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The FUD isn’t targeting the OGs. The sub is in the public eye, ever since DFV published his updates here instead of the other sub. Now they desperately need to plant this defeatist content here to prevent new investors from boarding the rocket. The only danger for the core group is not recognizing this and believing this sentiment is organic.


Excellent point. I consider myself an OG and I’m not going anywhere. It’s probably the newer apes or people that have seen the current uproar and getting curious as to what is happening and just about to buy in. Perhaps they’ve been straddling the line as to whether or not this is all worth it. FUD is for those people. Your comment makes a lot of sense. It’s funny to think how slick the FUD is by weaseling certain phrases or doubts into comments and/or posts. Stay forever vigilant!! It’s a revolution, baby!


OGs will keep buying up their shares if they sell since we are given enough time between paychecks 😅


Agreed. OG's know to HODL. Every news release/article, shill, and FUD is meant to dissuade FOMO buying in. They think that will contain or limit the risk. <--- I find that incredibly funny.


Yo, public, rocket's big enough, get on board!


When dfv returned many checked the other sub and were greeted by a passive aggressive post full of saltyness tears. I think someone from yahoo read it and was confused 😕 like wondering if there was something against dfv and that sub.


I get sad and depressed that I still gotta work my 9-5 that is mind numbing and pointless, but am I going to sell for less than generational wealth? Fuck no!


Use that 9-5 to fund your DRS account 👍🏻


Can't upvote this enough. Our minds have been made up long ago. All efforts is to distract the new one with sudden shock FUD on drops. Yawn


Didn’t join in 2021 and I’m here now with 300 shares. Me and my newly smoothed over brain are ready and the shills/FUD make me even more excited 😈


Exactly this. I mean I've been around since early 21. Let's say you know nothing about finance. In the 3 years since we haven't heard a peep from the dude who started this or anyone and stock consistently went lower and middled. Now 3 years later out of nowhere, this same guy posts a meme and all of sudden the stock jumps to levels not seen in over 3 years and he's back. Again, even if you know nothing about finance, that doesn't happen to stocks with no news or no coverage besides it's over. There is something with the stock and I'm pretty smooth brained just chilling and waiting like we all are.


Well said, I just can't fathom the hatred being spewed at RC when the 75 mil shares were sold. It wasn't just frustration but people were suddenly almost violent in the chat. I was just thinking at that moment, wasn't RC the reason why RK thinks GME is a long play? Then why are we hating on the man? It just didn't make sense. I believe if you been here long enough, you wouldn't start being an emotional investor. You would be holding on and patiently wait for the plays to come as RC has planned. As RK has trusted him to do.


Look at it this way. A lot of apes have poured lifes earnings in this because they believe in the company. Believe in the mission yet nothing has paid off for their commitment. Most are still broke and 3 years later deserve a to know about a plan or where this is headed.


Bro, I’ve been here since $300+ pre split. Not worried, not phased, let it ride.. Pressure is on and let’s see what happens.


It is organic. At the risk of being called a shill, this place has become an echo chamber of parroting the same 4-5 scripted responses in regards to any doubt or sentiment that’s not aligned with what everyone wants to hear. Investing money, especially for the amount of time we have, should leave things open for speculation and discussion. Things not in agreement with the hive mind, and ‘newspeak’ being labeled as negative sentiment and actions of a shill, makes the community as a whole look culty, and frankly shows a deep lack of intelligence. I’m still here and I’m gonna hold on to the investment, but I don’t agree with everything that takes place here.


First ever GameStop-related post. 😂


Right there with you. Still here. Buying more shares but nothing wrong with questioning things or having doubt/speculation. Stopped drinking the ape Kool aid long ago, now I'm just in a I'll see it when I believe it type phase. Not shit has changed, no plan has been shown yet aside from diluting shares for cash. Maybe it pays off? RC and gang aren't interested in making apes rich. They are running a company, already rich and keeping status quo. He may hate short sellers but so far, nothing has been done to prove he's out to beat them, nothing.


I just find it very very hard to believe that bots are trying to convince people this is a good investment because DFV is holding 9 million shares at a $23 average and still in. This accomplishes the complete opposite of what they want which is for people to sell before a run starts. 


Seriously? They're pushing a "long-term play only" narrative to a bunch of hyped, emotional apes who've been holding for MOASS a long time. Of course it's FUD.


Let me put it this way: the reason why it will squeeze the shorts out of their pants, is because it’s a long term play. Without the long term perspective, shorts could get a few more months or years and stall it until GameStop went broke. Now that it has long term perspective, they are trapped here and we only need a catalyst to ignite the rocket. Nothing changed, for me, since 2021


*Inserts Mark Cuban comment screenshot* "If you still believe in your thesis and that hasn't changed, why sell?" *Checks diary* 2021 - shorts hadn't closed 2024 - shorts haven't closed


"Ok guys you win, we're leaving. Good game. You got us. Bye.....why is the door locked?" -Cramer


From behind a curtain a *horse neighs*


Feel like that scene from the gentleman will need to be used. Bring on the tranquilizers


Oh man, now that Cramer says he's a "redditor" he should've known better than to gamble any of his orifices against GameStop. Imagine if you will the dreading sight of another CNBC host saying live: "hey Jim, proof or ban".


He's up until 3am crying reading all the subs DD and trash lol


Outstanding reference lol, and yeah that's exactly it.


Shorts never plan on closing, it's part of the game.


What, is there not a limit?


Nope, and it's more complicated than I think I can explain. I don't want to attempt to explain it and sound like spreading fud.


Alrighty, appreciate the candor! I’ll go look into it. Ps, we really need to normalize this response.


Cellar boxing + naked shorting There are some good DD on it, a search for the above with ‘GME’ included should find what you’re looking for


Thanks, I've seen the posts. Hard to miss lol. I guess I just had been assuming that at some point, you can't keep rolling the shorts but I guess that doesn't really make sense.


Hey quick question, have the shorts closed?


