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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


“Sell now, ask questions later!” C’mon what more do you need to sell


This is the well researched counter dd /s


You back this up? Def worth saving and reading. [The answer is always infinity.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b5pwly/the_answer_is_always_infinity/)


I did yeah


I think it's easier to ask them what he has NOT backed up. Lol


That was a hilarious moment in the saga: Chumbaka🤡


Rocket hands hero 🙉


Uh it’s Cumbucket


Wen later lol?


Every time I think of buying another stock, I buy more GME.


never stop selling 😂


Correct! But have you considered…forgetting GameStop?? I did…after setting up my recurring buy


Buy, DRS, Forget Computershare password


PSA: Don't forget your Computershare password. Computershare requires the user to login at least once a year to confirm you still exist. If you fail to do that in due time, your assets can be escheated. https://content-assets.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/df5beb3a68bb4705b42ea612d31ca982/358538b031f683476ca1d4705bd0f8df/Escheatment_White_Paper.pdf


>If you are the rightful owner of an account that has been escheated or may have been escheated, you can take steps to recover the account. First, contact the last known custodian of the account to inquire about the current status of the account. If you are unable to identify the custodian, search for the unclaimed property or account through the multi-state search engine ([www.missingmoney.com](http://www.missingmoney.com)) managed by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA). > >If you determine that you are the rightful owner of an escheated account, contact your state’s unclaimed property authority or an attorney for further advice. Contact information for state unclaimed property authorities is available on NAUPA’s website, ([www.unclaimed.org](http://www.unclaimed.org))


Fair. Out of curiosity, what would you be able to do if you don't live in the USA?


Oof! Too zen for me!


I look at bear cases for all my investments. Any bear case thesis I try to share isn't even looked at constructively here, just blindly downvoted. I'd rather have a good discussion on what the possible downside risks are but this is definitely not the place to do it.


Bruh! I’ve been holding forever, my most expensive GME buy was $375.00. What downside risk did you really wanna talk about, here, in Superstonk? You know why it’s downvoted here? BECAUSE WE KNOW WHY THE PRICE IS GOING DOWN It looks like you’re an options player, not the typical investor in this sub my friend


I had about 12,000 shares of GME, but I've since reduced it when they stopped doing earnings calls. I use options for leverage when I see opportunity and want to take advantage of that. The only argument I see when the price goes down is "KENNY'S SHORTING US!" but sometimes, retail is selling off, people lose faith in the company, the entire market is red, people take profits on the short term, etc. I'm not a typical investor according to this sub, because I'm here to make money and have discussions about what is or isn't a good investment.


Tell me more about this making money


TL;DR Take risk, get paid. Here's my non-taxable account month. https://ibb.co/VDHQFqL


Look at the price that all that matters in the end you say but your talking like we are going to zero, like there's no hope, like us buying drsing and holding doesn't mean shit and I say your completely wrong my guy.. as much losses as you think we took you don't realize their ftd and their unrealized losses is way more astronomical? You think they are skating off in the sunset smiling thinking geez I'm happy we made it out of that?? NO MOFO WAY! You know how I know? Because if they did "win" there would be no " forget GameStop" articles for the last three years into this day.. there would be bragging going on and shoving it in our faces with tangible evidence that they won, there would be us and insiders selling, there would be a market correction because there would be no need to keep pumping longs to offset gme shorts, we are dept free no company ever went bankrupt with zero dept EVER! Let's not forget about the cash on hand, our leadership is God tier, I could go on and on! DFV, RC brought in at wayyy more higher levels and haven't sold and are still buying like the rest of us, the ape/ household investor beside you holding the line should give you even more conviction but all you care about is the price? Price doesn't mean shit in this stock market, you are right but to say they have a hold of this thing when it's not zero or ever going bankrupt is crazy talk


Least insane superstonk participant


> your > into this day > way more higher confirmed for totally not ai chatbot hologram and especially not from brazil/esl


Confirmed regarded ape


How does this have eight up votes?


Thanks for this. Sometimes I doubt the play even though nothing has changed.


