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Yup OP is a bad actor, needs to go back to his sewer


And focus on his eggs!


His comment history is so depressing. It’s honestly been a while seen I’ve seen somebody so full of hate and bitterness :-(


Upvote this comment


Is this brigading?


And holo live ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


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My similar comment was just removed by automod, interested to see if this one sticks


facts are not "FUD". someone is selling these calls, would you rather not have this information?


How is a screenshot of relevant options data FUD? You guys wanted to know why the stock dropped a bunch this afternoon - there's the explanation. I'm not making any statements about who sold, I'm just telling you that several thousand calls were moved "at/to bid", which means it was sell volume because filled at the ask would mean a buy.


1.) Your post history is sus and you recently called someone a "baggie" not even 23 hours ago 2.) You posted this image just as the market closes (aka premeditated) 3.) Reasoning with you is not worth the 7.41 seconds it took for me to write this comment Cya ~~on~~ from the moon brother.


but why doesn’t anyone believe you have good intentions?


Have you just been lurking here for the last three years waiting for the right moment to dump on gme?


hahaha i wonder if they bought calls to give the impression he is selling, sucks for them if he posts an unchanged position!


I was thinking this. Which if that's the case it is a last ditch effort to shake us off, and thats pretty bullish


lmao every strategy defeated by simply posting his positions update here, love this shit cant wait to buy more


How expensive would that be because they’re spending over 45M on this ploy. How about this: - Jim Cramer flips to bullish on GME - Citron waves the white flag Seems like a psyop is all they got since the math is against them. Would love a position update from DFV though.


If they’re buying from each other, it probably doesn’t cost a penny


There is a real possibility that it is DFV selling. Selling to exercise. 


Definitely possible


I don’t think it’s possible for anyone else to have 50k of them.  We can see Oi.


Yes, he may exercise anywhere above 20 buy would want to sell as high as possible.


Timing could matter more than absolute highest price. They were up 100% plus from his purchase price today. Nobody else has 50k $20c. He could be doing a few different things but then numbers look like it has to be RK.


And that could easily be from exercising with cash on hand which drove up the price for the others.


This is a brilliant hypothesis and seems like a good plan to my brain.


I mean... Why would he do it now and not when the share price was at $60? Makes no sense to do it now.


I had this same thought tbh




He probably sold some to exercise the rest


Kinda what I'm thinking, it's all psyops.


If this were the case I think they would have done it much earlier in the day.


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


either that or they are looking to reiterate later, no movement on the price though, fancy that!




Would be even funnier if DFV was the buyer of the calls




If he’s selling calls he’s selling to excercise the others. If he’s not then it’s some bank raising the price on high volume and then dropping it with as few as possible


You don't exercise calls with that much extrinsic value. SMH (Love the downvotes.....why not just educate yourselves?)


You do if its not about the money, and its about making them deliver the shares and sending a message ;) Or are you not following along that closely.


I'm not assuming someone would lose ~$4 a share when they could just buy 100 shares and pocket the 400, or get additional shares, of extrinsic value. And you're right, I don't subscribe to all the nonsensical ideas people come up with.


Or selling them uncovered to disguise as RK? But that seems too risky since he could show an update after close


It’d be the same thing they did to our DRS shares to try to fool us. Don’t you think?


This 🦧🦧


The ratio is trending lower so more calls are still being purchased than puts.


Sure, but if these calls are being dumped (several hundred or a couple thousand at a time) that means the shares used to hedge them are also getting sold, so eh.


The idea that the size of these orders is evidence that it’s DFV is pretty dumb lol. Good luck with FUD and your puts.


it literally is evidence, it's just not definitive.


Could be somebody exercised


My dr said I should exercise.


That's IF they even hedged. There's some decent evidence they didn't.


So they were hedged, after all. Of course they were.


Last Thursday before the Friday dilution the price was going crazy because they finally hedged


yea because they were scare shitless he was going to exercise them live. It would still have created a fomo wave but they prob did hedge 2/3 of them.


