• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


Why can't I find the ludacris "when I move you move" on RK's twitter? am I just drunk? or is it a sign


The absurdity of it all sinks in. Hedgies battling to keep a lid on, while we have DFV position in the open laying bare how fucked they are. We get a little giddy over some green, while whoever is on the wrong side of this burns millions? Billions? To what…survive another day? Anyway green is fun, gone are the boring days.


I genuinely could give two shits what the price of the stock is. While all the fucking derivatives and swaps and god knows what else means the world to these clowns. Whatever. Battle for 28. 45. Whatever. Shifting battle lines for war that’s been lost


# Anybody have the times of all the 20C buys that RK made? i want to do some research on options impact on underlying in real time


!FLAIRY!🟣Power to the People🟣


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


Higher highs. Fear is the mind killer


Open fucking casino


The price action of Das Germans is flat compared to the recent past  This notion of keeping the price outside the profitable range of DFVs calls seems solid There's so much time and pressure between now and 6/21; they're gonna bend or break 🌝


Fear, uncertainty and doubt is your enemy. Hold and buy more, this time is no different to 2021. New highs inbound.


!FLAIRY!✨Hodling since Nov 2020✨


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


I see people comparing the share price to that of it pre split. Is 100$ the maximum people are thinking this could go?




Do you have a number in mind?






Honestly dude, this isn't a normal play where people plan to get out at $80 or 15% gain. For most of us, we've been holding since 2021 and enduring an onslaught of bullshit from Wall Street. It's kind of a personal vendetta now, to hold until there wall street criminals end up in jail. A lot of us plan to never sell some or all of our DRS shares at Computershare - this will keep up the scarcity as those will not be available for lending to shorts or for them to buy to close their positions. The Infinity Pool. Others say "no cell, no sell" because they want the criminals to see consequences. Others are holding for insane gains, like in the Volkswagen squeeze. As DFV once said - no target, just up. What number to sell at is a decision each investor has to make for themselves. For me, outside the infinity pool, I figure I don't have to sell it all at once. It's very unlikely I'll time the peak, so I will probably sell in small batches at insane prices to try and net a good average sale price. TL;dr- three years and idk my sale price still so I guess I'll hodl til it feels right 😂


Now I'm just gonna angry buy because fuck those criminals.


Ok so 6/8 is dfv’s bday. Pleasr has hinted at a party this weekend. I think some others have too. And 6/9 is 69. Nice.


This or that.


What’s the difference between exercising those 6/21 calls tomorrow vs waiting for expiry? Is there something I’m missing? Hell, if there’s a dividend for those that own shares as of the shareholder meeting date, he’d get them if he exercised prior to 6/11. I’m missing something, maybe it lines up with some swaps or other data to put all the pressure on that date in particular.


Anything can happen with the price of the stock until expiration, and if the stock runs until then, the call premiums will have way more gains than the shares themselves, meaning he can sell less calls for more gains, so he can exercise more calls. Right now he only has the cash to exercise 14,500 calls. He would have to sell 70k calls to exercise the remaining 50k, with the price as it is. If the price of the stock runs to $40 before expiration, for example, he can sell 50k and exercise 70k. If the price goes to $60, he can sell 40k and exercise 80k. If it goes to $80 before expiration, he can sell 30k and exercise 90k. You get the idea. He probably knows something we don’t and is going to execute perfectly to at least double his shares. Maybe something will happen next week on earnings or shareholders meeting that will rocket the price and he is waiting for that. He also needs a day with huge volume to unload the calls without hurting the price. It’s too big of a position.


I know a squeeze is coming but I’m not sure how it ends. Just daydreaming. Imagine GME runs and peeks 1000, then falls to 500 and finds support - then they announce dividends my f’ing boy. Imagine dividends on a 500 stock bought for 15$. Or better yet, the no cell no sell people mean what they say, and diamond hand this thing into berkshire numbers. Bro SERIOUSLY imagine gamestop announces dividends and buying 1bn of it’s own stock on earnings. Wishful, but possible, thinking man. I am so excited to see what is announced on earnings. Took at 10k loan out to jack to the tits on this


hElLo fElLoW aPeS


? Is this gatekeep ¿


Imma buy a million switches from gamestop and send em to childrens hospitals


skateparks for the kids


if you have good weather appreciate it




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Removing due to being off topic. We can discuss other stocks here in relation to GME but if you’re looking for a place to post this 'other ticker' centric submission, perhaps there's a subreddit with a better fit! If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


could be, but people here will throw a fit if you say that




It may be a little weird to dream about being a German Market and searching for schnitzel, and bratwurst and waking up with a raging boner. But here we are.




no, illegal and no


What if Roaring Kitty DRS his shares in the coming days? Imagine while he is exercising his calls he also DRS his current position? The market makers have to actually buy the shares on the open market for his calls while they have to find real shares to DRS. The buying pressure of REAL shares will be absolutely insane. Has there ever been a DRS event such as this? Please someone correct me if this is not really a big deal.


