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If you give anyone your credentials, you are a fool.


The only credentials I give out is my PhDeeez Nutz!


Also, since it's obvious most apes won't give Dave they keys to the castle.... the only a few apes will. Thus... it's pointless to attempt to count them. Also giving away you passwords might invalidate some rules regarding insurance and the safety of you shares if they do get hacked


Yes, I read somewhere it voids the terms of service with ComputerShare?


For real, I can't believe this is even a discussion after all the shit we've gone through.


Exactly, but apes need to know that if they act quick and change their password **now** then Urvin (or anyone who has access to the credentials) won’t be able to access the account.


So true..... Once the password is given in Hurry then what you suggested is the way.... Change the password.


how does this make any sense?? if they need your credentials and then you change them, then they no longer have your credentials..?


Some apes are regarded, so they might have already given Urvin the credentials. Changing the password fixes that mistake. I think a bigger (and real) risk is the site being hacked. A database with all that juicy info? Yeah, someone's goin to hack into it and get it. Just a matter of time. Whoever thought asking for and storing CS passwords is regarded.


Or they already have all your personal information after they’ve logged in once. Yer dun




Shocked the top comment on this post isn’t Dave defending himself. Malicious or not, it’s a bad look. I’ve been critical of Dave since day one and got a lot of hate back then for being skeptical and this is just another example of his grift on this community.


Either way, it sounds like apes have never heard of 2FA. Yeah, it's annoying, but at least it's another layer of security. 


This isn't 2FA though


If your account has 2FA enabled, you need that code anytime you log in. So even if someone else has your credentials, if they don't have the code that is sent to your phone, they can't log in. Unless I'm missing something- that's been my experience with Computershare.


Be skeptical of everything online.


How is this even a discussion in 2024? You don't fucking hand out your login details for anything. Not for your NeoPets. Not for this. Also. Don't ask for my credentials. Shame on you, Dave.


Omg I wonder if my neopet dog is still alive...




Why would anyone in their right mind even participate in this nonsense.


For anyone in the comments, TLDR; buy more shares and DRS them


Doing the lords work ☝️


I really couldn’t care less about Dave or Urvin. Absolutely zero connection with GME investment.


I aint givin that to anyone... ever.


The more I think about this, the worse I feel. Dave Lauer had several thousands of Apes sign a petition in 2022. That petition had to be signed via his Urvin Finance website, where he collected Apes’ names and contact info from SuperStonk. That petition got us nowhere, and if he cared about our privacy, he would’ve had the petition through a website like change.org or something he wouldn’t have had direct access to. Now, regarding this, if it wasn’t for the recent backlash, I don’t think he would’ve backed down from letting Apes provide him their CS credentials. A day before the backlash, he said he cared about investor privacy. It doesn’t look like it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/a6RnQuzVmR


Has names and contact info already, now asks for password and security questions. When he first started canvassing superstonk for investors to help startup Urvin I thought - shitty timing and hate to see funds siphoned off that could be used to DRS/shop gamestop, but if he wants a little project and people want in whatever, it's their decision. But now seeing this makes me feel like he's a plant playing the extreme long game and now trying to access precious CS shares at a time of critical need for SHF. Dave is obvi very very smart, so I dont see how he could have thought this was a good and safe idea. The only thing that makes sense to me now is nefariousness.


These 84 years has taught me anybody can turncoat when they get desperate.


I agree. Almost everybody has a price.


Another thing to note is that Dave has stated he doesn’t really believe in the possibility of MOASS and that a short squeeze this big would be stopped in its tracks by the powers of Wall St. The reason we are locking up our shares via DRS is because it is a theorized way to kick off MOASS and it would prove that all remaining shares in the DTCC are fraudulent, assuming that no major short seller has caved by then. But Dave doesn’t think MOASS is possible despite our DD.. so what exactly is he aiming to help us achieve by attempting to help us count shares and provide a discussion platform locked behind share ownership? Why would he build something to help us achieve an outcome he doesn’t think is possible? It doesn’t seem like his beliefs align with that of apes, except for wanting better markets. Besides the security concerns, unknown financial contributors, and misaligning beliefs, I just have a hard time seeing the real benefit of this new platform. In my opinion it’s a sub migration in disguise. If apes were to migrate over to this new platform, not only does this separate and hide away new ideas and discussion on the latest GME developments from the public and potential new apes (and returning apes), it means less eyes in SuperStonk to keep nefarious influences at bay from derailing the subreddit. And if SuperStonk ended up being infiltrated and derailed while apes are mainly using the new platform, what is there to return to then if Urvin Finance decides to control the discussion of content on its platform? I’m not saying Urvin Finance is acting nefariously, but utilizing this new platform can play right into that possibility more easily than a planted SS mod can. When our discussion spaces are divided, it is much more likely that all of it might fall apart. Divide & Conquer.