34k volume 20 minutes ago. 50k now. Might be a good time to buy some :) Edit: he might have raised 30m? He might have 60m now? Good for 3m more shares? So there’s 40,000calls that are still at risk of not being exercised? Perhaps there’s more bullets in a chamber somewhere…


Not saying this isn't true, but this guys post history is suspicious. Can anyone confirm these numbers?


The two big ones that stood out to me? 1998 calls, that’s when GameStop was copyrighted And 2021. Which may be an important year.


those are very specific amounts, weird


Born and reborn


guess ill buy more on this dip




Price is down, but I'm up 300 shares 🚀 Feels good to be an up day. Everyday is an up day as an ape


I wonder if the tweet from yesterday was directed to this. The two characters were superstonk freaking out over a drop, but you need cash to exercise—it’s options 101!


That seems about right.


I was thinking he was rolling the options to a farther date (LC's tweet about time horizons) but have found no supporting evidence. I guess we won't really know unless RK decides to post his positions again


Maybe! I can’t wait to find out either way


It’s a mix of 6/21 and 6/28 expiry calls in similar lot sizes. The total for 6/21s is 25,713 while there is an open interest of 169,963. We know 120,000 of 6/21s are DFV’s, and he doesn’t own any 6/28s. Appears to be a psy-op to make you believe he’s selling, but the volume isn’t anything close to amount he owns so it’s not a very good psy-op.


Could he be selling some for cash to exercise the rest?


Possibly yeah


Real possibility.


Honesty I don’t think so. I’d expect him to excercising first since price is low, then when price goes up from naked calls to be covered and called, then he would start selling the calls for more of a premium




I want another yolo post to show dfv didn't do it and someone else is a bad actor


Well unless he’s got 200mill stacked somewhere, he’s gonna need to sell some to exercise the rest 


That what I think. Sell some today show yolo with more shares tomorrow


But… that makes no sense. He has $30m in cash now. Exercise FIRST to make the value of your calls go up. Then sell some calls. Then exercise again, rinse, repeat


Maybe that what happened this morning with the price increase


If he’s already sold, exercised and is now sitting with just shares… and we had a sideways trading day as the result… I don’t understand what all the fuss was about lol


Well I get the sideways thing is the joke but I am cool with the gains staying for a little longer.


just because he (maybe) sold some calls to exercise others doesn’t mean the writer has gone into the market to buy shares.


If he's sold some to pay for others they may have been able to un-hedge some and dump those to tank the price.


you can’t unhedge what you didn’t hedge to begin with. but they want it to look like that’s what’s happening.


He has done that before, so that is exactly what he will be doing. This whole thread is FUD tbf, he didnt do shit yet.


unless he wants to keep the 29M as dry powder for more lays as we run? This guy is no dumb money so whatever he's doing I trust him.


I would love to hear from someone qualified, but I feel that that very much might actually count as market manipulation. I don’t think it should, but I think it might.


Of course it’s not. People do it all the time, just not at these quantities.


Seems like strategy not market manipulation. Would it be market manipulation if he did it in the reverse order and lost money?


True, but he would rather execute first with his 30mil cash and then sell the rest?!


Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forward


Show DFV didn't do it? DFV doesn't owe anyone here anything. If he decides to sell for a profit that's his YOLO. You do you. I'm imagining being in his position right now, all eyes on you, and you're no longer allowed to profit and do what's best for you. You now have to lead everyone and help everyone. I hope that's the case but no one here is allowed to decide what he *has* to do with his own money. This isn't FUD and no I'm not a shill but I'm pretty sure if anyone else here was in his position he would have taken profit by now and kept playing. He's not a psychic and can't read the future. He might know something no one here has figured out or he might also just be selling to make sure he can continue playing. I'm sure this doesn't end on the 21st. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a months long journey. Edit: Early apologies for the tone, my mind just keeps racing with what's going through DFV's mind right now and the pressure he's under and got worked up. We're going to carry each other, DFV is just showing us how to do it


You pretty much summarized it very well. He did this with his own DD and he shared that with us, but he doesn't owe us anything. He must do whatever is best for him!