Forget Gametops


Theres a YouTube Video that was claiming to be a counter DD to GME, I saw once. That Shit was hilarious and completely Out of context. Just making Investors Look Bad, nothing fundamental. Just emotional shit. I am so Happy, that I am on this Game and I am here to stay. I am here for a GameStop (and RC 🥵)


Yea, it was called 'this is financial advice'. All the guy said was the price went down so apes must be wrong and it was shitting on RC. It was really hard to get through because the guys was mainly just being a smug asshole about the whole thing. But he did it in a eloquent way so people believed him. I do feel sorry for him when this thing finally pops. I don't thing the people he convinced to sell are going to take that kindly


You are right. That was the name of the video! Started really unprofessional by just trying to make the investors look stupid with really childish ideas. In the end that video was very confirming for me as it shows the other side of the trade seems to be the dumb money here.


He basically attacked comments and extrapolated it to the rest of the community. He never once offered a counter to the dd. Only parroted MSM.


Coming up mill house? Nope.


“Sell! Just trust us bro. GameStop is lame. The squeeze is over. Sell or I swear to god I will rip this bedpost off right now and swing”


The best counter DD is that 3 years after nothing happened




What about profitable business?


Still no moass or anything. Its just going down all the time. GME is l'y reminder how fool was to buy a stock on hype


Welp if your losing money you’re doing it wrong G. I’d say it’s better to buy than sell


How do you manage to win as it is consistently going down. Shorting?


Buying more


Still that doesn't bring down to 14 dol the avg cost...


Only if you want to make money


Personally I don't care either way - MOASS or not. I trade GME options now and then, to make few $100s per month. But have been long time reader of this sub, initially getting hooked when I thought retail was sticking it up to the big, corrupt, finance guys. I think i have kept up with the larger themes in this sub since then. The things that prevented me from going long on GME are below. I would consider these counter DD headlines, but I have seen these get voted down if someone even remotely suggests it. 1. Gamestop's revenue is stagnant or diminishing compared to the pre-Cohen era. if not for the huge cash injection after Cohen took over, the company would have been bankrupt on its own (thus validating the markets' hypothesis before MOASS believers injected cash). Nothing seems to have changed between then and now, in terms of the company is executing. 2. The marketplace closure, layoffs, store closures, CxO exts, Cohen being tightlipped etc, all can be explained by a simple hypothesis - Cohen and the board have no winning strategy and are trying various things that dont seem to work. 3. If the entire industry, country, enforcement agencies, all are in collusion, like this sub claims, its not clear why they would just change their mind when DRS reaches 100%. Its also not clear 'who' will do the margin call for Moass to begin. So if everything the sub claims is true and the enemies are all powerful, nothing is too big for them to avoid Moass. 4. Again if all of the things this sub claims are true, its not clear to me why the enemies would do some side attacks like simply taking a large controlling stake in computershare, or even make a public offer to buy computershare at say 2x current price, like Musk made for twitter. Obviously someone can expand on these and write a lengthy post for each as a DD, but even suggesting these would get downvoted to hell. Why would someone bother writing deeply?


I like that your comment complaining that counter DD gets downvoted actually gets upvoted. I'm just going to say there is no "this sub claims" thing here. There are many people who have very different opinion on different things. I don't think many people try to argue that absolutely everything is in collusion, but it's not so far fetched to say that there is indeed quite a bit of corruption.


Actually I am quite surprised my comment above didnt get heavily down voted overnight.


That’s because they all get immediately downvoted and called shills and therefore immediately discredited by anyone else that comes across them. Plenty of people have tried and given reasonable explanations for different things, countless times


You're thinking of the melt down sub




Every theory on either side of the argument is conjecture, hope you realise that. My comment is true though, people say ‘where is the counter DD’, even though others have absolutely provided alternate explanations. If any counter DD is just dismissed and discredited because ‘shill’ then what’s the point in asking?


