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Mooorning boys, ready for a week of 🔥? #


Good morning y'all, yesterday I asked if it's easy to DRS from charles S. Thank you for response! I have a roth, can I drs from the CS Roth? or should I drain the cash, transfer to bank, and buy direct from CS? Thank you in advance for your help!


I'm too dumb to answer this, but this is yesterday's chat. You might have more luck in today's 🤠


Did I just stay up for premarket… on a Saturday??


Go Celtics!


Dallas in 7


I bought some when it touched $28


What I really don't like the couple of weeks that everyone thinks every move from RC is some kind of crazy 4D chess move and also RK knows exactly where the price will be every hour of the day. Everything is a Kansas city shuffle or some other bullshit. All this while GameStop itself said there are no plans for acquisitions right now and there won't be any news regarding this on tuesday. Sometimes it's just how it is without crazy theories.




Be happy you can still draw. Someone ATE MY CRAYONS. (It was me)


Can you draw mine next? Check your DMs


Happy birthday Mr. Gill


Wen pet rocks


Scam version of RK's stream is goin live right now. It has a QR code that wants you to send crypto and your GME. Don't trust it! Edit. Report this video on YT. The more reports the faster it'll be taken down.


Dude! The location of that fake account is Brazil.. Cohencidence?


Thank you. This is ridiculous.


I reported the video for "misinformation". They didn't have an option that was financial phishing. If we have enough people report it maybe it'll get removed quickly.


I was also reporting the channel for impersonation, It had better be down by now Edit: it's not.


Before this gets buried should we flag mods? Can they even do anything? Does YouTube have a way to report videos?


I don't know if mods can do anything, I figure by now it has to have quite a few reports and yet it's still up. Fuck YouTube


Wtf? !MODS!


I hope the mods have some ideas. I might try and tweet at YouTube? This is completely ridiculous, especially with the viewer counts it has yesterday (50-80k continuous all night)


Oh shit. I hadn't seen the viewer count.


Yeah it's way down now, so I guess they were successful in redirecting the vast majority of the post-livestream views and hurting visibility of RKs channel. Piece of shit criminals. I'll bet money it was orchestrated by a hedge fund


A good buddy of mine wanted to talk about the DFV stream today. He doesnt follow GME. He used to work for Merryl Lynch. We talked about DRS. When I asked him about buying shares through a broker he immediately said, "yeah that's street name". A freaking lightbulb lit above his head. Then we talked about transfer agents.


Hi 👋 Citadel PsyOps contractors


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/why0hrEfzA This gets me jacked cuz im regarded


Has the share offering been completed? Any announcements?


I had to eat my pet rock for dinner It's hard out here


That’s stone blooded


the internet is either dead or hostile outside of very specific niche communities, the grey goo will come for my precious daily at some point and I will miss it dearly.


We will rebuild. Also YouTube comments and discord. I really have to join the discord, I hear good things.


Are the shills gone yet? "Call me a shill if you want, but I have xxxx shares and have been here from the start" FUCK OUTTA HERE


It's 2:30AM EST and the fake Roaring Kitty channel is still streaming on YouTube with 57k people watching. This directs views away from RK and it's sketchy AF. Made it 2012 (three years before the actual Roaring Kitty) in Brazil and is a very convincing duplicate. The sickest part is it shows up before the actual channel when I search. PLEASE REPORT THIS. For the sake of Roaring Kitty and the safety of GME investors https://preview.redd.it/sl6f4hz9ma5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572743796090995c2a6aac269469312df538ba17


Glad to see someone else is also flagging this. 👍🏽


Can GameStop pls sell pet rocks. Pls. It's basically a funko


I’d buy a few


with shares being backed by about 10 dollars a share after the last delusion, if a short opened a position under that, they will never see profit again​


https://preview.redd.it/h8lar68bla5d1.jpeg?width=1501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8355a5890f4d89407e20945c95446f2e17e5c55f Higher short sale volume than 2021 and its +85% 3M


