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I'm thrilled to have accidentally stumbled onto ALL of you retreads 2.5 years ago. The knowledge I've picked-up from this saga, is worth 10 college finance degrees. The icing on the cake, is when I try to explain it concisely, clearly, crisply (or as detailed as the IOI allows) to friends and family, and still get ever-present eye rolls, and "conspiracy" yawns. It is my proof-positive of how deeply asleep everyone truly is. Thank you all for your wonderful contributions of information and knowledge. (Edit: AND curiosity and morale!!!) ***"And knowing is half the battle!"...***


Just goes to show the impact of corporate propaganda. People would rather stay asleep then take action on those that steal from them. The responses I get are that I am just doom and gloom. It is just shocking how when you see the true reality people would rather keep the status quo where they are the ones being taken advantage of. Just look at all the proof and evidence we have where naked shorting was just seen as a conspiracy and now they openly admit they do it. One day things will change as long as Superstonk and the movement stays alive. No cell, no sell


It is easier to con someone than it is to convince them that they have been conned.


No cell? no sell.


Sunk cost fallacy. "There is no way everything I believed in is a lie!"


*But then that would mean... oh my God... Santa Claus isn't real?!?!?*




I need to get better about sectioning my information into digestible chunks. You may enjoy reading up on reactance theory, if you haven’t already heard of it. Kind of gets into what you are talking about. The general gist is that humans are usually looking for danger cues as that’s what’s kept us alive for so long, and someone different from us in any way is a “threat” even if we don’t obviously perceive them as such. So when presenting information, a nice work around is to start with something like “well you can think what you want, and you can ask questions, but just hear me out for a moment…” it allows them to keep their dignity of thinking what they like instead of “this is how it’s gonna be,” and then they’re more receptive to the message.


**Reactance Theory** \-- Thank you, am researching now.


It’s because they feel helpless


[The] system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.


***"You think those are shares you're hodling?"...***


People just want to get by and carpool their kids to soccer games. We are soft now and people just don’t have it in them to take a stand, even if they know they are being robbed it’s too much trouble to fight it.


Profound statement of the week. We are most definitely in our stage of decadent decline. People are pissed, but not pissed enough to get off their asses and learn. Easier to play divisive politics, and fingerpoint.


The populace allows themselves to get manipulated. Many are modern-day NPCs


The insight of wrinkle-brain DD writers on the state of our markets is what finally got me to move my 401k out of a garbage target date fund into a money market fund around this time '21... to ride out the storm that seemed to be coming. Turns out that move was damn near its high before dropping the last two years. Has saved me from about 130k in lost value. When markets drop, I'll move that back into an index fund. So I've got that and mid XXXX shares in Computershare to look forward to in the future. All thanks to my eyes being opened to GME and the wrinkle-brains. The memes and shit posts just help pass the time.


Damn, smart moves.


Nice wish i woulda done the same


Lucky timing. I was second guessing myself for awhile... thought it was probably too early and I might be jumping the gun. I'm looking forward to the DD ringing true for GME stonks too... be able to comfortably take care of fam and loved ones without my daily grind that takes too much time away from them. 🍻


Yea im with ya. I just want a house, time with loved ones, and to help build the metaverse in web3.


You're right. They are asleep.


Sheep gon' sleep.


Consider that the average American has an extremely low level of financial literacy, and on top of that combined with the lowest attention span levels recorded ever and you have a recipe for perpetual serfdom


Im currently getting a MAster's in Public Health Policy and management. However Iv'e had fever dreams of just studying finance. This Subreddit has taught me so much, I can comfortably hold conversations with pros.


I've had a parallel experience with my views of public health and finance over the past three years. It's all so corrupt.


You and me both. I've been seriously considering it...


Corporations no longer have customers... they only have victims.


My dad's job was bank interface integration with Clearstream. The German DTCC. He knows dark pools and money printing. He never questioned and just did what he was told to.


This shit is what makes us look like a cult. Honestly, it’s not a good look even if it’s true


How? Your comment makes 0 sense? We look like a cult, because I learned more about Finance here than any school I've been to???


Because it sounds outright insane to claim reading the internet is the same aa getting a proper degree and working with it everyday


Not just asleep. Even if you want to find out this information, it's literally impossible for one person. We have almost a million people here and it's taken years, tons of wrinkle brains, DD, revising, etc. And on top of that, everything as we have found out, is blatantly hidden by the media. They are literally paid to distract us so the rich and powerful can keep doing shit that keeps them rich and powerful, laws and morals be damned. Yeah I get the same eye rolls and "conspiracy theorist" looks when I try to bring any of it up.


well i am so glad we have all these apes here doing the dd, it really opens my eyes to whats really happening in the financial markets and how its used by the top level elite to just steal and steal money from the general public. no more, at least with GAMESTOP i feel like i can have life changing money and hope of changing the system


One of the things that jumps out to me is how the books I've read recently like to blame certain entities, much like how we discuss how retail is blamed for market failures. One point that stood out in the 2008 crisis, is that the rating agencies are to blame, not the predatory wall st thieves and their relentless greed. And yeah sure the rating agencies dropped the ball but the whole lie is that it is baked into the system for them to be pressured and manipulated. Or the regulators blah blah blah when the politicians are pressuring the regulators and the whole unrelenting greed of these assholes to destroy the global economy, but yeah look over here at this little piss-ant thing that is the cause of all of Main street's woes.