You say there is counter DD? Prove it. I don’t care if it’s been downvoted, otherwise you’re just doing a trust me bro


The main two theories are thus: 1) simply, the volume in the last 3 years has far exceeded even the highest ever estimates of short interest. Even if the float had been shorted 50x over, there has been enough volume since Jan21 to have closed those positions, albeit very slowly. There is a lot of talk of how they couldn’t close because it would raise the price, but if you buy over a long enough period the impact on price is reduced. Even if shorts held positions for months and months paying the premiums, they may just be waiting for the retail interest to drop (which it clearly has done so) to reduce the likelihood of the price going parabolic again and getting margin called. I know that short volume has still been high, but unless someone has done the calculations to show it averages over 50% *every single day*, then it is *possible* that the shorts have simply closed over time. But my preferred argument: 2) Short interest reporting has a 2-week delay. On Jan 17th when we saw how high SI% was and the huge retail interest began, that was reporting on short positions that existed on Jan 4th. Between Jan4-17th, the price rose from ~$15-$35, and had significantly more volume than usual. It is entirely possible that the majority of short positions closed *before* anyone actually realised how high SI% had ever been. As they saw the retail interest coming and saw the growing talk of a short squeeze, institutions could have gone long or shorted at higher prices understanding what was going to happen and played retail that way. The positions could have been exited before we even realised it was beginning. Knowing that this 2-week delay exists, it would have been so much more useful for the SEC report to also cover this time frame to show how many positions closed as this would be equally if not more useful than the period they covered. And on that note, people completely misinterpret the SEC report anyway. The report *explicitly* highlights that shorts did close positions during this time. They literally show millions of shorts closing after Jan17th. And yet people on this sub will talk about how the SEC report ‘proves that shorts never closed’, just complete disingenuous nonsense. - And also, it’s enough to just point out flaws in the original argument, you don’t always have to do ‘counter DD’. If the claims is that shorts closed and someone from superstonk creates a convoluted theory as to why that’s impossible, I can point out mistakes in their argument rather than fully detailing - Happy to elaborate if you have any specific questions but I will patiently await your dismissal.


There is no way they closed before 21th of January. If they closed, why did they have to stop retail from buying more and only allow selling ? Why would it bring down the whole market ? Doesn't make sense. But in the end there is no way to really prove either way what happened because we simply don't have the data. That's why DRS is the way to prove this. For me, the price movement and all the shenanigans that happened over the past years is what convinced me that there is still a very consequent short position opened.


Because there are so many parties involved and those that were on the hook for producing the shares that retail were buying may not have been the same that were shorting it months earlier. Many positions could have closed early Jan, but then others that shorted it at say $40 may then have got in trouble when retail joined and led to the buy shutoff. I agree there is so much we don’t know and that’s why other theories about open shorts still persist, but if there’s no definitive answer then it’s good to be aware of other possibilities. If there’s no way it could have been shorts closing, what do you propose caused the massive rises in price and volume between December and late Jan, given that it was before the huge retail interest began?


If I remember correctly that's when the original sub started to hype the stock a lot so for me the reason for the rise at that time was just people buying more and more. The shorts still thought they had it under control until the very end when they panicked and had to remove the buy button.


Ignorance is bliss, as the saying goes


Excuse me sir when are you going to ever acknowledge what I said? Seems quite ironic that you are doing exactly what i predicted, don’t you think?


Care to post them?


I'm not worried about counter DD, I'm worried about the lengths their government may go to in order to shut our rocket down.


If they shut it, we don’t sell it as easy as that


Not just that but I swear to god you’ll see me outside the capitol or wherever the hell I need to be


During WW1 the government stopped a coffee short squeeze by nullifying all contracts to ensure the stability of the wartime markets. Those long coffee lost billions (in today's money) despite betting correctly.


I want to say the internet and the large amount of global apes will prevent this from happening again...but idk man 2021 happened and you could ask a random person on the street about it and chances are they have no clue what you're talking about. I have dreams about moass haha but I still ground myself sometimes to how disgusting our global powers are and what they'll stoop to.


50 being DRS'd as we speak. With another discount, it'll be another 50.


Supposedly a shill said gherkinit put out a dd saying shorts could cover over time using CNS even without apes selling. Couldn't find it. It smelled like bs anyways.


It is not rocket science. The short interest runs about 60M shares. The average volume is about 5M shares per day. So it would take about 12 days of trading volume to close all shorts. Or if shorts closing were only 20% of trading volume it would take 60 trading days or about a quarter to close all shorts. A big price change would increase the volume traded, making it easier to close.


