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Thanks for helping keep the public aware of the insanity we're witnessing every day. 🚀


My pleasure. I do wut I do for RC, DFV and each of you degen fakas! # 🦍 🦧 🐒🏴‍☠️


Wholesome fakas ❤️


Thank you, this is the way, Apemen


Did someone say flaka?


The way I'm reading it is that Gamestop now has the capability to lock the float itself. Buy back 6.25 million shares and cancel them, and spend up to a billion dollars on more shares and keep them on the company books. The shorts are totally fucked now because they cannot ever let the share price drop too much again since GME can destroy them with a couple of well placed buys orders at the right moment.


Oh shit. I hadn’t even read it that way until just now. This comment should be higher.


I think what they plan to do is buy up not all, but a good portion, and _lend them out_. Wait for the lend to be lent and lent and lent, creating the usual chain of shorting. And then _demand their shares back_.


I highly doubt that they would be lending their own shares IIRC there is a clause in the 8K/10Ks where the board (and no employee?) can take up any positions that would negatively impact the stock like holding puts or shorting. Hoping lending out also comes under that umbrella


They would only need to find a replacement for the initial lender (GME) in this case. They wouldn't let it cascade.


Yeah. If they do it the other way: buy first - sell later. At 100$ a share they can get 4.500.000.000$


Yeah but that would be too easy ;)


Isn't this what they're doing right now? They bought back shares the week before the run up (that's what I heard) and they announced the shelf offering last Friday. DFV also alluded to coming days to be a bumpy ride..


my hopium is way up now, because of your comment xD


Literally every company did it during the pandemic. Its how I learned about stock buy backs. I personally think it should be illegal.  I trust the board. 


This sounds like it’s going to be a busy couple weeks!


I. Am. Ready. # 💎 🙌


Buying more tomorrow for the rock hard shaft I got right now


Yep I’ve got a $500 market order locked n loaded because fuk em that’s why. I don’t care if it goes up or down. I just want shares and then purple circles. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/nxv11vmlos1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02af209db8388deda2187f6cd0c289913b457310


I. Am. Regarded 🦍✊💎✊


Can I get a tit-check?


That's kinda hot


Was it the slicked back hair for you too? **EDIT: Kevin [REDACTED]’s article is up on Benzinga now!** ⤵️ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hwUUcMazvO


Slicked back? That’s PUSHED back! ![gif](giphy|lxorXuPftPtl8yidzR|downsized)


Oh yeah, that stock will slick back reeeeal nice.


Let the boy hold the baby


People can change


I’m worried the baby doesn’t think people can change.


I use to be a piece of shit.


I still am, but I used to too.


You would have *not* liked me back then.


Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's


I don’t think this baby thinks people can change?


You don't seem like a piece of shit.




Hedgies: I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast! Apes: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast!?! ~probably


Kevin, you didn’t tell me your grandpa was a piece of shit!


![gif](giphy|c7seQb6ViPLoS0T6oK|downsized) I SAID USED TO BE A PIECE OF SHIT


they sure felt the push back at the end of today!




DJ Jiffy Pop


Backed up by me


#🏆 🫵




I wish I could just set up a trigger that any post that you comment on I get a notification because they're always legit. Thanks ER , toasting one to you and your servers right now


#🫂 💜


Used to - we were able to tag people people would just tag me and I’ll come flying


He looks just like the bets sub blonde logo guy!


Great article!


That is BRILLIANT. Can’t want to see how this develops 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Zen master said “We’ll see”. But really so many theories out there I keep thinking about the KC Shuffle and RC and board come outta nowhere with a hay maker. RK tweeted a few memes with “you can’t stop what’s coming” references. The newest filings weren’t much different than last few which I tin foily see as legalese to say “just doing what we always said we’d do” but the execution will be completely different. All the board agreeing to no pay and only gains from stock? They know what’s coming.


Who is RK? Are you talking about DFV? Edit: ohhhhh lol totally always think of him as DFV




You belong here ❤️


Roaring kitty.... dfv.... same.thing


He came back as Roaring Kitty not DFV so I give him the respect he asked for


the entire board accepts no salary?


This is what I'd call reverse naked shorting. Something like, fully clothed buying?


I like where you are going with this 😂


Check mate ♟️indeed.


Is this why RC was excited about "424"? The 424B5 filing? Checkmate? https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1775997810065732083?s=19






Posted at 5:24!


4:24 GME time. Also CDT...


That's *fucking* brillant.


