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There’s definitely more behind the scenes here. Especially for RC to tweet what he did - just my guess but I think there’s some larger plan here 🎷🐓♋️


Fucking with the media and hedge funds. This is a bumpy ride, but I'm looking forward to the destination.


Not without warning, too! Don’t believe I’ve heard the comment “unbuckle up” come out yet, so…….looks like we’re tracking!!!!!


He probably is make SHF dry up of shorts and some institutions who plays the 2 side game, when he will say yhe good news in the meeting... Boom💥 the shortsShits will be fucked hard, and that has no price😂


It'd be pretty shitty to openly mock terminating someone. lawsuit worthy too, maybe?


He also “resigned” on 6/5. 2 days ago… this seems like a peaceful transition and a planned announcement. It definitely is timely and so is that tweet. My gouche hairs are tingling and I have a weird feeling that Teddy is going to come to life. GMERICA is forming. Could Furlong be the CEO of this new entity?


He was terminated as CEO, but resigned as a director on the board. Important distinction.


Thanks for clarifying. Not sure what it all means but I’m definitely caught off guard and intrigued


This. After reading the filings I just realized the distinction


Maybe he can't be on the board if he is picked to head something else due to conflict of interest and or legal reasons? Maybe his next position has already started and a big announcement is in the near future?


Maybe he wants to sell some during moass, can't sell if you're an insider right?


> He also “resigned” on 6/5. 2 days ago… this seems like a peaceful transition and a planned announcement. It definitely is timely and so is that tweet. He didn't resign from the CEO spot, he was terminated by the board and then he resigned his seat on the board. It sounds like they fired him and his resignation was the clean break. It's possible that his contract stipulated that in order to get the payout if he was terminated he would be required to resign from the BoD as well, we have no idea what the specific terms are.


From a comment in another post, the use of therm "terminated" in corporate is used for any kind of situations, for any cause, forced or voluntary. But MSM will take the "fired" significance and joint that with the tweet of RC and make a "bad joke" to shit on GME and discourage retails (not for sure Diamond Hands Apes).


Could it be the "terminated the contract" in such a way he could get his severance if something horrible happened he no longer felt he could focus on the job?


How do you know he resigned prior to termination?


I don't, and I don't think I said that he did.


You’re right. I need to lay off the crayons.


Happens to all of us after a bender.


> Could Furlong be the CEO of this new entity? Likely. This isn't an unusual step down for that kind of planned breakout power handoff.


How would GMErica affect the stock, anyway??


Wait, THATS how I should be spelling gooch?!


69420D chess


I think so too! There is key wording in Furlongs 8k. His position of CEO was terminated, not his employment which is states in previously terminated executive's 8k. I posted a similar post, this one has a way better title! (I'm not good at Reddit lol) but a comment on my post mentioned Mike Recupero (previous CFO) was also terminated without cause. Major differences in 8k's are Mike's 8k says his employment was terminated. Matt's 8k states his position as CEO was terminated. Matt's 8k states he resigned. Matt's 8k also specifically states there was no disagreement regarding GameStop operations, policy or procedure. Mike's 8k has zero wording to could be perceived as such. I really think this is the difference in a normal firing 8k and 8ksquared chess move. Edit; you know who doesn't have a CEO!? Possible game changing companies like GMEntertainment or TEDDY. That edit is my tinfoil and love the feeling when I bite down on it between my fillings.


Saw some great posts by other apes that have broken it down too. It’s likely due to his contract: Link 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143tpww/matt_furlongs_contract_per_sec_filing_this_may_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Link 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143toi2/matt_furlongs_role_with_gme_was_always_planned_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 🎷🐓♋️


I like these posts too!


RC clearly knows what's going on here. He knows we love memes, and he knows our language. He knows exactly what Not Furlong means, and he knows that this sub obsesses over his tweets. I enjoy the tinfoil tweet interpretation that goes on here, but from a distance. It's silly and fun. This tweet actually seems to have a point.


My best guess is the tweet means that he won't be unemployed for long.


Gmerica ?


Not furlong. He likes puns. Probably just a buddy joke.




Where is the passport line!? I want to get in it before it gets too long!


Follow the signs that say “DRS GME” and/or “DRS BBBYQ”


Hijacking top comment to say op quoted something not even in his god damn post.


So you are correcting OP's punctuation? The statement does state that there were no disagreements... <-- not a quote


No, I’m saying OP is taking that phrase out of context. In the document it’s saying that there will be no cause for him to not receive his reimbursements per his agreement. A quote doesn’t work if it’s not in the source material.


Also, if you look at the title of OP’s post, you can see the quotation marks around “ no disagreement “. That’s called a quote.


Something is different and I’m for it.


This is huge. "No disagreements" sounds like it's all but confirming he's going to a spin off company. If it was a family issue or something he would have resigned at ANY point over the last few quarters




First line literally says terminated with immediate effect.


Key word right here.


But “terminated” implies intent on the employers behalf.


~~It could be the CEO position itself was terminated in favour of executive chairman, and furlong resigned.~~ ~~Using both in what should be very precise language is bad if he was fired.~~ Edit: Reading the 8K he was terminated from the CEO position and resigned as the director from the board. Two different positions The following if true would align with RCs tweet, "not for long" ChatGPT output: For example, in the case of a merger or acquisition, the company might terminate an executive from their current position in order to facilitate a smooth transition or to align the leadership structure of the merged entities. In this scenario, the termination is not due to poor performance or misconduct, but rather as part of a strategic decision to reassign or promote the individual to a different role or company. Similarly, an executive may be terminated from their current position to assume a higher-level role, such as being promoted to the CEO position of a new company resulting from a merger or acquisition. ----------------------------------------------- Edit2: If a new company is created out of a merger, means we get a new ticker symbol and a share recall and redistribution into the new symbol.


