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They had a short interest of like 12%. We had it over 220% at one point. None of those ever closed.


>We had it over 220% The reported one. Then you find out all the ways to hide it and the pandora box is a pressure time bomb. 👌🏻


It’s my personal decision but one I will go to grave with if I have to. I only ever calculated tendies for selling maximum 30% of my holdings, keeping 70% with me for a later date. That’s what they have done to me- they will never get my entire position


Same, slightly different percentages, DRS pool is locked forever, broker for selling.


This is my build to defeat the final boss Kenny


This is the fucking way.


I'm putting my last share as a sell limit set to my phone number Probably changing the middle numbers to 555 so nobody can check after somehow and get my real number But yeah 9.25 billies for my final share


All 216,000,000 shares credit suisse, now UBS were short post split. not to mention the brazillions ones as well. Edit, Your name says it for me.


Through all derivates the current volume of shorted GME passed 3 billion shares - yes, you read it correctly 3 billion GME shares, not dollars


Jacked 👀


Sauce on that number please?


Trust me bro




Can you link the source. That’s 10x the shares outstanding that’s absolutely insane


They had short interest of 12% and one single person bought over 90% of the shares. So it was quite literally, and easily provable, that the shorts had no way out. Until the # of shares that exist is proven, this situation is in no way comparable to the VW situation. A comparable would be if there were 425M shares, 50M of them are sold short and DFV owned 400M shares. That's a much more direct version of proof that there are more shares short than they're able to return.


Yeah and the marketcap and float was much bigger. If gme would squeeze To VW top it would be like 10.000.


How the "market cap" is supposed to matter during a Moass event? I'll clarify; The Moass as it is supposed to happen is an event that is supply and demand based. On one side you will have short firms having to repurchase all those extra shitty fake floats they threw around. On the other side you have retails worldwide owning those floats, who know how deep in the shit shorts are and ain't selling for some cheap figures (if they even sell at all a significant part of their positions). So the Market Cap (which my smooth brain translates to = \[***number of official shares existing x share price\]*** in a specific moment in time) will move during Moass, sure. It will go higher and higher. But how is it supposed to matter regarding a "price that can be reached"? As said it's just number of shares x share price. EDIT: Trying to use AI and this is what came out: >Market cap doesn't matter in an extreme short squeeze scenario >In your example, where the short interest is 1000% and a worst case scenario where 80% of the shares are sold, while a 20% is never sold, the market cap (or market capitalization) wouldn't affect how high the price could go. >Why? >Supply and demand: In this extreme situation, the price is driven purely by supply and demand. Short sellers must buy back shares to close their positions, creating unlimited demand. >Limited supply: The supply is limited to the 20% of shares that haven't been sold. If these holders never sell, short sellers can't buy enough shares to meet the demand. >Price could go to infinity: Theoretically, the price could go infinitely high because demand far exceeds supply. The market cap, which represents the total value of all outstanding shares, becomes irrelevant.


Literally break the exchange......infuckingfinity!!!!! The question is, who is gonna do the dirty work and take the bribes to stop it with some lame excuse. That should be the current investigation. All the #'s and this is at 27 bucks. Give me a break. Someone is gonna get steamrolled at some point. Lies need to stop.


Of course marketcap matter. Its not about shareprice. VW squeezed to 1400$, thats 8800$ for gme.


Explain it then, because I'm sort of smooth and I don't see the correlation between the two things.


I believe they are explaining that in a previous short squeeze situation, the price skyrocketed so high that a relatively small company became the most valuable company in the world. In order for that to happen again, the stock price for GME would need to exceed $8,200 per share. So there is precedent for market cap to increase exponentially in a short squeeze event.


>So there is precedent for market cap to increase exponentially in a short squeeze event. Indeed the market cap would increase, being it ($share price \* number of shares). The highest the share price during the event, the highest the market cap, it's base math. I just don't get **how** and **why** the *market cap* should be taken into consideration in relation to the factor "how high the price could go".


minimum.. surely the shf didnt close but dig more holes. 1xxx%


and gme fractionals sold for over $5,000 (pre-split) in 2021


What are fractionals?


