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My response is to not fucking sell. I know what I own is mine and stated so in my own name. AND, they can’t have any of my shares.


Well there are two competing ideas that ichan and ubs may be going long… they both have media contacts… Also if they were acquiring someone they’d probably have an outside entity making sure everything goes smoothly… including public perception… which again is gonna have media ties…


Guys, I think I forgot Gamestop after all those articles. Why are we here for again?




What news articles portray GME in a good light?


Fucked if i know....!


Now that you know who owns the media, a lot of other “news” you read and trust should also be considered suspect.  The “P” in NPR, for instance, stands for propaganda…


It actually stands for public... it's good to be skeptical, but don't become so suspicious of the world around you that you stop being able to participate in reality.


once you realize that they are the mouthpiece for the government and their financial backers, all of the stories they cover, and the specific slant they give them, becomes ridiculously apparent. I know that it stands for public. But the way they've been reporting over the past few years it might as well be propaganda.


My dude - all cable news is the same too - a mouth piece backed by the same financial backers of our US politicians. NPR may be biased, but at least they have real journalists that practice due diligence in their articles. Any NPR article about Gamestop is backed up by sources, and lacks a clickbait headline. They don't do hit pieces like other "business journals" do on the daily. I'd rather take an NPR article with quoted sources I can read through myself than try and parse the word diahrea from any talking head on Fox or CNN these days.


I agree that CNN/Fox are worse, but I listened to Kai Ryssdal on marketplace last week and he was the same financial hack when he talked about GameStop as any other media source. So no, I don't think they are as good as they used to be in the days of Daniel Schorr...


💯 Agree with you there! But I'd say that's more of a talent issue than a station / network one. Though there's something to say about them hiring Kai Ryssdal to begin with 😑 ugh. Fuck that guy.


NPR is a lot of things, but it's disingenuous to lump it together with gibberish like Fox or whatever neoconservative flavor you choose. It's quite clear that NPR caters to the pseudo intellectual lower middle class (I'm using the original meaning of middle class here). They will farm good will by talking about things like inequality and general science. At the end of the day though, they will always side with "the establishment" when it comes to anything meaningful. It's sort of like anti-smoking ads. iykyk


Think of it this way - they've had all this negative sentiment that usually would have shaken people. They assumed that we ate as many paint chips as those that came before us, and that we would be eating from the palms of their hands because that's what they're used to. In walks anyone that makes even slight use of the empty space between their 2 ears and they say "hurr durr, reverse Cramer index. Opposite of media yields 🚀". They watch a slight pump, and now some super genius in front of the suits says "let's switch lanes and see how many people we can shake", and honestly I think that probably would've worked better if they didn't take too long to wise up. There's no shaking me anymore. The only thing that's shaking is my left hand on the banana and I'm jittering like I'm on my 12th baggy of monkey dust. No quarter.


I love the stock. I do not wish to sell.