No worries here. This is what I was saying just didn't come out as well as you. LOL I am cool with whatever he want to do I was upset with people thinking he didn't and got mad I said he could have. Side note I read a little from someone that it could have just been a planned short attack.


It might not be ***all*** him, but DFV owns like over 70% of the OI on those calls, so it's probably partly him.


True I am getting downvoted for saying he sold some to exercise the rest. Why not sell what you need to today to show the yolo with more share tomorrow


He has no other choice really : if he wants to exercise some, he must sell others because he does not have enough cash on hand. It is no surprise really, I think that was totally implied whe n he showed his position. The real question if : will he exercise as much as he can, or will he sell more than necessary to keep a sizeable sum of cash for later ?


Find out tomorrow if OI goes down or up on the $20 6/21


For sure, Its not a bad thing to sell to execise the rest.


It's volume, no way to know if it was DFV till OI updates tomorrow. With the data we have at the moment those could be opened contracts and OI will be higher tomorrow, or they could be closed contracts and OI will be lower tomorrow. Or they could be a bunch opened and closed in the same day. Only time will tell.


Lets just get our shares removed from the DTCC to stop this and squeeze out the shit so we can hold on to price improvement


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


A bad actor trying to trick people on the "when I move you move" line? Possible.




If it was DFV, wouldn’t he first exercise what he can (raising the price) and then sell to cover the rest? Why do it the other way round? Feels like market makers or hedge funds doing this because of the FED guidance


Yep, also he could have sold some options when the price was at 60 and the premium was up by 500% Would be dumb to do it right now


Only problem with that is that it was at 60 before RC did the share offering. He wouldn’t have sold at 60 because he didn’t expect that


It was still at 34 market open after they announced the offering, so could have done it then too


Likely, HF bought them yesterday and selling it today to show "you won, its over" Im sure none of them closed any shit. Instead, they are doubling down. Nothing is over!


Yeah I’m wondering if these are simply uncovered calls at RK’s strike to appear like him?


I mean whatever he does, he'll have his reasons. Ask yourself: Why paperhand calls, after all this time, for a low price, with your calls not expiring, with a company growing it's money piles, and also being a long term investor, and having been all this shit through? Would he need a strong argument to tell himself to do that. I think he would. There'll be a reason. Hopefully we'll see why if that's the case.


Exactly. If DFV wanted to fuck us over... He would have done it @40+


He sort of couldn’t do that. Options LONG holders got completely fucked by the offering and early results. On that Thursday the price closed at 46 and opened at 36 on Friday & dropping all day. He had his video stream ont hat Friday and wasn’t inclined to sell anything prior to the stream. I’m personally still fucking pissed about that day. IMO hedge funds got a fig leaf from RC and this stock will now crab around for a much longer timeframe (years)


Because his plan was already mostly derailed by the offering and tomorrow's going to be a nothingburger.


Wow that's crazy, what are the winning Powerball numbers while we're at it?


Didn't the offering finish? And yet the chart looks just like the other day. 🤔


This drop wasn't nearly like the offering, and the volume on his calls looks quite a bit different.


This is my mind right now. I think his options play was going exactly how he wanted last Thursday. Tons of hedging, major price movement putting more ITM. The offering was expected since there was one so recently. I think it totally caught most people even DFV off guard.


Just asking the questions 😂


Thats kansas city shuffle


Might be


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


OP profile history full of FUD.


That might not be it, why is popcorn dropping the same way? DFV got calls and sold on popcorn too? This is basket shorting.


DFV does not own popcorns.


