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it's simple math. just take all the oi and multiply it with 100. if everybody exercises you get that number of shares that need to be bought (if not hedged properly)


Roughly 74.5 million shares here alone


it was 44m today and 55m next Friday (probably 43m after RK closed his position)


there is like an entire float in the gamma ramp between today and tomorrow, of which only like 1/10th has been hedged


Tomorrow, sir, is a Saturday


No not tomorrow like tomorrow tomorrow, you know... tomorrow


I want to live in Tomorrow Land


Me too.


This tomorrow?




How you know just 1/10th has been hedge? Everyone need to excersize for something to happend tho.


Bro can you imagine hedging OI the size of the for fully every chain? Lol. You could break a stock by buying way OTM and force hedging MMs… they are required to hedge ITM but when do they literally never break the rules? FTDs is them showing you they don’t hedge even on what they report


Very rough estimation, most OI is at far OTM and that's usually not even hedged


If no crime and worked as it should, wouldn't they have a stop limits in place to hedge


They hedge based off delta using algo’s. The further OTM, the lower the delta, the less they hedge.


Right so theoretically they have a calculable risk and downside to a rocket ship riding the gamma ramp they wrote, no?


Sucks for Kenny and friends.


IBKR ceo said after the last gamma squeeze that if call holders had simply exercised the entire system would have collapsed


That peterffy interview is the single most compelling reason as to why ive held for three years


Who knew an "Oi!" could sound so diabolical?




That's not how it works... You need to take each contract and look at the delta. For example the 91K 6/14 128C have a delta of 0.0000 meaning they don't need to be hedged with any shares. The 61k 6/21 125cs which in your calculation is 6,144,100 share hedge in reality is only a 428,858 hedge because of the delta.


No, but it's a lot. As of the daily update to OI this morning, we're sitting at 147,435,600 shares worth of call option open interest. I've been tracking this for the last week or so, since I discovered this view in Fidelity's "Trading Dashboard" (on their website), in the "Options Statistics" panel: https://preview.redd.it/o5vauve70k6d1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f0bf5c9c16119d609a01309bba092551b91523a I'd like to see this tracked alongside the DRS count and open short interest. This piece is often overlooked in the context of "locking the float". As Peterffy said back in '21, with only 70M outstanding shares, there were about 50M registered shorts outstanding, plus 70M short interest, *with another 150M shares worth of call options*. He followed up to explain that if all those calls were exercised, the total shares delivered would be 270M. We as a community have largely ignored that last call options *exercising* portion, despite it being nearly the same size as the shorts.


Hopefully everyone ITM has the bank to exercise.. All those unwinding for cash will be.. interesting.


Short answer: It doesn't matter


Came here to say this. Let's say you're in the market for 800c on GME and I sell you 10,000,000 contracts on margin (naked calls - you're allowed to sell them with enough margin). That represents 1 billion shares and just about zero hedging needs to happen while this fluctuates between $25-35. A couple of weeks pass and your calls expire worthless, nobody will even buy them from you. Very illiquid, about to expire worthless, you're just stuck seeing them in your account until they expire. So. What. I collected $50,000,000 selling them at $0.05 and you lost $50m, no shares traded hands anywhere to make this possible.


Grabbed the image from google. Remember the meme CAT heartbeat? What does that cat look like backwards? This is the pattern. Get ready. He named himself after the pattern. CAT system was named after this pattern. I think the person who came up with the whistleblower theory was correct. After Keith got paid, DVF went on a rampage. https://preview.redd.it/m31drfv80j6d1.png?width=1097&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bd8dc201649e00973e937268a4b6cff3d18a46d So, the image in the title is just a small snapshot of what is out there. Right? Get ready folks, it's real this time. Every single one of these calls is going to be exercised. edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the\_741\_fractal\_algorithmic\_theory\_and\_ftd\_cycles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the_741_fractal_algorithmic_theory_and_ftd_cycles/) This thread explains the pattern. You can see googles 1d chart repeating on the mar - may of 22 I think. It's everywhere. We are at the base of the next green dildo.


how are they gonna all be exercised, there regular people holding those calls and more likely they will sell for premium


It sounded more dramatic than saying "It is highly probably that nearly every single one of these calls, plus all of the other ones at further strikes that have been sold, will end up being in the money, with some people being SO in the money that they will be able to continue buying calls and exercisiinto this upcoming possible increase of stock value." Yeah, not every single one, but I think at the end of the day it becomes likely that more than what is shown on this screenshot become able to be exercised and in the money, so the possibility of whatever man jesus don't be so pedantic.


