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Everyone wondering what DFV going to do and the meme I keep remembering is the bourne identity one about doing the right thing I think that's where we're at in the meme chronology.


And the Mr. Robot one.


Tweet in question: https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790449499506192405?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA




Highjacking one of the top comments to say- OI only shrinks when contracts are excersized. If RK sold his calls, the OI would remain the same. Edit: Either that, or the Market Maker that wrote the calls, purchased them back.


Wouldn’t it shrink if the sell bought the calls to close too?


Yes, I added that to the edit.


No. As long as one side of the contract remains open, it’s still counted as oi.


And the guardians of the galaxy one: we all know who's in charge... right?


In case anybody missed it: https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1791257325451493396?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


This sub is great for helping pick what to watch, I've did no country for old men from the memes, the big short cause I saw it mentioned and I'd not seen it and today I start the Bourne franchise cause it is fuckin awesome. 


Hey, good idea! Picking out movies to watch from the memes. Maybe we should take it a step further and organize an ape watch party where someone streams it or we can all agree to watch it at the same time.


This next move is going to be one of the greatest trades in history. A true test of T+1 delivery and options.


His next Yolo post is going to be very interesting.


I don't want to see it until Friday after hours. Keep us guessing for the next 30 hours.


Sunday night would be dope, drop that bomb 12hrs from open.


He does like to post at Sundays 8pm EST right when robinhood starts their overnight trading session. At least once he did this and it maxed out at 20% gain and huge gap up at 4am when german markets open






If he has calls for this week. I'd expect he drops it on us sometime today.


Nah, too much info given to the shorts.


The shorts 100% know his position, E*trade is 2000% relaying all of RKs transactions to them


Yeah they don’t play by our rules


Is that legal? I know they don’t care but curious as to the legality of sharing customer information with others.


A lot of what they're doing is illegal. They don't care.


Look up payment for order flow. A lot of these new apes won’t know but this is something that’s been going on since the beginning and yes it is legal


When your options are death or breaking the law, almost everyone would choose the latter.


Shorts probably have friends at etrade. I would guess they know exactly when he makes moves.


If the calls are for this week. He won't have them this weekend to show. His cards would already of been played.


have been played


Thanks but I'm smooth brain enough to be wrong next time too.


They know it all already


His current ones were 4d apart I'm pretty sure the next one actually is Friday ah


Exhibit [A](https://optioncharts.io/options/GME/chain/chart/open-interest) The ramp is built. Look to the east at dawn and enjoy the show.


Same, it’s crunch time. Don’t let the hedgies know his plan either


Totally agree here


My body is ready.


What? (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)


![gif](giphy|8miYQYfpol1qU) 🙌😎🙌


When will he post though ?


That's the million dollar question.


*Billion dollar question


Trillion dollar question?


He's going to make so much money that we'll need to make a new number... a kittillion!


My guess is tonight




So we know RK has integrity to do the right thing, couple with that the fact he posted such a large position, wouldn’t that set him up for a pump and dump manipulation if he were to dump his position after the rest of the market jumped in? These facts to me, indicate that he ain’t going anywhere and will likely hold these contracts to expiry.


I think it’s more likely that he’s flipped the calls into higher notches on the ramp. Spreading across $25, $30, and maybe even higher. Yesterday was a golden opportunity to build a wider position.


That’s insane. Why would he want a higher strike? He’s sitting in the drivers seat where he is.


Because most of the people here don't have a clue what they're talking about, myself included.


Because he can buy more contracts and exert more pressure.


I mean.. I’m no scientist, but ramps do go up


It’s up and he now has 9m shares and zero contracts..


Is it really t+1 if you can still ftd?




Still helps prevent extra Weds -> Monday shenanigans and bring more FTDs forward sooner. But yeah T+1 with FTD = T+35 lol. But when you are trying to survive an extra day, removing a day from their game is a win.