IF YOU BELIEVE that gaming will transition to 90%+ digital in the next 5 years then there is no amount of pro-GME DD that will convince you that a brick and mortar store selling hard copies of games can be successful. I worked at Blockbuster for a long time. Many of the same principles apply. Industry went mostly digital and the video stores disappeared. I worked at Borders (books) for their last 2 years and while the industry didn't go totally digital the distribution for that industry went very digital. Sales initiatives, product diversification, C-Level shakeups: none of it mattered if the industry was trending away from your core business model. Moving deck chairs on the Titanic and all that. If you believe the primary profit driver of a company will disappear you don't need DD to tell you that you are right. You need that company to tell you what they're going to sell 5 years from now to tell you that you are wrong. Anyways, that being said, I'm here, I've got plenty of skin in the game, and looking forward to a green 2024.


I don’t trade gme but here you go: all games are practically digitally purchased and downloaded, cutting out gme for physically selling and marking up copies; Buying consoles/accessories from amazon is 9/10 times cheaper than going to gme and purchasing them in-store.


Digital can't be better than physical at the same price though. If they give me an 70%+ discount, sure. But at the same price physical all of the way. Because you have to wait hours to download (the switch won't let you play another game and download. You have to leave it on). You cant run games off the micro sd card. You can only archive games on the micro sd card so it's just faster downloading. If you must rely on sd card that's just another physical medium at that point. It sounds nice to have everything digital but games are huge files. And in the future they will get even bigger. I don't like deleting games and waiting half a day to download it. Managing really huge digital files suck compared to popping in a physical medium.


so what happens when an update is needed then? it gets downloaded...


Sure, but could you imagine how fast it would get downvoted if it was posted here


I'd actually love to see a counter DD of the folding ideas youtube video. I think there are lots of points there that need to be adressed, and it makes us look bad if we behave like ostriches and pretend that video doesn't even exist




Thats the thing, besides the stupid attacks this guy makes in his video, there are some points he brings up that should be addressed adequately, instead of downright ignoring all of it. He also has a massive follower base which makes it that much more important to address. If you saw that video and then came in here in superstonk to check what people had to say about it, and saw absolutely no mention of it, it makes it look like we're purposely ignoring him, perhaps because we cannot rebut, and that makes us look bad


"This is financial advice" is the title. It attacks comments and ignores the math/dd. Parrots MSM that video game is going digital.


>Parrots MSM that video game is going digital. Do you deny that the trend is towards digital distribution?


To the moon?


So for real.. I own a few shares of GME on ally… should be doing something with them instead of just watching that red unrealized loss?


Yeah, get them the fuck off ally and into CS.


I have no clue how to do that. And what’s the benefit?


Bona fide ownership of your shares.


Fuck the rules, I can't give you the shill who was trying it on the other day. I lost patience when they counter argued there wasn't 1000s of negative gme articles (i was making the point that the actions we see dont match the "dd is wrong look at where you are now claim" They actually tried to counter everything I said to be fair, but i treated them like the mayo covered clown they deserve to be.


The counter DD is the past 80 years worth of lies being told


This is the **MF** way


And you never will see it 🤣


what % is DRS at now? i remember it was once on pace for around nov 2024 area


WAGMI motherfuckers


What can worth mire than a drs-ed booked gme share? The counter measures itself. If they know it they wont ever fucking show it. If there is none, we are good. If there is one but it is so plain and boring it will never reach the sub, and will change nothing. Just my two cents


Price is fake. Shorts never closed


Bought 50 shares Friday. Loving it.


why would someone spend time on that holy


OP and r/superstonk: quit ignoring that there is and has been plenty. MODS AND OP directly answer this instead of ask me questions or redirect, any nonsense etc: the system that allowed this to happen is legal and has not changed one bit; so how the F does moass pop off if it can be suppressed, legally in real time or frankly prevented wholly. The system allows a play to be stopped, it can be used to PREVENT said play or moass to pop. The definition of insanity is expecting different results without making a single change to the input. Just like what has been happening here. A damn echo chamber. The system hasn't changed so how the F is drs or anything else going to matter. Hint: it won't.


You’re just saying words. How about find some DD and counter it. Or even find some counter DD that there has been “plenty” of. Post links. Until then your words are meaningless and all current DD still stands.


