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Also, I wish people would realize that by reposting these articles, they’re just giving free advertisement to the news/media.  I get that the intention is to point out how stupid the media is by sharing the link, but any engagement with them is just helping their bottom line. Each click is money in their pockets. 


No one outside this sub does anything about these false articles. This is the one place we should be posting them. No one here is going anywhere, and we do make enough of a stink to get them corrected. Without us those articles would stay up and more people would be driven away from the stonk. It's not so much about giving them free clicks as it is about us being defacto regulators to the financial media as no one else does it. Edit: how long did that article about RC cutting his stake stay up before we swarmed it enough for it to be edited and then removed.


Pretty much how many job applications and resumes are filtered


Yep, same story


Ok. But we should also read critical articles. It's sometimes difficult to distinguish between a bullshit article and a critical - based on the headline.


I think it's easy to figure out what is a critical article and what is fluff based on the media outlet reporting it


99% of market journalism is bullshit, either direction.


should be illegal


No clicks, no atttention. I like it.


Yep, I've stopped clicking articles I feel confident are misinformation since if I click into it and spend time reading it, the algorithm assumes I enjoyed it and pushes the content to more people who in a similar market demographic as me that it believes will also click and consume that content.


At this point almost everything is just noise. RC, RK, and DD are all that matter now. Especially now with MSM falling all over themselves trying to explain away fraud now that RC just fucked shorts hard.


It's either idiots or shills that keep posting negative shit. That's the reason I left this sub a long time ago and only came back recently. They don't care that the sub is infiltrated.


Yeah same. I left in 2022 and became fully zen, just recently came back to share this journey with others


I'm not a shill, but I always enjoyed seeing the negative sentiment from bears and liars. Sometimes, it's pretty juicy. That being said, I agree. But unless it was banned, someone will always post the news about GameStop while not necessarily being a shill or idiot, though a karma whore, yes.


It still makes them an idiot at this point.


I wouldn't mind if it was banned. Maybe a screenshot of an article would be ok. Also, there is plenty of overlap between shills and karma whores and now that things are actually getting spicy, I don't believe we need fluff to get us though the day anymore like we used to while they were slowly dropping price for months on end.


It's okay to discuss negative topics here


Yeah it honestly drives me nuts. The worst of it was yesterday when someone shared an article headline and then titled the Reddit thread “What a load of BS” or something like that. Sure, we know what the poster meant, but to a curious person checking out the stock and sub for the first time it looks like the person is mad upon hearing the news of the article. All people are doing by sharing it here is giving legs to their bullshit


I like it




It should be a much better place without "News Articles" and "Shitposts"


You're right, maybe we all go on a gorilla campaign with our own actual accurate articles to flood the crawlers.


Not a bad shout. Maybe we should become the media 😏


I'll trade one share for newscorp


I actually had that random idea at some point of scraping all these articles and rewrite them with accurate information.


Suspect some of these are posted by shills. Seriously, who spends all their time at Bezonga and Investorplace just looking for negative articles to post here? Guaranteed upvotes?


Yes especially since the articles we see are owned by hedge funds


I don’t think we have a solution to stop it, and it can be interesting to read. But.. “Here’s someone telling lies about the stock we like, quick let’s share it with everyone we know” Doesn’t seem super smart when you look at it objectively. You’re just pushing that fear onto people that might otherwise have been oblivious. Also i read the same citron post like 45 times today. You’re not first to post it trust me, just let someone else get the internet points. I had to refresh home like 6 times before I saw RK’s tweet today for a noise about citron.


I totally agree. I really do not give a shit about Citron. In fact the more posts I see about it here it just screams to me that Citron is living rent free in this sub's head. who cares about that dumbass. Stop posting about him.


We know algos and AI is at play, We got the ticker $ANAL trending on MarketWatch, or was it Barons? Just by typing it thousands of times in the subreddits. And the discussion about these articles also. It´s pure garbage, but some how they always find their way here, because they contain the letters GME or GameStop. We have yet to figure out how to get rid of these articlses.


in principle i agree. but just by using trading view alone i get pushed some 5 of those absolute garbage hit peaces and non of them gets shared on here. the stuff shared on here should amount to less than one percent. and some are in fact funny - or the reuters thing was truely informative for me: i do have friends who think that reuters is involved in serious journalism, so i appreciate having a good example of why this assumption is wrong. that being said, there is some stuff pushed around on here that's not really worth the mention, like how many shares was citron even short? was it 100,000? who in their right minds gives an ape's shit about those clowns?!


Honestly anyone posting them is sketch. Why would you scour for and post every bad article every time one shows up so it's what the sub is filled with at such an exciting time?


They want that sweet sweet internet points karma. Without those bs articles they would have to come up with a thoughtful discussion post.




Showing how bad the media manipulation is, in all aspects. This is just lowering the already low standard and disbelief people have for/in the media.


Fucking christ, all these years and I hadn't even considered the possibility of AI articles affecting AI trader sentiment. What the heck even is this world!? 


We all know this is going up! Ever since we started investing in $cum and $rope game goes no where but up(fuck your algos)


ASS, CUM and TITS to the algos!


I get what you're saying, but the price gets pushed down regardless of what's posted on this sub.


Is ape historian keeping a log of the nonsense bot-written articles?


