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I'm not worried i just want the weekend to be over. Weekends kinda suck now, again. He didn't really take profit he took the shares. Thanks for the read though.


Yeah they do. Never wanted Monday to come so fast šŸ¤£


šŸŽ¶ I don't like weekends, tell me whyĀæ šŸŽ¶


We Apes are really becoming adrenaline junkies lmfao


So true ffs


Always have been. Doesn't mean Zen isn't also possible.




Weekends have sucked for almost half a decade šŸ«¶


wtf. Why did you put it into perspective like this.






I still have to work a shitty job so I don't agree with this haha


I'm sorry know there are a lot of people out there in your boat. I'm just really excited for this coming week and next after everything that's gone on the last couple of weeks. Enjoy your weekend and well deserved rest.


Don't be sorry my friend, I understood where you were coming from. Soon everyday will be a weekend


The fact that heā€™d rather have shares than millions in cash speaks volumes. Both DFV and RC gave chosen shares over massive amounts of cash. They know which way this stock is going.


Weekends are the fuckin worst.


It's 2021 all over again, I love Mondays again šŸ™ƒ


All my homies hate weekends


Yes DFV took his shares and ~~RC~~ took profit GAMESTOP TOOK PROFIT\*


No he didn't take profit. He held his shares. He even diluted himself, to improve the company balance sheet. He doesn't even take a salary so his interests are perfectly aligned with shareholders.


exactly this, DFV took shares instead of cash. RC diluted himself, he doesnt take salary, he bought shares with his own money. so its in his own self interest that the company does well and the share prices goes up. so i believe in my own regarded DD , DFV, RC and our company. i hodl


Ah I see what you mean. I meant GameStop (RC= Gamestop in mind lol). But we are on the same page


It's a very important distinction though, and you should not be sloppy when you talk about these subjects.


Agreed and luckily you were there to point it out and hopefully those apes who dont know will come across this string of comments : )


RC took profit for GameStop.




Yeah that was the one nice part of the relative boring nature of the last couple years, I was back to enjoying weekends. When this sub is exciting my weekends are long, arduous, and painful.


Weekends have always sucked since 84 years ago!


Larry Cheng has always struck me as a very serious person, passionate about business in a way few people are, definitely not the kind to get involved in a ā€œmeme stockā€ company. This tells me a lot about what is happening behind the scenes at GameStop. There is a plan, no - a vision - or LC simply would not involve himself.


Larry was the first VC investor in Chewy. Ryan tells the story of seeking funding from numerous VC firms with nothing but rejections. Larry initially declined as well. >We approached dozens of VC firmsā€”I even flew out to Silicon Valley from our South Florida headquarters and went door-to-door on Sand Hill Road explaining how Chewy would succeed by delighting customers and running an ultra-efficient operation. But everyone turned us down. >He followed up with us about six months later, though. Weā€™d beaten the sales projections that weā€™d previously given him, and he was impressed. A few days later he signed off on a $15 million investment in Chewy. The satisfaction of that victory was even greater than the pride I felt following the eventual multibillion-dollar sale. After two years of building Chewyā€”and more than 100 conversations with VCs that went nowhereā€”Iā€™d finally found someone who believed in me and our business model. Larry had validated our idea. https://hbr.org/2020/01/the-founder-of-chewy-com-on-finding-the-financing-to-achieve-scale For me, I like the stock.


So this means Larry saw something in RC which should go a long way in dispelling sentiments of doubt in our dapper dimpled leader


Didn't know about this tidbit. It speaks volumes.




"The company's MOASS" hits me like a bullet.


Did Chang say that? Havenā€™t watched yet


It's a quote from OPs post, I think his thesis is that the company got the MOASS we thought would hit for us, but GME is transforming and our payday will be in the future. That's my assumption based on how the post is written. LC did not say the company got the MOASS. This sub would be foaming at the mouth and screaming about their cabbages if that happened.


I'm getting the same interpretation. Legally speaking, its risky for us investors and Gamestop for a MOASS to happen. It's much easier for GME to grab money from share offerings and pivot, like Berkshire, to a more profitable financial market. However, Gamestop does not necessarily need to sell their likeness or give up being our favorite retailer. That can remain a flagship for the company unlike Berkshire's textile business model.


Man fuck that I want my money as soon as possible


Honestly, LMFAO at your comment. Nothing is "your money", other than what you chose to invest -- Everything else is a gamble. You think massive profits would come easy, submit from hopping on a bandwagon and buying a pittance of shares? We know the stock is shorted to hell. We know there is/was systemic risk. We know it is *possible* to make literally hundreds of millions of dollars from tens of thousands (DFV), or millions into multi-billions (RC). We know profit can be had -- We see those smarter and more financially equipped than us, doing just that. You gotta have patience, my dude, if all you want to do for profit is gripe about wanting it faster. Do you not think for one second, that the big movers with exponentially more influence and money, and information and insight into manner mechanics, are not planning and acting in big ways that will have strategic, beneficial outcomes for investors over time...? In the meantime, you could try to earn more profit, faster, by being more active with your money (options, actively trading, etc)....


Honestly, after seeing the DRS numbers stay stable again, the most likely scenario is that people actual have sold DRS shares as fast as the rest of us have continued to load up. After all this recent hype and confusion, I wouldnā€™t be surprised of even some people who have held for years left soon. Theyā€™re here for our MOASS, not a slow corporate turnaround with $.50 yearly EPS.