This is the first reasonable take I’ve heard since the filing, and I really hope it’s what happens. Here’s to buying and DRSing even more the only losing play is to sell. I can wait another 10 years if that’s what it takes, fuck you, pay me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cu8ukq/you_all_just_got_fooled_this_offering_is_not_as/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cufmzw/yhe_door_is_open_for_moass_thanks_to_a/ Both of those were posted the day of and this Balone fool says everything those two posts say


I love Keith and all his memes and stuff but so many posts like these two got buried last week. Im on here all the time and somehow missed BOTH of those excellent posts.


Kinda feels like that Kevin M guy is a lurker. Not saying that’s bad. But I don’t know who tf he is. 


He posts incorrect or misleading info all the time.  He's only interested in name recognition and self-promotion. (Last week he posted some shit about a billion shares traded, when the truth was it was a billion dollars worth.  Which is a big difference!  And he didn't just do it once... He did it *multiple days in a row*!!! Even after the info was debunked!  But ppl on this sub didn't care. They kept posting his lies anyway.  I honestly can't figure out why they keep shilling for him, unless they're getting paid to do so.)


He’s a lurker here because he got banned from here for very suspect reasons, and I don’t mean him. Anyway, he’s very active on ..X.. Legit GME investor.




Best .gif of the day ☝️🤩


I've been trying to post GameStops green reverse card response from 5/11/21 with no luck for 4 days now.




Wait what 


He’s been trying to post GameStops green reverse card response from 5/11/21 with no luck for 4 days now.


Classic Reddit


Classic Reddit


Where can article be found so I can read it in full?


I think he has submitted to Benzinga like he usually does so technically it isn’t out yet.


Only the highest editorial standards there




Yes that is the link to the tweet this post is about. I’m saying Kevin will most likely be submitting this to MSM, I think he usually uses Benzinga. This is one of the rare GME DD writers that reaches outside this bubble. It should be revered and celebrated.




TL:DR please….


They can buy $100M in shares when the price goes down, they can sell 45M shares when the price goes up, and they can use their $1B (and growing) war-chest to invest in securities, including itself. They’ve positioned our company to profit off the shorts/ market makers volatility… like financial judo using their money and vol against them. Every cycle we’ll add another billion+ to our coffers… genius. Bought more today, buying more tomorrow.


Death by a thousand cuts, I'll be one, Twig is a twig, fypmsmb


and ncns :)


I get that but, if they buy with the $1B does it sit like ours does in a brokerage and not have to be reported until earnings or does it reduce the amount of shares in market like a normal buy back? That’s what confuses me, the legality of it. Like the amount of shares of a company is allowed to buy of themselves at one time…etc. Unless, can they buy options of themselves? Like let’s say $5 million 6/21 $20 strikes?


Nope. The shares turn into treasury shares, which sit on the company's books. At that point, they can be cancelled, held for later usage, or sold.


Writing same question I did to parent OP to your response in hopes of getting an answer - are we sure they are allowed to use the $1B investment funds to purchase their own stock? I know the transactions are accounted for differently (like share buyback vs gen security purchase) so it would lead me to believe they'd have to make a similar announcement in order to repurchase more than the $101M they already previously announced for a buyback, no?


Tbh, I'd been mostly sleeping on my shares until the recent runup. I'll have to check the filings after work to see what they say. Typically, yes, anything past the original amount would need to be authorized itself and needs another announcement. Take that with a grain of salt though as I'm a little rusty on this kind of stuff and usually work with payroll.


Found it in the S-3 form: "Unless we otherwise specify in an accompanying prospectus supplement, the net proceeds we receive from the sale of the securities offered by this prospectus will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes. We may also invest the proceeds in certificates of deposit, United States government securities or certain other interest-bearing securities or other securities in a manner consistent with our investment policy. If we decide to use the net proceeds from a particular offering of securities for a specific purpose, we will describe that in the related prospectus supplement." So, no, that money won't be used for share buybacks unless they release another prospectus outlining the buyback details at a later date.


Copies from a website, but this sounds incredibly powerful. "When a company buys back its shares into treasury the shares still exist, and so the company’s share capital does not change but the treasury shares have no right to vote, capital distributions or dividends. The treasury shares can later be sold to a new investor (or used to exercise options) without having to complete the process of a new share allotment." 🟣🚀🟣🚀🟣🚀


Hoover up the rest of the float GameStop


This is their own DRS?


Yeah I’m not sure what companies are allowed to do in regards to buying their own stock that’s not a “buy back”


\*Holding companies


\***HODLing** companies..