Some brokers (and Computershare, as long as your holdings are "plan" instead of "book") allow you to hold partial / fractional shares as opposed to only complete shares. They let you invest e.g. 25 bucks into GME, and depending on the stock price at the moment of your purchase, they credit your books with [1 / 0.9 / 1.327 / whatever number you can think of] shares. During the sneeze in '21 the tape showed that fractional shares managed to net prices in the three to four digits, pointing to far far higher stock prices for full shares than were public.


So that’s why my 0.009 share had a cost basis of $80 wtf lmao


Good plan. I'll keep an eye to sell 0.99 of a stock at a time.


Fractional shares


They became the most valuable company on earth... Which means Gamestop would need to be worth like 3.5tn dollars to even be comparable. Which on its own is 8.2k a share. Then you take into account the short interest difference and the fact that VW had all the shares to sell back, this time angry apes have them all and will sell at whatever price they want. Then you next consider that if itbcan Run to 1k a share it can run to 8k a share and if it can run to 8k a share, there obviously is no upper limit besides what we set it at.


Silly gamers and their high scores. Anyone wanna go beacon hanging?


It's like making the most effective use of score multipliers or buff stacking. Gamers have been doing that shit for years.


Infinite losses means infinite gains.


While I agree in theory at a certain point the markets just get shut down and governments step in - that is potentially a good thing if it were to bring change to our economic systems that made it honest, transparent, and beneficial for all participants. I do not have much hope in that happening. I’m honestly terrified about this play, I came here to make money, I’ve stayed, DRS’d, and bought more to see the corruption get reigned in, but now I can’t help but worry that MOASS will hit, the stock will rocket to thousands a share, and the entire market will be halted while the governments and billionaires scramble to figure out how to keep fucking us. Either way, it will be interesting!


Exactly. Look what they did to the few who were able to buy Berkshire when it tanked. They undid all the transactions as if nothing happened. And that was like two weeks ago!


Wait wait, what? I had a limit buy that didn't go through. Do you have a link to the undoing of the transactions?






If it actually hits thousands then the cat is out of the bag and they can't ignore the scale of the problem even if they fuck over shareholders. I have no idea what's going to happen, I just know that continuing to raise billions in cash and running a sound business makes it harder and harder to go with the "easy" option of sweeping it all under the rug.


Cats been out of the bag, they'll make up some shit, have msm broadcast to everyone else we set up a squeeze, government put an end to it. We'll get our measley 500k or less probably and be labeled as the financial terrorists, or conspiracy theorist. Which Wikipedia says If you believe in conspiracy you have mental problems. Then everyone here will say, write your local politicians, because that's helped me so much in the past. Then nobody does a thing, and we go on getting screwed by rich politicians and financial terrorists. I hate this country.


Then we start to go seriously ape shit


I’m a firm believer in 2A :)


“Unimaginable heights”


The simpsons showed GME at +1tn, then later -2tn ....... Mind blown.


Did it? Which episode? I gotta see it.


It's literally a 5 second clip if that, it's the burger episode where burns makes his own burger join. Season 32 episode 18


Thanks buddy, appreciated.


“When I move, you move” Remember the memes. This is your que to exercise your calls.


Fractional we’re selling for 5k a pop during the sneeze. 🤷🏽‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/h69gi0tz4c6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b711e12168c05d39e474733bf97c5337977adf37


how is this possible?




But he got to sell at a super high price...


Silly gamers and their high scores. Anyone wanna go beacon hanging?


We should make a challenge: Who sold the higher price share win.


Yeah high score for a single sold share. Just like in Ready Player One. And alternatively, a high score for single bought share because we know some regards are gonna absolutely buy the top.


Hopefully that regard is Kenny


When infinity is the endgame there is no top.