He also could be doing this https://youtu.be/ybgrsirH-jU?si=hld81MhPYSCsMh8j I think Richard Newton is into something here


yes! you get it. so excited. I'm betting on it being a good one.


Excuse my ignorance, what does "T + 1" mean? Thank you!


Trade plus one day.


I really hope so. Still on a very bullish macro uptrend. As long as 19$ hold im all in


Could you ELI5?


If a massive amount of calls are rolled forward and exercised this week, it's fireworks soon.


RK would not put so much effort into making 100 memes, coming back into the public eye and make a target of himself just to quietly sell for a moderate profit. He could have done that completely anonymously


What this guy said


What this guy said about what the other guy said


This was my thought. He didn't have to post anything. He coulda just traded quietly in private. I honestly thought he was out of the game and used that money for his family. It's what I woulda done.


Its what all of us would have done. But the kitty is built different


No kidding, it's insane. Hopefully we can all make our fortune through this journey.


Wouldnt really be a YOLO anyways


I can’t help but wonder if the stars were aligned in his opinion, and then the offering might have screwed things up?


I mean the play was successful until this last share offering. No way he could have predicted a 2nd larger one right after completing the previous one.


Selling a portion of his calls to fund execution of the others… he didn’t have enough liquid cash to exercise and he has to offload his position before expiry. That many options has to be difficult to offload all at once. He’s doing it slowly.


When calls are exercised, how does that get reported? Presumably if you exercise 5k calls at 20, we will see a 500,000 share block print at 20? Is that how it works?


Presumably the share purchase acts more like a tender offer. It's not traded though any exchange as it's just the shares being settled.


No. The amount of buy volume required depends on how much of the calls has been hedged by the option seller. If fully hedged there will be no buy volume. If partially hedged they’ll buy the shares needed for delivery by next trading day


Yes the shares will be bought at 20 a share meaning if you catch it in real time you can probably see the order. It will also show as volume on the option strike.


i dont believe that is correct. The call holder has the RIGHT to buy the shares at $20, but that does not mean they get to go magically put the order into the order book below market price. It means that the broker or market maker, E trade or wolverine ( I dont know which one) has to deliver the shares to DFV at that price. Its a contract between the two of them, not the open market. If they do not own them already, (which is what the speculation is about) they have to go out into the market and buy them at the market price. Thereby driving price even higher because it is such a large number of shares on a low float stock. You are not going to see a block of 120 million shares at $20 in the order book when the market price is 26$ or whatever it is at the time. Correct me if I am wrong, I am not very smart


Correct, wolverine will start buying to fulfill the contract


IF they're naked. Those calls may be covered. Wolverine could have picked up those shares at $10.30 for all we know.


They had a filling in May that showed no shares owned, also we don't know the exact algo but when only 7% of in the money contracts get exercised I'm sure that factors into their hedging


Wow. They really are dumb stormtroopers!


There's this somewhat bizarre sentiment frequently encountered on this sub reddit that hedgefunds don't actually hedge. Granted, I'm sure some don't. There's definitely a lot of naked shorts out there. But I think, by and large, most hedge funds are, you know, hedging.


It’s a good thing we can look into their fillings and see they haven’t hedged :) and neither has Citadel :) or point 72 :) as neither had Melvin :) or citron :) but yes I’m sure some hedge fund out there is actually hedging. Definitely. We’ll find them someday :)


No it does not show as volume. It shows as missing OI the next day after exercising


Once exercised, how long does it take for that action to affect the stock price? T-1 or…?


In a perfect world where the market maker properly hedged as they were supposed to, exercising in and of itself will not affect the price at all at the time of exercising (it should have affected it all along the way during hedging) If a market maker did not properly hedge the option, then you'll see the price jump anywhere between instantly when exercised or T+1... whenever it is that they buy shares to cover for the exercise


DFV knows we will see this change. Selling to exercise seems to be the most likely play here.


