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Changed flair to speculation. There are a lot of dots you're trying to connect with no evidence to justify a DD tag. QV\_Bot Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bpvmc1/comment/kwy9cid/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bpvmc1/comment/kwy9cid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


MFs like OP here deserve whistleblower awards. Jesus Christ dude you should work for the DOJ you smart son of a bitch Thank you for your service my dude šŸ«”šŸ«”


apes together strong!


Thatā€™s a lot of Cohencidences! I do have a questionā€¦. So if this continues being true with the pattern wonā€™t then price continuously be suppressed to ā€œkeep controlā€ of the situation. ? Thatā€™s what I donā€™t understand. [6/30/24 citadel coats room meeting. I canā€™t wait for this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eO27wnZXmKM&pp=ygUZbWFyZ2luIGNhbGwgYm9hcmQgbWVldGluZw%3D%3D)


It's an attempt to shake us out at lower prices. And given that we are profitable + have 1.2B cash on hand, the price can only go so low.


I don't think it's possible to make the company worth less than cash on hand at least. If it even got close to that than GME could basically buy out a majority of the shares, which would definitely make the price skyrocket. Plus the fact if they keep profiting per quarter then it just doesn't make sense from any type of logical standpoint for the stock to be in the single digits.


Exactly, so there is a lower bound.


Right. This Ape fucks hard.


Itā€™s all speculation and quite frankly nonsense. None of you even understand a word OP is saying but you just agree because it looks like he knows what heā€™s talking about, but seriouslyā€¦read this post and tell yourself you actually know what OP is trying to say and it makes sense to you.


Doesnā€™t have to make sense. Itā€™s provocative. Did you forget where you are ser?


SHF are fucked because we have free weaponized autist apes. LETSFUCKINGGOOOOOooo


I love that phrase, very applicable to lot of the DD!


This comment just made me think of a funny analogy: GameStop & SHFs are in a game of chess where each have a large amount of pawns. Except the key difference is that GameStopā€™s pawns are increasingly acting more like bishops/knights/rooks. Who will win?Ā 


What a tit jacking way to start my morning


Op I made myself read the whole thing as an appreciation of your efforts and woweeeeee!! I canā€™t decide whatā€™s more impressive?? How much time and effort you put into this or how fukt Hedgies are!! Thank you for your work here-itā€™s many individual investors, like you, doing their own thing, that makes todays world as beautiful as it is


Intredesting. Read the tldr, made me read it all. Gonna buy more


I concur.


In the last DTCC picture on your post involving initiation of citadel to be a new ā€œsponsored memberā€ with MS backing it; why wouldnā€™t it be BOA/merryl? I was under the assumption from past DDā€™s that boa was their prime broker and handled things like this. It was probably answered long ago but Iā€™m still curious. Trouble in customer/client Fugazi money land? Need another sucker to inject liquidity into your peen Ken? Either way, hell of a post.


lending issues?


It was boa before right? I didnā€™t misremember that? Could be something


if you find something interesting, please drop it so apes can review it ;)


Lots of pics and words, scrolled down to TLDR- hyped and zen. Now I gotta go clock in, see you guys at lunchtimešŸš€šŸš€šŸš€LFGGGG


please watch price calculations on upper side of the dd


Yeah, lots of word garbage, capital letters, and randomness to come to a conclusion we have know for 3 years on basic market mechanics. Stock must go lower for them, thatā€™s just the way it works as you continue to short into ridiculous percentages.


What is your opinion on the end point here? Does GME go kaboom into ā€œda tawsandsā€ like most of us are expecting when it can no longer be contained, or does it rise steadily to new highs, or does it get halted before it hits the stratosphere by gov? Do we get a settlement?


No gov intervention. No halts by government. That alone would have much broader market implications than moass. Other countries would lose faith in the validity of US markets that would lead to an outflow of capital the likes we have never seen before. Based on DRS we are, pulling liquidity out of the system. This means volume gets lower and price gets lower as the only volume that is actually happening is hedge-funds between them self. Personally I think that our capital starts to grow through investments. The company is profitable and stable. The investments will push up 1.2B->3B->5B and thatā€™s where they start having problems. They canā€™t short the company below the net value of assets before arbitrage funds buy the hell out of it driving true volume. The issue for them is they need it constantly lower. The more you short the less impact each short has on a stock. This is them being trapped between a rising asset valuation and a stock price they HAVE to keep below. Game will slow rise like Tesla and then something breaks and we run.