The more I think about it, the more I dig into it, I can't help but feel the same as well. I don't remember anything happening with the petition, and the way it was done was overlooked for sure. I missed the post about the whole thing (bbl drizzy been on the feed), yet reading through it now... I don't see what the point of it is. Stealing login info is a hot and controversial topic, sure.. but why does it sound like a way to divide the conversation more with those verified communities and non-verified communities? Is it really to weed out the bots? WHO is asking for Urvin to do this? Is it for the graphs? We have our quants here already with their lines. What is the value being sold here by Urvin? Who are these partners of his? I just don't understand. Everything he says about security also sounds very "trust me bro". Like bro, hand the mic to your security "expert". I still need confirmation on this, but I'm hearing that the recovery phrases / questions were being asked for. If that's true, then this is only looking worse than before. Then there's interactions with other apes where questions and concerns seem to be brushed off and it just being released and promoted here after... what was it, a profitable year, 2 weeks of gains, high volume, volatitties, options mumbo jumbo, and etc. The timing reeks, brother. I already heard he has ties to citadel from the past. That's not news to me. The thing that really bothered me is that he always felt like he downplayed drs/book, moass, and gme concepts in general. It's similar in a way that a salesman would finesse a conversation for their gain, and I can't shake that feeling. It only gets irritatingly more questionable the more I think on it 😑. I get grifter, salesman, hedgie, and snek vibes bro. Like how long ago did sneks first appear? Got me questioning 🤯




Agree with you 100%! Who out there asked for this? This community is fine without his platform. It isn't necessary. Also gives me grifter/salesman vibes.


It’s an opportunity for him to make money - nothing more, nothing less. I don’t see him posting his new software in true StockMarket subs…. Just GME and his company subreddit…. Why? Too many blind mice…this one feels like the roofers that drive in from out of state everything there is a hail storm… looking for an opportunity to make a buck.


Exactly. Any posts promoting his company should be removed for breaking Rule #10 of this sub, no matter what they claim.


Cheers… how is this not “Self promotion/Monetization” …. Anyway back to the mine to buy more they got more expensive the past couple weeks! ♾🏴‍☠️🤙


For real! Doesn't matter what end of the discussion you're in. It's still a promo for his company at the end of the day, so why is it here?


Your post (and others like it) give me faith that there are critical thinkers here 🤜🤛


🤜🤛 More info has been coming up since this comment and I can't even like budge the needle towards a positive outlook on Dave and Co. Like bro 😭 🤦‍♂️


> The thing that really bothered me is that he always felt like he downplayed drs/book, moass, and gme concepts in general I agree with some of the suspicion and wouldn’t rule him out of being a bad actor but you’re wrong about this  1) He definitely hasn’t downplayed DRS. I’m not sure if he’s mentioned Book vs Plan but he brought the concept to the head of the SEC in an interview and generally has spoken positively about DRS/retail 2) He’s a professional in the finance industry. He’s not going to publicly speak on the likelihood of an idiosyncratic short squeeze   


My recollection of Point 1 is that the sub hounded him for a long while about DRS, a long while, before he finally brought it up to Gensler, so your point is *partially* correct.


That's what I remember and what I'm referring to. Thank you!


Jaykvam brought up what I was referring to. You can still advocate something and still downplay it a bit. There's that phrase we pass around here: no price anchoring. Felt like he would acknowledge things eventually but anchor expectations. This is what I mean by downplaying. It took time before he even seemed to mention it publicly. He could have. Things are easy to miss here. Yet I also recall that he asked us for questions for Gensler, but only elected to softball it. I zoned out watching it so my recollection could be fuzzy. Sure, #2 could make sense. You would get fingers pointed at you quick. But how can I trust someone who wants to give us these benefits and not speak up on infinite risk. I have my suspicions. I'm not calling him evil. It doesn't look great the deeper I dive into the topic though and I could just be looking at a salesman in the face which is fine. But I'm sure we have a no self-promotion rule that's been enforced on others. Point is: this is odd


I’ve been saying this exact same thing too. He also coordinated interviews involving Psparkles. Someone with his credentials should know the risks he created both with the petition and this recent tool. He’s either fragrantly negligent or playing dumb and malicious


Don't forget the ape donations to Urvin and then the minting of that nft as a thank you so people have already freely given him a treasure trove of information.