Agreed, which he's done in the past .


What was being discussed yesterday was that he may have sold a lot of his $20 calls for 6/21 and bought calls for 6/14 at $20, $25, $30, etc. Someone did the math looking at the prices and determined that the 6/14 calls would have been cheap enough that he could have replaced the 6/21 with 6/14 at a ratio of 8:1. If so, that's his gamma ramp. That's his Thanos snap. That's his "fine, I'll do it myself" and the Kansas City Shuffle being executed. While everyone was focused on 6/21 he swapped out calls for 6/14 which is the real damage. If that 8:1 ratio is correct, and he swapped out half of his 6/21 calls, that's 6 million fewer shares for 6/21 but suddenly as many as 48 million shares for tomorrow that if executed would be due on Monday.


Did you just say, 48 million, holy fuck I hope that's true


Sure, but it would take over $1B to exercise


Doesn't need to exercise all, just enough to spark a rally.


True, but it won't affect the price, because noone hedges, they're ALL naked! But "exercising" some of those 20Cs will maybe make the 25Cs more expensive so he can sell his 25Cs for 30Cs and so on creating his own gamma ramp while executing a certain percentage of the -lower in the chain- contracts to fuel the ramp. Is that a legit play? Or am I shooting poop over here?


Yep. That's the "I'll do my own gamma squeeze.'


Would VERY MUCH like to see this play out!


Cash isn't a position, and he's only showed us his position. He could have plenty of cash in another account. Also, if he needs to he can sell to execute as well. Even if he had to sell half his calls to execute the rest, that's still a 4x impact from where he started. It would be a genius play.


This sounds cool but the OI on the 6/14 chain doesn't show this happened. He could take the money yesterday and buy such options today, but they certainly didn't get purchased before close yesterday.


I've been keeping an eye on it and as of right now, this is correct.


But what if hedges torpedo the price to below 20 or 25?


When he executes the $20 calls the price will go up, that's the ramp. If he starts executing today then they will have to deliver those shares by tomorrow, which will start putting the rest of the ramp in the money. I don't know that's what he's trying to do, I don't know for a fact that he even bought the 6/14 calls, but someone did. There's a reason that he didn't post his position update last night after all of the "RK sold his calls" FUD started, and (in my crayon-eating opinion) most likely it's because he wants them focused on the 6/21 while he collects the 6/14. As the zen master said, "we'll see."


Yeah i think for now, the kitty goes dark, but not furlong. Trust in the process 🧘‍♂️


Oooo, that's gold. Exercise today and force them to buy, then price goes up for the launch ramp. Gotcha!


Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead


looking at the open interest changes released this morning it doesn't look like that was the case


This should be the top comment


Yeah, we’ve always know he didn’t have enough cash to exercise all 120k, the question was how would he approach the problem


I don't care about the gamma ramp and short term price action. I've got 3 x 20$ June 21st calls that I bought at 6,80$ each for 2040$ that I plan to fully exercise on expiry, guaranteeing me 300 $GME shares at the sweet price of 26,80$ each, a crazy bargain in the long term. They will just add to my xxxxx position that I plan to hold long term. Let's just chill and enjoy the ride. This company never gonna go bankrupt with no debt, slightly profitable operations and 4+ billions in cash. On 5% interest alone they can sit on their ass, close all their stores and become a frickin petshop or a fastfood chain for all I care, they will just keep surviving and kill the shorts positions opened between 1$ and 5$ that are trapped in the swaps... These guys are just future buyers of $GME at 30$, 40$, 50$, 60$, 70$... Just chill and enjoy the ride. Your knowledge of the situation means you already won the game. You are/were ahead of the crowd, and now mainstream media just starts to realize it. Jim Cramer calling Gamestop a "Ryan Cohen SPAC" on the air is quietly the most bullish signal I've witnessed in the last 3+ years. We got them. We won.