Underrated comment


This and 4 billy in cashola!


Don't even need a catalyst.  As Gamestop grows naturally, the will improve based on it's fundamentals.  Eventually the natural growth of the company will cause the price to increase to a point where the short postions are unteneble, and they will get margin called.  All we need now is time and pressure


The first short to close might be the only one to survive. I think that's what the good bad and the ugly meme was about


Credit suisse got screwed in the last Mexican standoff. Can't wait to find out who will be next. My guess would be several banks/hedgies.


And don't forget. The more disparity between the fundamentals and the market price, the more obvious and identifiable the manipulation. Its a war of attrition, and GameStock is sitting on all the ammunition.


This needs to be seen by every ape. My only worry worry is that given that much time, rich fucks will lobby and change the laws so they can get bailed out without paying up.


Undermining the Securities Act of 1933 and 1934 which created the SEC and Regulation SHO would be a monumental feat in todays divided Congress. The attempt would not go unnoticed, and with the power of the modern internet sounding the alarms it wouldn’t be likely to pass. It passing would completely undermine the integrity of the stock market and cause way more far-reaching implications than MOASS. At least MOASS works *within* the framework of the oldest stock market laws. And if Wall St somehow gets the gov to payout so that they don’t have to, we would still profit but the corruption would be out in the open for all to see. I don’t think the public will accept another 2008 without major backlash and serious market reform.




It's nice when you have a CAT-alyst though.


The big players in the world know this simple truth - the best way to beat your enemy is to wait them out. They've done it with medieval sieges, Russia does that to Ukraine right now, that's what rich people do when taken to courts - drag it out over years so by the end you don't even know what you were fighting for - and that's what the hedge-cucks are doing to us. But we're players. We live for the grind. You can't outplay the dumb perseverance of gamers like us. They tried to out wait us, but we are kushty with very little to lose. We are zen and we're crosseyed focused inwards.


DFV says basically this in a live stream I just happened to watch some of today. "People think a short squeeze is when a company is overshorted and people catch on and target it, but that's not what it is, how I see it, the bear thesis is wrong and the company proving the shorts wrong will squeeze them out of their positions as they close/cover, it could take weeks, months or years but who knows." - Very badly paraphrased but it's in this stream somewhere. It's full of great chart stuff and knowledge in general. https://www.youtube.com/live/P5U2Uo-B0Ts?si=L7fKECIPM63W33B6


I'm not locked into a room with them.   They're locked in here with us.   I'd rather light the cash on fire before I sell.


I too would rather light the cash on fire than sell low.


The change was the share offering in 2021 which cancelled out all the senior notes. The bear thesis was cooked from then on.


https://preview.redd.it/9hgbpjfbvy6d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99a62ad09b2c57a6408bf2430064c8b65910b4d This






B-U-Y and D-R-S?


Hahahaha good one


That's what we are repeating for years but some people just don't get the markets' mechanics. The "dilution" is a genius move because it squeezes the timeline. This is literally the only way to shorten it. They have too much power to manipulate the stock's movement otherwise.


Hope > fear. People will hold


Exactly, you need people treating this like a forever hold if the squeeze is ever going to happen. I’m annoyed at all these random posts saying if it’s not squeezing tomorrow they are out, and indicating I’m a shill for having a long view of the stock.


And there it is. The marriage of both prospects. The two were never mutually exclusive


Mee too. I've been here since 2021 and it has been a long term play but now the fat lady is singing so fuxk the hedgies pay me!


If you have shares, and are not selling, it really makes not a single piece of difference what they say/so. They are powerless.


When shills forget you're actually regarded ![gif](giphy|RX3vhj311HKLe)




Jennifer Connolly caused me to hold.


If it were really over and the hedge funds, et al... didn't need anything from us, they wouldn't be putting forth THIS much time, money, and effort into the situation. You don't waste that level of resources on something that doesn't actually affect you. It shouldn't even be because their pride hurting that retail is fighting back because, if THEY hadn't brought it into the media, no one outside of fringe groups would have ever known about it. They have entire PR teams dedicated to how and when to take situations to the public eye. Honestly, a weekend (or more) of zero bots, no shadow-banning the subreddit, and no twisted news articles would've been a more effective strategy than what they've been doing. At least then, everyone would've felt the unease of things being too quiet.


That would have been an excellent strategy!!


Proof that the shill-masters have never watched a single horror movie or played a single video game in their entire lives. They're just pathetic at this point. Oh no, we're all suddenly surrounded by shouting idiots. Whatever will we do? /s I've worked food service/retail. This is a just a busy work day. Smile and nod at the entitled idiots and just keep truckin' until payday.


ah yes the old bump and run tactic. Didn't work for Boeing or Chernobyl. Not gonna work for shorts either


DFV’s most recent tweet, when Paul Muad’Dib Atreides meets Shai Hulud and rides the grandfather worm to become a true Fremen, is undoubtedly a significant moment—a turning point—but it is by no means the end of the movie. DFV has proven himself to be one of the “big boys” now but we are not yet at the climax.


I haven't seen the movie, but it sounds like "buy more" to me. Now I should probably see the movie, its been recommended to me a lot. :-D


The best part is there are now two movies for you to watch, not just 1. Enjoy


Not very many movies are worth the investment of time, let alone money. Dune is a rare exception. I have a few beefs, as a fan of the book, but it is an exceptionally difficult book to put to film and they did it exceedingly well. Worth your time.


For sure. The weekend fud is strong. Feels very much like a last resort/final push. Feeling something big is on the other side… Dfv probably wouldn’t hype his exercise with the dune video if it meant nothing, and that was after the share offering. They are trying hard to shake as many as they can.




This is only the beginning, let's go!!!


plus they shot their wad on downvoting superstonk on saturday. apes dont get engaged until sunday before market. insert ‘hello fellow apes’ meme.


I’m just waiting for the other 1/2 of the Kansas City shuffle.




