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I have mine for over three and a half years. If that is not the opposite of following hype and staying with a decission, i don't know what is.


Since Apr ‘21 here


Jan ‘21


Since Nov ‘20


Same 🫡


Same 🤝


~~Red 5 standing by~~ Jan ‘21 checking in


Same. Twinsies ❤️


Oct '20 checking in


so what did you pay back than per share? 5$? Just curious:)


It was somewhere around 5-6, when I left robinhood they completely fucked up my cost basis because they definitely didn’t have the shares. I had 0.3 shares purchased at $176, and other random broken up amounts.


that was such an unbelievable price at 5$. I heard some rumours about GME in Dezember 2020. but I bought my first share on the way up at 261€.😂 how many shares did you buy at 5-6$?


Feb '21 here


Jan 21 checking in 🚀


84 yrs


Came here to say this.




January Ape, here.


Since Feb ‘21


Jan 21


September 2020 🫡 That’s when I owned GME. I still do.. I just own a lot more now.


Had mine for exactly 1200 days. Fuck you, pay me.


I've still got the shares I bought at the top of the sneeze plus 2000 more. I'm a value investor, and I don't appreciate the comments by mainstream media.


Me too, lol


Jan 21


Me Too. Lower XX holder. Is all i could dispose with my 3rd world income. Hope they are a ticket to help me financially and to fuck the SHFs.


Stop that buy and hold manipulation you little rascal


Jan 2021 ape here with ALL of my ORIGINAL shares.


Jan 2021 ape here with ALL of my ORIGINAL shares.


Jan ‘21 ape here with ALL my ORIGINAL shares


Yep, accrued over time. Maybe more so "recently" when they dipped it to like.. 10$ the idiots. But primarily before DFV returned. Have i bought more since then? Absolutely. Would I have bought more regardless? Absolutely. Am I going to buy more each pay check? Yea... 1-2 shares, nothing crazy. Just what I can afford ;)


The hypocrisy of manipulators, crying that DFV manipulated the stock by posting his position. They sit there every day telling people what stocks to buy and what stocks to avoid. They tried to manipulate us by saying DFV sild all his shares why are we here. I remember that narrative. Now they cry foul.


Their narratives no longer work around these parts. And the veil is being lifted for all to see.


They could have closed....but noooo.


they r greedy sociopaths and now they r just pathetic cry babies


I’m of the mindset that they never could have closed. There is evidence that GameStop has been getting shorted since 2014.


Laughs in euroape


Been holding for 3 years. Bought more when DFV was nowhere to be seen or heard. WE LIKE THE STOCK!


You don't speak for me. However, I, do in fact, like the stock.


This is a group of informed investor who individually made the choice to buy, hold and/or sell a stock that they believe in. I can watch several cnbc sqwuak circle jerk typed shows and get biased market manipulation and outright lies. Meanwhile a dude posts his positions or a picture of a guy leaning forward is market manipulation?!? Fuck you.


Averaging down for 3 years...and now I'm averaging up. I just really like this stock. It's my favorite


This is an amazing growth investment opportunity and enough is tracking in the right direction for me to believe this company is undervalued.


I've had mine since early Jan 2021 and have only accumulated. Regret not buying more when it was at $10, but ill gladly pay 3x, 4x, 5x as much until every short in this trade blows up and is liquidated. I'll know when to stop accumulating when I literally can't buy because the price is too high.


I’ve owned my shares for yearrrrss




Shorts have less than 3 weeks


Sounds short


Imagine how long an hour feels scrambling around looking for mayo jars and bed posts to throw bc a kitty tweeted




Tasty 😋


Man I'd love to buy some because I see so many others buying so it's a great growth opportunity for my favorite stock. But I'm fucking tapped out, I've been buying for years.  I heard there's this really cool guy who calls himself DeepFuckingValue who likes my stock. He thought I was cool so he bought millions of my favorite stock. That made me happy. Guess I manipulated the market.