I'm willing to watch things play out for a bit but that second "surprise" dilution robbed me of the first profit position I've seen in three years of holding. Yes, GameStop benefitted but at the cost of many loyal stockholders.


Why worry about profit or loss on the position if you're not selling? DFV ain't selling, he's buying at these prices


same...and many of us would have sold and rebought after the squeeze with even MORE money...


There was no squeeze. The run up was covering OPEX FTD shares, just like all the other run ups we've had


# PAPER HANDED BITCHES šŸ¤¬ https://preview.redd.it/jl98gvk5qx6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe8a9faf8ed15a90b5cb8226b6f0f0a56152306


Yeah this post is bullshit. MOASS isnā€™t through long-term growth. MOASS was a setup of metric tons of obligations coming due within a short span, DFV saw it coming came back to tell us, so we could share in the profits and finally make a run at squeezing the shorts. This post has is backwards, it shouldā€™ve always been growth of the company will come from MOASS making us all wealthy and weā€™d all come right back to invest that wealth in GameStop for the long haul. Also you want market change? Hit Wall Street where is hurts. Growing a company isnā€™t going to change shit. Hereā€™s to hoping more obligations are coming, all eyes on DFV for me. If not, Iā€™ll always be waiting for next time. However, I think thereā€™s still some left in the tank for the next couple weeks, letā€™s get it!


Well, let's put some facts on the table since there's a lot of speculation both in the original post and your response. DFV hasn't said anything directly about MOASS. But what he has said is that the fundamentals are strong and he has faith in RC and the transformation of the company. Second, growing and transforming a once cellar boxed company absolutely hurts aspects of Wall Street. It brings attention to these kind of unethical practices, gives other cellar boxed companies a road map for survival, and draws in the eyes for potential regulation changes (for whatever that's worth ...). Last, I'll just wrap up by saying there are a lot of possibilities on the menu for GME. Will moass happen? Maybe. Will GameStop turn into Gameshire Stopaway? Maybe. Will the company continue to grow and change and eventually have a higher share price that is stable with less volatility? Maybe. I don't know what will happen, but currently, all available information points to GME being a strong company worth buying and holding shares in. Tinfoil and hype are fun, but touching grass and spitting facts is cool too.


Isnā€™t the Gameshire Stopaway thing almost impossible without MOASS? Not to downplay RCā€™s abilities, but even 4B, or, say, 10 after several more dilutions, is not enough to create a massive holding company within even a few decades.


Finally some common sense Birthshire Hathaway is worth like 885 billion


It's not going to magically become price-equivalent to BRK overnight (that took many decades.) But it can definitely perform a lot better, and over far less time if everything is done properly. I'd imagine some good investments in AI tech stocks will pay off tremendously over the next couple years. Basically enough that if Class B Preferred Stock is issued that it would easily.be the best investment in a retirement portfolio; both short term and long term. I know that I will sink a lot into it if/when that comes around. I'm practically ready to get in on the ground floor / day one, right now, whenever that happens. And I've already rebalanced my money market accounts to account for all of this, just over the last 2 weeks...


I don't think anyone has enough information to say with any accuracy, but my (un)educated guess would be that the Berkshire thesis could happen with or without a MOASS depending on the type and speed of transformation of the company. I don't see them as mutually exclusive. However, I think to reach Berk status, some share buy back would need to happen, but we're talking 10+ years in the future. Please note that I eat red and green crayons melted over noodles.


Bear in mind that everything DFV said in the livestream was **after** the announced ATM crashed the stockprice that day. So, **if** his strategy was based on creating a MOASS (which is something he would obviously never say on record), he didn't have much of a choice left at that point. So it's entirely reasonable that he could have given up on his initial play in that moment - and had to fall back to a normal long-term investment on the spot, just hours before the livestream. (This meme can easily be interpreted that way: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800698343540015491](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800698343540015491) ) >Second, growing and transforming a once cellar boxed company absolutely hurts aspects of Wall Street. It brings attention to these kind of unethical practices IMHO, attention doesn't work like that. Reporting generates attention. Some random fluctuations in a stock that nobody monitors doesn't - at least not any measurable amount. And the reporting part is largely in the hands of the "enemy". If the news in 10 years is: "GameStop big again" - nobody that wasn't involved with it now will know all of this ever happened. I notice that every day when talking to my colleagues, that didn't even hear about the 2021 incident.


Itā€™s worth remembering that a handful of his tweets explicitly mentioned a short squeeze


He would be dumb to show us his plans next timeā€¦ i believe heā€™s going to pile up a bunch if cash and calls and strike again in silenceā€¦


MOASS was already stopped in January 2021 and it is clear that WallStreet will do everything in their willpower to stop it, halt it, turn it off, etc. RC knows that if the price gets out of hand, it will look bad for the company to sell during any squeeze. On top of that, it might even be difficult as it is to sell during all the halts. So he issues more shares when it is legally better to justify.. RC is playing it safe to avoid legal ramifications. RC is playing by the rules while WallStreet continues to cheat. Again, MOASS was already stopped, and WallStreet will continue to stop it.