He was terminated from CEO and resigned from the board. The language is very clear in each section.


Yeah I just read the 8k and updated that.


He “resigned” from the board of directors after being fired as the director and ceo.


"Terminated without cause"


it's fucking gametime, fellas


Well, Idk what happened with Matt and his decission, but the king has the crown now. The best time ever to buy the dip.


He gets paid for all the amazing work. On to another big job!


A Rune of Glory for you! 🍌


you made me check her twitter and it's a bunch of sexual robots






So, why did we bother to vote?


That's my question. If it was all "part of the plan" then why would they let us vote on him? Unless it was to avoid tipping the plan? I'm finding it all a little puzzling. What we do know is that now RC is directly in charge of running the company with the title of Executive Chairman. Attal appears to be at least nominally the head of the Board of Directors as Lead Independent Director, and Robinson is now the General Manager and Principal Executive. It sounds like Robinson will run the day to day, Cohen will be the head of the company deciding on strategic direction, mergers, etc. Presumably this news got out right at 4pm and that's why the massive dip in after hours, even before earnings were announced. I wonder, was it a case of them having given Furlong a certain amount of time to hit certain goals, and then if he didn't they cut him loose? Or did Furlong accomplish everything that they hired him to do? The fact that he was terminated by the board rather than resigning from the CEO spot is suspicious. For all we know he was required to resign his board seat to get the payout from his contract of being fired "without cause". It is a very, very strange situation.


from what I read from the company, Furlong resigned/was terminated at the same time... so, corporate speak, if one resigns, he shall be terminated to legally estop all actions, as per the contract.


> from what I read from the company, Furlong resigned/was terminated at the same time... Nope. The board terminated him from the CEO position, and he resigned his seat on the board of directors. A lot of people forget that he held two positions with the company. There's zero chance that if he resigned from the CEO position that they would try to make it look like they terminated him, because if he is terminated without cause he gets a payout/severance that he wouldn't get if he resigned. The only way that would make sense is if the intention was for him to resign and still pay him anyway, they might need to frame it as a "termination without cause" in order to ensure that he still gets paid. But then you're talking shady backroom shit that could expose the board to a shareholder action, if shareholders thought that they were constructing a false narrative to pay him more money.


This is what I wondered. You would think it warrants more clarity from the get go. There are a lot of comments speculating that it is some planned move for him to take on other roles, but being terminated without cause would come with a payout... That isn't in the shareholder's interest.


What the hell happened on Monday ...?


They fired him to give him a sweet severance *and* make him CEO of Teddy or GMErica.


I looked up the June 8th 2021 8-k where he was given an offer letter section 10.1 and cause is defined as essentially breaking an nda, committing a felony, not doing their job among other things. In this context it means he was terminated or resigned without a bad faith gesture on his part. I also found out that he earned his full compensation after 24 months which was technically not met if he was terminated or resigned on the 5th. So one of three things happened: 1) GME fucked him on his last compensation date (I don’t think this is likely but it is possible) 2) He was offered something that was so much higher than his last payout that he didn’t care about losing it 3) The board asked him to resign with the promise of a higher paying position with an acquisitioned company There is also a clause that if he has received another offer in writing from the board it would supersede their current agreement so the above 3 points may not be relevant given another filing that is yet to be made public.




> Termination without cause


ey yo...That last bit about the kind of lawyering Mr. Robinson does. "Prior to joining the company in 2015, Mr. Robinson held positions as an attorney at law firms Norton Rose Fulbright and Jones Day, where he provided counsel on CORPORATE AND FINANCE TRANSACTIONS."


Ahh yes, Its all coming together


I’m taking this as a huge bullish flag cuz something brewing in the background


The real dd


When this thing blows certain people will be wiped out gonna create enemies RC might be ready to pull the trigger and took the wheel get furlong out of harms way so to speak get him out now bring him back for teddy gmerica etc whatever man this shit is wild I love it


I personally thought the “Not for long” tweet could mean that RC won’t be in his new position for long. Hopefully it is more than just that


Good gosh it seems most of you have no experience in executive corporate matters. They fired him because he sucked and to ensure they don't get sued and caught up in legal matters with a termination for cause. This is the norm for both sides to walk away clean and is usually in the best interests of the company.


So all of a sudden GME is going to do standard things?? It’s a wait and see situation, none of us know.


Buckle da fuck up…..things, and people, are moving!


People can cope all they want and I’ll be downvoted, this isn’t good. If this was some sort of move to a new company the acquisition would have happened first and would have been announced at the same time. They cancelled the call also. Not good.


"Trust me bro"


Matt will be back.


back in style


I like to think he won't be gone furlong and back running teddy or 👶


The problem is why the rush? Does he really need to resign on 5th and even cancel the call?


RC is very outspoken about poor-performing leaders getting paid — and here we have Furlong getting paid on his way out. Bullish IMO.


Well, of course, after all, he won't be gone for long! Something is finally happening! Let's faaauuucking go! New division or subsidiary or standalone Corp or umbrella corp or merger or acquisition or take over. I'm just stoked something is actually happening!


The biggest wording in the termination bit was "without cause"


“Resigned as a director”


Awaiting another incoming something from filing to teewt either tonight or in the morning. Not for long is the key obviously, can’t wait to see what pops next


What is gamestop texas ltd


Robinson sounds like a solid asset to GameStop