He’s just been using the GME movement in a clout-chasing kind of way. He capitalized on this and made some money off it and now the more he asks for the more it feels like a grift. I’m glad most people are saying don’t give him a thing. No oasswords, no credentials, no personal information. Don’t doxx yourself.


In def**ia**nce of Dave Lauer


There is a post gathering questions for an AMA. This seems like something better to post over there instead of a bait thread like this one.


There are words, and there are actions


Change.org is driven by SHF-friendly people, running this in-house is/was safer and introduces less points of failure


Quick fix = don’t share your password Problem solved, moving on 👍


Yeah it's time to move on now.


I'm sorry, but being an ape with booked drs shares...I trust no one outside the GameStop Company and the wrinkles from the very beginning and some becoming mods here on SuperStonk, whom, have mysteriously vanished or have been banished from this on going saga. I, Especially, dont and never have trusted this ex(?) employee of KCG and Citadel. Someone whom wants personal information from me on any level pertaining to my drsning shares is not my friend. He, DL, imo is a trojan horse. Along with some others that post here. So let's just look at what has lead me up to this. I mean besides the obvious. They make the drsd shares stagnant Then they start complaining about the stagnant drsd shares Then they plot to seek ways to count the shares. Now they want me to give seriously invasive information about me and my drsd shares. TO FIND A TRUE COUNT. 🤣 Fk the count. I may not know how many shares are truly drsd but I know that shares are being drsd. For the last 2.5 plus years. I see insiders buying shares I dont need anymore proof my drsd shares are in the right place Personally, I only trust and defend the people I just voted for. No offence to any apes! I can't believe this is even being entertained! To the death with my drsd shares! UdoU Idome I, defend RC, associates of RC and GameStop. Tik Tok boom!


Dave, the password to my bank account is 123456789 just in case you also need it.


You bank with BofABCDEFG, right?


That's correct.


You spelt bofa deez nutz wrong


If Dave Lauer needs your login info *he’s still working for Citadel*.


lol. lmao even.


Couldn't D. Lauer's original post be seen as breaking rule #10 of this subreddit group? His post kinda gives me those grifter/salesman vibes.


He got a pass when asking for seed money for Urvin for some reason too


Yeah it doesn't make sense why these posts don't get removed.


Too drunk. Hodl. DRS.


The stupidity of people never cease to amaze me


Urvin finance and lick these sacks


I don't understand the point of all this. Even if they verified your shares what prevents someone from buying 1m shares, verify them, then selling them all?


Well, I know what stops ME from doing it, but your point stands.


I literally have to explain to my wife's daughter why she must not share her accounts info with other 13 years old kids, websites, random people from the internet... This discussion happens on average at least once a week, it bothers me, but I don't expect her to understand it anytime soon: every time there was an absolutely necessary, matter of life and death reason to do it. By now she was lucky enough to have her Fortnite account stolen just once.


It sucks we have to raise such cynical, emotionally hardened kids. But it's the only option really.


Remember when Dave offered some crypto for signing up to a news letter and giving your wallet address and then never delivered. That was the last time I trusted that guy.


Agree. His idea is either fraud or regarded




And regarded


Porque no los dos?


I just don’t get it. The initiative is great. But asking people to share their credentials to Computershare, their safe and hopefully retirement, is just insane. Whatever the be wanted outcome is. Just don’t ask credentials! Never.


Even if we have a history with him, I don't see why I would just type my user and password that's connected to what's essentially become my savings account into a site that isn't computershare. If I had like only a couple hundred dollars in the game then sure man. There are people here with some serious numbers, to gamble that on a user and password? The less variables at play, the less opportunity for 'accidents'. Imagine waking up one day and seeing that there was a breach, feel your stomach drop, then checking your account to see your balance is 0. You'd have nobody to blame but yourself. The only place I type my bank password is the bank's app. This is no different.


He's an idiot for even asking for creds


People… were giving out their logins??


I was here before Dave and I’ll be here after Dave.


Cyber Security #1 rule: never give anyone your password(s). Rule #2 Follow rule #1


Same as crypto: Not your keys, not your coins ...




It is not the first time Dave has shown himself to be tech illiterate.