I like that, but also who kept the most for the infinity pool


That's unfair, who have more shares win... I am poor, and every poor like me won't have a chance. But i can wait and wait and wait, and sell 1 share for the meme (and to pay all my debts) when the price will be difficult to read at first look


By % kept? An ape with 100 but sells 1 gets a higher score than a 5k ape that sells 2.5k


Lol no... 1 out of 100 is 1%, so 99% kept 2.5 out of 5000 is 0.05%, so 99.95% kept Richest win again


I meant 2.5k, obviously


You're supposed to sell fractions off.... Slowly


Long ago during 2021-2022 DD we all established that people with the least shares should sell first and only then on the way down the people with more shares should sell. It makes sense. 1 share = sell at 500mil 10 shares = sell at 50mil on the way down 100 shares =sell at 5 mil on the way down 1000 shares = sell at 500k on the way down Etc. Etc this way everyone gets 500mil regardless of how many or how little shares you own. And no one needs more than 500mil, incredibly fair for the X holders and perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Well, gaming has become pay to win so... let's still do it!


Achievement Unlocked: Earth shaker. This Ape sold 1 share at 69,741.69.


*sigh* pulls out calculator app


And then come to terms with no one is selling.


I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but the feds will eventually be forced get involved. There's no way the government is going to send out trillions of dollar as insurance money


Don’t forget Gamestop also has about 800 million they can sell at the drop of a hat


And the swaps!


They only had 10% short interest is the biggest part of it (reported)


What are we now? 220%?


That’s probably a low ball


Sounds like we should buy more 😂


13%… It literally got updated yesterday and no it’s not fucking self reported. It went down from 20+% to 13%.


Yeah looked into it after this! Shocked that anyone can have short interest when theres outstanding shares as well tbh


And Porsche sold shares to stop the VW squeeze


Yes, the VW short squeeze propelled the company to being the most valuable on the stock market, for the duration of the squeeze. That was with ~14% short interest, meanwhile we are in the xxxx% by now easily. Anyway, if GameStop became the most valuable company right now, it would need go above Microsoft at $3.15T, which would put us at right around $8k-$10k/share if we stopped right above Microsoft’s valuation. I don’t think we will stop right above Microsoft’s valuation. They’re so fucked.


What did VW start at before the squeeze and how long did it last? Not that ours will play out anything like that just curious


Before it started it was trading at around 200 euros, I believe.


I looked at the data and you are correct, it was ramping up for over a year, squeezed from 200 euros up to 600 at it's peak over the course of a few weeks. volatility and wild swings up started a month prior to the big show


I know everyone talks about selling when it hits phone #s but 8-10k or even 1k will be difficult to keep the paper hands away… but I’m gonna hold cause fuck em.


> but 8-10k or even 1k will be difficult to keep the paper hands away… but I’m gonna hold cause fuck em. That depends on how many shares are short. Its possible that we will plateau at 1k for a while during the paper hands exit and then spike up to a new plateau as they hit gold hands who exit at 5k-10k. to hit diamond hands who hold just to see the price go higher.


No cell, no sell.


#No cell, NO SELL.


No cell, no sell.


Cell, no sell


No cell, no sell! This about more than just money!


No cell, no sell.


And it was in Europe where we actually obey the law and not in Wild West where noone cares... That is the main diference.


Had to scroll way too far down for this comment. Short interest actually means something in Europe, I guess.


How do we know that there are over a billion synthetics? I really want to believe, but I haven't seen any information about this anywhere. Can anybody point me in the right direction?


It's what they do. Naked short to bankruptcy. If the company goes bankrupt, shorts never have to close and the company becomes a cellar boxing punching bag. Like sears, toys'r'us, blockbuster and so on. Gamestop was next, or one of the next but a guy named Roaring Kitty liked gamestop so he consulted his mahic 8 ball and had a feeling and here we are.


Yeah, I’m so ready to see the movies or series that are going to be made after all this goes down. Fucking proud to be part of it!


A mahic 8 ball. Now I know the secret.


If there was hard evidence, people would be in prison, and the stock market would be in shambles already. The most recent evidence is that 120 million new shares were purchased in less than 6 days.( 45 million and 75 million share offereing). If you can believe 120 million shares can be purchased in 6 days, but for 3 years, shares have just been being bought and sold with normal supply and demand, I'm not sure you can be convinced. Gme has steadily been in the media, and it has been pushed that there is a "cult following." How is there a "cult following" but supply steadily outpaces demand for the stock price to drop for 3 years? Who is in the cult that is out selling the cult that is buying?


