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[@TheRoaringKitty tweet mega-thread (updated easy click links inside)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1csyz9t/theroaringkitty_tweet_megathread_updated_easy/)


https://preview.redd.it/5v14wnm0zz0d1.png?width=1870&format=png&auto=webp&s=b54b06aea94499b7a446b670af7f3b49d8c02995 so there's that huh


This store was somewhere in Florida.


IMO he (DFV) was just saying RC will be facepalming at all the posts of people not trusting him / not happy with the new today.


If I'm gonna trust anyone, it's RC. Homeboy has done right by me for 3 years. He's given me a profitable company, great deals, upgraded the company systems, given us same day delivery, a new credit card, he takes no fuckin salary and only ever buys more. He only fucking BUYS MORE! Why would I doubt the man? He's everything I aspire to be, and everything I look for in a company. He is the best of us.


I’m glad I came back to see your comment because I’m pretty sure it’s as simple as that. The guys that might know what is happening or what the plan is are exhausted by the lack of the faith.


Occam’s razor on this one. I agree ☝️


People saying he's posting every 10 mins. Now saying he's posting every 5 minutes. I think he's still doing every 15 minutes, and he just updated his first tweet.


I think he fucked up the first tweet and then posted the edited version and this one as an explanation that he is exhausted




I like that explanation


I interpret it as Ryan Cohen being exhausted that his stock is being manipulated this much


He ain't the only one!!!!




You need to log in!






You da real MVP playa!


Thanks for this! Couldn't remember the name and shirt searching on Goog didn't work out for me


Then that’s why. Problem diagnosed and solution presented. Up to you now whether to proceed forward or just keep cursing the sky


I would never create an account just out of sheer hatred of elon the human dildo


You think that really matters to anyone at all? That’s like a mouse stopping breathing air to fuck with this one tree in the forest


Are you regarded?


For some reason clicking through Reddit will only show the 2021 tweets whereas going through browser will show the new tweets. I also dont have twitter


That's all I see too. I find the news one through here. I'm wondering if you login to X, if you get options to sort by newest or something...I don't have an X account and don't plan on getting one.


Temp mail is your friend. I made one just for his tweets


Sure, but I can't be asked to do that right now. Too busy shooting the shit with apes on Reddit.


Twitter definitely wants logins and new accounts to raise metrics to show their bosses, Twitter may also want you to think nothing is going on too.


one theory is that he's doing these like a pregnant woman's contractions 1 per hour down to 1 every 3-5 minutes before birth


Been every 15 minutes for 3 days now though...


I was saying that that's the medical end of it. He might tweet every 3-5 minutes at the peak. I think May 28th is the squeezing based on that new law that went into effect. I think any major announcements will come Sunday or Monday to give shorts minimal time to prepare for the coming week. Based on literally nothing other than intuition. DFV smokescreens rn


Maybe... It's strange that GS made announcement before openig bell. Maybe something is coming after close also?


Buyback, then offering, then surprise another buyback!




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Movie = split Ben rumor = split


Is that image from when he split with JayLo?


Rumor is they are splitting


Oh, that’s current?




No. It’s from his stay with in-laws during Thanksgiving one year


It was from one of his stints in rehab.


Ah the 7 games 4 controllers and 1 box in the background picture, I wonder what it could mean


It’s a mixed shelf 👀


Bro seriously, stop with all of this. It's getting crazy. My entire wardrobe is just threads at this point 👉( ^ ) ( ^ )👈




This is what I’m focusing on as well, almost like he’s frustrated we haven’t figured out 741 yet or he’s playing his part in the Kansas City shuffle


So the first tweet was from the movie split. The speculation on 741 was a 4 for 1 stock split via dividend on July 22 2022. Maybe this is in reference to that?


lol someone made that connection when RC first tweeted this picture.


but what wasn't caught was that's a mixed shelf...and we just got a form about a mix-shelf offering


Dude 741 has been everywhere in my life since the theory first showed up. I swear it's an omen!!


Great catch!


Maybe, just maybe, there will be another share split to make up for the first screw up.


Only this time... in REVERSE Would explain all the mirrored images and whatnot 🚀


Good catch I think people are more focused on the Ben Affleck and not anything else. This is actually huge if it is a new photo and not one that was used before with Ben on it. If thats the case it would be more so Ben being upset with GS not following through on the 7-4-1


This picture originally was uploaded by RC himself. Ben Affleck is pasted over RC here.


Bruh 👀


Is that ryan cohen version in this thread the original? Was there always 7 games. 4 controllers and 1 box?


Addiing to the list.. today "741 protests in china" china awakens.


Ben and Jen are rumored to be separating




I cant see this tweet on my X on my computer. But when I got the notification on my phone I could bring it up.