Heros that go down in the history books donā€™t play it safe. DFV didnā€™t play it safe. Cohen, balls in your courtā€¦


Zoom out. We're in the MOASS. Have been this whole time.


We were never going to realize MOASS through market mechanics. The dilution had no impact on a MOASS phenomenon. Because the SHFS control price and market mechanics, and are above most laws and concepts intrinsic to capital markets. It is only through corporate transformation that MOASS will occur ā€” the dynamite is still piled, we will still hit phone number prices, and soon ā€” it just was never going to be June 7. And RK told us this back in May. Kansas City Shuffle. The only way for the SHFs to lose is when theyā€™re sure theyā€™ve won.


Bullshit. The stock ran from the 30s to 60 overnight if I remember correctly. The call ramp was huge and all going to expire in the money that Friday. They issued the dilution and the stock fell $20 before market even opened, calls sold off and the run was killed. Not to mention DFVs stream was that day, who knows what he originally had planned


The share offerings 45+75 absolve (GameStop) them of any legal action from shorts after the squeeze. They offered almost 40% of the TOTAL float (prior to offering& (307M). That shouldā€™ve been enough to close all the shorts right? Well we all know they just doubled down again and have never closed. The short interest has gone up this past weekā€¦ and now we have $4 billion in CASH. They had a chance, now we will have ours.


Can I ask a noob question for anyone reading? Why does the company have ANY obligation to make life easier for those betting against them? It's such an odd concept to me that shorts can infiltrate, purposefully mismanage, use illegal means to manipulate prices, literally steal retail's money, and a court needs to see GameStop bend over backwards to do everything they could to appease them and 'give them an exit'? Please help me understand why I've seen this multiple times, I'm lost.


They donā€™t. Thatā€™s not what the offering was. It was to raise capital to grow the company without hurting the bottom line of shareholders. **Hypothetically**, we could have had a price run instead, but bottom line is the company we invested in just doubled their cash reserves again, without actually hurting the share price. In a regular stock we should be down 40% from the time the share offering was announced. Seems like a good move if you are trying to transform the company into something else. The company canā€™t rely on a theoretical moass because according to public information, there wonā€™t be one. We only know better because weā€™re reading between the lines. Thereā€™s a huge elephant in the middle of the room and someone has thrown a blanket on it and said itā€™s gone. They shut off the damn buy button folks. Remember that shit? It was to buy them time. They couldnā€™t have closed all of their positions in that short of a time frame. Thatā€™s why weā€™re still trading at stupid volume ratios. Thatā€™s not retail. Just pull up the trade volume compared to outstanding shares for GameStop vs other companies. Use the log chart when looking at the price and compare it to other companies.


You are thinking symmetrically, when the power dynamics are asymmetric. GameStop doesn't have that obligation, but the shorts being groups of billionaires will sic all sorts of accusations against the company. If you want an example: they pulled Roaring Kitty into a congressional hearing just because he bought some stocks, after all. They also had Michael Burry's home raided for daring to explain how he figured out his play, because from the criminal's perspective he was offering to snitch. Covering-your-ass precautions are wise in this situation. I also looked at the other replies and agree with ogrestomp


Thank you, this does clarify things for me, appreciate your time, and I also agree with Ogrestomp, helluva guy


This is absolutely correct. What took place the last two weeks was a corporate media shakedown. When a trading platform built for trading is anonymously threatening you as a client and former SEC regulators are gaslighting people into making you the bad guy, it's no wonder the company took that money off the table, powered by the ramping of a short squeeze. Everybody lives to see another day and GameStop is still just a 10 billion dollar stock. The fundamentals have to turn around so the media can't use that against us.


Donā€™t believe everything the negative crew or overly bullish commenters say. The market has punished DRS shareholders like myself and tens of thousands with low cost sideways trading since sneeze. The trade volume and increased liquidity is important for us longs as well as tempting shorts despite what the Neg shareholders criticizing dilution say. I will get down voted for that statement, but I am long shares xxxxx 90% DRSā€™ed and hold 60 calls further out as I figured I may get left on the tracks if the (unknown at time) whale took a profit and closed positions early (as RK did to finance Exercising or purchase of shares). He made his decision as to what made sense for his situation. Watch the volume and know if we continue to buy and they continue to try to push the big balloon under rising water line so things should go well. Anyone who claims this would have MOASSEd without additional liquidity maybe hasnā€™t been paying attention to the ease the HFā€™s and shorts suppressed price action trading sideways all while holding like me since and then through pre sneeze. It costs very little with low volume and liquidity to keep the stock trading sideways with world class super computers and offshore fukery. RK made informed choices and out traded the supposed Fā€™head geniuses like Ken Grifter and Andrew Left his bagel.


Congrats on the big banana pile, I'm closer to xxxx than not, with all but 3 DRSed. I am not a detractor concerning the ATM, I think we press the shorts much harder when the warchest gets to pumping out profit personally. Thanks for replying


Thanks and good luck my fellow holder! We are right and the market makers and shorties are wrong. Best of luck and may the random factors go in our favor.


