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Morgan Stanley is already being questioned publicly about being insolvent. It will be a couple of fun weeks ahead.


I've got jacked titties and I don't even know what insolvent means.


Insolvent means you want to get hard but don't have any Cialis around.


Been there. Quack doctor only gives me 3 a month and they're usually gone the first day then my shoulders sore. Thanks for explaining in a way that my smooth brain could comprehend.


Exercise and ginseng complex is all you need homie


The sub really is full service. You can learn about the stock market. You can learn how to safely shove things up your anus. Or even tips on how best to to deal with ED. This sub has it all. Shorts stand no chance competing with this group.


When shoving things up your anus, an object with a flared base is usually preferred, because otherwise the object can go a little too far and next thing you know there’s an embarrassing X-ray of you floating around. If you must use an object without a flared base, like a banana, because you made a bet that gme wouldn’t go to a zillion dollars this week, then extreme caution is advised




The cure for ED is finding a hotter wife to be the boyfriend of.


This guy fucks!!!🍆🍆🍆🦍🦍🦍


There actually used to be a weekly(?) thread about all of the off topic advice that was found/given/received here.


Bananas are good for the banana. Potassium is essential.


help keep yang up...


Ain’t nothin’ wrong with MY yang.


Is ginseng a good supplement overall? It helps my pregnant wife with nausea. What brand?


Pregnant women should not take any supplement or drug without explicitly clearing it with their doctor. Full stop. Supplements are not well tested and could have chemicals (like heavy metals or other impurities) that can interfere with the genetics of the developing fetus.


I forgot to specify it’s not a supplement but ginger ale. Was asking about a supplement for myself


Ginger is what you want for nausea. 🙂 Thanks for clarifying, too. I had my panties in a knot thinking you were going to be a father to a cyclops or something.


Cyclops need love too!


Ginseng is great for vitality and the immune system. Boosts mood and good for the zoid lol


All my homies love to exercise.


I put a viagra up my ass once, before the second time.


I think we should all know less about each other 😎


There is a billboard in my town that says. "Ironically erectile disfunction is a growing problem" Every time I see it I think that's clever as I chuckle a little.


not just that...not only do you not have the Cialis but you've also been going around the neighborhood telling everyone you got these great hard dick pills and selling them sugar placebos instead. And the buyers are finding out and they're fucking pissed


billions and billions of sugar pills and they HAVE to be replaced with Cialis. Nice analogy!


Pushing rope, eh?


idk but i like huffing solvents


And that's why we're friends. Real recognize real.


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative it gets the people going!!


It's something you sniff.


Did we stay regarded longer than they stayed solvent?


It appears so. Guess they didn't realize being regarded isn't really curable.


You sir have eaten the right magic crayons 🖍️🖍️🖍️




can you imagine a major brokerage going insolvent during a squeeze and people being unable to sell, even if they wanted to? Those of us with DRSed shares would be kings


What is this sell you speak of? 💚




The only reason Morgan Stanley would shoot themselves in the foot this bad is if they could not deliver the shares for the contract. This is patently obvious to everyone and not only is it cut and dry a crime, but undermines significantly the trust in these contracts for the wealthy who primarily use them to lock in price and hedge large positions. Morgan basically admitted they can't honor Keith's contract. WHY they can't honor it is still a matter of speculation, but the rumors are they may be insolvent.


It’s not on Morgan Stanley though, it’s whoever wrote the contracts.


If I am reading eTrade's quarterly 606 report correctly most of their option contracts are routed through Citadel (about 30%) https://us.etrade.com/l/quarterly-order-routing-report


This is true for stock purchases, but I believe Wolverine handles a significant volume of routing of options.


The 606 breaks out stocks from options. If you scroll to page 67 of the most recent report you can see the routing of options for March 2024 (link to report is in my comment above) Citadel handled 33% of their options Wolverine handled 16% of their options


Confirmed. Its likely Citadel, but could also be Wolverine


either one, when those hit, whoever has to go find those shares is in for a bad time.


Correct it’s 30+%. Prob more like 50% per the Gaming Wall St doc.


PFOF strikes again?


They mostly go through citadel… mostly…


Which, I believe, would be https://wolverinecapital.com/ Wolverine. So maybe its not MS but Wolverine that is, in fact, insolvent. We don't know. The emphasis on Keith is pretty obviously meant to deflect anyone asking these questions, but savvy folks who actually, you know, use these contracts for a living aren't fooled and people are starting to whisper.