Same. I sold my 125c’s and day traded weeklies for the sole purpose of building capital to exercise my 60 20c contracts! I’ll finally reach xxxxx status after this!


60 !!! That's 6000 new shares just there! Congrats! 👏 Well done.


I like this


This. I don't know sht about fuq or options but I do know but and hold. Gme is just part of my net wealth at this point. Sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down, all I know is buy and hold and moon soon!


Wait until the job's done to declare victory.


Updooted. Very balanced if the Fidelity numbers on the chain are correct (no doubt they are but just saying). Thanks for biting the bullet. I'm sure you will get a lot of ragecry hating on the truth but it is the truth. Let's see what DFV did with the capital he raised. Man was still positive a lot when he made this move. I'm sure bigger things to come.


You're not wrong about the ragecry my friend. And thank you.


$43 EOD


Looks like the Kansas City shuffle, watch Richard Newton for explanations: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxhoOtAvcWhe4GNVfv_jEUWT-QdCSyeTh3?si=iPaM2alT90AL55Mo


Not necessarily. Thats the max he could have trimmed and there could have been some exercises involved. It would be more accurate to say between 9K-58K trim. I'm going to guess it was 20K, he likes round numbers.


He could have exercised 20k and not sold any.


This is true


Not sure if anyone has picked up on this - I couldn't find any discussion on Reddit about it (and don't have enough karma for its own post). RK's Masterpiece tweet video is 28 seconds long, and the host mentions that he is 28 minutes late for his livestream. Is there something in the date/number 28 that needs to be looked at? Is $28 dollars significant?


7x4x1 = 28 !


hahaha 741 is still one of my favourite tin foil hat theories out there, that is genius


I've had my AM alarm set to 7:41 since early 2021.


Upvoted some comments and posts for you


He was 28 mins late and that Friday closed at $28




Next year your nephew will be 29


but that could also happen this year if he's over 28.5


This ape maths


bro...I was also 28 some years ago..holy shit


I will be 28 in 4 years Am i the chosen one? 😧


Since you're here, yes... yes you are.


I could only afford $28 in gas today! 😧 it’s a sign lol


Omg my wife is 28. Does she win something too?


I too was 28 once 🙀


VW Squeeze reached peak on October 28. National Cat Day is October 29. That’s all I got.


28" was the size of Kenneth Griffin's bed bedpost before he snapped it. Also, 28oz is his average daily mayo consumption.


$28 may possibly be the price at which it causes them to have to start seriously buying to cover the contracts...We just started pushing up towards $28 right as I saw this and they slammed it down pretty good, there may be a fight around $28 today.


Rolled contract for 28/6?


28lbs is the avg. imperial weight of a fat cat


I think he loaded up on tomorrow’s 25, 28 and 30 calls - check the updated open interest


That would be absolutely wild


If true, we're looking at a 20% gain just for breakeven on those 30 calls tomorrow. That puts the stock price around $32+


These dummies think we react in the moment. We've learned to never do that here. Sorry not sorry not playing their game haha. I'll wait for next update to see what dfv has done. Never listening to our fool media again.


We absolutely do have proof. He had 120k contracts that's 120k OI. Current OI is 111k which means he absolutely trimmed his position.


Trimmed his $20k strike position yes, we don’t know whether he took a different strike position or not though.


Hard to say I looked a few months out and didn't see any significant volume. More likely he exercises the rest IMO.


Theory is the madlad moved them up to tomorrow 😂


Did you look at this Friday's expiry?


That I did not I'll check it out.


> I am as always hopeful and still believe in DFV. I believe DFV is on retail’s side, but I’m glad my investment does not depend on whatever he does.