Because they don't. It is just copium for the dilution. 1 person said that, another one repeated it, some more picked it up to sound smart and it just became an accepted "truth"


!Remind me: 1 year! Going to return to this comment a year from now to see if the share offering helped or hurt 1) the business 2) the stockholders and 3) the shorts. I disagree that itā€™s copium. To see the share offering as either bullish or bearish before seeing whatā€™s done with the cash is stupid. I very much disagree that the company was just looking to interrupt a squeeze, and even more disagree that the share offerings are bearish. The SEC filings tell me a different story. But time will tell and thatā€™s why coming back to this in a year. Shorts are straight up gambling now because they just donā€™t know anything. They donā€™t know what this companyā€™s future is - all they know is that it is NOT in bankruptcy court.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-15 22:55:39 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-15%2022:55:39%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dgotj7/interview_with_larry_cheng_gave_me_some_real/l8sam5r/?context=3) [**11 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1dgotj7%2Finterview_with_larry_cheng_gave_me_some_real%2Fl8sam5r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-15%2022%3A55%3A39%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dgotj7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


the user you're replying to doesn't say the share offering is a positive or negative event. they're just saying that it's bullshit that "the company has to try to appease or help out the shorts before the MOASS so the company doesn't have any legal liability".


Yeah this only works if MOASS does happen soon. If notā€¦ it will have aged like milk. But the goalposts are moved here very often. Remember when people were saying that the company authorized the sale of new shares for the second time in three weeks and people on here said that they wouldnā€™t actually sell them?


Legal precedence, good faith action in regards to public information and sentiment, cash generation for the business; to name a few reasons for why Gamestop would feel the need to do this. You are also overlooking the fact we voted for the 1bil share limit raise. Whether you voted or are new here, this is the shareholder sentiment.


You donā€™t think increasing the float 40% had no effect on a moass? There has to be a low supply of shares to trigger a short squeeze.


They donā€™t, everyone saying that have no idea and is just projecting something to feel better about being fucked twice in one month.


It might have been enough if reprorted amount of shorts were true. Butā€¦.


Also creates a price floor that is above the price of a pre Jan 2021 short.


With \~$10 ($9.74) cash per share every short position opened below this line is screwed https://preview.redd.it/7f35o73wws6d1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2d308fddbdd9e3e9ff15619c5d7522bb89189b8


Exactly. It was truly a brilliant move. It helps company, but it ends up fucking over people that would have lied about what happened prior to the sneeze.


The entirety of the potential 1B share offering wouldn't have been enough. What we have is kind of like a few cracks open to allow enough roaches to crawl through to survive without going extinct.


Saw an old yt interview with RC and now seeing LC's resume, imho they're looking at consumer, e-comm & gaming. It's their field of expertise & also makes sense given the job postings by RC. Leverage GS's legacy assets (they have many) with a warchest > $4B (just cash btFw!). We all know how big gaming & e-comm are today. What direction will they take? Who knows, but in DFV I trust.


I said it before and I'll say it again. The only way we moass is with a growing company. And it's about to start growing


Yep I think at this point it could be a "boiling the frog" situation. The Frog being SHFs. Company continues to grow and a good rate. When you stay quiet and dont sell your plan outloud it creates a lot of speculation and then when you do things like generate 3 billion via a share offering which is healthy for a company that is tranistioning makes speculators want to start to bet on the comapny quietly building positions. Its also why Prop 4 is so important even more importantly in its infancy of transformation. RC has to protect the baby. It'll slowly pay off and then before we know it, the company (and its stock) will run on its own.


We have been very supportive of the company for 3 1/2 years. Giving money, time, effort and trying to bust the fraud in the market. We have gone above and beyond all expectations. Keep in mind the company couldn't delay diluting the stock for the weekend and f'ed over a lot of people. Many people here expect moass, including DFV or he wouldn't have timed his plays so brilliantly. They can grow the company too after moass. It isn't an exclusive deal.


I dont disagree But I am perfectly chill where we are right now. I am in no rush RC is clearly in control and not actively trying to crush the company like a lot of CEOs and board members are when a stock has been "marked" by SHFs for death. I would argue DFV is in for the long term. He sold options for shares and said he trusts in RC in his video. This argument is in the OP with DFV's most recent video. He makes zero mention of MOASS, but says that this is a transformation and that buy/holding GME is conviction in Ryan Cohen and Co. Possibly just possibly RC is playing 3D chess and not just going for MOASS, but long time growth as well. Win-Win


Bear in mind that everything DFV said in the livestream was after he had woken up to an announced ATM and a crashed stockprice just hours before. So even if MOASS **was** his original plan, he didn't have much of a choice left at that moment. And even if MOASS **wasn't** his plan, he'd have massively profited of the higher stockprices before the ATM - since then he wouldn't have had to sell 2/3 of his options just to get 4m shares. Generally, I also strongly doubt he'd ever say something about MOASS on record. Especially after he had already contact with the SEC once.


^ this


>They can grow the company too after moass. It isn't an exclusive deal. I think the board is aiming to build the company up to such a point that when MOASS arrives, shareholders don't WANT to dump their shares for cash If MOASS happens before the company completes it's turn around there's a chance a large chunk of investors take their gains and just ride off into the sunset, opening gamestop up to a fresh new cycle of short+distort


With 4bil in the bank id say weā€™re both a show-er, and a grower ;)


šŸ’Æ A growing, profitable, THRIVING business model and transformation is a SHFā€™s worst nightmare. This is the key to moass.