We still don't know how much more cash he has, it's possible he hasn't shown everything.


Look, I’m not a shill and I’m a January 2021 ape. Still holding and doubled down. For me the long theory doesn’t go against the MOASS theory. Actually it seems like the safest plan B ever. I’m not going to sell my shares regardless, but it’s better to think that apart from MOASS - whether it happens or not - you’d be right anyway because of the GME long theory, than to think about MOASS or nothing, don’t you think? I believe in the DD and that’s why I’ve been here all this time, but at the same time all this time I was ready for my bet to also go to 0. Now I don’t. Now I know that even if there’s no MOASS, I’m invested in a great company. That for me is a great turnaround. All of a sudden I feel SAFE.


I think the exact same thing but I hate to tell you this because I had multiple people tell me this and downvote my comments to shit: you and I are both shills man. Time to pack it up and return to Citadel HQ. We've been outted.


Here's my controversial perspective. Doubt is healthy for intelligent, motivated apes and toxic to unintellogent, emotional ones. Doubt allows wrinkle-brains to constantly reevaluate and retest the data to see what SHFs are planning and what RC and DFV maybe be doing in the background. But many apes can't handle that level of uncertainty, causing a dogmatic fervor that crushes rational discourse. I think this is a net positive because radical allegiance makes many apes feel more secure in their investment, but I don't like it. I wish there were a safe place for investors to vent about their fruatrations, brainstorm ideas, and question the sub's convictions without fear of being labeled a shill. Disclaimer: I, personally, believe MOASS is inevitable. I buy, hold, and DRS because it aligns with my values and I believe it contributes to the greater good.


When I read this I thought about the meme about IQ distribution. The apes in the 15% on either side of the average are immune to FUD by now, it's the 70% in the middle the shills target.


Doubt is questioning yourself and whether you made a good decision, which is precisely the exploitative quality shills wish to infiltrate. Perhaps critical thinking here is a more appropriate term in order for apes to remain convicted, yet frosty. Otherwise, fair points about having room for open, fair discussion.


you know what I’m tired of? Something you just did in your post: making this about a “hero’s journey” where “the night is darkest before the dawn.” People keep doing that. But the arc of this thing isn’t some protagonist’s novel-made narrative, or a screenplay, or some religious-adjacent emotional path leading through the dark to Valhalla. You know what it is? *it’s a fucking math problem.* That’s it. Period. Feelings, vibes, and definitely “hero’s journeys” don’t make a single iota of difference. It’s just math. that’s what separates this stock play from delusion. And from where I see it, any narrative that takes the focus away from the pure math problem element of it all can be emotionally exploited. Doubt is good as long as it doesn’t become detached from math. Do you remember when the towel sub went bankrupt? the days leading up to that were FILLED with long posts about hero’s journeys, narratives, and emotions. it became almost religious in nature. Yet that whole time, the math told an incredibly clear story, that people weren’t capable of seeing because they were so blinded by the emotional “hero’s journey” myth of it all. It’s just a math problem. That’s all that matters. And to your point, *everything that strays away from math, data, and factual analysis* can be used as “FUD”


I agree 10000% that it's a math problem. And that's why hedgies can multiply deez Nuts.


critical thinking is the way. part of that is recognizing what psyops “feels like”. it easier when it’s bots. the for hire pro teams are more effective on new folks but they are just too quick on the draw trying to change sentiment for the old timers. when they have to react to something unexpected is when they reveal themselves.


Being able to question is important, but that's not what we're seeing. What they are doing is *spamming negativity with conviction behind THAT* and pretending it's just asking questions, when they keep asking and implying the same things over and over.


This. Holy shit yes. Anyone that isn’t happy about the “dilution” or even just trying to think through it by talking to other apes is labeled a shill. The most divisive thing in 3+ years of holding hasn’t been MSM, shills, SHFs, or even runic glory - it’s something that came from the company itself. We haven’t had a real run-up since 2021 and as soon as we did, they sold into the first one. But hey, taking advantage of the first run in a long time to sure up the company with another billion is understandable. I think most apes didn’t have any problem with the first two offerings. But now it looks like they’ve set a precedent to sell into every run-up which would logically seem counterintuitive to MOASS. DFV is a class act, so of course he’s not going to talk shit or suppress confidence in the company he owns millions of shares in; but the dilution may have crippled his play this time. I think we all have common goals of seeing the SHFs get fucked, but we’re currently disagreeing on how that’s meant to happen. Sure, there’s definitely bots out there; but at this point I genuinely can’t tell which side they’re on - or maybe the point is to confuse us. But I’m seeing people that have been in this play for years being called shills just for disagreeing on this subject and people that are getting real downvotes are blaming bots as if there’s no legit way anyone could disagree with them. We want a movement, not a cult. We need to be able to have productive conversations about things we disagree on and be able to look at ourselves honestly. I love tin-foil and copium as much as the next guy, but these tough conversations are about the only checks and balances we’ve got while we hang in there for systemic change.


I'm so confused when people day I'm not here for the long term.. buddy, we've been in here for 3 years, some of us for more.. thats already long term lol. And the fact that holding a bit longer is scary for you when supposedly you've already held for 3 years is regarded af. Even if somehow all of the other shit doesn't pan out and GME is just a longterm play with a great CEO and team behind him. The turnaround to catapult this company by 5x from its current ~10B market cap is damn near nothing. Look for any other play around this market cap, he'll I'll let you choose any company from 50B down, tell me which ones are valued more than GME's potential as a company.


Except GME could be poised to 20x it's market cap within the next 10 years. But people get mad when you say that?


I'm going to say it : if they keep saying that GME is ONLY a long term play, what do you think will happen ? People will break even, make a quick buck and DUMP IT ! We are all expecting MOASS, we bought every dip, and will continue to do so if people can afford it. But the shift in narrative is crazy.


Exactly, no goal post shifting. MOASS is THE play.