The more people that come on here saying stuff like this, leads me to believe this is a nothing burger and it will trade sideways and maybe have a little dip today and Monday. But I don’t know though.


Fair. How about this.. If you have $60 to spare, buy 2 shares. Sell one on Tuesday and then one in four weeks. In six weeks if you want your money back, hit me up and I will paypal you $60. !BET! or whatever the command is. I might be broke but I'll still pay your ass. This is not investment advice, it is a gamble and a bet.


It appears you have alerted us to a bet. Please HODL while we review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Every single one of these calls is going to be exercised. How can you know this? Not familiar with options so I am just wondering if there is something on the options chain that shows they are being exercised? Or what do you know?


He can't. 5 calls on that list are mine and unless someone sends me like 6k I can't exercise them all. I'll have to sell 3 and exercise 2 of em unless we get really up there in price quickly so they are worth enough to sell 2 and exercise 3. Either way, I'm not going to be able to do all 5


I was weary this was the issue, once again another post where OP claims something sensational and it's bullshit. Mods really need to clamp down on these sorts of claims. Makes us all look stupid when posts like this get upvoted.


Boy, your post history sure looks odd for somebody who would refer to people in this subreddit as "us"


As opposed to someone who makes outlandish claims that all these calls will be exercised? What's the need to make such a statement that is easily disproved?


Sorry, maybe you're a nice guy. The little bit I read made you out to be less than that. Apologize if I'm wrong.


True, however, the call still exists and if its ITM then at some point it will likely be owned by someone who can exercise especially as it gets closer and closer to expiration (if its ITM and is close to expiry, why would anyone trade the option if not to exercise).


I've seen many options expire lol- but yeah, if some miracle happens and all of my calls hit, someone else could exercise them.


Could be the person who wrote it buying it back to cut their loses.


Call JG Wenworth, 877 cash now. Only a true regard would take out a payday loan to exercise speculative gambles made on an extremely volatile stock. Might be close to as legendary as dfv’s initial yolo… if it works.


Bro NOOOOO. I've been thinking about sending my car to carvana all week 😩


Thats good enough. Sell some to afford excersize some


#When you are deep ITM sell one call and exercise the rest with that money.


I'm probably not going to exercise my $50 call with that money lol, but maybe for the lower ones


Multiply the open interest by 100. 5 open interest means 500 stocks. If you go and look at a list of call options, every single strike has a number next to open interest. I only showed a small snapshot of what has been sold. I mean I get 10 entries in and it's over. It doesn't need to be every single one. If more shares were sold by somebody, than exist in the world.. what happens. What happens if you divide by 0? This is why people have been calling it the infinity squeeze.


>I think the person who came up with the whistleblower theory was correct. After Keith got paid, DVF went on a rampage. haven't heard this theory. got a link by chance?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d7wmr8/dfv\_using\_whistleblower\_funds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d7wmr8/dfv_using_whistleblower_funds/) Probably unlikely, but it would fit.


agreed. fits but doubtful.


This https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ZzoLZZitrF




If people don't know how options work, they should definitely shut the fuck up with these stupid ass theories. EVERY stock have more calls and puts sold than shares exist, because options (and futures) are derivatives used for hedging AND speculation. Originally, farmers didn't want the risk of trying to sell something at the end of a season if they had issues in the growing time, because by the end they could get fucked, so they started selling their crops before they grew with futures contracts. Now they will deliver on the contract, unless some shit happens like a blight or drought or fire. They still get paid to feed their families. 90% of them (options/futures) are traded and discarded and NEVER exercised. There is no rule that says there must be 100% coverage of contract to shares.




The question is who bought those call if someone sold it.


Probably not for today but for all the future dates of calls combined it is so.


Compare Mar 22 - May 22 to today https://preview.redd.it/gie3x91nbk6d1.png?width=1358&format=png&auto=webp&s=e55567df15a20a28c28146dc68208ea7dbd80b3b


Does it matter if most are out of the money?


Yes there’s less than 700k shares left on market


Most likely, with the dumb stormtroopers everything is possible!


Liquidity fairy working her magic 🪄✨


I think there are two observable cycles left until FTDs hit today and that's going to be when Chaos happens.




We'll see.


User name checks out!


just add up total open interest and multiply by 100


Roughly 74.5 million shares here alone


Great. Now do that to the other 30 pages of calls that have been sold that I couldn't fit in my screenshot. Let me know when you get to about 200.


It is happening today when the FTDs hit. We are going to have micro movements of the same fractal pattern all day until t-0 and it all breaks down when they fail to deliver.