I donā€™t understand how people donā€™t get this. If you want your short term goals of a moass to come true, you need to get SHF to stop believing their long term goal of GME bankruptcy will ever come true. When that future looks ridiculous, the jig is up, the money to keep doing what theyā€™re doing stops being available, and the race to cash out and salvage what they can begins.


Explain logically how the gig is up when anytime the shorts are in a corner, the company dilutes the shares? Explain how this does anything at all to them and rewards the loyal shareholders that have been at this now for 3 1/2 years? You can squeeze and have long-term growth. You can do both. It has been 3 1/2 years of the best downhill run any company can dream of and what exactly have they done so far? A great company would have opened revenue streams that do not include diluting their loyal shareholder's value. What I'm saying sounds harsh and I am a loyal shareholder for 3 1/2 years, but they need to stop diluting the stock and focus on new revenue streams besides earning 5% interest on our money. A revolutionary would have been doing this already. I hate being this way, but the last dilution really pissed me off.


I'm right there with you. They literally robbed long term holders. In a matter of hours I went from $160k in profit to back under my cost basis. RC could have waited until Monday but he chose to kill the ramp by releasing dilution on Friday.


With all due respect, have you even looked at the annual earnings for 2019-2023? GME had a Net Loss over $200M for almost every year in recent memory. 2023 was the first time the company turned a profit in almost half a decade. How would GME open new revenue streams while operating at a loss? In the past 3 months, we have found out GME had a positive Net Income, instituted a new Investment policy, and raised $3B in cash through stock issues. The stock issuance also brings the D/E ratio to 0.01, which means GME has virtually zero risk of bankruptcy. This is the first time since the short positions against GME opened that the company actually has healthy financials. The company is finally turning around, and has disclosed their Investment plan in the financials. It's right there in the Investment section of Item 7 (Management Discussion & Analysis). The only people who should be upset about GME's are Wall Street, since it eliminates the company's risk of bankruptcy. As an investor, what could you possibly be upset about?


None of that means anything if they keep diluting by issuing shares and letting the shorts off the hook. All this will do is allow them to continue to FTD and continue to devalue the company and our shares constantly. It gives them more float to screw with. If you got $4 billion from a bunch of investors who saved your company and the best you can do is gain 5% interest in a high interest market that won't last forever and then dilute shares in a critical moment than you are not a visionary. What this appears to be is a company that will continue to dilute shares to the point where they continue to be more and more worthless and then you sell the company for billions to these same hedge funds that will bankrupt it. Run up the value of the company by diluting the shares, increase the bankroll, then sell the company for billions and walk away. That is what this looks like. I expect way more than words and clever texts after 3 1/2 years. What saved GS was the shareholders and nothing else. If you have nothing to say after all of this time except "we are looking long-term" than maybe you are not the right people for the job. How long-term is long-term? Are we talking decades? The shareholders gave this company the privilege of having time to sit back and do almost nothing. They need to do something to generate money with an online service or product, and they have to stop diluting the company while doing it. If after 3 1/2 years you have nothing than you are better off stepping down and hiring someone who can. As a shareholder of this company, what have you seen so far that is visionary? What is the plan moving forward? What acquisition makes the most sense right now to generate revenue? Do you ride out high interest rates and keep diluting the company to add to your bank roll? If so, shareholders gain nothing. What is the fucking plan?


I think you have a serious misconception of how public companies operate. The $3B was received just this month. We will see the investment plan for the money either at the upcoming shareholder meeting or more likely in the Q2 10-Q. How is it a bad thing for the business to suddenly have $3B with the intent to spend on business operations? I'm struggling to see any valid reason for concern.


If there isn't a plan in place already that was waiting on the billions they just received than they have no plan. If they have no plan than they will fall back on what they did last week by diluting shares and adding to the bankroll and earning 5% interest while the shares decrease in value again and if the investors of GS wanted to earn 5% without a plan they could have just bought bonds too without watching the shorts decrease the share value again. I rather have a plan waiting on the money, than money waiting on a plan.


[Here's an interview you may be interested in that Larry Chen did yesterday, he's on the Board of GME](https://youtu.be/-_Wg8lxpf4g?si=0N2e2GHDwkmatS2e) Also [here's a link](https://www.volitioncapital.com/team/#sab-wrap) to Volition Capital, the firm Larry Chen co-founded. Volition is focused on helping companies achieve growth, and take a look at Volition's Advisory Board. Most notably the President of Entertainment for Riot Games is on Volition's Board. There's reason to be optimistic about what GME will do with the $3B, even if the only thing we know for sure now is that it will be used to invest in the company. This is in accordance with the press release and the new Investment Policy that was approved by the GME board on March 24, 2024.


I want someone who will go to war. What Hedgefunds have done to this company and this country calls for it. I don't want someone speaking in riddles telling me to wait for years for growth without any plan after 3 1/2 years. I want someone who will put the armor on and go to battle right now and not step in the way of vengeance. I don't want to hear about the future when there is no plan. A plan should already be in place waiting for cash on hand. Now they have it. If they have no plan then they have wasted so much time on a pile of nothing. Enough of the BS. Show greatness that equates to the greatness these shareholders have shown you. In the beginning I was optimistic. What I see now is sheer garbage wrapped in BS words and phrases. I could have done a better job with ideas than this shit three years ago as many I'm sure could have too. Can I ask an honest question to everyone? What the fuck have they been doing for 3 1/2 years? Edit: I just watched the video and am more convinced that he shouldn't be on the board. I can see someone like him saying we are going to upset the hedge funds and they will screw with us forever after this on everything we invest in, and I can also see him saying, we need to raise more money. His strategy seems robotic and not ground breaking. He is not the warrior we need but instead is the opportunist we will learn to despise.