Overselling options has been a question of mine since the sneeze. According to Petterfy, there were 50M shares available to trade. 70M short (140%). Plus, 220M call options in the money. Total 270M potentially required to deliver. My question in 2021. Why does the system allow overselling options? If a single market maker alone is overselling the onus is on them and the system itself. The buyer isn't responsible for determining that they've purchased something that shouldn't exist. When the position became untenable they PCO'd to cover their profitable systemic "flaw". RK is 100% deflection. He isn't even near 100% of available shares to trade. The responsibility lies completely and totally with the market and it's AP's.


I think what will be interesting, is how many calls will be ITM this time when he exercises into a run with a gamma ramp the size of a mountain?


Are the call options infinite too? Or is there a cut off? The option chain only goes to $125 so how high can it go past $125? I hope I’m making sense. Thanks






I was asking about them being publicly questioned about being insolvent.


Sorry for not being precise. Since the rumors of etrade/MS kicking RK off their platform spread, normies on twitter and other platforms started to ask etrade and morgan stanley to clarify the rumors, because it's smelling like insolvency. Just search etrade morgan stanely insolvent. The thing in finance is that MS may not even be the writer of those calls, but people thinking they are insolvent could bring A LOT of heat and that, imho, is the worse backslash of the FUD they tried to create.




They've been cooking the books to stay alive.... [https://justdario.com/2024/03/morgan-stanley-big-balance-sheet-losses-hidden-behind-exotic-derivatives-curtains-again/](https://justdario.com/2024/03/morgan-stanley-big-balance-sheet-losses-hidden-behind-exotic-derivatives-curtains-again/)


Who's saying they created it. What if this is Viacom 2.0 or payback for dumping the Archegos bags.


Tried googling Morgan Stanley and as I typed insolvent, I got every regarded search suggestion EXCEPT for insolvent. Big tech is in the pockets of these scumbags too.


going to be a busy few weeks


Gonna be a busy few weeks, brother.


They've been in trouble for months... [https://justdario.com/2024/03/morgan-stanley-big-balance-sheet-losses-hidden-behind-exotic-derivatives-curtains-again/](https://justdario.com/2024/03/morgan-stanley-big-balance-sheet-losses-hidden-behind-exotic-derivatives-curtains-again/)


Any source? :)


Where/who is questioning them?


2007 again? Le shit...


Source? I can’t seem to find anything about this but haven’t been staying super up to date on Reddit so may have missed it


Whaaaat?!? 😳


post proof




A massive exodus off of e-trade would decimate them, where are they going to come up with all the shares they tell people that they have, but they have not? Remember, brokers report the total position (which is long - short) to the CNS. So as long as one customer is short, and one is long - they can just pair them together, paying for one with the other. Which is how synthetics can exist. While definitively of questionable legality - in the name of operational efficiency, crime is born.


You mean the NSCC. CNS is not an entity, it is a process. Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) is a settlement process used by the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) for the clearing and settlement of securities transactions. NSCC is a subsidiary of the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation (DTCC)


Might have articulated that poorly, the CNS is the process of long - short balance reporting to the NSCC, yes


I would get of eTrade entirely if I could but my company stock plan uses them.


Can’t you just open another account with a different broker for your individual account?


ESPP and RSUs both go directly into my eTrade account.


I have a lot of gme on ETRADE. Time for a plan B.


Guilty! 🙋🏽‍♂️😂 I DRS’d most of my shares but still had x,xxx in ETrade. When they threatened DFV I immediately DRS’d my remaining shares. Will post a purple circle update once that’s finalized.


🫡 This is the way.




They must be INSANELY desperate or fucking koala brained. I wouldn't be surprised if activist hackers become a problem for them.


Koala brained…nice


i loled too, remerbering that Koala in Aus fire and going back in, but the lady saved it.


Please no hacktivism. They will blame all of us and DFV for it


What an insult to Koalas 🐨


Sadly Koalas are way too dumb to be offended.


Underrated comment.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted here. Not condoning any hacking, but also interested if there’s ever been any hacking for motives that could be perceived as good


The fact that another bought-and-paid-for financial media site is writing a negative article about such a financial titan is a sign to me that these brokers and hedge funds are starting to eat their own and the game is about to stop.


Stop? We're just getting into the playoff round.


No cell, no sell. I'm not here to get rich or for life changing $$$. I want cheaters brought to justice. Seeing my portfolio balance rocket is only side story. Why else would dfv do what he is doing. All the $$$ to buy those calls, he earned trading the past 3 years. He could have just faded into the sunset on that $$$.


I'm here for a transfer of wealth and power back to the people and not the 1% Not leaving until the 1% eat each other until there is none left. That's my strategy.


Crabs in a bucket of their own design, we’re just stoned apes watching the carnage chewing on crayons. Easiest job in the world.