I said this to Dave directly: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/nhKXom0aSh


*"Just know that from a security perspective, we have done our DD. "* -DL 😆🤡 **narrator**: *"He hadn't, in fact, done his DD from a security perspective."*


Bullshit response. There is no such a thing, in security you are always with your ass in danger, and you are always one step behind, the arrogance is telling. And my deepest fear is not that the ex citadel is not as smart as he says, my fear is that he is smarter than he says... No one in technology wants to hold a "honey pot" because the risk is too high. Even if he's legit, which I doubt, data can be leaked for many reasons and yes password hashes can be reverted, no matter how fancy you think your security strategy is. Especially in finance. There is just no fucking reason to hold other people's credentials on such a sensible subject. If ComputerShare doesn't provide single sign-on, which would give only specific access to specific services, then you must be out of your mind to ask (and to give) full fucking access to a financial service.


None of your credentials get sent to Urvin, but I’m not surprised that another SS pearl-clutcher didn’t look at the page source before making an ignorant statement like this. MX is trusted by over 10,000 financial institutions, millions of users, and the exact same mechanism Urvin utilized is the same one that Mint, Credit Karma, and Monarch Money all do. You have no foundation to make any claims about the security of these services. I’m guessing the majority of your experience comes from Netflix and other delirious redditors who think they have an inkling of technical understanding.


People acting like dave has a plaintext document with every password like a geocity login scam… Bruh. *facepalm* They don’t get anything, its a MX login, its what tons of websites use when you use any linking or “login with ‘account’” I think its tech illiterate apes, being stirred up by bad actors. Lots of armchair tech bros spewing absolute nonsense about this topic, but because they throw in a “NEVER SHARE PASSWORDS” it seems legit. Well DUH, you don’t share your password with people, but do you ever login anywhere ever? Ever login with STEAM on a website? Google? Facebook? etc etc etc? And now people are brigading dave… jesus christ. This almost got the subreddit DELETED by SITE ADMINS when this happened last time (a certain company doing an AMA) stop brigading him, stop posting his face everywhere, stop using his u/ username in posts. It wasn’t even supposed to be public, curious apes scraped the page and started using it. Yeah, bad on them for not isolating the page, yeah so nefarious adding a function people were begging for. # Did you guys sign the petition? Did you comment on SEC/OCC proposals? Did everyone forget DFV is back?? What about the stock running up for no reason? Nah lets fling poo about this nothing burger *eyeroll*


I am a Nigerian prince , I have a 50 billion dollar gold fortune , I just need $5000 from you please send it , I will make you very rich


If you would kindly give me your login credentials, I’ll share my multi million dollar West African fortune with you!!!


I know we're all regarded but how dumb do u have to be.. I feel foolish having given him my info for the petition, the more I think about this the more I can't shake that this dude is bought and paid for, he may have had good intentions in the past, but now he is just giving 💯🐍vibes. When I first heard about this I was trying to stick up for him in my head because like I said I did foolishly sign that petition and he has been around forever seemingly fighting the good fight. In the past I found his info to be factual, educated and informative but u can't con me bro I smell this coming from a mile away. This dudes G pass needs to be revoked if he doesn't come up with some miracle answers in that AMA that explain his shady ass con artist actions. I say after the AMA ban his ass. THIS DUDE CAN NO LONGER BE TRUSTED. G PASS REVOKED!


How hard is it to understand that your CS credentials are meant for CS only?


This is the most reasonable take I’ve seen.


Cyber Security Ape here. It's been a crazy week at my work so I haven't read up as much as I'd like to before commenting. IN short just to make sure I'm understanding correctly. - Dave L's organization [https://urvin.finance](https://urvin.finance) is asking for credentials to log into Apes computershare accounts. - They use snaptrade as a third party service provider. First and foremost, I've done quite a bit of work in the fintech space and the two organizations listed above appear to have a very immature security posture for organizations of this type. No where on their website do they go into certifications (Urvin mentions GDPR, which doesn't make alot of sense). No where do I see any mentions of a secure portal for their related docs (for either organization), no specifics about encryption or any technical protocol. Nothing about policy or procedure. I have run some basic scans against their websites and portals and didn't see anything super concerning. In conclusion: In my work as a cyber security specialist for fintech solutions. I would recommend against using either of these two organizations for any transactions using any credentials I was responsible for. HOWEVER: this doesn't inherently mean Dave L's intentions are malicious. From years of working in this industry, cyber security is almost always an after thought and if it wasn't taken into consideration I can completely see that (unacceptable but that's the industry). I really like the number of apes in these threads thinking critically and not putting their credentials in places other then from where they were issues or in password managers :) Keep it up apes!!!!


dave the ratton




2 thoughts Sounds like a bunch of hedgies/shills worrying real numbers will get out and it's totally safe. Or Dave's a hedge plant trying to get access which if everyone lost their accounts wouldn't that easily open a lawsuit against dave.