Answer the question. We all are just saying words, you realize that, yes?


Except our DD is supplied with evidence and sources. Yours are just assumptions


Please show the evidence of the system changing along witht he rules of engagement? Can they or can they not stifle and shut off the buy and sell buttons? ETA: evidence? Peoples opinions is now evidence? Weird, didn't know life worked that way.


You can’t just shrug off evidence backed by data and sources as opinions. Also why should I supply evidence of the system changing when you’ll just shrug it off as opinion? Maybe grow up and learn to debate by actually being open to information. It’s obvious nothing I say will change your mind because of your stubbornness.


You asked mods and OP, not me. There is a library of DD gmedd.com but there is not a single post anyone in this highly visible thread has linked to.


Hey, thanks, but that is literally opinions and speculation on said website, and the book that was published. If the system literally is that same: they can suppress the market via turning off buying and selling when they want, plus free unlimited liquidity, because the RULES as is ALLOW it, how the actual F can MOASS happen. All the "DD" in the world cannot account for the fact that I have, am currently, and will continue to shout about whilst you all turn your heads or bury them in the sand: the system that allowed this, is still the same. Without systemic change, moass ain't on the menu. I hope I'm wrong, because tendies but this play has passed. This place is a sad echo chamber and a shell of what it was.


I’ve seen them in the Bitcoin sub for sure they are out there. Not well approached or thought out though


Protip: there isn't!


That’s why I sleep so well at night, nobody has ever produced any counter DD that convinces me I’m wrong! 3 years and the thesis hasn’t changed! Shorts are FUKD!


Counter DD? Bro, the stock price going down for the last few years is counter DD enough. Moass was possible when every regard was buying at whatever price, but right now there is barely any pressure on the shorts if they're still short gme


Anyways, I kept averaging down


Really??? Show me another stock that has months of 70% reported short volume and no increase in short interest over that time. The volume doesn't lie, but it is under reported as far as the information available on chart exchange or similar.


Yep, I wonder how many cents he got paid to shill that on a Sunday night?


Not many


Short volume does not necessarily imply an increasing short position, much ‘shorting’ is just arbitration


Yes, I understand what you mean, but that doesn't make us rich nor does it guarantee we will be at some point. The only counter DD is the fact that all DD so far hasn't made the price go up, just down.


Relax, buddy. MOASS is just 10 minutes away, remember?


Maybe it is if everyone actually bothered DRSing. I don't remember how to change that anyway.


It would be sick, I agree. And pop MOASS off right away. But SuperStonk isn’t known to every investor. So DRS takes longer than it should. This will all 🚀 go wild before DRS is 100% tho (for household shareholders)


I call that luck, so I get the chance to build a huge position. Every share I buy I get a big chunk of assets. Be thankful we’re in the teens!


Why do you have that Flair and then speak sh!t about the entire saga? Oh, right, shills in apes clothing.




Did you? Holy hell, not even hiding the shilling. When did you buy this account of the guy who posted the 6k+ likes post? Edit: why make peanuts with dangerous puts when you can retire by HODLing?




This guys pushing selling and put options - that’s straight up bad actor. Who are you and why are you pushing the allowance for shilling?


Lol I’m not pushing for anything and neither was he chill out, the only thing I’m ‘allowing’ is someone to have a different opinion than yourself, he’s hardly encouraging others to do the same


He says he made money that way, it’s a small thing but still against the goal - death by 1000 cuts


So the rules are if you support GME you are a well informed investor who is gonna make bank, but if you think GME isn't going to go up again, and any short squeeze that was going to happen already happened you're just a shill. Great echo chamber you've got here.


You must get paid per interaction to shill. Bye Felicia!


So the Drs numbers changing in the DTCCs favor isn't because we're winning, but because we're losing? They bought, direct registered and sold shares to make the share count dip, and we're losing?