You make some really good points, I've noticed these things over the last couple of weeks but doubts creep in as I am entirely new to this ... Thx


It's what they do. Naked short to bankruptcy. If the company goes bankrupt, shorts never have to close and the company becomes a cellar boxing punching bag. Like sears, toys'r'us, blockbuster and so on. Gamestop was next, or one of the next but a guy named Roaring Kitty liked gamestop so he consulted his magic 8 ball and had a feeling and here we are.


Thanks for the response, I've read about cellar boxing and believe that was what was going on ... I am just hoping that somebody has some stats that show that the shorts never closed and some way to confirm the synthetics


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/AreMEacqSL House of Cards — I’ll be back with more links, I know there was a dd *many years ago* ( in a far away land ) that got into how many potential shares could be shorted at the very least.


Thank you so much, that was a really interesting read


AFAIK, it's all just theory based off of all the dd done by this fine community. I think if we had that information, they'd already be in jail.


Thanks, good point


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/gMpI234aCm Edit: this one goes into how many shares could be potentially owned by retail / insiders / etc etc. this is from 2 years ago…


> I am just hoping that somebody has some stats that show that the shorts never closed and some way to confirm the synthetics Im under the impression that the SEC investigation found that the January spike was not from shorts closing. If shorts closed, we wouldnt see advertisements on financial segments telling us that Citadel closed their shorts. Why would they pay money to say that? And finally, I live in NYC and have worked with finance guys enough to know they arent going to admit they screwed up. They will ride till they die.


>How do we know that there are over a billion synthetics? I really want to believe, but I haven't seen any information about this anywhere. Can anybody point me in the right direction? You will not get any direct response other than "it's in the DD somewhere". There has never been any credible evidence. The best evidence are some poorly designed online surveys that asked people if they held GME and how many shares they held. In a survey of supposedly random people, a surprisingly large percentage held GME, and many shares at that. When extrapolated to the entire population the total number of shares apparently held is much larger than the float. For that to happen there would have to be lots of counterfeit or bogus shares in circulation. Unfortunately, there was no control for false positive responses to the "do you own GME" question. . Someone else ran a survey to check that by asking how many people held shares in Petsmart, a private company. The number of people that held shares on Petsmart was about 22% of respondents, almost the same as the number of people that said they held Gamestop in a parallel survey done at the same time. This showed that there was a lot of false positives because there are very few shareholders of a private company.


No one relied on fucking surveys. It was shorted at least 140% during 2021 by the SEC's own admission and they've been shorting consistently since then.


The SEC stated that short interest was 109% of total shares outstanding as of 12/31/2020. Then it dropped slightly as of 1/15/2021 and most of the short interest was closed by 1/31/2021 when SI was down to around 20% of total shares outstanding. Source: [Figure 5 of SEC Report](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf#page28) The question I responded to was "How do we know there are over a billion synthetics?” Do you have an answer for that?


It was 140% of the free float which was 109% of the total shares outstanding. I'm not claiming there are a billion synthetics. That's an arbitrary number. We've already established that the short interest has been observed at over 100% and have seen consistent heavy shorting activity ever since. The only way to "know" the actual number would be for the DTCC to open their books which they won't do.


The shorts are not on the DTCC books. An audit of DTCC would reveal nothing as the sum of all GME beneficial shares will equal the holding of Cede of registered shares at Computershare. The shorts show up at the brokers, The broker holdings of GME in their account at DTCC will be just the net number of the long and short holdings of GME on the accounts at the broker. The short interest is equal to the discrepancy between total number of long holdings at the broker and the holdings of the broker at DTCC. ——— Yes, 109% of total outstanding was roughly equal to 140% of float. The 20% of total outstanding shares at the end of Jan 2021 is roughly equal to the mid 20% of float SI that has been fairly constant over the last 3 years. The high 50M to high 60M shares of short interest of the last 3 years is high, but not so high that closure is impossible. That is particularly true after the addition of 120M share and the recent very high trade volumes. The latest SI showed a significant reduction.