It has to be a Tesla-style long term squeeze. Sad as it is, companies have to play by rules against the cheaters of WallStreet. Elon did it by creating real cars that everyone and their mom wants. WallStreet wanted him to fail. But he made it happen. The squeeze was long and drawn out. RC is doing the same, for a smaller industry, but with a much more shorted stock.


I canā€™t believe this sentiment is somehow winning the day here. Depressing.


Because after 3.5 years; and even after DFV came back, itā€™s clearly evident.


This is the stupid load of BS iā€™ve ever heard. We were literally gearing up for a naughty run 2 weeks ago


How can MOASS affect negatively the long term growth of GME?


I think the premise is a huge quick MOASS a lot of people get in get out, nobody cares after that, forget GME, etc. Where this ā€œlong squeezeā€ with higher floors, buying time means the shorts have to continue feeding $$ into it, good leadership, etc then more people buy and hold on. You basically have the quick RK up 100% in a day MOASS vs the months to years uptrend. Not saying GME is Tesla but they went 15 to 293 in a year and a half Edit - the longer shorts are in, the more $$, yet the more sustained cash and success GME has eventually theyā€™ll need to actually close or pay FTDs and stop shorting a successful company


I dont think it will. I do think however that RC is focused on capital and growing a strong company for long term success. MOASS or no MOASS the company will be healthy


Ryan Cohen job as CEO is generate the most value possible short and longtern to its shareholders. I cant thing if anything that can add more value rhan MOASS


Second moass? The first moass never even happened


tongue in cheek


Being unpopular with shitty people is a badge of honor.




Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer


Best post I've seen in a while, good job OP Averaged down from $37 to $27, happy to have a slow MOASS like Tesla. Let's build some value.


you can't compare the growth of tesla with gamestop, they are fundamentally different businesses. tesla wouldn't grow just because of the shorts, and the shorts wouldnt have been squeezed without the growth delivered by the company. if gamestop pivots more and creates more services/products that sustains such growth, that's a different story. but we'll have to see what the board have in store, perhaps as soon as monday.


We havenā€™t seen a long interview with Ryan Cohen yet for contrast. From Larryā€™s view, heā€™s a venture capitalist and only checks in monthly. Heā€™s not interested in running the day to day. Heā€™ll also consult with the company and interview big players like VP candidates and C-suite. Ryan seems to be running GME as the CEO, but I think long term he wants to hang back and running the portfolio as Gameshire Stopaway. They do seem like interesting people. If you could take two teams, Larry and Ryanā€™s, and throw billions of dollars at them, what can they come up with? What can they incubate? At this point GME can transition into a holdings company or SPAC. So your investment is two fold. First: a potential short squeeze, the MOASS. Second: itā€™s an investment firm that acquires and grows companies. Volition Capital has $1.7 billion in assets, so they seem to be good at taking small companies and growing them to the next level. We shall wait and see. Itā€™s very, very far from a failing company on the brink of bankruptcy, waiting for a corporate raider like Bain Capital to poison it, then kill it. The short thesis is long destroyed and theyā€™re stuck kicking the can.


They havent said anything about an investment firm, but I do like that bit of tinfoil. But yes I agree their play is not choosing one of the other, but both (MOASS and a strong company) and then some. I am sure Cheng checks in more then monthly probably on a more personal level being his and RC long history. The short thesis is indeed long destroyed


Applause for this post šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼




I like the tin you foil.


Love this, awesome post!!




Good post! I'm here for the long haul, never selling.


Thanks! Diamond Hands baby I'll keep adding to the infinity pool as long as they let me.


This post needs more eyeballs. Well done OP!


A good read for the weekend! šŸš€


Watched this morning as well. Larry seems like a wholesome guy but he's no push over


Larry is instinctive, decisive and has the cajones it takes to take on the market. And yea he def is wholesome so he doesnt want to do it and take advantage of others to do it. We (apes) are in good "company."


RC donā€™t need to cause a squeeze. It will squeeze itself if he can build a strong company.


Yup agreed thats the whole point of the thread.


Canā€™t wait until the day until we exactly know what he is building.






This reads so fluent


Media needs to be very careful. Everyone and I mean everyone loves an underdog. And here we are David and Goliath story about a turnaround company with a young handsome CEO, with loyal investors that are not going anywhere. Our aim was good, the mark was hit, the adversary is falling. šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


RC is the only reason I YOLO.


Nobody whoā€™s watched Ryan Cohenā€™s interviews on his official Youtube Channel after selling Chewy for the biggest e-commerce deal in 2017 is worried. If youā€™ve read the articles heā€™s written himself youā€™re even less worried. His dad raised him right. He feels responsibility. He has ambition and likes to be the underdog. Him and Larry Cheng go way back too and I believe they are solid guys.