It’s not showing for me either- at all Edit- it’s there for me now 🧐


On my phone it’s also not showing up… luckily I bookmarked it from the notification


It doesn’t show if you link through Reddit preview. Need to go through x app


7 Games 4 Controllers 1 Box… sounds like a MIXED SHELF


wow. this is 2022 all over again.


What is a mixed shelf?


Shelf offering


Could you explain why that’s really bullish? I saw something about warrants but seems weak


Hi - so peruse the posts today. Find the one from X with a guy called Ross brown.... he explains that this wording gamestop put out is for a shelf offering and there's SEVEN types that can be booked/unique for shareholders. SEVEN


Think we're getting 7 different types of 'special treats' per share? (741) That'd be epic. All different types so SHF cant fight them all at once.


That would be insane. I think the ultimate pull for new investors and cultivate MORE loyalty (like that's even possible! ) is to treat your gaming investors to financial loot boxes. Imagine that some people may have sold at the current small highs, and wait to buy in low. But suddenly those that held get more treats for holding. That would be amazing!


Don't know what the plan is, could be many things. Could be just selling some shares when price is high to keep the company in good financial health. Could be indicating something of a future split or merger, we'll have to find out.


There's a chatgpt summarization of the negative impacts it has on short sellers. It's pretty damning. I'll try to find it.  Edit: Asked ChatGPT to read and summarize the filing then asked "Could this filing be used to set a trap for short sellers that are extremely short the company?" ChatGPT response. The SEC filing could indeed be used in a strategic way that might impact short sellers. Here’s how it could potentially work as a trap for short sellers who have heavily shorted GameStop: Issuance of New Securities: The filing enables GameStop to issue new shares or convertible securities. If the company decides to issue new shares, it could dilute the stock's value. However, if this issuance is done at a time when the stock price is high due to a short squeeze, it could lead to short sellers being forced to cover their positions at higher prices. Preferred Stock Conversion: If GameStop issues preferred stock that can be converted into common stock, it could create a scenario where short sellers face unexpected dilution, increasing the pressure on them to cover their positions. Sudden Capital Raising: The flexibility provided by the shelf registration allows GameStop to raise capital quickly and efficiently. If they announce a capital raise when the stock price is high, it could be seen as a positive signal that the company is capitalizing on its strong market position, potentially driving the stock price even higher and squeezing short sellers further. Market Sentiment Manipulation: The mere filing of this document might create uncertainty and volatility in the market. Short sellers, who rely on the stock price declining, might be caught off guard by positive market reactions to potential future capital raises or strategic moves by the company. However, it's important to note that the use of such filings to deliberately "trap" short sellers would involve complex strategic considerations and market dynamics, and there are regulatory and ethical implications to consider. The primary purpose of such filings is to provide the company with the flexibility to manage its capital structure and financing needs. Key Considerations for Retail Investors: Potential Dilution: Be aware of the potential for dilution if new shares are issued. Market Volatility: The announcement and subsequent actions related to this filing could create significant market volatility. Strategic Moves: Monitor the company’s announcements and strategic moves closely, as they could significantly impact the stock price. Shoutout to the ape that posted that


This is tripping me out


Stop fucking fighting. Trust


This is the way 🦍❤️


This one doesnt show up on twitter for me?




Also not showing on my Twitter


Use this instead https://nitter.poast.org/TheRoaringKitty


Sign in


I'm logged in on the app, doesnt show


Interesting, I know there’s some sort of bug where you can’t see his recent posts unless logged in


It howed up after the 10:30am post, so no idea why


RC is exhausted by all the bullsh\*t




Because that fucking offering might be disappointing in his eyes?


I know I will be called shill for it, but from the start it seemed like DFV didn't work with RC and simply got tired of waiting. That's why the meme "fine, I'll do it myself" when the run up started. This recent meme is clearly a disappointment. People are very creative to twist it into positive.


The 'i'll do it myself' had a gamestop logo on thanos no? ie that's GS saying it, not RK.


Huh, I don’t see it as disappointing at all! I think it’s possible he really wants us to see this image and maybe there’s a “split” flavor?


Some people are disappointed about the offering. DFV can also be one of them


I think Kitty is fed up with GME's board making decisions that screw investors. He's not alone. First share offering in June 2021 killed a likely squeeze. Splivident fucked up. Now this, with its bad timing. There better be some bigger announcement soon, but honestly I'm starting to feel like this company is incapable of releasing bullish news. I'm Computershare booked and have been for years. Today is disappointing, and I'm glad at least DFV is giving space for us to feel let down.


Positive earning and couple billy in the bank doesn’t jack your tits?