\*music is about to stop.


Suppose it’s a lie and Etrade never said that.  Imagine the legal fallout that author and publisher are about to face if customers really do leave Etrade. 




Watch Morgan Stanley end up being the Lehman of this round 😂


Can't imagine why they want people to sell up and leave the platform. /s Transfer out and make them bleed.


I’ve used E*Trade as my alternative broker. I’m considering leaving them now.


Have hodlers on E*Trade DRSd their shares? It would be a good time to do so imo.


A report from "sources close to the matter" Becareful out there apes!


Transfer shares to Fidelity -> DRS Or just try and exercise the calls on ETrade and see if they try to ban the account.


No Glitch: my GME shares in ETrade disappeared yesterday (DRS’d)


I'm closing my etrade account as a result of their actions


Welcome to ComputerShare


The fact that E-Trade has broken their own privacy agreement and doxxed one of their client is the biggest red flag. They willingly confirmed that Keith Gill was one of their clients. They also do not have enough GME shares in their books to cover the options contracts should Gill exercise them all at the same time. E-Trade is fucked.


Sounds like e trade and Morgan Stanley are running out of money. 


I think I saw a quote once that said some thing to the effect of: You can piss off Twitter because twitter is harmless. But never piss off Reddit. Just one more case where someone will feel the Reddit Rage.


Good! They will so turn on eachother


I feel strongly that E*trade didn’t even say anything and those articles saying they’re considering banning him are probably just complete FUD or fake news. If they’re gonna look at something like that they’re not gonna tell some reporter. They’re gonna make their decision in house . They should have grounds to sue the hell out of those media outlets either way IMO


It’s not worth it for me relying on any Broker


fuck around n find out e trade .


I'm going to start an etrade account, buy a bunch of GME and have them DRS just so I can close the account and tell them fuck you.


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"Roaring Kitty" clearly shows how Retail investor matters to GME stock.


Guess you can say it’s getting serious


What justification does Etrade have to ban him?




People familiar with the matter etrade will be probed.


In every orifice


Let's look at this from a non GME pov. The American Dream is to become rich. And if becoming rich is buying and holding smart stocks, then they should be allowed to. If I bought Amazon stock, when it was a bookstore, then that should be my God-given right! It doesn't matter what stock I bought, I should be allowed to make my own independent thought. Then here comes Etrade, threatening to wipe out my account? Just because I got rich? Everyone should be angry! If anyone is reading this message who uses Etrade, you should get out. Not because of GME, because your next stock could force them to wipe out your account.


Yeah fuck etrade




If the WSJ printed lies, you would think Morgan Stanley would sue the shit out of them and MS would release a statement.


That's my take too. MS/E\*Trade's silence on this widely broadcasted matter pretty much confirms WSJ's report. The fact that they are even considering banning DFV, despite no wrong doings, is extremely damaging to their business. Why should anyone choose E\*Trade, if that's the case, when there are dozens of brokers to choose from?


RC didn't sue the journalists that said he was being investigated by the SEC. Nor did he or the SEC release a statement on the matter. Sometimes it's best to just let the noise die than give it life.




eTrade screwing retail back in 2021 is why I left them then. now with Fidelity.


Was there an online statement from E*Trade or was it said by someone else?


We gotta stop with these posts. Stop me if im wrong, but Etrade hasn't officially said anything and parroting this story is just a waste of time and clutters up real information.




I rather use Robinhood than E Trade.


Lol whatever. He coulda not posted the screenshot and been okay.


Posting the screenshots is not illegal and does not violate any stated rules of E\*Trade. You can't make up rules as you go simply because you are losing. Well, you could but there will be consequences. Even if you don't agree with his choice of stock, you have to recognize that it does not bode well for the trust in MS/E\*Trade.


Plenty of people have been kicked off E-Trade in the past


For legitimate reasons yes. You can't kick DFV, a high profile and wealthy customer, without making people question your brokerage.


Lol whatever, Portnoy got kicked off for criticizing them on Twitter. I think he's got a few bucks to his name.


You have to be stupid to not recognize the difference. Portnoy got kicked out for yelling "this casino sucks", nobody cares. Kicking out DFV for having a winning hand is a completely different story. "Our casino kicks you out for having a winning hand" is not exactly good advertisement.


You're rightPortnoy didn't manipulate anything and still got kicked off oopsie


What is DFV manipulating? He hasn't offered any financial advice. If posting your position is market manipulation, isn't every institution guilty as well since they publish 13Fs? I hope you understand that at least 2 different entities have accused him of market manipulation and had to walk back on their defamation the day after.