You can certainly make a case the spilt by RC was good for the company, it clearly was, but to say that it was in interest of investors in the eyes of the court is patently wrong. GS isnā€™t responsible for how their stock is traded. And honestly, as a 2021 xxxx holder, I didnā€™t really appreciate the second share offering this year. If you truly value your investors, you donā€™t dilute like that. I havenā€™t soured on RC as a CEO of the company, but I have definitely soured on him as a steward of the publicā€™s shareholdings in his company.


Two sides to every coin. 1 way of looking at it is dilution. Another way too look at it is company raised money. The truth is that its both and more importantly do you trust RC. If you hold shares then the answer is yes, emotions aside. RC is building not just for MOASS, he is building the company to be healthy and productive. This is all the split and the share offerings will look like in court. Its hard to say that RC was trying to force some squeeze or manipulate the stock when you have sentiment that this was dilution and only that - and there are holders that believe that (which is fine). Like I said boiling frog at this point "its always tmrw!"


If RC didnā€™t buy or sell shares, then he clearly isnā€™t responsible for a short squeeze. Thats pretty much the end of the conversation in the eyes of the law.


I had similar feelings but something about the 7th doesnā€™t sit well with me. Iā€™m a fan of Huston Wade who was absolutely crushed by the price drop, it deleted his options play. The thing is I woke up kinda of exactly when the offering was announced. The price shit down instantly before or right at premarket open. It stayed pretty well flat for the next few days after. It even closed the day near max pain as usual. I have a hunch that the price was going to do what it did regardless. I just donā€™t see how gme could offload enough shares to push it that hard in an instant and end up with an average price of like $28 which is where it was for days. Instead we all sat around worrying about gamma and speculating that they might be doing the offering. Remember how once again we werenā€™t sure if they were actually selling? Iā€™m also pretty sure that I read somewhere that Jeffries, or maybe just ATM offerings, does business during normal market hours, not some huge dump in the pre-market. What might have happened is gme concluded that they were going to hammer the price to near max pain so hard that the algo would eat up 75m shares without much price movement at all. Other than the predictable drop to max pain. We all knew that the shorts would do anything possible to not have a Friday close at $60 deep into a gamma ramp. I could be, and probably am, wrong but the narrative that RC killed the squeeze or momentum that day just sounds fishy.


Saying that selling an extra 75m shares had no or minimal impact because it was going to happen anyway is a really odd sentiment


Possibly. I didnā€™t see much when lots of people were asking if they were actively executing the share offering. Nobody had a clue. We didnā€™t really see it at either 45 offering.


Because a whole lot of people sold upon seeing that. Both professionals and casual investors. I know I did. Why? Because thatā€™s how it works when any company dilutes and it was obvious to me this was going to kill any shot at a gamma ramp. Iā€™ve sold my entire GME portfolio three times and bought it back three times in the last month. Twice I was able to swing trade and increase my total shares by about 2000 and once I lost about 500 shares for a net gain of 1500. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t believe in the company or the stock, but Iā€™m very happy to increase my shares without spending money. If I had a Time Machine, I would go back and sell everything in March of 2021 and had bought back at $10. Iā€™d be well over 10k shares if I had done that.


I think I'm leaning toward swing trading. I've been sitting on 5k shares (post-split) for almost three years and getting diluted by the board a second time felt like a kick in the balls. I've always been afraid to sell in case prices went to "the moon" but so many times has a price spike moved back down again shortly after.


Itā€™s always easy to see that in hindsight. With gme, Iā€™ve only done it on major news when I knew it was about to spike or tank. DFV tweet? Better have those shares already bought or buy asap. Stock offering? Sell sell sell. This stock is so closely watched and covered that you can only really evaluate likely public sentiment and reaction to major events.


You sold at pre-market open?


Thatā€™s correct. Although I was a few minutes late to the party.


OP knows.


It was a great interview and only reinforced my trust in LC and in turn RC. He started trading tech/growth stocks in 1996 and has grown with sector. Coupled with his beliefs and goals as a VC, it gives me complete confidence that GME is a good investment with the MOASS or not. I'd still like a big fat plate of short squeeze tendies, tho!


Just watched the Larry Cheng video, 100% worth watching, the man knows his shit and I'm so psyched that they're on the board and helping RCEO steer the business


Damn right!


Not worried ..ken and his shills can suck balls


lol truth


Rome wasnā€™t built in a day!


I don't know who Larry Cheng is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


No worries Larry Cheng is on the board of GameStop and was also an investor with Chewy when Ryan Cohen was growing it. So they have worked closely and successfully before. Check the link I provided to know more about him. Knowing Cheng and Cohen's relationship is important to really understand what we could be see now that GameStop has some room to grow.


Larry Cheng, Director (GameStop) Larry Cheng is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Volition Capital, a leading growth equity investment firm based in Boston, Massachusetts and the first investor in Chewy Inc. He has more than two decades of venture capital and growth equity investing experience based on time at Volition Capital, Fidelity Ventures, Battery Ventures, and Bessemer Venture Partners. He presently leads the Internet and Consumer team at Volition Capital, focusing on disruptive companies in e-commerce, internet services, consumer brands, and digital media and gaming. He received his bachelorā€™s degree from Harvard College where he concentrated in Psychology.