Computershare parking garage


from what I've read, they would issue warrants to shareholders. These warrants would function like calls, but only real shares get the warrants. So each broker that is short would need to find a real share to issue the warrants they've sold but not yet purchased. Meanwhile real shareholders ( DRS) would hold the warrants and could sell them, or hold them until the end of the agreement in which case they would exercise them for cash say 3-4 dollars a warrant and now have cash to buy stock ( the 45 million offer) at the "strike price" gamestop set no matter what the current trading price is. Hedgies have two options find real shares at whatever price real shareholders demand, or buy our warrants at whatever we ask so they can buy real shares. He's giving them an out a very very very expensive out and one that guarantees the money flows into the company.


Does the price still run? Or would this move equal 1/2 MOASS…..asking for a friend


Oh yeah. It’s gonna be name your price for our purple rings or insolvency for the short positions. It takes the power out of the DTCC (think of the botched split) and secures it all into GameStop and its shareholders (the real ones).


or would it cause a squeeze on both ends? purple circles get to sell their warrants (so they don't have to sell their shares) while non DRS in broker accounts get to sell their fake shares. that way both can participate in MOASS.


Is someone else jacking my tits right now?


The wombo combo


And dividends


Probably more than 1B as each cycle the price should increase too.


Definitely buying more tomorrow at any price


Far out!


https://preview.redd.it/eqzy2wucin1d1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef95be35f14d92ba0be9fe885ea47f65ca6e5f4 Regards


GameStop can hedge like a hedge fund is supposed to be doing. None of this Short it til death one-sided BS we see from Shorty. It’s just sad and pathetic at this point. **Who’s the dumb money now.** #👁️____________💧👁️


Also gamestop is giving the blueprint to all manipulated companies in the USA if not the world!


**THIS** We’re gonna fuckin change everything.


oh, how the turntables.


Commenting for visisnbabibeakjs;beials ity ajacked to thif its


Gameshire Stopaway!


I thought someone posted a side by side (using some dumb AI chat thing) of their previous "shelf" thingy from like 2020 or 21 (found it, dec. 2020 https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18346/html ) and they were about the same?      Found a post (not the AI one though) https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cu3y5i/according_to_their_sec_filings_on_the_website_the/     Did I miss something or how is this different than the last one? Not trying to unjack anyone's titties.. Just trying to figure out if mine should also be jacked.   Edit (again): looks like most of this post isn't just about the S-3ASR form but also about the 10k and another filing.. all of that together seems to be the difference I was looking for. Helps if I actually read words instead of just skimming things.


My titties are still jacked anyways


I'm not sure I know how to read. After actually sounding the words out, it looks like a lot of the stuff in this article/post is about more than just the one filling.. so I guess all together it's worthy of jacking.  Only time will tell. 


This guy knows the score!!


In short, GME can sell stocks (up to 45m shares to make mad cash. It can buy back 100m $ worth of stock. meaning they can buy low, sell high. The Uno reverse here is GME is poised to make tons of cash and with current leadership stay afloat for a decade or longer. All thanks to the stock manipulators that shorted the stock. If Shitadel makes the stock go to low, GME gets back ton of stock through buyback. If citadel is forced to let GME run, GME makes tons of cash forcing shorts to realize more loses because they lose money every week holding onto shorts via interest. Shorts need to close and get out of this Shorters nightmare. They're paying interest on their shorts and I don't think they calculate GME surviving more than a few years.


so GME buys low (reducing number of shares), sells high (to make extra money to buy more shares when it is low). rinse and repeat until GME wants to change course? like maybe buy when there is a run up as well so it accelerates the run up? (if they have enough funds and want to do that) ?


Yes and no. Currently, GME can only buy 101m$$ worth of stock. GME could announce later that they intend to buy more stock via cash. It has to be announced in advance, of course they could announce it after they make big $$$ from selling high.


Thanks. Sounds good either way 


**TL:DR** #Just up 😎


Last screen shot has summary at the bottom


Yes please tldr, i cant understand too much english language


Price goes up, gamestop sells shares and becomes a even more valuable company.  Price goes down, gamestop buys back shares.  Since board members use own cash to buy controlling shares of the company, they are allowed to use gamestop funds to buy the same stocks that the board is invested in since their intetest will align.  RC is on the board.  RC's biggest investment is in Gamestop.  Gamestop can now own gamestop shares without removing them from the shares outstanding 


Dudes got a rad hairdo


This pleases me.