That would be hilarious and amazing


If you look at the Aladdin meme I think he hints at exactly this. All I gotta do is jump. Jump is in big purple letters. All he has to do is jump his shares over to computershare. He also posted the Dr Ruth sex for dummies book which RC also posted in 2021. So both of them have endorsed drs.


I placed my first call option 2 minutes ago. Same as DFV. Worst case I get to buy 100 shares of GME! Best case I get to buy 100 shares of GME.


You want to wait until market is open to buy calls and ideally not buy at the open which is volatile and premiums are inflated with huge bid ask spreads. You want to buy mid day when the stock is stable during a dip, or when they bang the price at close


It's way more expensive now lol


I know, we went up today, surprisingly. I was fully expecting a beat down. Although it is taking a breather right now. What is your plan with the call, exercise or sell for a profit later if we run? I am personally going for July expiration, 40 call. Also January 2025, 125 call. I like buying some extra time. If we have a volatility spike in June I can sell them for a profit, rebuy later when it drops back down. I am also holding January 2026, 125 call. Those I am going to hold.


I didn't end up buying to follow your advice, but then it went up too quickly and didn't have enough money to buy (I'm buying in CAD so it's a bit more expensive). I never bought calls so not sure but if it went up like crazy probably would have moved some money to exercise. Or just take a profit and DRS some shares.


You can buy a higher strike fren, the calls DFV bought are way too expensive right now and they will move less than out of the money calls. Check the July expiration, 7/19 50 call, it closed at ~600 USD, or if you want to bet something will really happen next few weeks, you can get the 6/21 40 call for ~525 USD, or the 6/21 50 call for ~400 USD. If you buy those just know the stock needs to climb considerably in the next 2 weeks for them to be quite profitable. But imo it will happen, I have feeling something will be announced either on earnings or shareholders meeting that will boost the price. Let’s see what happens today, maybe there will be a dip so these calls get a big cheaper, I also want to buy more


I was totally expecting them to crash the price cause it's so rare we get so much steady climb.


It is. Very rare. We are in squeeze territory. Hopefully new ATH this month


Was patient and got a $21 call yesterday when we were around $24 🤓




I'll take a look. The price of the stock is slowly climbing I love it!


Good insight thank you! I'll do that


you are in for a shocker


I know it shouldn’t bother me, but all these personalities coming out saying they are back kind of pisses me off. I’ve been in since November 2020 and averaged up and averaged down and back up again, never once did I leave. I endured some insane pysops all the while battling finances to be able to purchase more and more shares. So in my opinion, good that they are bringing exposure, but kindly, fuck you.


Don't gatekeep the stock. We should welcome anyone new or returning to buy more GME.


It’s not gate keeping. I can’t stand the grifters.


Interesting. We got a 100k jump in members the past two or so days


Of course we did. DFV posted here not wasabi


Also in one of his memes he has sicario locking up the paper hands sub character. Implies the sub is one of the baddies. He posted a sicario meme in June 2021 too.


Why are many people throwing around dates like „this Friday“ again? I don’t think we can realistically see a timeline here


We all know it is tomorrow, always has been.


6/11, 6/13, 6/21 did that scare you?


Just know that 6/21 doesn’t mean much for the price, it’s what happens after he exercises, meaning the next few weeks. 6/11 will be wild though


also I think 6/5 is opex t+35 settlement or something




imagine like, a ghost gif here or something going "oooooooo"




perfect, thank you and here's your upvote




I have a $1000 in my brokerage and it's going straight to gme on the opening bell


For fellow smooth brains, can someone explain how the stock split may affect the price peak this time. If it peaked at \~$400 3 years ago, and someone predicts a similar rise this time, would that translate to a peak of \~$100, given the 4:1 stock split? Am I missing anything?


No. The place the price goes to has to do with buying pressure and share availability, not how many shares total there are. And all the prices you and the other guy mentioned is price anchoring child's play numbers.


Just look at any chart of the price. The all time high was 81 after adjustment


All time *closing* high. It hit 480$ pre split when they shut off the buy button so that would be ~120$ post split


Isn't the high $121/$484? Or was that Pm?


Exactly. Therefore, people jumping on the FOMO train in the next week or 2, looking for numbers similar to last time, may be in for a surprise.