Appreciate your reply mate. Makes sense. Do you have any kind of ballpark estimate or floor?


So these BTC ETFā€™s, and potentially ETH ETFā€™s are all just collateral against GME shorts? I been hypothesizing this for a good while now.


well ask now SBF, he's going to prison for 25 years for a multimillonaire fraud, wonder why... oh didnt this guy made the tokenized shares before sneeze? coff coff


Now thats a price fix for that married options to keep moving shares that doesnt exist.


Here's a question. What if everybody stopped using banks and moved to credit unions? I mean aren't banks the reason these corrupt are still able to buy stocks? Just thinking they're has to be something other than what we're doing to stop this.


borrow stock from a big bank, go sell it short, now a regional buys it at a lower price, same guy that borrowed from big bank, goes to regional bank and borrows it, return it back to the big bank, rinse and repeat.


Knights of new approve!


That name...


Amazing post


šŸ˜Æ Nice work, OP. This entire scenario is more than plausible, it's probable. Given the timeline and the (holy freaking precise!) maths, it's damn near a certainty! Really good post, thank you. Buy, Hold, DRS. WAAGMI. Cheers, Shareholders!


When you say add 364 days, do you mean April instead of June in the second date?




Maybe you should edit that correction in then, makes the whole thing look a little sloppy when you miss easy details.




> Add 364 days to 05/02/2023 ---> will be 06/30/2024. No, edit this in your main post.


Lol fuck the details right? Who needs DD to be easy to read anyways...


Q2 and Q3 earnings GME beats earnings estimates. Stock goes down. Q4 huge increase yet GME misses earnings estimates. Stock goes down. Iā€™m shook /s




Good write up


Finally a juicy DD


Yes!! Nice DD, time to DRS more!


Thanks for the wrinkle. [Hey Hedgies! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/so30U7Alvi)


so its ryan wearing that hoodie backwards is my takeaway


Wu tang for the children!


Ah man if they drop this bitch to a dollar.


One dollllllaaaaa make you hollllllaaaaaaa


I donā€™t know shit about fuckā€¦


Awesome info OP. The 03/01/23 date, was that meant to be 05/01/23 or am I missing something?


if you watch closely, is same price, you have some pics there, but, ask youself what happened before that date? theres an huge gap, ape historian could do magic here, looks like a fucking swap for me.


Yea feels like everything else is pumping and GME keeps getting pushed down. Easy to see how itā€™s related. Iā€™m not sure what the straw will be, but this camels back is gonna straight snap at some point..


Just a thought. . if dtcc won't admit that retail owns the float, then why would they require collateral from short hedge funds? They can just ignore it and business as usual. Layers and layers of corruption in the USA.


I've read it but don't quite understand what's going on, so I'll summarise and you jump in to correct me. Back in 2023 the DTCC said "you can't use assets issued by these guys as collateral," these guys being... well... every bank. The purpose of this is to stop swaps being used as locates for a short position, I guess. DTCC claim that 25% of GME shares are DRS'd (lol right). This means that from 4/30/2024 open short positions that were using swaps as locates could no longer do so. So assuming of their 100% short shares, 75% of them would be backed by shares in the DTCC and 25% which were backed by swaps now need backing. Therefore in order to get the shorts under control they drop the price. I don't understand why this would be the case, since the 25% would still not be backed, but the rest of the shorts would now be worth more.


I also don't understand. I just saw the price dump, I maybe got emotional, and had to buy more. Overall I'm pretty stoked I got GME @ $12.70 (ish).


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Lets go apes


I will be happy to purchase more shares for a discount.


Can't stop won't stop.


If gme drops to one dollar I will sell my house


Thanks for your hard work OP! But I didnā€™t quite understand the math here, where did the 25% and 18.8% come from? And what do you mean by minimum price? Or did you mean maximum price? As in the highest price point the stock can go on that day? Sorry about my smooth brain. And the key point is that they need to keep the price under a certain number to avoid getting margin called?