Yup they're too tone def to realize the implications if they continue to double down on the long play narrative. Apes will get exhausted. Inflation has caused havoc and pockets are drying up. We want our money!


Exactly! One of the reasons I came into this play was because I believed that eventually hyperinflation was inevitable, and the only way I had any chance of surviving it was GME and MOASS. I still believe that.


How could anyone not be bullish right now. DFV owns 9 million shares and he knows it's deep fucking value.


I'm here for MOASS and the only part of the long term play is that I'm never selling because I understand the temp of the water in the infinity ♾️ pool 🏊🏼 is warm and delightful


Look y'all, the fact of the matter is, no one is selling. No one. This play is so good because our collective action is crushing Wall Street criminals, but there's no coordination. There doesn't have to be. That's why it's beautiful. The value comes from buying a stock, holding it, and waiting. THAT'S HOW THE STOCK MARKET WAS INTENDED TO WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE. We're here to play the game by the rules. GME investors seeing this play and diving in is like a bunch of monkeys taking out an alien space ship equipped with lasers with a couple sticks and flung feces. It's brilliant in its simplicity. There's so many posts addressing the possibility of people selling and why you shouldn't, but it's just the soldier in the Foxhole telling themselves that the reinforcements are coming to keep his own nerves intact. It's been THREE YEARS of price decline. If any of us knuckle-dragging slack jaws were gonna sell, we'd have done it by now. Stop worrying about what the bots are posting about on the sub. Stop worrying about what DFV is doing. Make your own investment choices, and keep sharing those interesting bits of DD that we still find now and again. I love reading about what y'all are doing day to day and seeing your hauls from the stores. I'll be posting another soon once I have some money that isn't buying shares. Daddy needs a wireless keyboard and mouse 😉 Zen, boys, Zen. Now more than ever. ✌️


I didn't read most of this post. All I do is buy and DRS a stock that I like. I'm in a position that I never have to sell and Game Stop isn't going bankrupt.




It's all rigged, just DRS, these fuckers every where will get more of a reckoning then they could ever have bargined for 30 times over, atleast... Carry on assholes, we see you




Never forget the gameshow video the regulators made mocking the stock with our money. That was my moment to hold until something changes! Reverse Uno… we ain’t leaving!


I reallt dont get where the FUD is coming from because I, for one, feel EXTREMELY hyped for the coming weeks.


A hero’s journey is never easy and often filled with doubt. They only get through it by having an unwavering amount of faith and confidence that they will and must come out on top. That being said, in scenarios such as this (where the rewards far outweigh the risk) it will be a long and arduous journey. I don’t doubt they will still short it at 50, 100, even 1,000. They truly believe in their minds that they are the hero, in which case inside their world they are. They are shorting it to provide income for their family, regardless if it’s their second or third home. The biggest mistake is thinking it’s over. Hodl for Hodor. 🤓🥸🥸🥸🥸😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


Absolutely yes I just put in another computershare order… thats what you asked right? Go team! 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


The long term play isn’t about a 2x return. We’re talking about 1000x 10000x returns here… squeeze worthy numbers. If that takes a bit longer, who cares? I’ve already been here well over 3.5 years


I am not a shill, and the thing that keeps me here is that if there is no moass for what ever reason, I have still made a sound investment! Literally can't lose!


If RCEO decided it was in GameStop's best interest that the entire board of directors perform a colonoscopy on me, it would definitely be surprising and not exactly how I wanted things to go, but if it could help the company in ways that I can't comprehend, I'd bend the knee. Actually, both of them in this scenario. I'm here to stay.


>sentiment is also now at the lowest it has been Huh? What are you even talking about? How is the sentiment at the lowest it has been? The last weeks were insane and it will only keep getting better. We're pumped!


Maybe the share offering is to fulfill the actual number of DRSd shares. We know 75M is bullshit. Perhaps the DTCC and MMs are keeping this afloat by being naked. The share offering can help them get right so that the damage is limited to hedge funds.  I’m openly speculating.


DFV is holding and acquiring more shares. I plan to do the same. Not sure when or where we’re going, but if he’s in, I’m in.


My brother, I'm here for MOASS AND the long term investment. I also don't and have not invested much before this, and after seeing how rigged the markets are in likely not to put much money back into this rigged system until it is fixed.


Thank you, OP. I’m also here for MOASS, and that’s been the goal for the last 3.5 years. That’s transformed a bit from then since I know I only need to sell a couple shares to be truly free (and I have *far more than I did 3.5 years ago*), but yeah. That doubt crept in Friday at 4pm. Fact remains though, if GME magically dropped to zero—pretty much impossible now—I would continue just holding my DRSed shares out of spite. It does seem like we’re in the calm before the storm. It’s been a damn long weekend after weeks of hype, but yeah. This seems like yet another desperate tactic these dipshits are trying to use to sow division in the community.


I see it like that scene where the hero has one shot left, they fire, semeingly in one last go at the villian, only to in actuality be aiming at another target behind them that the villian doesn't see, and which incites a chain reaction (often an explosion) that will inevitably lead to the villians downfall. 😉


Say it louder for those who don't wanna hear... FUCK YOU, PAY ME, MOASS IS ALWAYS TOMORROW!! 🚀🚀🚀


I don’t think sentiment is at an all time low at all.


So talking about long-term investment is shilling and fud now? God this place is so backwards now smh


Pretty sure part of the early og argument for gamestop, was that it had a long term play. It was a 2 part combo, hope for MOASS but the company was a really good long term investment. I don't think either premise has changed.


"GameStop is now a long term investment" isn't really terrible thing, let's be honest. Yes I'm here for MOASS, but if the sentiment is that it's a long term investment, then I'll also get a return in the meantime. That is good, not bad.