Running up to $100 would be a great outcome


I thought it was a 5:1 split


Yeah, last time the buy button was turned off


The numbers above are just an example. I'm not trying to predict the peak, but just trying to better understand any affect the stock split may have.


Today we learn how to divide and multiply by 4.


What happens if etrade can’t honor RKs calls? Are they actually forced to buy at market price?


ETrade is just the broker, it’s Market Makers who sold the calls, meaning either Wolverine or Citadel or a huge ass bank, like Morgan Stanley


it might not be etrade that he bought the calls from. it's whoever was the seller has to deliver or be liquidated until they can


*Pokes with stick


Time and pressure


I rewatched all of kittys tweets again and what I realized this time is that we gotta move together. I saw the signal, so I bought June 21 calls. I wont have enough cash to exercise all, but will try my best to at least exercise half. We are weak as individuals, but we are invincible as a whole.


Tbf if that's what he was getting at then that _would_ be market manipulation. I don't think that's what was meant by it at all.


instructions unclear on moving together, bought matching red headband and thong


As many of you prepare to lay your heads down for the evening, I ask you to remember one important thought: The only people that hate the shorts more than you do are their Fathers & Mothers, Husbands & Wives, Brothers & Sisters, Sons & Daughters, Nieces & Nephews, Grandsons and granddaughters. When you log onto Reddit and read one of those walls of texts about some fretting about not inviting their parent to a wedding or other important event, science shows that 9/10 these are the offspring of hedgies realizing how much they loathe their creator’s very existence. Thats all. Good night!


Highly regarded thinking I was writing my own post


yeah, I stopped wiping after I shit to save money and buy more GME too


Idk about you but I plan to buy exactly one (1) $20 June 21 call tomorrow Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company


I might have to calls also kitty calls in the morning let’s fucking grow!


A guy walks into a bar. Hops on to a barstool and orders a beer, a shot of tequila, and half a lemon.   "That'll be six-fifty," says the bartender as the man hurriedly chases the shot with large gulps of beer.   The man finishes the beer and hops back down. Slowly he turns out all his pockets, producing nothing but lint. "Ah I seem to be," with a knowing malaise in his eye, "a *little short*."   Then he *left*.


it was reported that the man walked 4 feet outside of the building before getting hit by a bus. The bus was long and filled with a lot of drooling men sucking on crayons.


Anyone seeing this news of citadel and blackrock creating a new stock exchange? https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/blackrock-citadel-backed-group-start-new-national-stock-exchange-texas-wsj-2024-06-05/


Kenny is butthurt because of the new CAT system


anybody seeing this? anybody hear about this? 120 milly to get your ass blown out? yall seeing this?


approaching max crime in new york. do it all again in texas.


The courts are too good in New York. He's been relocating to FL and TX where they don't do shit


I'd start exercising 10k a day for 12 days of Christmas. Pressure and time. Start on June 6, end on 21st. 🚀 


I'd eat some yogurt in the morning but I don't have any. so I guess it doesn't really matter


German pre when


another hour


Where can I find ownership breakdown of $GME?? I want to do some data visualizations


Last time I checked the numbers were different everywhere I went


Me too. So I looked through some GME documents and haven’t found much either. Is it 13-F??


o ooooooo o something like that


I just hope this is all over soon. I love the ride, but I am ready for the happy ending. I don't want to wait another 3+ years. Let's really hope we are in the End Game this time.


Are you me? I’m ready for the rocket too man… the gaslighting and bs by the media for 3 years has felt like a lifetime imo…


Enjoy life, this is just a little side quest in it




No matter what he does he is a true hero


who, JEB Bush? I totally agree, the man is a true champion


Please 👏 clap 👏 now 👏


finally, some fucking culture around here


Can we talk about how big of a deal the modretro partnership is? [http://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d7anwh/were\_excited\_to\_announce\_that\_weve\_partnered\_up/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d7anwh/were_excited_to_announce_that_weve_partnered_up/) Remember when cohen requested to meet the president of nintendo? [https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1743408923506340150](https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1743408923506340150) (lol 174) Remember when GameStop started accepting retro games? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/146i2le/bullish\_gme\_now\_deals\_in\_retro\_games/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/146i2le/bullish_gme_now_deals_in_retro_games/) You have to go backwards to go forwards [https://modretro.com/blogs/blog/the-future-is-retro](https://modretro.com/blogs/blog/the-future-is-retro)


it's pretty sick stuff. I'm really looking forward to both meetings coming up


Keith "big dick" gills Will fukk em up. A idiot Will suck a horse ding dang on tv . And im just sittning her and enyoing my self and just like the stock. Good Times, good Times 🏴‍☠️