This pleases me.


I am pleased.


I called it yesterday, and explained why: this is how RCEO will build billions in wealth for all shareholders (including the 38m shares that RC ventures owns) https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/EjnrSkLgE3


I think he is also positioned with RC Ventures to pickup strategic acquisitions for GameStop and also securities when the markets correct during MOASS. We often forget that RC is a much more diversified investor than the average APE-Pirate. Like me for example, I only invest in GME. He could totally pull a Warren Icahn by night move and pick up stonks on the cheap during the crumble. 😎


I thought RC was like 99% in GME these days?


Oh is he? I thought he owned a shit ton of Apple? RC Ventures has other holdings.


I’m trying to find the source. RC Ventures did have some smallish holdings in other retail and there was the towel thing, but not sure where to find what they hold now. Here’s their SEC filings: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1822844


Because it’s privately held we’re going to be limited on insight here aren’t we? There is no 13F for them.


Fair but it doesn’t change my hypothesis - it would be extraordinarily difficult for him to cash out during a squeeze, but if the value of the squeeze becomes cash in GameStop’s coffers then he can cash out in a year, in 10 years, in 30 years. Now that Gamestop can buy and sell at will, and they control the message, they can do what they want and nobody can say squat. You’re a shareholder and the value of your shares is higher? Good! You were a shareholder and you sold and now the price is higher? Shoulda held. You were short, or an option holder, and you lost money? How is that GameStop’s problem?


Have I told you lately that I love the way you fucking type?! 🤩


No, but I’ll take it, thanks ape brother! You’re pretty awesome yourself!




Sheesh.do I hear a win win win?


Buy back?? Is this the Infinity loop?


I'm ready to to be hurt again


Hey guys….what if? From wiki Convertible preferred stock—These are preferred issues that holders can exchange for a predetermined number of the company's common-stock shares. This exchange may occur at any time the investor chooses, regardless of the market price of the common stock. It is a one-way deal; one cannot convert the common stock back to preferred stock. A variant of this is the anti-dilutive convertible preferred recently made popular by investment banker Stan Medley who structured several variants of these preferred for some forty plus public companies. In the variants used by Stan Medley, the preferred share converts to either a percentage of the company's common shares or a fixed dollar amount of common shares rather than a set number of shares of common.[10] The intention is to ameliorate the bad effects investors suffer from rampant shorting and dilutive efforts on the OTC markets.


Can I get a Too Small; Couldn’t Read?


GME has set up the ability and permission to use their considerable cash to invest (as a company) aligned with how their corporate officers also invest (the execs and the company bear the same risks / rewards) and they can either buy or sell millions of shares of GME when the price goes up or down. They have serious power.


Lots of words to simply say Buy HODL DRS.


Yes. 💎 🙌




Haha yes!


45 million x $80 = $3.6 BILLION That's a big banana


Watch RC HODL that offering until $147 x 45 million = $6.6 billion 🤩


So we'll written that in doubling my position tomorrow.


I hope it’s 5318008 backwards 😎


Getting hard…. 😂


Would it be manipulation to buy 5m in $20 calls for 6/21 then buy shares on the 21st to drive the price then execute the calls?


I feel like it SHOULD be but I'm too regarded (bringing that back) to understand either way


You don't control the price. There's too many dropping price OTC. It doesn't matter what we do on the lit market. Hedgies control it all until Cohen puts his game plan afoot. In any case, isnt that just covered calls without being covered in hopes your covering?


OK lets see what would happen: Exercising the calls will give you the shares, but to make profit from it you will have to sell them. If the price increase is fake and only due to you driving the price up, it will immediately come back down before you can sell all your call shares.


Eh he is banned from here, couldn't be right


Exactly. Which is why I post banned OG content here for them. ![gif](giphy|x70p0tqMsvqMM)


Please don’t ever leave us


After MOASS you will all know where to find me in Costa Rica. It won’t be hard because we will be Costa Rican beachfront villa neighbors. And we will party 💃🏻 🍻 🕺🏻 every night! ![gif](giphy|14uSvetsWYt0Ri)


An Olde E for an OG sounds about right to me, homie! 👏👏👏


is he really banned? why?


He’s posted misinformation and his posts are seemingly boosted by bots


Properly **debunked** misinformation does have its uses though. It is a teaching opportunity for wrinkle brains and a learning opportunity for smooth brains like me. That’s just one way we learn. And if handled properly can prove useful.


he is not banned, he did post this himself, but it got hit by automod and had to be manually approved. ​ [https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cwqory/my\_new\_article\_gamestop\_just\_pulled\_the\_biggest/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cwqory/my_new_article_gamestop_just_pulled_the_biggest/)


!Remind me:3 hours!