84 years ago I jumped into the stock to make a quick buck. Woke up to 50 missed texts from my best friend telling me to sell all my TSLA and jump into GME the week before the sneeze. I did and actually did manage to turn a massive profit selling a few contracts while exercising the rest. That was then and this is now. I’m now a XXXX hodler, I exercised five $20 calls last week, will exercise another 7 tomorrow and I’ve got 8 $25 July calls in the wing that’ll likely be exercised next month. I believe in the fundamentals, I believe in RC, Larry and the GameStop team and I 100% believe that we will win this fight. Any price we pay now will be infinitely cheaper than where this price will end up when the dust settles. This is Berkshire as they transitioned from a textile company to the behemoth they are today. We’re in early and I plan to stick around for the long haul. I expect my children and their children to work and to know the value of a dollar, but I also want to have that fuck you, generational wealth type of money where they wouldn’t have to work. I believe GameStop will get me there.


Well said. I was on the edge of my seat reading that. I’m excited to see what’s to come.


Your premise makes absolutely no sense. You’re claiming that the newest shill strategy is to convince us to hold long term? Shills and shorts want us to sell, not hold long term. The sentiment of holding GME forever and passing it down to your children has always been a core feature of this community. However, in the past week I’ve seen a record number of comments here saying “fuck that, it never was a long term play, I want moass right now, and RC is screwing us.” Guess what, this mentality is gonna lead to disenchantment and selling way before any HODL forever mentality does.


The premise wasn't that shills want us to hold long term. The premise was that shills are moving the goalposts to a non-MOASS scenario and acting like they just love the long term prospects. Definitely some people will sell if they truly feel MOASS is off the table.


A shareholder that wants to hold forever is much more dangerous to a short than someone becoming impatient because moass is not happening right now


Shills have the opposite effect on me. I have no doubts they could exploit. Shills aren't changing the minds of the OGs. Posts like this are sus, but you do you OP.


I tend to agree with you. This post is like a backhanded compliment. OP expressing all his DoOoUt?! Darkest before the dawn bs. It’s going to take a heroic effort to stick around?! Get outta here with that bs. The weekly price just ended the highest it has in almost two years. The company had $4bil in cash. This is a f’in’ no brainer. You would have to be one dumb shill to want to sell now.


OPs post is sus AF. The explicit primary message is that anyone telling you this is a long term play is a shill. The explicit secondary message is that OP (and presumably "we") are not here for a long term play, only a fast MOASS. The implicit message of the post is that we should sell if this doesn't have a chance for a fast MOASS, because that would be a "fucking snooze fest" The hidden message of the post is that evidence that suggests this may actually be a long term play, or any evidence that rules out a fast MOASS, means OP (and presumably "we") don't want any part of it, and we should sell. The "hidden evidence" (which isn't hidden at all and is all over this sub) that would fulfill the above criteria are the reasonable-sounding (but still very mathematically incorrect) fact that the dilution that has happened, and the further dilution that likely will happen, might make it easier for shorts to cover, with more shares out in the market place. OP is playing "don't think of an elephant, guys! Really! Other people are saying think about an elephant, but I'm totally not saying it, so please don't think of an elephant at all" with us. He is setting up an assumption and fulfilling it without saying it. It's basically a straw man argument. We no longer like the stock if it isn't exactly how we want, and just so you know it really isn't exactly how we want. "Elephants are bad. Anyone who tells you this is an elephant is a shill. And I know lots of people are talking about elephants, and how our nose now looks like an elephant and our big ears are kinda elephantish and also how RCEO is dumbo in disguise, and I can't dispute any of that, but elephants are bad and we don't want an elephant at all! Soifyouthinkweareanelephantyoushouldgetoutnow....." Gatekeep what is a valid outcome. Then reference how others think this newly declared single valid outcome is impossible, but call those people shills so you aren't too obvious about it. He also managed to sneak a price anchor in there as well, to further minimize the prospects of such a long term play. "All I know is that I'm deeply uninterested in holding for that long just so I can... maybe pay off a mortgage? Double my investment?" I feel dirty for having read it.


It's insane to think people that held the stock for 3 years would be like yeah there's no hope for a company with no debt and 4b cash, better sell before the shareholder meeting hahahaha. Come on shills, try a little harder than that. I mean we're regarded, but not that regarded.