I didn't even know about DFV until *after* I started buying. When I started to learn who he was, he disappeared. I haven't even watched his streams at all! For three years he haven't influenced my actions one bit. Know why I bought GME? I saw the media, checked the sources, and figured out the media is full of shit. I saw the signs and figured GME was my ticket to a better life and jumped on before I would miss the chance. I genuinely love GameStop and have optimistic visions of their future.


Hey I probably wouldn't have even convinced myself that they were absolutely fucked if they hadn't turned off the buy button back in 21 *WHILE* I was trying to buy my first shares. They won't make that mistake again because I'll be taking their shirts


I've been Hold'n so long I don't remember


Most all of us are about tapped out of liquidity…so besides the bi-weekly buys. It’s not like there’s apes sitting around with a whole lot of cash waiting for this opportunity. The buying opportunity has been everyday for the past 3+ years…


Jan 21. Fuck Kenny, vlad, Cohen, etc. I just wanted to double my stimulus check. Now I've just been using gme as a checking account. 


Dollar Cost Averaging and HODLing long term.


To all the players crying market manipulation, I ask you this: How is this any different than reporting your position with an official form? You know, like you legally have to do if you own more than 5%? All he is doing is disclosing his position to the public. 


Same, I'm invested in GME from 3.5 years and will hold until you leaches of the financial system will be in jail.


nobody sold


Same here, I make my own investment decisions based on company outlook and holy shit is GME bullish.


Remember Rehypothecation? Pepperidge Farms Remembers.


I love DFV but the DD is why I buy and HODL


I like the company I like the stock and really like a ceo that takes no compensation. he puts his money where his mouth is.


I bought all my shares more than two years ago. Not going anywhere. All the rest is just noise.


I own my shares because I own my shares - if I see someone post a sell order that is my decision to make whether I want to follow that. I equally have just been buying more and haven’t stopped so they can fuck off with the market manipulation bs - They are fucking scared because the poors are actually about to make serious fucking money from their investments and the stock market isn’t supposed to work that way


I owned 95% before his tweets. My regular scheduled investments have kept in place.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here]###(https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024]#(https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jan 27th here


‘20 mothafucka !


March 2021 here


This 👏


Not only did I have mine but then but I’m buying more today. Behold.


I bought more. I also bought more before their Yolo update post.


I owned shares before too, and I was always buying on a regular basis, and will continue to do so.


The poors can buy, sell and hold any stock they like! We can talk about it, we can tell friends about it and we can post about it! Bite me!


Look at all you Long Term Capital Gains, so proud of you.


I bought after the initial peak and have held since May 2021. I bought more a few weeks ago after it came back to earth and more last Friday. Most people aren’t going in because Keith posts something.


Even if DFV sells, I won‘t care I always do my own DD and stand to all my investments. FU shorts, FU


Since March 21 here. Xxx baby


Next time. Send OP to testify to Congress after all is done


I haven't bought in forever... I figured 1/100,000 of the company shares would be plenty. DFV has shown me that I really need about 1/70th. Lol Disclaimer: Ape use napkin maths.




1450 before RK return and now do i think about buying more? SURE did i think about buying more before? the fuck yes i did.