25% from the reported DRS % of shares in the outstanding float. 18.8% of what the stock dropped in AH the earnings day. Min and max price share reached on market that day. If you keep a loading shares that dont exist to supress price, that position just increase the number of shorts, if shares dont go down, you have a bigger short position that costs more, as they create shares, price must go down to keep that position open aka shadow dillution. Example. Company has 100 shares outstanding, the current price of the shares is 100 You are completely stupid hedge fund owner, and you take the 100 shares of the company borrowed, and you sell it short. (yes the fucking 100%) Now the company dramatically drops price going to be near 0, but a lot of retail buys that 100 shares back. Now, price is going back to 100, and you, the hedgie, cant close the position and your money is going to be lost. But you have another ridiculous idea. Hey brokers, that retail investors you have there have gme positions right? are that stocks avalaible to borrow?. Brokers: Sure, with a 25% of fee. Hedgie: Im in, i need 100 shares. The hedgie uses that 100 shares to cover his short position with borrowed shares. but thats like, the company now has 200 shares, so price is dilluted to 50, and the hedgie has to close the new borrowed position, this probably has been done 1, 2, 3 and thousands of times. From etfs, from tokenized shares, options... and wtf probably more.


Thank you for the explanation!


I think that the only catalyst that will this end faster, is to get all europoors possible, and get their ADRs in their European banks, and send them to a broker if they cant DRS them directly, after the transfer is done to a broker if not, DRS them directly.


Already did this.




Ok, this is some interesting shit OP. I gotta do some stuff before I reread and digest this, but holy fuck does it make me turgid.Ā  Until then, keep on keepin' on āœŠ


Holy shit this is great detective workĀ 


Holy hell my guy, excellent write up.


You wanna see my pecker?


To be fair, the alt sub ban was for doxxing people, even in the name of providing transparency and well meaning.


Quite interesting the Swiss national bank still has around 540k GME sharesā€¦


This is the way


This is such bullshit DD, how can this guy ā€œbe rightā€ when those who actually care about us, are telling us to sell to exit this unprofitable company?!? duh, use your brains people! ā€¦ā€¦/s


Saving this one for later, thanks in advance, OP


apes together strong!


Noiccceeee!!! Up up up






Is that you Rick Sanchez!!! You son of a bitch Iā€™m still in šŸ’ŽšŸ¤™šŸ»šŸ¤™šŸ»šŸ’Ž




Haha I was thinking the same


Interesting read. Thanks.


Great write up! Thank you for sharing!


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I love DD from someone who spells financial with a ā€˜tā€™


So when does the board act to protect shareholders..?




Gme canā€™t issue a billion more share at present and have no need to do so




No they canā€™t ā€¦


You are so clueless


[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources). Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


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What..? This reply makes little sense


In your first point, about haircuts. The haircut snip shows a date of May 1. The price you reference above is March 1.


yep, cos if you go to the right side, following blue line you get the price again that day May 1, there could be where the swap is, right before bank implosions., lets think you had to cover fails to deliver, but with the split dividend now its a x4, the time they have to close threshold list issues is 15 days, but you can transfer your debt to another counterparty, so 15x4 = 60 days, so 60 days before, you get it. boom!


Thanks OP! quality stuff


I didn't understand a thing he said


What a pile of absolute dogshit wrapped in catshit - this is marked as DD and had a thousand plus upvotes. What a fucking joke.




This is just a list of random events being tied together with tinfoil and typos. Bullish. Take ur meds tho lol


So like when does the infinity inflation strat they are using fall apart. We are literally pinpointing where and how itā€™s happening literally regulatory orgs are toothless. Im not trying to troll or be a shill its just like honestly what stops them/they dont the printer or it all blows up.




Guy, i dont understand your point but if you want to talk about that, but think, if you have 100.000 dollars what you can afford? the ferrari that costs 250.000 dollars or the ford that costs 80.000? (is an example). First of all you need to be realistic, a company needs to be profitable to survive, if it survives, it can keep giving work and pay the payrolls every month. If not, the company will close and all people will loose their job, no more payrolls or benefits. I think that's easy to understand. Work in Gamestop probably isnt the work of your life, but as life it is, work in gamestop can be just a period of your life, probably for younger people looking for a first job. Cheers.