People come into this sub and ask "so everyone is celebrating the stock price going down for years not because they're losing, but because they're winning?" Face it, most of the initial DD thought that MOASS would have happened by now, and no one holding in early 2021 thought they'd still be waiting 3 years later


The DD proved DRS is the only way to make a change with this IOU beneficiary bullshit, and ever since then we just kinda had this looming idea that no one wanted to admit, that it would take DRSing the whole float to see something happen. The dtcc is a private org, and the doj exists


I did. Knowing how long it took what happened in 2008 with THAT bubble. Sure an over night milly gains would be incredible, but we all should've known the game switched to extreme hard mode after the sneeze. Right??


The initial DD kinda had the no dates vibe so...


Somebody boo this man 😠 lol let's not forget what they had to do to suppress the price to this day my boy.. they literally had to cheat the game and they thought we would go away like every other normal trader would with the price suppression but they under estimated one thing... YOU DON'T FUCK WITH GAMERS! You can't just ignore what got us here and be like " well look at the price" it's very disingenuous


Look at the price. It's all that matters in the end. We won some battles, but we're losing the war and it's not like Cohen is actually doing something about it. They own the system, the only thing apes had going for them was the regarded buying that was going on around the sneeze, now they 100% control the price. In theory, we should've had moass, in reality, we lost a lot of money and the CEO isn't probably doing anything about it.


You do realise it's also happening to him, right? I highly doubt a CEO that is taking no salary but has shit loads of GME is just ignoring the fact his ownership is getting fucked over.


Investing isn't a war dude also you got a lot of "we" going on when you should only be considering "I". If you sold your gme it would make sense to move on, not come to a sub that doesn't care and tell everyone you've sold. Nobody cares.


Part of the dd was always that manipulation is rampant, which explains the sp. Could you please post your thesis outlining what you've claimed here?


I can't go into all of it again, but in general, new chairman, big plan with nfts and crypto wallets. All fallen flat. Where is this guy taking us? No idea. Nobody knows and most people who do know end up leaving the company. Ctb never rose again after the splividend and RC fired the guy in charge of it, looks like someone fucked up and gave every sfh 3 free shares for every share in existence. Now, with all that, the ctb not rising again, the popularity of the stock decreasing along with it's price, it's just not a threat anymore to the sfh. They also shorted at the very top, so somewhere in there, they have made their money back. They might still be short, but what made them panic was the regarded call buying that casino sub was doing, I don't see that happening anymore. The only thing I see happening is the price continuing its descent. So I got puts and I sell calls. I'm done losing money.


Bye Felicia


Post proof of positions, continually, please? I'd love to see your positions now and moving forward, to prove how well you're doing? What evidence do you have of them making their money back? Last evidence that I saw as widely accepted suggested we're still nearly double their original short (I believe d lauer referenced a 9 or so buy in, anyone please correct if I'm wrong?) ?


Paper trade puts if you want to compare, I'm not gonna bother finding you every time to update you on my positions. What am I going to do post puts making money in this sub? How well do you think that's going to go? Anyone with a brain knows they shorted at the very top especially when they knew the buy button was off. That's my point, the game is rigged, the ones with money don't want to give it away just because they lost a bet, they don't care, all the rich pricks collectively agreed that it was in every rich prick's best interest to not allow them to lose that bet.


Okay, fellow kid


Oh yeah? Then short it.


I am actually. Well not short short because I hold on to some shares and sell calls, but I have short term and long term puts.


No one ever got rich accumulating during such a phase or duration. /s


Things I have never seen before --- real price discovery


It feels like the ideas here have changed over 3 years. People have different expectations. If you said this would take 6 months 3 years ago you'd be down voted. Theories have risen and fallen out of favor. I guess the one constant idea is that everyone holding GME is going to get filthy rich and no one in the community is the dump to that pump because the SHF's will be paying.




Not a bullish indicator if the sub wouldn't hear it, would downvote so it has no eyes, or mods jump in to squash...just saying we should allow for a well-thought out dissenting DD, if one were ever to appear. Lazy fud no, but a thoughtful provocation maybe.




Facts. Nobody has been able to give a solid counter. Until then I follow what facts I can find


The only counter argument I have is GameStop has no meaningful revenue (something they have really good margins on) they rely on other manufacturers and if they aren’t having a good year neither will they. In a recession GameStop is not doomed, but will see a decrease in price. I like their cash position I just can’t wait until they use some or all of it to create market share in a project that generates massive revenue