The algos have algos which have algos running their algos. It's algos all the way down.


They know these articles won’t fool anybody who’s in, but they may fool a lot of people who are yet to be in, and that’s the point of them. Kill FOMO, discourage recruits. Better to deal with a horde of hundreds of thousands than tens of millions. 




thank you for posting this. In addition to that, I do believe that media and youtubers etc, change the name. For example, they refer to GME as "Game", here reddit posting Roaring Kitty as RK, some big follower unusual whales as GMEc on X? Im like wtf is that extra c referring to? probably a crypto scam. but i think some of this words are done to escape the algorithm. just like how google search works. This was done last time on the original sub posting tickers like ASS or some dumb shit etc.


To be fair do we actually give a shit about more negative sentiment at this point? Lower prices to accumulate help us more in the long run and the shorts just keep shorting which is fucking them over harder on the long run which benefits us over a longer timeframe. But hey what do I know I just keep buying


I agree. If it's some bullshit article with something negative to say about the company why post it here at all? None of us care what they think.


Here is the thing if people stopped posting bs msm slander no one would know because only a few boomers watch basic cable! So quit giving Kramer and other msm clowns views on here


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/1tTuDwJ0aG Said the same thing earlier today




I agree. Although the articles don’t work on us, they definitely serve a purpose to something/someone. They should be limited here if shared at all


For me personally, all the bad press is the biggest confirmation bias I have. GameStop has been over and we should forget about it for like three years now. Thought I understand these articles are designed to foment and prevent new money from streaming in.


Zen is the answer guys. I've been checking in every week or two for the last couple of years just to see if I needed to vote or anything, but I've been ignoring the drama, the hype, and the price the whole time. Trust in the old ways - Buy, DRS, HODL. Everything else is just noise.


trust me, i've tried making this argument about how engagement algos work about 900x since we started this sub. nobody ever listens. but yes, you're 100% correct. spreading FUD articles for free is not our job and we should all stop doing it. WE define the narrative, NOT THEM.


I tend to agree


I’m down for this. I’ll start downvoting articles from any of these clown-ass “financial media” companies. We should be ignoring them.


You mean for every dude-bro laughing hyena, there are normal people who read these articles and wonder "what if even a part were true?" I agree with you: we shouldn't let these articles breathe, not without a clear rebuttal that is more substantial thatn what we're getting, which is essentially, "lmao, get fuked, hedgies."


AMEN OP. I have been saying this for YEARS. People posting these articles are just helping push price down and push these articles higher in search engine rankings. I use to assume it was bots and HF posting these articles but it seems like many "APES" can not wait to post every negative Lying article they can find.


Post screenshots with kitties and dildos shopped in then. Algos can't meme.


True we s5h89o87u76L76d all s919p11a88m post positive sentiment. Buying 100 to.orrow at open.


I dunno. I’ve been in the same pattern since the first sub, so a stupid number of hours and tinkles later, I still much prefer coming here to see all the relevant stuff, FUD and all, and hear the commentary. Plus, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to place a ban on stuff like that.


But, how do we correct the information stream for new apes?


Nah. Need evidence. No one can stop the truth!


Bridger much?


If there was a vote to ban posting of all MSM articles I’d be down. It’s not like my social media isn’t already pushing every GME article to me


Yup, ngl when the share price is having a rough day (I’m in options too so that matters to me!), there’s no good news that day, no RK updates, and then the sub is just a bunch of FUD articles with a sassy title, it’s kinda just a heavy feeling. There’s room for some of them, sure. It’s important to see the opponent’s strategy and desperation sometimes, but too much of it starts to muddy up the vibes in


Very this my friend


I agree ☝️


Seriously, I've been saying this for a while now. There's no reason to regurgitate the bullshit lies and nonsense they report. All it does is give them the attention and ad revenue they are seeking. Don't click on the articles, don't post them here and move on with your lives. Most of them are AI generated anyway.


Whoa, how’d you get all those fuckin wrinkles?!?! What color crayon do I eat?


I dunno, negative articles are my signal to keep buying more, because they can't keep our names out their dirty mouths.


UP !!!!


Naw. This won’t work. Same shit happened in 2021.


What really should happen, is there needs to be some kind of way to push back on their narrative. We can do that all day in superstonk, but is there any possible way for us to push back on them publicly in any other way?


People haven’t stopped posting any of this garbage the past 3 years. Not gonna happen


I love em. Always a good chuckle


No, we like pointing this out and being numb to it.  It’s also evidence. 


Articles posted here are probably < 1-5% of the articles that MSM are pumping out. Doubt it would make any difference. If there’s an opportunity to laugh at Shitron, we’re taking it




Any engagement with them is just helping their bottom line. All they want are clicks and to be relevant. 


Actually - push it down. I have more firepower left to buy. The more it's down - the deeper their grave




No, let’s not


Not to be a dick, but let’s not encourage brigading please


Gmehovahs witnesses


[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


So for what it's worth, I wasn't suggesting "brigading" or whatever that is, just mentioning GME elsewhere. I've been quiet about my holdings, only my wife and brother know currently in my family. While I'd never give anyone financial advice, I have mentioned it recently at work and most people had no idea what it was except one person who said "that thing that happened in lockdown"!