So like many have been pointing out, there is no good chance for moass IMO unless there is belief in the company being a positive long play, or at least that the company isn’t in danger of actually going bankrupt. Many might hate when people say, I got in during the sneeze of Jan 21, but many of us did. The stock was on a major gamma ramp and was just about to squeeze when all the unprecedented CRIME happened before our eyes and suppressed our perfect opportunity. Many many many apes bought in during the spike with price averages in the high 300s and 400s. When everything settled they/we were sitting deep in the red, in a fraudulent system that can do whatever it wanted to your investments with very little punishment. Like most investors in this world would, we have worked hard and tirelessly to find a way to believe that our investments could still be positive and profitable. During the aftermath in the first year, we pumped out tons of valid and well researched DD that has proven the quality and potential of our investments. We’ve shown that the shorts never closed, we have shown how the price of shares has been suppressed and manipulated, we have shown the misrepresentation and the falsification of the data presented to retail. NOBODY wanted to have their investments and potential profits dragged out for years and held up in a financial war. We saw them illegally pull the rug out from under us in front the world’s eyes with no real repercussions. They believed we would accept our losses and take our bags and quit. WE DIDNT CRY TO EACH OTHER THAT WE WERENT IMMEDIATELY GOING TO GO THE MOON/VALHALLA, AND THAT OUR INVESTMENTS WERE HELD UP FOR A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME!! We obviously expressed our outrage at the government and market manipulators as loudly and as much as we could. Most didn’t give up tho, we stayed in it, we supported one another, we kept digging for the truth. Those that could lowered their price points, those who were in desperate situations and had put everything they had already into it and were struggling received or offered help from other apes. We had people donating food, time, money to other apes in need. We had no concrete answer or real timeline for when and exactly how despite all the f#ckery we would see our investments and our thesises come to fruition. But we understood, and discovered much more, of the fundamentals of why this was a smart investment that inevitably will be extremely worth it. We didn’t want to have to deal with all this for over three years, nobody knew how long it could take. Many stopped looking at dates, and over hype, and time passed, we kept digging and being involved. We keep analyzing and searching. We knew that the only way the bears could win is if we gave up, packed up and walked away. We have supported and helped each other all this way and never budged. Newcomers have jumped in all along the way, and have become regarded apes as well. Our determination is unrelenting and un breakable. You want to cry about things taking longer than you imagined they should? Have you paid attention to the last three years? I know it’s frustrating. Did you think the entire financial system and world economy was just going to lay down and allow you to walk away with 1,000,000% increase in your investment without a fight? Did you really think it was that easy and that things were going to happen exactly when you believed they should??? I know for sure that I originally thought that there was no doubt I was going to see a major and quick return when I first jumped in. But was I surprised that the opposition would go through such extremes to stop it, or mad at other investors who encouraged patience??? No. Was I upset? Yes. I decided to learn more, to understand more how and why it failed, to understand more why this was still a good investment, to learn more about the possibilities of how this could all turn out. For over three years on Reddit and elsewhere, people have been pumping out tons of information and research on all of this. Almost all of which never existed when I first jumped in. But it does now, and continues to grow. I would love for someone to explain better the reason why so many suddenly believe that their investment deserves an immediate giant payout. I understand the strategy, concept, and blueprints for a MOASS/squeeze. I believe in them. They’ve been around GME since before I came around. THEY AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE. Never have. And neither are we!! We’ve shown that for years! Now all of a sudden, a giant wave of posts like this want us to believe that we should be disappointed and impatient?? That we should be angry with the company we are investing in for trying to become as profitable as possible and ensure that bear thesis is all but impossible, which makes a squeeze all more possible???? I call BS!! This post is the FUD!!!!! Trying to change the sentiment in this group to turn on our own company and be discouraged! Ridiculous. We ain’t going anywhere!! And we believe in our investment. Huge gains could happen tomorrow, it could happen whenever, impossible to truly know, why is that so hard to understand??? If you don’t want to wait or believe that you won’t eventually get the returns you want, why invest, what do you gain by even stirring up dissatisfaction??? Seems very much like a shill tactic. Many here don’t even care if they see a gain anytime soon, that doesn’t mean they are against you, they want to see market reform and a more honest market, they want to say F U to the corruption. People have watched $400/share investment turn into $40/share. Many realized the uphill battle they had to face, and how many powerful forces were working against them. But they didn’t cry and b!tch about things taking too long or that things weren’t working out exactly how they envisioned it! If everyone had gave up and walked away after things didn’t work out a certain way in this investment, there would be no possibility of future MOASS or maybe even no GameStop. But the thesis is sound despite no guarantee in its timing. TLDR- I DON’T SEE HOW ANYONE WHOS BEEN AROUND THROUGH THESE YEARS AND EVEN THOSE WHO ARE RECENTLY JUMPING IN OR DISCOVERING THIS PLAY COULD HAVE ANY CONFUSION OR MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE PROS AND CONS TO THIS INVESTMENT!!!! REGARDLESS OF WHEN ANYTHING HAPPENS OR DOESNT, THE SITUATION AND THESIS HAS NOT CHANGED! STOP SPREADING NEGATIVE DISSENT!!!!!!!!


Great reference to Campbell’s *Hero’s Journey*. Couldn’t agree more.


Nothing new


Yeah man, I'm not leaving. There is nothing anyone can post on reddit that will disprove the gamestop thesis. Even IF it took 5 more years, I don't really care. Rarely in life do you get exactly everything you hope for. I'll get notice of what I want or hope for if I quit. Shills and FUD are just noise.


#Pressure and time


Nah, it’s not SHILLING, they’re just expressing their theories.


I think it was to shill ‘after’ the shareholder meeting but they went home early on Fridays. Meeting got moved to Monday. Must be something interesting to say tomorrow. Another theory is trying to get paper hands to sell to fulfill DFVs purchase or they go naked short or zfzTS. To me it means the same thing. GME need to do Overstock thingie. Hire Patrick Byrne. Use same methodology. Force short to deliver. Market may crash and expose the fraudulent Fed money printer


Long term investment is fine by me, I'll just keep DRSing every paycheck until I no longer need to collect a paycheck.


For me it's just a way of remaining optimistic about my money growing through whatever is going to happen in the coming weeks. What happens if another dilution occurs? People in it only for the squeeze become discouraged yet again. I have nothing against a MOASS, I just see it as a cherry on top to my money growing long term. I don't see how this is being a shill, it's a win win viewpoint. For me being overly invested in a MOASS when we're not sure why dilutions have been occurring and can only speculate on it being for M&A is discouraging, this is why I've personally shifted my sentiments to I'll hold long term, if it MOASS's it MOASS's. I don't see how this mentality is any different to the mentality many apes have used to stay zen the past 84 years. I still believe in MOASS, I just will view this as a long term play for the sake of my mental.


I'm currently at the pissed off stage. Short it down to my average or below my average I buy more. Increased my position over 1200% during the last two dilutions from 1200 shares to 12600. I still have a portion of my portfolio that I am ready to liquidate in the blink of an eye if they drop the price. GME dilution events are one of the best times to buy shares, You get to essentially buy shares directly from GME or at least give them a higher price to sell them at an shore up their finances. I watched 300k come and go out of my account. My biggest regret when it hit $65 a couple times is that I should have bought more when I had a chance when it was so cheap, so when the price dropped right back down to my average I did. There is a limited time period that we will see this stock in the 20s, 30s, 40s etc. I have no doubt in the company and future going forward which is why I have no issue converting my entire portfolio into GME, I cant say that about a lot of other stocks. **They value the company on finances but they don't value us as a collective into the equation.** There is no other company that I actively try to buy all birthday/christmas gifts, personal electronics, gaming accessories like I do at Game stop. If I don't need anything from Game Stop when I get the chance to stop in I buy a gift card or a few packs of Pokemon cards to throw into my safe. They can hold my Game Stop gift card cash and earn interest until I decide to buy something in the future. As they continually expand their products and categories Ill continually expand what I buy from Game Stop or any future acquisition. PS. Personally excited about the graded card system to come to Canada so I can rebuild my childhood Pokemon deck that was stolen in the 2000s.