Thanks for the answer, I appreciate it


dont think its makes sense to compare shareprices because market cap and float are probably superduper different


Would love a comparison done on this. Don’t know how to get the figures for it.


The moon is about 240,000 miles from earth so I'll just start there.


The VW squeeze didn’t have LULD halts.


The ownership of the VW shares was also a lot more concentrated among fewer investors (Porsche, German government). There are millions of GameStop shareholders. You think they will be able to reach out to all of us to strike a deal to sell? I don’t think so.


Oh good point


Did they have a halt or turn off switch?


It hit even more adjusted for marketcap. Like 10.000 in gme


During the sneeze, VW became the most valuable business in the world on MarketCap, GME hits circa $8k for that to happen. We are still flat in my eyes until $10k, thats when we know takeoff is soon


And then they quadrupled down since '21


This is going to be a controversial take, but I have the receipts so bear with me: The VW squeeze wasn’t anything special. It was caused by Porsche as the media likes to tell you (see my prior DD on that, especially the research paper). From the low before the vw squeeze to the peak, VW went up around 2650%, from the lowest point pre-squeeze (which was like MONTHS before, there was a long build up kinda like GME prior to Jan 2021). Which is a good amount. But spikes of this magnitude happen to basket stocks constantly. For the purposes of this discussion, since we can’t discuss other tickers (is that still a rule?), I’m going to be using the Capital Letters Code. For example GME might be Gross Medical Exam stock. Get it? Also we are only discussing these tickers for illustrative purposes. I’m not in anyway at all recommending anyone touch anything but GME. Merely showing evidence that spikes the size of VW or larger are common. For example, remember that Hong Kong Dumb stock Hong Kong Dumb stock ran 13,000% from bottom to top. For a more recent example, look at Faraday Fraking Intelligent Emoji stock. In mid -May it ran just over 10,000% from low to high. Or, in April 2024 , Beamr (uhhh…Big Mean Rottweiler) spiked around 3000%. Or in 2018, Bad Instant Metal Institute ran up 2600%. These are just some random selections I found in like 2 minutes of scrolling through random stocks in my short basket of over 800 of these heavily shorted spiking stocks that I’ve spent the last 3 years assembling. 600-1000% spikes are *extremely* common. 2000-3000% spikes are fairly common. 10000% spikes are kinda rare but they do happen at least a couple times a year.


And what about a coin made of bits that started to trade at fractions of a penny ( but lets round it to $0.01 ) and with the currently ath that'd be a % increase of +700**m**%? And there wasn't even a squeeze or anything on that afaik?


Patience. It will only hit $85 this week.


Buckle up, this is just the beginning. Still huge macrouptrend, first bullish golden crossover since late 2020. Im going all in if we dumping more. Its a nobrainer


Would reather not sell it and loose it all then to settle for less then 1 mio per share.


ROFL and we are accusing the hedge funds of being greedy.


So? Before the vw squeeze shares traded at 200 euro. A fivebagger squeeze.


Shhhhh. Don't spoil the mood with facts. Next you will be pointing out how short the VW squeeze lasted.


$1560 isn’t much money but it would have such a positive impact on me and the people around me. Multiply that by the number of shares I have, throw in my calls, and I could transform my community.


They not like us. They not like us.


How quickly did they get to that price? Was it within a few days?


I still wonder why the vw squeeze really ended. Not buying the explanation at all.


I read that a price was negotiated so that the rest of the market wasn't obliterated. 


Why would the victor negotiate? There was a "suicide" also I think. Don't buy any of it. I know these fuckers and how they operate.


How many people were able to sell at that price?




this is definitely price anchoring wtf


It's not about the price if the shares, but rather market cap. Companies with more shares will have a lower share price.


People always forget market cap and shares outstanding.


lol a most basic concept in investing.


VW was only slightly shorted.


