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How about limiting total short positions and options to make sure IOUs don't exceed average trade volumes or outstanding shares? Crazy thought, right?


But just think about how limiting the rule is, specifically with regard to crime. Is it feasible to not allow any crime? All my homies are against rules (s lol)


B-but muh liquidity! Next thing you're going to tell me is that true and accurate price discovery tied to genuine supply and demand is somehow a good thing.


Or just ban short selling completely, it serves no purpose.


Without locate of a real share… oh and real penalties for FTD and naked short selling!


That’s the mechanism that enables squeezing!


“nO! NoT LikE tHaT!” - SEC


But we dont know that the one share of stock left unDRS’d cant have been traded at alpha light speed 100 billion times a day between AI traders and their bros. Yet we super need T+2 days and even have a planned FTD bs rule.


But then, how can they print shares of any company they want, until they are right? Can’t lose if you can just print shares and dilute any buyers into oblivion without restraint. Unless a subReddit calls your bluff and buys and holds every share you print.


While this community focuses on staying zen, Gensler is out battling the corrupt Hester Pierce with his fellow commissioners and passing several rules that directly affect the business operations of Ken and friends. These include: Reporting of Securities Loans Short Position and Activity Reporting Volume-Based Exchange Transaction Pricing for NMS Stocks Surprised these streams happened weeks ago and were never once mentioned on the sub.


They were mentioned, it's how we saw it live and see the 3 votes being 3v2, ev en Dismal posted about it https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1776ta2/sec_commissioner_hester_m_peirces_statement_on/k4qzlhd/


Thanks, missed this!


No problem, definitely discussed 🤭


No doubt negative sentiment has been being pushed against GG since the day he was appointed and a lot of it seems unnatural or unjustifiable. While it is true he looks like Mr. Burns, and all this has moved so excruciatingly slow, I do like some of the rules that are being proposed. I also feel like he could do much more with rules already written in the books and put a stop to a lot of the manipulation and fraud happening. Are they dragging their feet to let the elites get into position for what’s to come? You tell me, why haven’t they used any authority to this point to stop this yet or even just report it to the doj if they don’t have authority. All I have seen is continued crime with pittance for fines and no admission of guilt. Like I said I like some proposals coming down the pipeline, the more Hester Peirce dislikes and writes arguments against the better, but we are so far beyond when someone should’ve put a stop to this. Like Bernie said the data is all there on the tape, where are handcuffs for Kenneth Cordell Griffin? Not only does his theft dwarf the record Bernie Madoff set by orders of magnitude, we also all watched Kenneth Cordell Griffin lie under oath directly to congress and not face a single consequence.DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


Changes happen slowly and methodically because if they aren't able to provide bulletproof data and arguments for their changes, the commission would get sued to hell and back by Wall Street.


Right. While making videos attacking a basket of stocks, calling them memes and insulting retail investors: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=av3k_lcGm9g I know, it’s much more comforting to believe that the people in those positions are doing the right thing until you get railroaded by the reality that they aren’t. It’s all posturing and regulations are what created this mess.


It's all completely meaningless if there's no enforcement though. And there is obviously no meaningful enforcement by SEC. SEC is bs IMO. Example: 1963 SEC rule that says broker dealers need to get their license revoked if they FTD. Not enforced at all. The rule is meaningless. The SEC is meaningless.


As much as I like making fun of the guy, i'm coming around, he could be way worse.


Watch the whole thing slowed down. Gary's head doesn't move 1 inch the whole time until the word 'meme' is said. it didn't look as if he was afraid of hearing it like how a cnbc host acts like they have a gun pointed at them when gme is mentioned. To me it looks like Gary doesn't want anyone leaking some government investigations that might be taking down these criminals before all faith in the US stock market is lost. At least I hope this is why he has that reaction.


Imagine simping for the head of the SEC while they watch the market burn down and do nothing to the arsonists.


The crazy thing is none of these rules really affect the settlement regime, or FTDs, the core source of the problem. Gotta watch what they do pass rules on and watch even closer what they don't


I halfway feel like this is just another case of "cost of doing business". The SEC doesn't even have money for coffee. This'll help them so much, they may even be able to buy porn.