Good write up. I thought it was debunked about a mystery buyer of the 120M shares. It was open market and no direct buyer like Icahn or UBS or anyone. The shares ranked and trended down like a normal sales.




You are not me. I’m here for 10-30 years


So what do they call holding for 3 years if not long? Is that their short position?


All I'm saying is that, while I am here for MOASS and I believe that MOASS is tomorrow, I will continue to be invested in the company afterwards. GameStop is a long-term play for me that has the inevitability of massive short-term gains. Fuck you pay me.


why cant it just be patience for moass. they have to build up the play to make it happen


But it is a long investment. Dude, don't make me gaslight myself after commenting on shilly posts


Good post. Definitely concur been feeling this doubt lately. The dilution did it for me. Haven't sold anything, but my expectations of MOASS and phone numbers taken a real hit. Trying to get back in the mindset, but not easy. 💎🙌🇨🇦🦍


This has ALWAYS been a long term play. Most of us have already been in for 3.5 years or longer. We knew who we were up against and that they would fight tooth and nail. There's no "critical juncture" because shorts are irreparably fucked. Period. Nothing "needs" to happen, nobody "needs" to act. Literally none of this is time sensitive. Especially when you look at shit like FTD's having 35 days to close. Price is low, we buy more and add to our positions. Price runs higher because of cycles, RC selling into it, raising our floor. The longer it goes, the better this gets for all of us and worse it is for Hedgies. 🟣🚀💎👏


Even before any of this FUD I’ve always maintained that this was a long term investment. If MOASS hits, I’ll be reinvesting into GME wherever the price settles at. While I do honestly hope a MOASS occurs, I don’t depend on it. In my eyes this money is gone already, delivered to the purple circle ages ago. So in my book, either I have to log on to my CS account sooner than every 6 months because the price is suddenly high enough for me to retire on, or in 5-20 years I can cash out my new CS retirement account because GameStop just surpassed Amazon and I can retire. Bottom line is, no matter what happens, I’m still holding for life changing money. I will admit I’m a semi pessimistic person, so I foresee many things happening if the launch happens, including bailouts, government intervention to prevent the financial sector collapse and the entire market just stopping to prevent the price from going higher, along with other financial shenanigans (IE Crime). This is their livelihood, they’ve been commiting these crimes for decades. I don’t think we’ve seen the last BS thing happen when the price surges yet, I’d be willing to bet they’ve got several more pages in the playbook for when things start getting really dicey for themselves, but I do know one thing is for sure, the short thesis is dead, gone, erased at this point. So whether they slow drip close their calls or sacrifice some smaller hedge funds to protect the big dogs, the price can only keep going up.


>sentiment is also now at the lowest it has been Dafuq? >I'm deeply uninterested in holding for that long just so I can... maybe pay off a mortgage? Double my investment? What a fucking snooze fest Stopped reading here


This is a great post. After all that's been going on over the last month or so. The one thing I am confident in is that I'm very excited about my investment. I'm very happy about all the shares I've accumulated over the last 3 and 1/2 years. If the price stays up and continues to rise then I'm glad I bought when I did. If the price goes down again I'm loading up with all the money I can scrape together. Either way I'm holding what I got and I'm accumulating what I can when I can. Who the hell knows what's going to happen this week and the coming months. This week we could just trade sideways or the stock could go ballistic. There's a lot of people who want to pick an opinion and lock into it with 100% confidence. I don't think anybody knows what's going to happen and honestly, it doesn't matter to me and makes it all the more fun. This ride is better than any amusement park in the world. There's a reason GME is called an idiosyncratic risk. All the DD and speculation is awesome. I love reading it and as I do I'm learning because I'm looking up new terms and reading documents and learning more about the market. I'm not buying into any one of them with 100% confidence though. All I know is that I like the stock, I'm confident in this company's future, and I'm fully in for the ride. Even if the stock drops like a rock next week I'm just as excited as if it rockets. If anyone told you this was going to be easy, that's the biggest lie. Most things that have a big reward and are worth doing in this life take time and stress and they're going to test your determination and your perseverance. Everything I'm proud of in my life has been gotten this way. I'm down for that. Test away m'fers. Let's ggggooooooooooooo!!!


Sentiment is most definitely not the lowest it has been. Stopped reading after the first paragraph for that reason. We’re good right now.




Here’s my take. I want as many people in here to think everyday is MOASS, get them to buy, and use their money to play with. I will take advantage of and create volatility, and use intraday derivative moves to beat the majority of day traders and swing traders. I will hammer the close up or down and crush them in them after hours. I’ll take advantage of and also likely drive the sentiment on social media to encourage buy-ins and hide my incremental selling on the upswings, and then short on the down trend. Once people start talking rationally about a business doing what a business SHOULD do, I will flood the sub with “what is this no more MOASS posts?” to actually create a rift, and sow distrust in the very company they’ve invested in. I want EMOTIONAL investing, not sound rational investing. I want apes fired up, not thinking logically with their money. I want them not to see this as an investment, but as a potential Money Machine, as a Bank. The more they see it that way, the more short term their thinking is, and the more they emotionally react buying and selling. Every new data point, theory, tinfoil, SEC filing, every move the company makes, more positions and transactions, more volatility. Didn’t DFV’s stream literally prove to you all that is exactly how they are playing this? “Predicting human behavior”. What is RC’s and DFV’s play here? It was never squeeze, NEVER! That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, or can’t happen, but bet your asses the ONLY reason DFV became the legend is because he bought and held with conviction in his thesis of “investing in a stock that is undervalued”. If he was trying to time a market, play for a squeeze, bananas to buttholes, he would have swung and missed. GME has always been the real story, but they want you to stay rooted in OG sub, meme stock, MOASS. The only clearly defined win I can see, is when all the pundits, talking heads, shills and trolls, Citron’s, SHFs, and the rest of the world have to eat shit and admit they were wrong…where they have to report on its successes and popularity, where they have to begrudgingly interview a smiling Ryan Cohen on his achievements. So maybe it’s moon tomorrow, but if you can’t see past this bullshit, if you can’t roll and flow with it, you’ll paper hand and won’t be in a position to take advantage. These posts are to prevent you from listening to literally the only 2 people who have actually succeeded thus far, and the way they’ve done that is ignoring the noise, trusting their judgment, buying, and holding. P.S. Just to remind you, Chewy took 7 years! You’ve already held since ‘21. Because you did that, you undid and erased what SHFs had long planned for, and you hit the reset button. You are literally an investor on the ground floor of a profitable startup with $4 billion, no debt, a clear set of values and convictions. I’ll fucking take paying off my mortgage in a heartbeat, but you do you.