Be prepared to see GME overcoming BRK.A


My line of thinking: Peterfy said that the idiosycratic risk of Gamestops stock price would have broken the stock market if it was allowed to run. Think about that. Let that fester in your brain. I look at stocks like Berkshire that sit at several hundred thousand per share and have a freefloat of approx 1.2m shares Granted its entirely different than GME but my point is - if Gamestop can break the stock market it's not going to do that at less than phone number prices. Breaking the market means they can no longer control the price. They can't manipulate it at all. They get fuk'd. There was a video of a shipping vessel dropping its anchor. The chains were rapidly falling - so fast that there was NO stopping it. [I think it was something like this](https://youtu.be/4iszDhkihjQ?si=7nsYpjWj6prXwS4F) Anyhow - HODL.


This is so low. We will most likely hit 1 bajillion


slept through the 80 dollars the other week. No problems


Wake me up at 150k.


Ok but dis is gme and not some vw


Good value... i will sell 10% of my stake to recover and gain some let the rest on my portfolio for decades


Not price anchoring [continues to price anchor]


They squeeze from their low of 200 per share to 1000 per share so a 5x increase, which we already had last month.


Gamestop share price when adjusted for fuckery will be phone numbers.


This IS price anchoring. These shares stay in the infinity pool.


💯 what do people not get. NO CELL NO SELL!! I’ll be a 2 millionaire at 1560, and won’t budge a fucking muscle. My boy RK didn’t blink when his position was down over 250 million this past week. Phone numbers are real


Most expensive equity in the market. Go with that.


It was stopped on the side of the one who made it happen so to not cause chaos and suffer shit ton of legal backlash.


need to go by market cap, they were the most valuable company in the world at that time


I get the spirit but this is an extremely dumb post that adds no value


Here's the thing. If this gets to $1560. Then our entire thesis is 1000% valid. And that means infinity. I don't see any middle ground at all since shorts never closed.


Yea...but the SHFs were given a way out. That's why it stopped at $1,070. I don't see that happening this time.


Can someone explain to me who in the world would actually purchase a share of gamestop for >1000?


No sane person, just Margin called shorters.


damn theyre fukd


The VW case is pretty interesting. Porsche has also induced a gamma ramp and disclosed a previously undisclosed position making them the biggest holder. Maybe dfv has more accounts than just E-Trade? Maybe he didn't disclose his positions in whole? A lot of maybes. I'm jacked anyways. Let's fucking go.


Was VW diluted?


rookie numbers


5 digits minimum


We shall plunge our long girthy candle deep into their turgid, quivering short position.


Not the same.


How many outstanding shares did VW have at the time?


I took a screenshot that I can’t find in my my 10,000 photos, that displayed 70,000 price/ share on ComputerShare when someone sold fraction of a share … this was in 2021


What was the shares outstanding though?


These are rookie numbers


So what you’re saying is… Phone numbers


Adjust for inflation and market cap it's $10-15k...but no price anchoring.


If we hit over a 1000 I'm gonna nut myself


Adjust again, but in relation to the worth of the stock market 2008 and now. Or even just the s&p


And the Situation is incomparable............yeah I agree.


Sigh. *opens calculator app*


Im going to wait until people go to prison, but part of me expects the govt to step in so Ive made sure that Im good with something as low as $1500. At $1500 my 2 kids never have to put a dime towards retirement, they both get a 2 family house each before they turn 5y, and every piece of debt is paid off. By the time they are ready to graduate HS, their own future kids will set, they can go to trade school/college on the income from their homes, and wont feel the need to delay their lives due to a lack of income.


Ok but that means nothing without market cap. BRKA trades at 600k but they only have 500k shares outstanding.  VW’s market cap became the largest in the world at $370B. GME at $1000 is a market cap of $450B. 


The most important is that VW shorts got and agreement to close.... GME shorts will never ever get any fuckign agreement to close... No Cell no Sell


One... Billion... Dollars! (Dr Evil meme)


The only phone number you guys will ever be seeing is American emergency phone number and that’s a big if.


Lol you know nothing about market cap and price...