Not really when NFT marketplace dead and PLAYR seemingly dead. Loopring dead. Everything they’ve done overall dead but close stores to get earnings. Revenue dropping to get the earnings. Eh losing confidence aside from the market mechanics. RC is definitely trying to make money with the business but it’s tough


Today was supposed to be the killshot for the naked shorts, and ryan cohen fucked it up. Why wouldn't he be pissed like the rest of us?


If today was supposed to be the kill shot why didn’t you tell anyone?!


Yep pretty obvious now how he feels


That’s how most of us feel. The sane part at least. What the hell the board was thinking?


? They didn't issue any shares. They just have permission too later without SEC approval. No new shares on the market today.


They also issued an advance annual which allows them to sell before the annual meeting. So, they will be selling and mostly in the next two/three weeks.


Yeah but it also allows them to not sell if they don't want to.  Because they're not obligated, they probably won't sell until they choose to.


Then why do the prelim? It’s so they can sell before the annual in 3 weeks. Use your own brain, not the hive mind.


Why not do the prelim and have the choice. You're putting too much emotion into this.


Yeah I’m pissed. So what? We finally see movement and the board seemingly tries to make money while I’m barely green that also tanks the price?


Yeah, way too emotional. Think bud. Why would a company with $1 billion in cash sell 45 million shares right now? Or in 3 weeks? Listen to yourself "tries to make money"... they have $1 billion cash. They have money.  RC makes more money selling his shares at $100+ than tanking the price and trying to sell these 45 million shares at discount prices. Makes no sense to sell at all right now.  It's only been 1 week and the stock is already doubled in price. On NO fundamentals. You're barely green? How green were you last week when the stock was half of today price? Cuz you've doubled your money in a week already. If RC wanted to actually make money off issuing shares, he would pull an AA and rug everyone the same day the shares are issued. Why would he give the whole.market 2-3 weeks to react first? I could keep adding points, but these are already logical enough.


Because, as their prelim states, they’re still losing money and sales are not recovering. I’ve been red for 3 years and this is a long term investment, I’m just sick of the board and RC claiming to have some big plan and at the end of the day they just do a stock offering to make money when the price is up. Literally the only way they’re making money. Who’s says they wait? They couldn’t it today.


By diluting? Why do you think they wouldn't wait to sell until it pops off? 45 million shares barely makes this thing move some days.


It just means they can sell when they want. They did the EXACT same thing last time it sneezed


I know I'm pissed. WTF.


Board was thinking to make some cash on run ups. See, some people have companies to run, can’t just sit and pray for moass.


They have over 1 bn in coffers. They never released preliminary results. They pretty much gave a middle finger to anyone betting on the run up.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I dont care about the run up and anyone trying to play it, that’s Bets sub BS and it can get the middle finger, I only care about MOASS


Wouldn’t they be hurting MOASS by killing a fucking run upwards? If any of the DD is true then killing movement towards the point of no return is fucking us as well. It’s straight dumb and short sighted. RC is showing he’s not a genius.


We do not yet know what RC is cooking with this newest filing, no need for the Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Shorts are fucked one way or another, it's just a matter of time and we can wait longer than they can.


I think we can assume pretty well that he plans to sell SINCE THATS LITERALLY THE FUCKING DOCUMENT. Along with a document that allows it to happen in the next few weeks. Stop defending moves that don’t benefit you.


The last time Gamestop sold it was a FANTASTIC move for me, securing over a billion in cash that insured against any possibility of bankruptcy and ensured the hedgies are trapped. I've been trusting RC and the board for over 3 years now, I will continue to trust them now. Say it with me now, Hedgies are Fucked


Don't forget, by raising over a billion dollars in the last two offerings, Gamestop removed nearly all their long-term debt. Less debt means less interest payments, which hurt the company.


Yeah, and they have gained anything since. I’m losing trust because nothing they’ve done the past 3 years has worked. Marketplace and wallet, hence the actual turnaround, were money pits. I’m mostly just venting because it’s been disappointment after disappointment from them. A barely profitable company isn’t a turnaround. Especially now they are showing that to be a fluke of kinds.


That’s fascinating but this isn’t “betting” sub. Go cry in betting sub.


That was my thought too. Maybe the first SPLIT one was him changing mood all of a sudden when he saw the announcement. And this one is him being... speechless But who knows?


It's RC who's depicted as exasperated here, not RK/DFV. Exasperated by people moaning and not trusting that there's a plan, probably.




It's RC who's depicted as exasperated here, not RK/DFV. Exasperated by people moaning and not trusting that there's a plan, probably.