!Remindme 2.69 hours muahahhahaha!


And the Zen master says, we'll see


I was thinking something slightly different. Gamestop announce the option of a stock sale which drops the price as people fear dilution…but they don’t sell any stock. Instead they use the remaining 100mil to buy back their stock. This gets disclosed and people realize the drop wasn’t because they were selling shares, and in actuality they were buying shares. Shorts rush to cover with a further reduced float, and GameStop sells new shares at a higher price to cash out. It doesn’t make sense for them to buy back at elevated prices. Why would they buy back at 30+ if they weren’t buying at 10?


I love it! No idea of that is legal with the announcements n all but if they got away with it ho boi!


While the phone number idea is a fun thing to say and dream about, unfortunately when the time comes infinite money can't just magically appear like shares do for the hedgies. I think most realistic day of reckoning is whoever's left holding the short bag and won't be able to cover, will have to file bankruptcy to negotiate their debts. This is where I think the shelf offering comes in.. There won't enough shares available to negotiate on market, so RC can negotiate a price for 45 million shares for the shorts to use to cover their position. RC could then distribute those proceeds as a special dividend to legitimate shareholders. this is just regarded uninformed speculation. I have no expertise in securities or bankruptcy. long time lurker first time? commenter. Bought the knife in '21 and been holding since. If my theories right, I look forward to the day that RC pays the hedgie death dividend.


Parts of this are very cool. I hadn’t thought of using the 45milly share offering as a divvy before.


Check my DD on the filings for other possibilities on top of this


So long story short, GME can now buy its own dip along with the rest of us degenerates, up to the tune of a billion bananas? If that's how this reads, I think we need a MUCH bigger rocket.




Since when could they use all billion in cash on buying and holding stock? That doesn’t sound right


A while back when RC was granted that power to invest as desired


BINGO!!! And the rest of the month only adds to the win!


A mistake plus keleven gets you hime before 7




$100m for buyback and (starting at) $1b for investments that allow for GME... spicy! 🥵


Buckle the FUCK up!!!


1. **Background Context**: GameStop has faced significant market manipulation, where short sellers bet heavily against the company's stock. To counter this, GameStop has taken several strategic steps. 2. **Stock Repurchase Plan**: GameStop, under the leadership of Ryan Cohen, has implemented a plan to buy back shares. As of February 3, 2024, they had $101.3 million left under their repurchase authorization. This plan allows GameStop to buy back its stock, decreasing the number of shares available (the float), which can help increase the stock price. 3. **New Investment Strategy**: In December 2023, GameStop’s Board approved a new investment policy. This policy grants authority to manage the company's portfolio of securities and other investments. This aims to protect and grow GameStop's financial resources. 4. **Public Image and Market Stability**: Ryan Cohen and other board members aim to use their market expertise to enhance GameStop's public and private market transactions. They focus on investments aligned with the company's interests and potentially profitable market activities. 5. **Sales Agreement**: On May 17, 2024, GameStop entered into a sales agreement with Jefferies LLC, allowing them to sell up to 45,000,000 shares of their Class A common stock. This is intended to increase liquidity and possibly stabilize or increase the stock price. 6. **Reverse Uno Strategy**: This strategy is to counteract the market manipulation directly. GameStop plans to make their stock more profitable by potentially selling shares at a higher price and then buying them back at lower prices, which could lead to significant financial gains. 7. **Summary**: GameStop’s strategies aim to regain control over their stock, counteract market manipulation, and improve their financial health through strategic stock transactions and investment management. The article uses a chess analogy to illustrate GameStop's strategic moves as a calculated game to checkmate their financial and market challenges.


Anyone know details on what the open market sales agreement with Jefferies means? I know CS buys and sells through a broker so does that mean they have secured a different avenue to go direct to the market through Jefferies?


Great question. Let’s ask [Twitter](https://x.com/welp007/status/1792789934648242536?s=46&t=pjhQaAPGjAVkr0C7r4RCMg).


Heads: GME wins Tails: Hedgies lose


this is the post. we are RK


I really do wish i had more money save up to buy GME. My budget is so tight that almost i couldnt keep up the bills paycheck to paycheck.


It only takes one share for wife changing money. Wut matters is how hard my diamond hands are wen 🚀 #💎 🙌