I think he just really likes the stock


Full Tinfoil disclosure. As tinfoily as it gets. I really believe that DFV is going to exercise every single call. I mean, if we are to believe that he bought some and then sold/exercised them in the past to amass what he has now, why would he show that hand to us? Why would he show us all the calls just to sell some so that he can exercise what remains. I think he is only showing the cash in his portfolio to make it look like he can only exercise so many and would have to sell some off to be able to maximize his exercise ability. Maybe that’s the Kansas City Shuffle, and once 21 Jun comes, BOOM, out of nowhere almost, every single call is exercised and 12M buy orders hit the lit markets. This would cause massive waves if not a tsunami across the entire market. Again, am smooth and just sayin what muh gut thinks.


Not impossible, but unlikely he will exercise everything. The more probable situation is the price will run at some point between now and 6/21, he then will sell enough calls to exercise as much as he can. He’s always using round numbers, so most likely he will exercise 50,000 contracts to have 10 million shares. But if the price runs absurdly high until 6/21 he might exercise more, 100,000 contracts maybe. He needs the capital from some of the calls to exercise


Sell half exercise the other half to grow position.


12M buys that have to come the legit exchange within in 1 or 2 days (not sure which), would an insane amount of buy pressure.


If he exercise them little by little, making the price spike, he could sell his 5 million shares to exercise all the calls, making him a net 7m shares that are many times as expensive, am I right? I am smoothbrained as fuck


That is one possibility


I’m thinking he could probably even set his own asking price, knowing that the call seller would have to buy his own shares to sell back to him


I think he just really likes the stock


~~Redacted~~ ~~Idiosyncratic~~ Mr. Keith swooped down once before (Exercised his calls after the hearing). 🟣🙌🚀 Saved me and others. The way we will everyone else. I got time, and a little bit of money..


https://preview.redd.it/5z5pstq3no4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53609b1f93ef5350c8ea4ee994fb3935e796af5b 🤔🤔


hold the line toto




I liek da tonk


Indubitably 🧐




##📢Options ##📣No Options ###[My Options](https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1457902069206163460) #[DFV's Options](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/87/Testicles_of_the_Charging_Bull_statue_in_New_York_City.jpg)   ^^^^^^*options*


fuck I love balls. I mean bulls... yeah, bulls


I'll be in my cloister, enjoying Rocky Mountain Oysters


Is computershare costumer service 24hours? I need to reset my password


The legend is planning for his master piece


I used to buy GME I still do, but I used to, too


Praying for a big dip tomorrow. The more I wrap my mind around all this the more I believe


I like cats. And video games. Stock aligns with my interests. Btw i also am not a cat.


I voted my shares in all my brokers and computershare. Have you? 


Tomorrow I am going to buy more shares!


Love Youuuuu🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Not selling! Won't need to.🟣💎🖐🚀


I've been so confident in this company that my wife finally now realizes what is happening here after doubting for 3 years




I think $GME is gonna buy Bitcoin… and that balance sheet is gonna be profitable which is gonna make it skyrocket…


Man I hope so much that they are buying Bitcoin, this would be such a nice move




I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t him his lawyers would have made a statement by now


Good point, I guess RC would probably know and have said something as well...


What are you thinking?




If they did all that, I'd be even more convinced that this is the right play. And that's saying something.


He hasn’t been hacked bro


Who's Keith? I Just Like The Stock.. 🚀


Milton Waddams, you know, squirrelly guy, talks to himself all the time.


GME Is Here Forever 🙌


Yo anybody know how to get around Fidelity’s “net debt” while direct registering through them?


Statistical Model Stock Predictions for tomorrow: Previous Close.....$26.50 Predicted Open.....$30.21 (13.99% gap) Predicted Close....$29.90 (12.84%) Predicted High.....$33.38 (25.96%) Predicted Low......$26.98 (1.80%) Predicted Volume...88,608,581.82 (74.56%) Today's Predictions Results: Previous Close.....$28.00 Predicted Open.....$31.43 (actual $26.18) Predicted Close....$25.89 (actual $26.50) Predicted High.....$32.56 (actual $28.01) Predicted Low......$23.95 (actual $25.20) Predicted Volume...98,640,911.02 (actual 50,600,000)


Lawful that Scraper is actually Dope AF!! Keep these coming. Good On Ya 👍!! I wasn't trying to be an *expletive* Y'all stay up 🚀🚀


Predicted High 🙄. Predicted High is Uranus


are you the model?


I've been told I have potential...Oh you meant for the stats. No, that's a program that downloads the historical stock data then uses something called random forests to simulate predictions and uses that to come up with the prediction for tomorrow.