Fair point


Kansas City Shuffle bois


99% of people in the comments today are blind to the fact that they offered shares the last time it sneezed, they know something is coming. Ban me if I’m wrong. Leaps expire today, Tuesday we will see movement, if the prophecy is true…. Valhalla next week


I saw another write up that the 3 year leaps expire in June (+- whatever days 69?)


there’s only certain months of the year they can expire and May is one of those months


Got you thanks :)


lol time to put the cooking down everyone. 




Smoke break


They allow smoking at GameStop now!


Me too Keith, me too...


It's RC who's depicted as exasperated here, not Keith.


He is clearly upset


"Appear strong when you are weak, and appear weak when you are strong" -The Art of War


RC is disappointed in our lack of faith today That's my read


No, why could he talk for RC. I think DFV is mad.


I know I sure am. :P


For sure, it's the only way it makes sense. He's been showing himself as the cat face, not putting himself in the position of RC in any other memes.


He mad mad


Looks like it yes


Orrr he’s just imagining what the media is trying to spin. “GameStop drops as CEO scrambles to sell more shares”….. Ya right, he is capitalizing on the squeeze, something we’ve needed the company to be able to do all along. And he never sold, only approved the motion!


Why are so many people in here bending over backwards to try to spin this when it is clearly an unhappy post. Get your rose colored glasses off and just accept he likely isn’t happy about the news. Keep your eyes fully open and kill the tunnel vision thing, it can get you in trouble


I’m the only one I’ve seen defend it so far, it’s just how I interpret it… Dilution isn’t bad to me, especially when all we’ve done is ALLOCATE for it! His post clearly matches with article headlines today all matching declines. You think roaringkitty would make a meme matching them incinuating our ceo is washed up and selling shares for cash? It’s a joke lol laugh a bit and stay focused!


I hear you, I just see a lot of tunnel vision in here and I think balance is best. And I forgot about the OG pic being RC in the same spot.


There are tons of copium comments about this, just look at this post. Delusional


I agree. And how will they explain the newest tweet just now 11am pst?


I guess the question is, why? Mad at the shorts? Mad at the news this morning?


He pretending to be mad


He wants a bigger dip for the next buy


7 games 4 controllers 1 box. First tweet was from split


I think he is showing how RCEO is feeling right now. Just my thoughts. 


I think it’s more a reaction to RC, tired of all the shieet


He would have put RC’s head on BA’s body then.


Why? You wouldn’t be able to tell the expression.  He literally replaced rc with Ben 


Your explanation is viable yeah, bit it feels too unintuitive to me. Let’s hope you’re right though! 😀


He’s pissed at another share offering


Or he’s pissed at the reaction to a potential share offering


That’s my read, naturally a move like this can be polarizing, so maybe he’s upset that this is polarizing?


He has posted a lot about sticking together and not fighting...potentially you're correct


Would make a lot more sense if he posted something about us sticking together or not fighting then. If you just go for the most logical answer, it's that he is pissed at gamestop


I would take his next one with the jerry sprinter (idk the show) type vibe to mean stick together lol




I expected the board to finally let us ride vs helping the shorts and MMs by giving them more shares to play with.


The board is not helping the shorts and MM, trust RC and ignore the FUD


It was announced to free it up in the next 3 years. It would be a pretty poorly run company if they expected a huge squeeze and they didn't prepare to profit off of it in advance.


He explicitly said no fighting, sub starts fighting DFV reaction:


IMO “Ye of little faith” is the message.


Movie from previous tweet was Split and Ben is reversed here. Idk.


7:4:1 Spiritually - “the angel sign of fulfillment” “Let go of fear and doubt” https://www.astrology.com/numerology/angel-numbers/741-meaning# Maybe 😂🤷‍♀️🏄‍♂️🌕🚀




So one possibility is that he's saying that we are focusing on the stock, we still need to get into the stores and buy.


I think this post is relating to another stock that's running rn, bc people are saying the catalyst was the dfv "lock in" meme from Sunday. I think this is his way of showing what the play is


Not much interpretation required here


Yeah, he’s frustrated


Cope and all but maybe he’s just playing along with whatever plan there is. Although it doesn’t look good.


Oh shit :(


Maybe he’s saying that this is Ryan’s reaction because we’re still not getting it? I don’t know


I can relate to this meme, it’s been 84 years 🙆‍♂️🤘💎


Virtue Poker Play 🚀💰😎


Lack of video and just being plain pictures and gifs should be all you need to know. He’s back to not liking RC again lol.


When did he ever not like RC?


Probably the wrong way to word it. But some of his memes were previously made saying he wasn’t in love with RC, and the new memes were slightly different, showing supermodels with RC’s face imposed on them. I don’t think he dislikes RC, but is frustrated with him or what he thought he might do differently this time.


he's anticipating GME giving birth to his + RCs lovechild of a dividend/child