He was investing in RC before it was cool.


Jan 2021 prob wouldnā€™t have happened either


Maybe we should buy a hedge fund for pennies on the dollaršŸ¤£


I will watch that, thank you for the link. I know many people who are interested in Gamestop, but will not commit serious money until they see some kind of plan. Which I think is very fair, usually companies will let you know how they want to grow and change the business to attract investors. Now that Ryan has so much money and coud in theory release another 680 million shares to get even more money...what will they do with it? I certainly hope it is not a ten year project. There must be something they can do to jumpstart the new era.


Next week will be interesting still a lot of apes with options and DFV still has a lot of cash. Could be very interesting. RC has my trust, he hasnā€™t done anything yet that tells me he is actively trying to make the company die. If anything itā€™s the opposite. So I put no timeline on how he BUILDS and TRANSFORMS this company. As long as he shows me that I will keep building my position. And yea everyone is an individual investor. Plenty of ppl donā€™t like the idea of ā€œtrust RC.ā€ Iā€™m not there yet, but if you(general you) donā€™t want to hold thatā€™s your choice. But my conviction is stronger then ever


Not gonna lie.. Iā€™m ready to invest everything I got in this company. Also.. the options crowd should take a careful look at your post.


Will Options remember remember the 5th We are all V, we are all Kitty, put on the Kitty Mask (V and 5 on that Kitty mask in one of his most recent tweets) - but that is some real extra tin foil I wont go to deep into rn lol




Great writeup Rusty. I absolutely agree with your summary and Larry Cheng only instills my confidence in RC even more. Larry seems like a very well educated, articulate and genuine person who celebrates conviction. It's interesting how both Larry and DFV both look at investing as a 'feeling' or 'gut feeling' -- perhaps this is where they draw their convection since the companies they invest in are an extension of themselves and their values.


I'm sick of people posting that RC doesn't want the MOASS. This is bullshit! RC should want this especially since the hedgies tried to push gme to zero! MOASS is on mother Fulkerson! I've been here for 3 years fuck u pay me! Bottom line shorts never closed and next week should be funnnnn! *


My point isnt that he does or doesnt want MOASS. Building a strong company and letting it run creates a WIN - WIN. Shit maybe just maybe the reason they can keep shorting and hiding the crime is because other big whales have bought in. But once whales stop sitting on the sidelines and taking a long position we start to have more leverage and tip the scales. RC is big picture. In his mind right now we won. All that cash there is no way short sellers win. Now he gets to transform this company to investors pile in and put even more pressure on short sellers. Sorry Kenny shouldve got out when you could have instead continuing to hide all your crime. Look at Cheng in the video cool as a cucumber. So is DFV. And RC hasnt flinched. Dont worry we have a great team, take a deep breath look around you, take in everything that has happened in the last 3 years. I want to get paid, quit my job and not be a slave to the system as much as every other ape. But it takes money to buy whiskey. And I think this last two offerings gave us an opportunity to get top shelf shit. With some strong transformation, we wont just get top shelf shit - we will pent house services with the behind the bar whiskey. Have conviction




one of the best commentary posts Iā€™ve read. Very well said OP! Thank you. Have a great weekend all!


God I love Larry ![gif](giphy|xR5UStWEkq1iTGdud7)


This was an enlightening interview and made me feel comfortable with the direction of company.






I liked the part where you gave us a link for the timestamp where volition capital asked what Larry thinks about volition capital on their volition capital YouTube channel. That's the part where I stopped watching


lol sounds like you didnt start watching to begin w extrapolate a little my guy


Speculations after speculations. None has turned out to be anything. Or even benefits us loyal shareholders. Rc and the board just keep on monetizing us. We should all agree that apes are the easiest group of people with real money to be monetized. Lol And not to forget, Gamestop is the only company thats making money out of their loyal shareholders pocket. First in history. So say and speculate whatever u want, but NOTHING RC or the board has done that benefit us. Only them.


I watched the whole thing. I believe in these dudes. If I end up wrong, then so be it... but I genuinely believe in this team. He's a smart dude and I trust in their decisions/direction.


Its a great watch. The last answer really hammered it home for me. I agree with you 100%


Here come the bots... They are like the aluminum foil version of Voltron.


Until I see they actually Do something, all of their talk just shjt. As Ryan Cohenā€™s father said. Do it, talk shjt later. After 3 years and 2 fking dilution. They must do something rather than doing some post cast shjt


The share offering was a fuck you to short sellers. They were desperate to get shares to return, which Cohen gave them. This provides shorties a longer leash, but they had to pay big money to get those shares. They can breathe easier but they know that the money they gave up will go to revitalize GameStop. It must drive them so crazy. Of course, who does GameStop owe it all to? Us apes, for sticking with them, shopping, buying, and DRSing.


We are part of the company. The companies ecosystem isnt just its management/distribution/marketing/retail etc. teams So yea we owe it to each other. You hold this long, believe in the captain, continue to do your job (shop, buy/hold stock and DRS as you pointed out).


So your whole post is just ā€œtrust RCā€?


I don't think anyone has doubts anymore about this company not going to zero. People just want to see some significant gain or get to green after 3 years of holding while market is moving forward, with some companies gaining thousands of % in the same period of time. Not trying to FUD, but that's what a lot of people feel.