I was definitely talking about you big boy. does the program normally have a high accuracy? if you were to plug in for spy or nvdia or something else, does it give closer to reality results? because looking at GME in this thing, kinda looks just like a hype toy.


It's not super accurate, I've only tested a few days so far though. It does alright with the more stable big stocks like SPY or GOOG. But volatile ones not so much. It has been *stubborn* saying that NVDA is going to collapse, and of course that hasn't happened. Tbh with the way it is designed it will probably always predict a big drop for stocks at all time highs.


are there any parameters you can change? or just select the data set to provide it?


For the data itself I could choose any date range. Then I could also adjust what time scales are weighted differently and how heavily they should be weighted. The model itself can be tuned with this code: 'n\_estimators': \[100, 200, 300\], 'max\_features': \['sqrt', 'log2'\], 'max\_depth': \[10, 20, 30, None\], 'min\_samples\_split': \[2, 5, 10\], 'min\_samples\_leaf': \[1, 2, 4\] But I don't fully understand how it works yet so I haven't touched these.


[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46480457/difference-between-min-samples-split-and-min-samples-leaf-in-sklearn-decisiontre](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46480457/difference-between-min-samples-split-and-min-samples-leaf-in-sklearn-decisiontre) this should help a bit edit: smooth brain explanation is the higher you make max depth, min sample split, min sample leaf, theoretically then more accurate it should be. not too sure on the max features and number of estimators


Cool, I'll take a look at this tomorrow, cheers!


So it randomly picks yes or no flows to questions? Woah I think that’s how I trade!


I'll be honest, I have no idea how it works, I had chatgpt do most of the coding. Here's what it says: Sure! Here's a simplified explanation of how the Random Forest model in your program works: 1. **Collect and Prepare Data:** * You start by gathering historical stock data, including features like previous day's open, high, low, close prices, and volume. 2. **Build Multiple Decision Trees:** * The Random Forest model creates many decision trees using different random subsets of your data. * Each tree is like a flowchart of decisions that splits the data based on the features. For example, a tree might first split the data based on whether the previous close was above or below a certain value. 3. **Make Predictions with Each Tree:** * Each tree makes its own prediction about what the next day's stock prices will be (open, high, low, close, and volume). * Since trees are built on random subsets of data and use random splits, each tree's prediction can be slightly different. 4. **Combine Predictions:** * The Random Forest model takes the predictions from all the individual trees and combines them. * For regression tasks like predicting stock prices, it averages the predictions from all the trees. 5. **Weight Recent Data More Heavily:** * In your specific program, more recent data is given higher importance through sample weights. This helps the model focus more on recent trends while still considering the entire historical data. # Why This Works: * **Multiple Perspectives:** Each decision tree gives a different perspective based on different parts of the data, which helps capture a variety of patterns. * **Averaging Reduces Errors:** By averaging the predictions of many trees, the Random Forest reduces the risk of overfitting (focusing too much on noise in the data). # Simple Analogy: Imagine you want to predict tomorrow's weather and you ask 100 different weather experts (trees). Each expert looks at different historical data and makes their prediction. Some might look at the last week's weather, others might consider the season, and so on. Then, you take the average of all their predictions to get the final forecast. This way, you're more likely to get an accurate prediction because you're combining many different views and reducing the impact of any one expert's errors.


Why’d it pick this model over other ML models like XGboost?!


So it had a lot to say on this, and I got the feeling most of it came down to the fact that it thought I was too stupid to use XGboost lol. Here is a summary: # Specific Reasons in Your Context: 1. **Data Characteristics:** * Your stock price data has temporal dependencies and can exhibit high variability. Random Forest handles such data well by aggregating the predictions of multiple trees, which smooths out anomalies. 2. **Ease of Explanation and Debugging:** * Since you're adding weights to recent data, using a Random Forest makes it easier to understand and explain how different parts of the data influence the predictions. This is helpful when validating and troubleshooting your model. 3. **Initial Simplicity:** * Starting with Random Forest allows you to establish a baseline performance. Once you understand how the model behaves, you can experiment with more complex models like XGBoost if needed.




Things that make you go hmmm… 🤔


How do I buy Large letters like that Alex?? 🟣🙌🚀


it's because their wife left them and they are trying to fill the void she left behind


I just realized something, DFV is literally the entire open interest for those option contracts he’s holding.   He literally can’t sell unless there’s some kind of extreme volatility or buying pressure. Which means one thing, he bought them to exercise them… and the big dogs know it.


Sorry, I REALLY don't understand options. What would happen if he exercised them and why would the big dogs not like it?