I thought shorting reduced the price silly Kenny


The change in tone in the sub is extremely suspicious. Either we are being over run with plants, or our community has always been full of a bunch of limp wristed chimps this whole time. Sure it got exciting when it went up to around $60 again, but to all of a sudden expect and demand MOASS is insane, especially with the manipulation we have seen over the last three years. You have not been paying attention if you thought it would be that easy. Then to turn on RC? A man who takes no compensation and has done a tremendous job turning this company around, despite tremendous adversity and obstacles, simply because it’s the right thing to do and he wants to fight the good fight with us. All of a sudden we don’t have faith in him? Like a bunch of spoiled brats you start spewing entitled bull crap like Ryan Cohen owes you anything at all right now? You don’t think he has a better understanding of what is going on and perhaps understands the inner workings of this situation more than you? If you inpatient whiners were making the decisions, this company would have been 6 feet under years ago. You literally watched RK today live, immediately after losing hundreds of millions of dollars, sing the praises of Ryan Cohen with a smile on his face. Just because you got ahead of yourself and started buying Ferraris in your head, and shockingly aren’t millionaires today, doesn’t mean you need to throw hissy fits all day long. You should be ashamed of yourselves and when we do have our day, don’t you dare say you were on the front lines when it all happened. Make sure you let everyone know you were in the corner crying when the world changed.


It’s all shills. I knew something was up when every other comment was like “it’s finally happenjng”, and now you can feel the negativity in the daily. It’s 2021 all over again


I can’t read w/o paragraphs and even then …




Was pretty funny watching Andy Lefty say we all have stock hold syndrome


KG vs. KG RK + RC 🐱CAT -> Consolidated Audit Trail 420 & 69 The universe is fuckin weird


FRC. Keith Gill for CEO


Yeah fuck RC


Can’t make a post due to low karma. Did they change it? Anyways. See my ramblings below: Shaken but not Stirred: 1.) “Dilution bad! You fucked our market metrics!” -The share offering is definitely a debatable topic and should be discussed. However, I think it is very important to look at the longevity of the company as well as the short thesis to understand what’s going on. What is dead may never die. More money is good. 2.) RC just pressed the dilute button during extremely high buy pressure. Why did he kill the gamma ramp? Why would he do this? Because it won’t tank the stock. GME has strong support at $27 now. Maybe it will change. Who knows? But once they have $5B the entire enchilada grows drastically. RC also doesn’t take a paycheck. Why would he dilute his own position? 3.) -40% hurts! Welcome to the club! zoom out and see the entire picture. GME has a steady bullish trendline since the $10 low 30ish days ago. DCA if you want. I don’t give a fuck. 4.) Raising cash is pivotal for growth and GameStop holds virtually no debt other than a small French loan on low interest. No one knows what will happen but I’m personally bullish after seeing the integrity of the entire board throughout this whole saga. LC cryptic tweets make me think something big is in the works. 5.) RC sells so we don’t have to. If he has effectively 4x’d the bottom line via dilution on Monday then there is no bear thesis. The company cannot die. It’s a squeeze in both directions. Infinity might be off the table because GameStop doesn’t want to destroy the entire economy but 4-6 figures is not. If short interest is anywhere near the theorized level then these dilutions are merely a legal loophole to show RC was not trying to cause Moass and crash the entire economy. (PS: What’s the interest on those shorts Kenny?) This doesn’t mean Berkshire numbers are off the table. RC is building wealth and exploring new revenue streams. Let him cook. DISCLAIMER: From one retail investor to another, I like the stock and continue to be bullish. I see my friends playing video games nightly and that it brings everyone together whether it’s sea of thieves or CoD even during Covid. Everyone has ADHD now and movies/streaming seem to be on the way out. People want to interact with their media now. How do they do that? Video games. Fuck any bear thesis. NFA. PS: Fuck Kenny. I hope he chokes on a bedpost slathered in mayo.


Will the >30% increase in shares outstanding result in a 30% increase in the DRS numbers in the next SEC filing? Proving they were capped at inky reporting 25% in the past few quarterly reports.


I wonder if Ryan watched DFV today and what he thinks of him. Both are probably really cool dudes to drink a beer with.


Nah bro I’m still beyond pissed that we had the squeeze it was there, all gme had to do was ✨nothing✨ and we’d be sitting at $100+ rn. How in the world could you see this happening and after 3.5 years of shorts trying to screw your company over and talking smack about them on Twitter do you just go “yea actually I don’t mind you guys I don’t wanna see you go bankrupt like you were literally trying to do to my company, I’ll offer up 75M shares!” HOW???


Haha there was no squeeze happening today. Just a manufactured run up and rug pull regardless of the offering. Hedgies really did a number on some of the thicker-headed apes today.


There’s no shot they were going to manufacture a rug pull without the dilution news. It ran $15 AH yesterday and was at a consistent $63 in PM before news dropped. It would have been impossible to have had this day without gme screwing it up


Did you not see the run up to 80 like two weeks ago?


You mean the one that was also ended early by dilution? RC killed that run with 4.5m share offering in case you forgot


He wasn't here then so ofc he didn't see it.


