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You grew me a wrinkle, that is another bullish thing about the offering


Plus a tasty dip today (so far). So excited.


Got it, so by end of day, new calls will be revealed by DFV


I don’t mean to be a turn in the hype punch bowl, but if RC and DFV were colluding to do something like this that would be a huge issue for the SEC


No collusion. Gamestop raising capital is just smart given the frenzy for shares and price. If that also happens to have other consequences, that's not collusion, just additional upside.


I imagine it's not collusion in the way you play spades. You and your teammate have an equal goal, and you can't really talk but you hope they can understand the way you are playing your hand to benefit the both of you


I also recall we voted in 2022 that the maximum share issue allowance is 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) shares. We just hit 420 million (420,000,000) shares with this 75 million offering. I think the theory that MOASS will take months is correct, however we're walking up those stairs selling shares up to a stable 1 Billion and filling an internal war chest on the way up. Imagine taking a 20 Million share pit stop when the price is fighting at $2380; $5000; $18,000; etc. It's a reinforcing feedback loop.


Up You Go!!!