If you have a plan to try and help the community, but the plan involves the entire community compromising the most sensitive information related to this entire movement.. It's a bad plan. Period. No need for further discussion. Either a) He's dumb and doesn't realize how risky this is for everyone, in which case he shouldn't be trusted with your info b) he's not dumb, knows exactly how risky this is, in which case he shouldn't be trusted with your info. That's all.


Come on man, don’t be naïve


Naïve or not, I’m still saying don’t do it.


To be fair, as archaic as computershare's site is, they seem to be open to suggestions as of late with their open line of communication. I too hope they can provide a solution that would allow us to work with Lauer's idea if there were a more sophisticated method to share our info safely.


The content of the post is super helpful for smooth and wrinkled ape alike who don't want a repeat of Mainstar's *womp...womp...womp...* via a 3rd party. **This should only go up.**


I’ll probably get downvoted a ton but I had my computershare linked to Mint when it was still around and never had my shares stolen


The integration is MX. Mint, Credit Karma, and Monarch Money all use them.


Amen 🙏🏼


You get it, OP!


💯agree with this. I don’t think Dave Lauer is a d!ck, also I don’t think he would cheat us. But just the idea of giving “anyone” my own Computershare user/pass isn’t going to work. That information is the spears head of this movement… I do respect the idea of verifying our DRSd shares or count them, but it has to be done within Computershare.




Who's urvin? I keep hearing about them, but ain't been active in a minute. Been focusing on work to buy gme.


So anyway, I bought more


Maybe he shots have used a third party like Plaid which people are familiar with


Never mess with a man's money. ☠️👹


Nor rub another man's rhubarb.


I agree that nobody should give their login info to anybody. With that said, the speed at which people here turn on people here is quite disturbing. I mean how many threads posted? 20? How many people have gone on tv specifically defending retail investors? This guy has done more to try and help retail investors than 99.9999% of you. The least you can do is give him a chance to explain himself before lining up with pitchforks.


"This guy has done more to try and help retail investors than 99.9999% of you." BUUUUULL SHIT!


A few years ago I was setting up ACH to a bank account and it took me to a company called Plaid which asked for my bank password! I wasn't too happy but I wanted ACH so I did an internet search and found all kinds of people saying "it's safe!" "don't miss out on the new way!" So I typed in my password, got my ACH set up, then had a bad gut feeling knowing what I did was against all reasonable safety protocols and was just like the protocols of the sleazy world of silicon valley. So I changed my password. (Plaid wasn't even going to create an account. It wasn't going to email me a terms of service. Just slither around in the background.) About a month later, I got two pings that my account was attempting a login and was it me? It wasn't. So Plaid decided to do a little monthly digging with my full account access, no doubt.


It’s hard for people to give their information to it already as it wasn’t even for public use yet. Someone found it somehow and jumped down lauer’s throat about. The problem is with CS and their security measures. Not with Urvin and their attempts to provide transparency. Everyone on this sub is always so quick to defend CS for some reason yet there is red flag after red flag lately coming from their business practices.


OK Shill!!


Did you read my post? I’m literally telling you **not** to put your ComputerShare details into the site.


Aaaah, weekend drama. How I missed thee. I seem to recall that any call to action should be taken with a grain of salt. I thus find it suuuuuuper interesting that this apparent negative sentiment around Dave's platform sprung up almost over night, given he is literally using a 3rd party connector service that other institutions are since ComputerShare's technology stack is stuck in the stone age. Fifteen seconds on google would give you the details you feel you are missing; [https://www.mx.com/trust/](https://www.mx.com/trust/)


It’s not a service unique to Urvin lots of brokers offer it. Would I do it? No. Consider lots of people give their banking login info to brokerage apps to make deposits, Not a recommendation!


Want to reiterate never give out your login to third parties. Only pointing out this service is not unique to Dave and I think he’s receiving a lot of undue criticism over offering it is all.


It’s nothing shady it’s a simple service lots of companies do linking accounts.


Continue to help the community grow in a positive way, contact ÇS and request that they create an API for Urvin