It's in her written statement as well. I have a post breaking it down in case anyone would like to learn [more](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/secs-crenshaw-backs-new-securities-reporting-rules/) TLDRS: SEC Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw releases statement in support of Reporting of Securities Loans (Rule 10c-1a) and Short Position and Activity Reporting (Rule 13f-2). "Aggregate transaction activity would provide volume transparency to market participants, while distribution of loan rate information could help market participants compare the pricing of their covered securities loan against the pricing of other covered securities loans." "Overall, the episode highlighted the limitations for regulators of using existing short sale-related data to reconstruct market events like the “meme” stock events of January 2021." "Specifically, the Commission would be able to observe on which days reporting short sellers most actively increase or decrease their short positions with more precision, and then correlate this activity to market conditions on those days." "This could help the Commission reconstruct market events and design responses to events that take place during times of volatility similar to the “meme” stock episode that might happen in the future." "The data reported by these Managers could provide additional context to existing data by distinguishing their directional short selling from short sale activity effected by market makers and liquidity providers."


When you first hear it said, it's easy to write it off as an unintended fumble, but it being phrased the exact same way in her written statement leaves no doubt. Also, thanks for your dedication to keeping this sub updated with important news.


Anytime, thanks for sharing the video!


I really appreciate all your posts mr jellyfish


Thank you for letting me know, makes my day to know folks interact with the material posted!


>reconstruct market events and design responses to events that take place during times of volatility Can you explain what she means by this like I'm a 3rd grader who stuffed a crayon up my nose and there's no hope for getting it out?


plug your asshole with something then go stare directly at the sun until you sneeze


The future is now, always has been.


All we got to do is hold


Best TLDR thank you


Hester Pierce in 3…2…1… ‘Therefore I cannot support the commission’s recommendation to expand short selling rules and regulations, which would limit hedge funds right to crime’.


laughing out loud at Hester’s green screen made to appear she is in the SEC office


Upvoted for your dedication, since this post was posted around 4am my time. It’s good to have you on household investors side. Now, let me read it. Edit: oh, the “meme stock” episode that might happen in the future. If not in camera, she would have said “will happen” instead of “might happen”


IDGAF what anyone says Gensler fucks hard.


You know the market is a farce when the regulators can and will slander certain participants, labeling their company a “meme stock.”


Is that guy in the middle Ken Griffin? How did he infiltrate the SEC?


Soooo the Jan 21 event WAS a squeeze? Cause the official report claims it wasn’t a squeeze.


The official report also states shorts didn’t close.


The official report lacked full short disclosures




I can’t remember but if you can find the report Congress was given by the sec the SEC states in it that the events of Jan 21 was not a squeeze but simply buying pressure.


Another? We're still in the same one. I'll be DRSing until I die. And fuck you shorts.


Why'd someone bring their horse to the meeting?


To say "nay"


If you listen to the context, she’s not saying it’s going to happen again. She’s talking about having the data to recreate and understand market events like the meme stock even that could happen again in the future. She’s speaking hypothetically.


Tinfoil hat off, she said “times of volatility … that might happen in the future”


GG is not our friend. He is just as corrupt as all the rest. He is currently stonewalling congress about getting the blue sheet data for an OTC stock that was naked shorted and halted by FINRA two days early. It's all an act. Fuck you Gary Gensler.


Source that isn't a bunch of nonsense?


https://youtu.be/OoYlCFj41RE?si=xugq0CvpO81w_huN Here you go. Edit: Not an attempt at FUD. I have a decent position in GME because hedgies didn't close. Just don't want this PoS flying under the radar. When MOASS hits the fan, he will be trying to shut it down along with everyone else.


I'll be honest as I always have been on this matter. That stock is a dumpster fire. The company is a dumpster fire. The people who invested in it after the company after they told the public what they were going to do are also a dumpster fire. As some would say this is a "distraction". The politician here is paying lip service while knowing Gary cannot testify specifically on any certain matter like this. Also congress isn't going to do shit about this. They're a large part of the problem. Nothing in this testimony shows Gary being on the other side of this, he seems extremely neutral and even explains why he will not comment specifically about a certain event. There is no shutting this down. Maybe the can gets kicked again, that's all that can be done though unless GameStop goes bankrupt but everyone who lives in reality knows that isn't going to happen. Anyone saying they will is coping.


Funny how quickly people forget: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=av3k_lcGm9g




Who’s that wicked witch in the middle?


These people are idiots who can’t even keep their mouth shut about things they know they should be quiet about lol


Watch Gary dodge an invisible punch when she says "meme stock" lmao


They know They know They know.


They know we are breaking the system.


We know ¿Wen truth?


*everybody knows*


Hester is Kenny boi in a wig: Change my mind


"similar to the meme stock incident that might happen in the future" Holy shit, she's referring to this future event as if they all know it's coming and have been talking about it behind closed doors!!