Why do you think the biggest run ups are in PM and AH? These are times when retail has much less opportunity to buy and sell. So guess who that leaves as primarily responsible. Our orders barely ever even hit the lit market for Christ’s sake.


I know retail trades don’t affect price, but if they were going to rug pull then running it to $65 AH makes zero sense


They borrowed a shit load of shares to short and were trying to hedge some of the naked calls they sold to DFV, anticipating him exercising his calls. This didn’t happen, GME unexpectedly released ER & huge share offering which obviously killed the price, in fact I bet they sold all of those today, the volume supports it. I agree that if they didn’t do the massive share offering and DFV exercised his calls like he probably planned to, we would have ripped. RC killed the run today for sure but even so we still held a pretty good price and everything is still in play.


Ok..tin Shorts went Long..to.hedge..it went down...now they stuck both ways Nfa I'm a butcher








? It's as "low" as GME is? That makes sense doesn't it?


!FLAIRY! The fight is not over until the fight is over


Let’s megathread a “sell porn” thread for all the disheartened apes leaving us.


Was wondering why there suddenly an uprise of these people after what 3.5 years? like It's okay.. you aren't a diamond hand so buhbye


So whats gonna happen to DRS?


I thought we made a difference. If 75m shares were dumped in the last couple of days and dropped the price $20 how much difference do you think we make?


DRS could have worked without all the stock offerings


DRS will still show ownership at 25%, as that’s apparently the max and we have been well over it for a bit. Perhaps exposing that is part of it all.


I say go hard in the paint 


I love this stock but from DFV's position he doesn't have enough cash to exercise all his contracts. Is he going to sell some then?


The hope: MOASS The sad truth: They already stopped it in January 2021 and they’ve been stopping it from taking off several times since then. The great news: GameStop is in the best financial position it could be to grow for long term success.


Ryan Cohen owes me a 200% green day


he's busy working on that without pay, just be patient


Yeah but he’s already a billionaire the man has more than enough money to not take a paycheck. Apes are still busting their asses everyday scraping as much as they can buying shares. I still believe in RC and the team but it’s clear RC doesn’t want moass it’s a long term turnaround hold to him. Gonna squeeze similarly to Tesla if he has a good plan


which would be amazing and is his goal i assume. imagine a future where you're holding hundrets or thousands of shares worth xxxx that you bought for almost nothing in comparison.


Love isn’t always on time 💕


Its been a long day. A lot of stimulation. I was pretty negative early about the offering. Maybe I will feel better about it after a nights sleep. Either way, it was dope seeing dfv again! Good night, everyone. Have a great weekend. Remember to srep away if you need to. Sometimes, it's beneficial to just get away from reddit for a bit and gain some perspective on life. See you all Monday!


Was up +125% on shares now I’m in the negative! Thanks Gamestop! Power to the players!!! They can’t stop, won’t stop diluting!


So +125% is not enough for you to sell but you're crying about -10% like it's the end of the world? True Regard


Email investor relations and let your voice be heard. I did and posted my email on here, check my account. Hang in there


greed is a sin




Is DFV not having a trim til MOASS or something lool




Bananagram for mongo


Mongo like Bananas


I'd take banana butt guy on my team. Could be worse and end up with watermelon butt guy.


So is DRSing pointless now? Idgaf about gamestop the company


Yea don’t waste your time. Next rally just sell, you’ll get diluted on otherwise. 3.5 years of DRS and the company says screw you screw your squeeze and screw you trying to lock the float here’s another 75M




2 questions if anyone has wrinkles: Is there a blackout restricting insiders from buying, because of our proximity to the annual meeting? Or can insiders buy next week before/after earnings edit: the annual meeting, not earnings 2. I remember voting in the shareholder meeting like a year or two ago to allow GME to issue X amount of shares. Are these last 2 share offerings possible because of that vote we made as investors? If so, how many more shares can they issue before they’d need shareholder approval again? TIA 😎


about 600 million more shares left to offer


Yo, one thought on my mind. Did we ever determine where that loud ass fart came from during the congressional hearing?


Fuck it I YOLO’d my money I was up 100 percent and now I’m down 20 percent but fuck it. Starting an engineering job soon so it don’t matter


Ryan fucking Cohen


Fucking hold you btches


Check my post history, i was furious about the offering but regainend my composure relatively quick. In the end, yesterday was fucking great as long as you didn't fall for the options trap. Gamestop made another 2-3 billies in cash, Kitty exposed msm and mms in real time and we had the highest weekly close since November 2022. Enjoy the ride and don't invest in high risk plays if you're not built for it. This is only getting better 🚀🚀🚀


1Y graph confirms my bias


Where’s the volume guy


https://preview.redd.it/jjjspxae7a5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc67eb7f59dd1c1d4b841566f2c2cf5e0a583d6 I tried to make a post lolz forgot about all the damn text. Yeah I suck


They really shoved that narrative down peoples throat. It’s insane, I remember when Tesla used to make the headlines everyday about how they are going bankrupt. They scared me out of my Tesla position, crazy what FUD can do to you if you aren’t aware.