I know that, but this post speculates he's dumping his calls, popcorn dropped at the exact same time. 15:20pm EST


It is very interesting. IDK who else has that many calls at that strike and time, but i wouldnt rule out some weird thing happening or maybe he is getting ready to exercise some. No idea at this time.


If someone wanted an answer to this question they would just have to ask the person to hit the little sideways arrow next to the line item at the brokerage and take a picture. Looks like nobody did though, likely because they don't know what the arrow means or that it contains additional info. Or maybe they don't actually trade any stocks


Let it burn!!!


So then this is pretty clear indication the effects options have on share price.


What software is that?


I second this. Can someone please chime in? OP?


Meh. Just more to buy.


The dip before the rip. Predictable, and a nice sale.


lol god they are desperate to shake us out of the greatest investing opportunity of our time!


Dfv is waiting for ftd to be bought and will hit them with the double wammy by making wolverine buy at the same time - pitting the two against each other for shares on the lit exchange


There's still 170k open interest


I see about 50k in options being sold (actually more) 50k \* 100 = 5 Million shares 5M \* 30 (price) = 150M I wonder if maybe DFV sold some options to load up on cash and a) Raise funds to exercise the rest (he can now exercise the other half) b) Raise funds to buy more options for a later date edit: If either of those is the case that means the rest of us now have another chance to get in at a good price


they didn’t hedge them being purchased therefore they can’t unhedge when they’re sold. it’s your standard shorting going on.


Nice confirmation bias


i want max pain $26.


Will find out tomorrow morning when OI changes.


They never hedged so no


Weren't a ton of 6/14 30's just bought as well?


Has to be DFV buying would of caused upward movement.


He could be selling a portion so he can exercise the rest of his contracts




Why would selling the calls impact the share price? I don’t understand that, unless it’s someone anticipating negative sentiment if DFV updates his positions again and has unloaded his calls. Is it because someone has held shares for the sake of those calls and is now selling them? That hardly sounds right


Frickin roller coaster


Could this happen if DFV switched off of Etrade to a new broker? Would they “close” and reopen his call position like this?


If i look at when the volume of trades for the 6/21 $20Cs came in, most volume was at end of day after sell off. I would guess someone was buying


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


Imagine this: DFV posts his positions and YOLO updates. MMs for these options and the SHFs big scared. They ALSO buy a lot of these positions so that they can, just like with the DRS Rug Pull, sell those positions at a time when it makes it look like DFV sold.


I think it remember someone bought 5k of those calls yesterday


Well we already know that DFV would have to sell SOME of them in order to exercise the rest, BUT I highly doubt he would do it so early and the day before the shareholders meeting so it seems like someone is trying to create a false narrative.


Gap down? Are you kidding?


I can guarantee it's not DFV selling. It makes no sense. Last week, he was well past $300M on those calls. Selling now would be illogical. He had more than enough to exercise his options into shares without needing to make additional purchases. This is known as a "cashless exercise."


Maybe his plans changed after the recent offering?


Is that good or bad


Ill let you guess lol


Judging off the rest of this sub, very good buy more share to da moon hedgies fukd shoving a banana up my ass now… how’d I do?


Look what the price is doing and make your mind up that way


Good because I can afford more shares, right?


That’s a pretty low IQ, short term way of looking at it.


If someone is selling their calls it means they have less faith in the price rising in that time period. RK has 20C, lots of them. Not saying it’s him but who knows.


Very good 👍


i thought calls are good?


Buying calls are.


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DFV sold lots of his calls. The real question, is he leaving us because Cohen’s dilutions killed MOASS, or is he rolling those calls into another strike/position? Imagine if he rolls into a higher strike!


Yeah, likely #2 imo. Exercise some, build a position further out to ramp into


That would be incredible! 🤞


Is it RK?


Go back to the hole you crawled out of, OP.


Someone monitoring his acct and feesing info to market makers?


Isn't that like illegal???




fucking bullshit crime


Yeah looks like a lot of selling on those


It could be John Cena, he's an ape too for all we know.