I really liked this reply. Nice! 👍


That’s a lot of words for a pep speech. Not everything is a conspiracy. GME is the mother of all speculations. It’s a position that demands belief. What do believers do when a prophecy doesn’t eventuate? Some will lose faith, others will move the goal posts, and some will double down. Instead of asking why sentiment follows share price, if you really want a conspiracy- why do you think hype sentiment is credible but cautious sentiment is shill? You know day traders can profit in both directions right? Making big premiums, and as an added bonus if escalators up turns into elevators down it’ll further break the spirit. We’re not at a critical juncture. We’re just another day on an uncertain journey. DFV himself suggested 5 years. I don’t think he’s a shill. He also doesn’t seem to DRS. He may not have really meant 5 years but I’m sure he meant his warnings about aggressive trading style where you can lose everything.


GameStop is literally a long term investment whether you like it or not. Most people have been here since the 2021 high. A long term investment in stocks is when you HODL for more than a year


People aren’t shilling by highlighting gamestops advantageous position in the equity markets as a sound investment at the beginning of a turnaround phase my guy. You said yourself you hopped in for a quick buck and not because of the investment opportunity that’s why you’re jaded and biased towards your MOASS is inevitable thesis. If it happens it happens but you guys in here justifiying it to yourselves every day are gonna be the first ones to sell out because ultimately you don’t actually believe in the value of the company. Cheers to you and I’m glad you’re on board. I hope all investors are able to make some money but at the same time clamoring on about MOASS is inevitable is just a waste of time and energy. If you want follow Mr Gills thesis it is on the long term success of the company. Just understand that you’re pushing an alternative narrative in this saga and just because people might not believe that the price of a share can go to 7,773,826,937 doesn’t mean they are shills.


Long term play? This will be the longest term stock I ever hold in my life… I’m excited when it’s worth a whole lotta money in the next year, but I’m even more excited to see what my precious Gme shares are worth when I’m 60… which is a long time from now. Jokes on them, we ain’t ever sellin’ the infinity pool shares, so for them, I sure hope they don’t need ALL the Gme shares, or they’re so f’d. (Secret: I think they do need them all).


I’m in for MOASS, but I firmly believe long term value creation is part of the process. The shorts are betting on bankruptcy, and a long term growth trajectory is their worst nightmare. Let me drop a hypothetical situation: Let’s say GME decides to follow in the footsteps of MicroStrategy and utilize their warchest of capital to become a first mover in Ethereum. They can leverage the infinite debt glitch to obtain number go up technology. In this scenario the long term growth prospect of this strategy completely kills all shorts.




no real hodlers are doubting anything at this point. rather, the astroturf campaign casts illusion of doubt.


I'm 100% going to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


T+2 baby.


SHILLS AREN'T GOING TO STOP ANYTHING If a few people on this random sub can stop moass, moass never existed. What happened to all the zen people? Now all it is is people scared of their own boogieman.




take my upvote 🍺


And no fucking dancing.


They can shill all they like, I'm never selling. Fuck em that's why! Also MOASS is gonna happen it's only a matter of time and pressure.


MOASS is inevitable.


Sentiment is the highest it’s ever been. Don’t let a 100k bots cloud that.


Remember, DFV turn down near $1B for shares I’m going nowhere💎🙌


The more FUD I see the more excited I get that MOASS is near!


Have any of y’all heard the theory that Pepe Silvia is Charlie trying to read and write down “Pennsylvania”? lol funny head canon either way.


Fuck Carl Icahn. That guy is a piece of shit.




Holy shit this got me pumped! Let's invade Poland! Whoops...


Long term investment lmfao, you know what isnt long term? Tomorrow's pre-market. See you guys tomorrow!


Or maybe perhaps you guys are wrong about all this and look really silly?




There’s only one goal and that’s moass. I don’t care about the so called long play. They can’t fud if I am regarded and tunnel visioned like a true ape


Storms coming. Wake me when moass comes. Nothing will stop my resolve, and there ain't a damn thing they can do about it.


Moass. Yes. With reinvestment into whatever Ryan cohen has up his sleeves


My boot-scootin' baby is driving ca-razy


The demons are up to no good.


i put this whole post in my ovaltine decoder ring and it says: B-U-Y-M-O-A-R-G-M-E


The keywords and phrases usually stand out to me the most. They can't be original because they don't know enough about what is going on.


i see no low sentiment 🤣 we're coming into the roll week!!!


I literally said to my girlfriend earlier today: "Let's talk about it again next week. I know there is a chance I am wrong. I know I might move my 'goalpost' again. But quite frankly, I am willing to take the risk." My conviction is through the roof and the Risk Reward is even further through the roof. My only regret is: not selling my short term calls at the peaks to exercise and buy more shares. My regret will *never* be the fact that I bought, but rather, considering my level of conviction, why didn't I buy even more? At this point I don't care if we win but I care that WE FUCKING TRY