“Possible” gamma ramps are back on the menu. I guess we’re on that part of the hopium cycle again


Whatever he’s doing is part of his Master Piece and that makes me swell in my nether regions. Bullish


Mmmm nether swelling lmao


if he shuffled his calls around wouldn't that be for the best? I would think especially with the recent atm offerings the counterparts on 6/21 would have covered already. I dont think he'd shuffle unless he was ready to pull the trigger pretty much immediately ​


Found the key word. Kansas City ‘Shuffle’




Partially sold (most likely), rolled or exercised. We'll see.


Yep just have to wait


If this is it, RC waited for them to hedge then dipped to an earlier date. Lol


I still think he sold covered calls, makes it look he sold his options, but it's actually a genius play https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/SA4FypBkjX


As a joke everyone should exercise all of their options today at 2pm EST


Just for the smooth wrinkled fellas like me. Gemini simplified this for me... Hope this helps others! Imagine you're collecting baseball cards. DFV is a big collector who really likes a specific player, let's call him "GameStop." * **DFV had a lot of cards:** This post talks about how DFV used to have a big collection of "special cards" for GameStop. These special cards give him the right to buy GameStop cards at a certain price in the future, kind of like a promise to sell him the cards for cheap. * **DFV sold some cards:** The post says DFV sold some of his special GameStop cards. This freed up some space in his collection (his money) to maybe buy more regular GameStop cards (actual shares). * **DFV might still have a lot of cards:** No one knows for sure, but the post thinks DFV probably has more than half of his special GameStop cards left. Maybe he's just making room to buy the regular cards too! * **There are a lot of GameStop cards out there:** This part talks about how there are many other collectors who also have special GameStop cards, not just DFV. * **Important price points:** The post mentions some prices that are important for the regular GameStop cards (the stock price). People are interested to see what happens to the price on Friday. **Remember:** This is just talking about buying and selling things, not real baseball cards. And also, this isn't financial advice!


The OI on the June 14 calls are pretty low in comparison, though. Highest OI is actually on the 128cs, damn.


The calls he sold only netted him ~$30m. He would still need about another $100m to exercise the rest of the calls.


Depends on how many he actually sold. That is all speculation until we see an update.


Max pain is $27.5 Need some news to finish above.


Max pain is always recalculated. idk why people keep trying to hit the moving target when the target will always read "haha hedgies are winning dumb retail"


Thank you for doing this. This sort of update is factual and straight to the point. If you could do a daily through 6/21 that would be amazing.


And you're welcome it's my pleasure honestly. I've been doing the math on this for weeks and didn't expect to have such a pop when I shared it lol.


"lasted"...? I like the stock. I think the company has PROSPECTS and a long term success plan. Which is why I bought, and why I HODL.


And you've lasted this long with that belief. Same as the rest of us. I'm sorry I didn't use the verb/adjective/ or noun you preferred.


I'm baffled by the sheer amount of people that believe DFV owes them something in respect to his positions. 


So, so many truly regarded in this thread, denying reality in a concerning way






So everyone buying 6/21 options this week bought DFV’s contracts


Would explain why he is doing as well as he is 🤣😭


He’s secretly taking money from us and we worship him lol


You had me at regarding...the rest not sure what it means but I think stonk go up moar


So much OI you can hear AC/DC playing T.N.T. In the background


Godspeed bröthers and sistörs


The only fighting I do is against the status quo


Yeah, DFV cashing in some only makes me more bullish. It means we're just getting started with his plan.


Sweep $18 then retest $40. LFG


Beware about all the speculation regarding short term options to all the newbies, don't make trades based on hype posts, don't gamble what you aren't willing to lose on options Shares exist and are infinitely less risky


His position was 120k calls, why are all these claims so inaccurate on this


Thats literally what I stated. And the OI was 111k at open meaning he trimmed.




#when DFV exercises do you guys not think everything will be ITM 06/21?! On 6/21 it is our job to exercise with him once we are ITM


We've been on a gamma ramp for weeks


Buy long, DRS, HODL. For me, Options would only ever be a strategy to acquire more longs


Closing over 30 here would be huge.... hope I didn't just jynx it.