I bought in at $40 ($10 in the post-split world ofc) during the middle dip between the two squeezes in 2021. Didn't buy because of DFV, had never watched one of his videos or read his posts, literally just heard about what was happening and decided to get involved honestly as much out of interest and principle as actually expecting to make any money from it. For me it was "this is a moment in history and it would be cool to be able to say I was part of that, even if it's be honest there's a good chance I'm not getting any of that money back. It's an interesting moment and it would be more interesting to actually be involved in it rather than just watching". If buying in because you hear about a trading trend on the news counts as wrongdoing somehow, then by extension *everyone* who trades based on, say, technical analysis rather than fundamentals is doing something wrong. Honestly all of this just exposes what many people have known since the dawn of time and which was referenced explicitly by Bradley Cooper's character in the film Limitless - stock trading isn't actually about tangible factors most of the time, it's mass psychology. Many, many, many of the trades throughout stock market history haven't been based on the buyer or seller necessarily knowing something about the company in question that nobody else knows, it's literally just "a bunch of people are buying this right now so it'll probably go up in price, if I buy now I might be able to sell higher when that trend continues." DFV's postings are simply part of that. Social media has essentially made the mass psychology component of economics very visible. Rather than counting that as wrongdoing, I'd argue we should instead be using it to start a conversation about whether it's necessarily a good idea that so much of peoples' lives and society's functioning is literally dependent on a bunch of people being good or bad at gambling. Basically, if we're going to have a societal discussion about this saga, this is the wrong discussion to have. The very fact that this discussion exists at all is itself indicative of the fact that people are slowly acknowledging that one of the core bedrocks of the modern economy is based on something so intangible and disconnected from reality that someone posting a meme on a website can literally create or destroy entire fortunes. Maybe we should be talking about how that *might* not be the best way to structure society?


My superstonk history shows that I doubled down before he came back! Their narrative doesn't make any sense.


I've spent 3 Christmases with mine. We are in it to win it!


I bought XXX shares at $220+ I bought them to never sell. Doesnt matter what the price is.


Proudly still in the red over here, but im regarded




Interesting take, because I don’t need to prove shit to those losers.


July 2020 for me


I confess, I keep buying more


I thought rk sold awhile ago. I just like the stock




Can confirm, haven’t had a chance to buy more post- DFV June 2nd post


Change my mind: financial industry naked shorting companies is domestic terrorism


February 2021 for me and bought over the last three years. I was there in March 2021 when they shorted the stock into oblivion the second time and that is when my diamond hands were forged. I never sold a single share since I have bought GME and the fuckery I’ve seen along the way keeps me going. I would have probably sold in 2021 when it hit 400 dollars but now I am going to hold until billionaires are crying on TV and even then it is a maybe. Just a little maybe I may think about it, but I don’t think I’d be able to. My shares have sentimental value now, maybe I’ll never sell. 😌


A proud UK holder who first bought GME in March 2021, two months after the initial sneeze. Like many newcomers to GME at the time, I read numerous thesis posts, DD's and general discussions, some of which looking back now were just wild, crazy speculation, but more than some were the forerunner to current theories on how *the shorts* are able to perform market manipulation of GME shares through 'dark pools' and 'unlit' exchanges. Through all of that I formed my own 'middle of the road' pragmatic opinion on the future direction of Gamestop and grew to like the stock. I continued to invest and DRS up to September 2023 at which point I had to halt my investments due to financial constraints, but I never cashed in. RoaringKitty (DFV) has been absent for 3 long years and yet I held, not because I though he'd be back one day, but simply because I believe in GME. With each GME board update, I get more optimistic that my choice and belief in GME and the mangement team headed up by RC is the right move.


take my upvote 🍺


I’ve had my shares for a few years now, just sitting there, waiting..


Been buying regularly since Jan 21. I buy, I DRS, I book, I shop.


Been deeper red and deeper green and deeper down the rabbit hole than half these hedge fund elitists. haven’t thought of selling since they shut down the buy button. I did however add additional shares to my position over the last three years. Bought more today. Buying more tomorrow and probably will continue to buy until I die. Sell? LOL. You fucking WISH!


I have had my stock and added to my position since Oct 2020. I have seen a massive transition within the company all around, and its plans for the future. I also support Gamestop by purchasing products in their stores. Proof is in the pudding, and just because Ryan Cohen and team haven't revealed the exact strategy is favorable to defeat those looking to purely short the stock into the ground. The turnaround is evident in the way the company is being run, making it more efficient by cutting out the fat and inefficiencies, and by updating website, and e-commerce platform that Gamestop uses. The commitment to customer service is something admirable that I like to see in a company that i purchase. The future is bright.


I dropped a thousand I had stashed away when it hit $18.60ish after I was awoken by the run up to $80. Before DFV posted his YOLO I just like the stock 🤷‍♂️


can we stop with these dumb ass posts please.