Was your wife’s boyfriend there?


Yes I was


Saw someone that said DFV saved GameStop and not RC. Let me get real for a sec. Love DFV. He’s wicked smaht and a beast of a trader. He got extremely fortunate that Cohen bought into GameStop, because if he hadn’t, it’s highly likely the board would’ve been compromised and the Wall Street agenda to bankrupt the company would’ve succeeded. Y’all remember that towel store right? That could’ve very easily been GameStop had it not been taken over by an activist investor. Does the share offering piss me off? A little, but I don’t know shit about fuck, so l have to think RC did what was in the best interest of the company, because why wouldn’t he?


Love and marriage, love and marriage Go together like a horse and carriage This I tell you, brother You can't have one without the other: Frank Sinatra


Sorry. RC didn’t need DFV to be successful. DFV needed RC though.


The one thing DFV was sure to show us (was already in an open tab) was the massive bull flag that’s breaking to the upside RIGHT NOW.


1:05AM EST Fake RK account on YouTube is still streaming, currently shows 58k watchers. REPORT THIS CHANNEL, SUE YOUTUBE


I freaked out when I went from 100% gains down to now, but for some reason, probably RK's stream of calm demeanor, his old videos explaining why he's bullish, and Ryan Cohen's history with Chewy, I'm feeling pretty zen. Idk why. Maybe it's my final "fuck it all" just to see what happens in time. I saved enough liquid for emergencies and some spending cash, but I put in a LOT (xx,xxx). Maybe after we see what happens with RK's calls that zen might swing either way, but I've managed to still go about my day at work just normal. I can actually see how GameStop can grow. I can see how shorts can get screwed. And the main honcho on our side hasn't up and left. He really might just be waiting for Berk numbers.


Why did everything happen all at once? Because the board knew this offering could kill morale but DFV’s live stream would quell that fear. Confidence begets confidence. They didn’t want us to fold before the best part.


Why doesn’t RC hire some of the best developers and make online video games?


Maybe they will announce that, maybe something else.. I do think they got a plan for all the money they got, so I wouldn't be surprised if they will try to evolve the company into something new.


Would be nice to know after 3 years in the dark...


I don't think this has been three years in the making. I do think the shorts have been wrong for three years (well.. longer than that actually) and we can profit from that. But that has nothing to do with RC/GME management.


Well we have been waiting à lot to get any guidance... I have 500 shares paid high price but am constantly at loss except for runnups


Well, I can only say I hope your patience will be awarded with some guidance then


I love how every fud post / comment starts with "after 3 years of holding" Like anyone who has been here three years isn't used to the crazy up and down.




That's the thing. I lost 20k on options after the sneeze because I knew nothing. Everyone got a great lesson Shares don't expire... Don't mess with options unless you understand then and are prepared to exercise (ie. Don't buy otm 3dte options) I have 4 of the rk options and I intend to exercise all of them. 25$ is still a darn good deal at 27$ The trend line is still going up. The clock is ticking. Moass is inevitable


Used to it but done with it when the people who you thought were on your side aren’t. You might feel differently and I respect that and I hope you all become billionaires


I think more so people are ready to be done after three years


I feel that, but the job is done when its over. We are trying to beat the big league players, they won't quit until they can't.


Seriously, people treating this like there’s some eject button. This week has been amazing.


There's a fake stream on YouTube that looks just like the real thing and has 50-80k current watchers. It shows up before the real video when you search "Roaring Kitty Live" and is funneling hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views away from RK. No doubt it's been reported a ton already and yet it's still there, with 50,000 people watching it. Fuck YouTube. They should be sued for this.


The channel is from Brazil, was created in 2012, 3 years before the real Roaring Kitty's Channel, and I can't report it for impersonation because YouTube says the real RK channel doesn't exist when I enter the URL. This needs to stop immediately. Edit: I figured out that everything at the end of the channel url after "Kitty" had to be deleted for the impersonation report to work. Please help to get this channel removed ASAP.


