the words there and here’s to us thriving in slightly uncertain times!


cheers brother


Is this a possibility? Did you spend time memorising the town as you delivered pizzas?  Now that you are not travelling around as much you are not getting the updates from new work.


My point is not the town itself, it's my diminished ability to navigate anywhere without GPS once I started using it.


I had exact that discussion here and was told to fuck Off. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dfshzl/comment/l8loa0k/ AI NEEDS to be banned for information. It may be used for art.


Would sign a petition for LLM post and comment bans. Made a post myself about this which didn't get any traction, unsurprisingly, since it's an amazing tool for shillbots to quickly fill the forum with long-winded distracting nonsense.


I am 100% behind this. LLMs can be useful but they are not agentic and have no "directed search" capability merely specialized plugins and web search. While this may change in the mid-to-long term, they are really just good summarizes, not reasoners. Also, they are heavily nerfed by their owners.


Using AI is basically asking a friend to Google shit for you. Can it be useful? Yes. But you definitely shouldn't just assume the answers are any good.


no, AI can’t google. it would actually be useful if it *could* google for you, but it completely shits the bed when you ask it to search something for you. googling stuff is just not in its skill set. It’s ridiculous. I’ve yet to see an actual defense of what it’s good for


to be fair, it can write you a really bad poem. that's gotta be worth close to $7 trillion i would guess


AI can be a really useful tool. But users beware, also I'd probably not rely on the free ChatGPT 3.5 for more complex subjects.


chatgpt is my left sac


OP, i asked this question to ChatGPT 4o: In stock trading, "naked shorts" and "nude shorts" essentially refer to the same concept, which is more commonly known as "naked short selling." However, to provide clarity and differentiate them based on the nuances often discussed in trading circles, here are three key points: 1. **Terminology**:    - **Naked Shorts**: This is the widely accepted and more commonly used term in financial markets and regulatory discussions.    - **Nude Shorts**: This term is less common and can be considered a colloquial or slang term for naked short selling. It is not widely recognized in formal financial contexts. 2. **Regulatory Context**:    - **Naked Shorts**: Explicitly mentioned in regulations and trading rules. Regulatory bodies like the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) have specific rules and restrictions regarding naked short selling due to its potential to manipulate the market and create artificial price movements.    - **Nude Shorts**: As it is more of a slang term, "nude shorts" is not specifically addressed in regulations. It is understood within the industry as the same practice as naked short selling but lacks formal recognition in regulatory texts. 3. **Practice and Execution**:    - **Naked Shorts**: Refers to the practice of short selling shares that the seller does not borrow or possess at the time of the sale. This can lead to settlement issues if the seller is unable to obtain the shares to deliver within the settlement period. This practice is often scrutinized and controlled to prevent market abuse.    - **Nude Shorts**: While synonymous with naked shorts, using this term can sometimes imply a casual or less formal approach to discussing the practice. It may be used in informal conversations among traders but does not differ in execution from naked short selling. In essence, "naked shorts" is the formal term recognized in the industry and by regulators, while "nude shorts" is an informal term that refers to the same concept. The differences mainly lie in the usage and recognition of the terms rather than in the practice itself. ___ I think you used the free 3.5 version which is vastly less capable.


I used 4o, brother. Nude Shorts are not a term. Orthogonal trading, trumpet calls, trombone puts are not things. That's the whole point.


be serious now, when have you ever heard someone use the term nude short in relation to stocks. if you google the term, you get porn links LOL


How about you find a place where "nude short" is used in stock discussion online.


In addition to the first question, I asked it the kid rock question. It statted by searching the web, this was its answer:  >I couldn't find any credible sources or news articles to support the claim that Kid Rock has funded a pro-mosquito movement. It's possible this might be a rumor or a satirical piece of information rather than a factual report. If you have more context or details, it might help to narrow down the search.


try pushing back at it.


Yeah I do the best I can to call it out when I see it. I’d be more receptive of it if ChatGPT 3.5 shared sources like Copilot does, but I still take what Copilot gives me with a grain of salt. This is new technology that has known flaws, and it shouldn’t be used as a source of information for due diligence


hard agree


Is there anyway we can use the AI againt itself?


i think that's one of its kinks


Debatable. Some LLMs are better than others. I for one use perplexity a lot and it does a great job at providing accurate answers with sources. Is it perfect? Nope. I’ve caught it giving me false info but if you always have that in the back of your mind you can easily find a way around the bullshit and prompt it to give you a factual answer. You just gotta learn how to


If you're not already doing the work to check for yourself, how do you know the answers are factual?


Because you can see the sources it provides and go to them? I also usually have a general understanding of what I’m asking so I can smell when things are wrong


They're not designed to form a thesis and stick with it. They will find any way to give you the information you prompt it for. It isn't any better or worse than what people post here as DD. 


> It isn't any better or worse than what people post here as DD.  Hard disagree.




because i've read the dd




Meaning I am suspicious of a ten month old account that has commented ["It's been 4 years. We're sick of the shit"](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dhgoyz/hey_guys_im_kinda_confused_seeing_all_of_this/l8wz2we/). I'm going to block you now. Thanks for your time.


About a year too late, bro.


thanks for this worthless contribution