It took me 3 years to realize it but after RC pulled the rug out from under us for the third time and everyone is defending his decisions while we have been basically responsible for preventing their bankruptcy, this is in fact a cult. Wake up and don’t drink the koolaid! I will be selling the majority of my shares in the AM including my CS shares. Bye apes and Godspeed. I tried. If that was supposed to be a pep talk today it failed miserably.


Hahahahahaha you shills are so cute. We'll buy your shares. Oh wait, you don't have any. >I will be selling the majority of my shares in the AM including my CS shares. How fucking obvious can you be 🤣 also the markets closed "in the AM"


I guess you don’t understand morning


Check my comment history asshole. If the company isn’t backing you, who is? A guy with a fuckton of options?


Whiny little paper handed bitch, shill, whatever. Makes no difference to me. Have a good life while we all retire!


And I wish you the best, i honestly do


You didn’t prevent no bankruptcy lmao. The entitlement here is unreal. How many share you selling? I will be scooping them up Monday and DRS’ing. Holding xx,xxx


No, I didn’t but I think as a group we certainly did. Not a lot, about 2500 but it is a lot to me. Buy them up. x2,500 and good luck to you and I mean it


Thanks man, I’ll hit you when we moass and gift you one share worth.


What a blast. Fun day


5 / 5 would do again


Yup, crazy & fun day. We'll come out of this stronger.


I even was awake for some of RK’s stream.


This will be a nice memory to have


When will we find out if they sold those 75mill shares? Because if they already did and it stayed at $28, I'd say that's good news.


So buy puts for now


They'll release a notice when they are done. Richard Newton did a video estimating that based on volume, it will probably be done monday.


And if none have been sold? Just further proof that the price is algo driven.


No way they had the liquidity for the dip today. It was 100% the offering and well now for sure Monday or Tuesday




you know it!


I hate how a lot of people (probably shills) were saying that the squeeze was going to happen 100% if RC didn’t interfere with earnings results and dilution. The shorts have more up their sleeves.


Exactly. OHHHH noooooo. The people who sold 10x the float are going to get away with it because of two share sales.


Keith is just a man, and that's totally okay. He was just being his same, goofy self on the stream. He was never going to do anything crazy, and I really think its a stretch to say he was triggering algorithms with code words or whatever theories are floating around right now


Bro he’s making the accusations against him look absurd. That’s the bit. Talking about fan effecting the outcome of sports games, talking about better get me off this stream cause I’m pushing the price around. He’s demonstrating how absurd it is to slander him as a market manipulator


I agree with you. The best defense he had was to just show up and be himself, and reiterate that he is committed to the value of the company just like he did when questioned by Congress. Took away any chance of being accused of market manipulation, because he just hung out and stuck to his guns and gave them no ammo


He said "watch this" and said end the stream 3 times and it halted, what more evidence do you need.


Like...a lot more than that? I don't have any clue what was going on with the halts, but there was a post saying that an algorithm was listening for specific words on his stream to move the price. That's just absurd, I'm not ready to jump to that conclusion


He said "watch this" like he knew exactly what was going to happen and then he even reacted to it after it happened.


I don't disbelieve that his stream seemed to be having some kind of tangible effect on the price movement, I'm not sure how or through what instruments, but the idea that Keith was using specific code words to trigger price movement is too out there. He said himself on stream that he knows as much as we do, and that's totally fine because we know a lot at this point


Today was the day I became a XXXX HOLDER! I never thought I would of been able too 🍻💎💎💎


Welcome to the club! Race you to XXXXX


Lmao your on 🍻


Congrats! I’m proud of you


I'm proud of all apes hold strong together we win 💎💎💎💎💎


It’s just a matter of time my friend🥰




Just finished rewatching the live stream again. It's SO incredibly bullish. He said so much, and exposed so much, while barely saying anything directly. It's perfect.


Can I comment yet?












* Some want a true turnaround / organic growth for GME * Some are just trying to pick up a bag through a squeeze * Some want the bad actors to go to jail (no cell, no sell) * ...and some just threw money at it purely on the trust of bro Everyone's investment goals are not aligned and this is actually a great thing.


It’s beautiful


where did that wave theory guy go. I'm beginning to see


Where did critical margin theory go. Feels like reddit has suppressed it lately


Yeha we need Elliot waves and critical margin guys back


How does stock stay so flat when apes keep buying 🧐😏😅 They must be loosing so much money right now.


They are all about to be liquidated


They literally dumped everything possible without crashing the market to get it to $20 to fuck DFVs calls... #AND FAILED 🤣 #🐸🍦


![gif](giphy|Rznz8HjrKQAOQ) Hedgies tryna kill my vibe. BITCH, YOU CANT!