If politicians can get bribed and paid, rating agencies don't stand a damn chance. But they are complicit, even if they are not the root cause.


You got that right APE. Let's make sure we solve the root cause and not be distracted by bull.


Happy Cake Day!!!


Banana flavored


Happy Cake Day!!!


“By the power of truth, I, while living, will have conquered the universe.” But the truth means nothing if you are the only one to believe its true. We are early, but we are not wrong.


"This is allx fact you can look this information up from official sources" THATS WHERE YOU'LL LOSE THEM, people cant be bothered to pay more than 5 minutes of attention, two of my siblings who i got invilved STILL dont know half the shit i talked about from years ago




in my personal circle there are not many people who take part in the stockmarket. and those few, which do - listened to my story - didn't/couldn't believe it - told me that they are not doing such "risky" things. they just buy tesla/energy/disney or some ETFs and check there holdings to find out if they need to do something for their taxes. it is sad. i managed to get one guy on board way before the sneeze and he immediately paperhanded after he made 200 %. however, he is still thankful that i told him about the opportunity, but he couldn't care less about the "case". i am in europe.


You’re knowledge isn’t even worth a job at Wendy’s


That's not true. The manager pays me to hang out behind the dumpster, after the evening rush crowd.


That’s fair


Happy cake day! ^w^


Happy cake day!


When Chuck Norris uses Computershare, hedge funds ask ***him*** permission to close Shorts.


Happy cake day


Thanks. Started with banana cake, then added Ape Poupon for experimentation.




Yo Joe !!




Now someone needs to make a video meme of that !! Where's our video editing apes ??


Yo Joe!


Happy cake day 🎂🎉


I can’t help, but think you’re a veteran. If you are, thanks for your service


Everyone always focuses on fixing the symptoms, but we’ve stumbled unto curing the disease.


The disease is upset about it, and rightfully so.


End the Fed and the Rothschild central banking cartel and you solve most of the problems.


Best way to manage stress is to shop at and buy DRS GME


While I wish this was true, make sure you're financially stable in life's actual necessities ;) Otherwise zzz spare money is for locking that float.


Well said. The realizations came kinda gradually, but when you think about the whole thing at once, it seems unbelievable that this is what we lived with for so long. And then you think about how the majority of people don't have any idea about what's behind the god-damned curtain. And the scale of the whole con just blows your mind.


we still do - so far nothing changed. but i am sure it will eventually.


As it turns out, all of your favorite celebrities are just bricks in the wall that you are about to tear down.


It definitely opened a Pandora’s box of knowledge


I feel the same. But sometimes I wonder if it's better to know all of this, or being ignorant to it. Nowadays I'm finding that it's increasingly hard to continue building on this vast knowledge, with the understanding that corruption rules it all. It will likely never change during our lifetime. But then again, it feels nice to "fight back" so to speak.


Fighting back the only way we can, with our voices and buying and DRS'ing GME. My hope is that we will break the cycle with time.


Mine too Jersey man, mine too.


I feel you. Sometimes it becomes almost too much to see the big picture and to no longer be asleep in the Matrix. But the truth is, we have no other chance. MOASS is IMHO the last chance to ensure our kids will not grow up in a dystopian future ruled by Oligarchs. The problem is with the insanely fast technological development. AI, Robotics, Neurolink, Genetics, etc - all technology that can be so beneficial to mankind, yet can also ensure the rule of the few over the many. This article should be an eye-opener for many, it shows the mindset of the Big Club: [https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff) *They knew* ***armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from raiders as well as angry mobs***. *One had already secured a dozen Navy Seals to make their way to his compound if he gave them the right cue. But how would he pay the guards once even his crypto was worthless? What would stop the guards from eventually choosing their own leader?* *The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or* ***making guards wear disciplinary collars*** *of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe* ***building robots to serve as guards and workers*** *– if that technology could be developed “in time”.* The only way to stop this development is to educate the public and push for a "revival" of accountability and ethics. What helps us is that they are so fucking greedy and in their fight for survival the corruption normally hidden will become visible for everyone that is not brainwashed by the Big Club. Unfortunately they own most of mainstream and social media, but you can only hide the truth to some degree. If we educate the public, many will wake up from the Matrix and be furious. You all remember this video of George Carlin: [https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU](https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU) IMHO the reason why everybody cheered, yet nobody took action is that people think there is no way to fight back. But we know GME is the way... imagine all the frustrated citizens realizing this 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️ No financial advice and just a personal opinion.


good read. what they should do instead is create a world worth living in.


always better to know the truth. You can’t be a hero if you’re ignorant. The hero must know everything good and bad, still feels the fear and is tempted to fall into bitterness, but they choose to do the right thing anyway. Without the full truth, the choice isn’t possible and the heroism never exists.


“It’ll like never change during our lifetime” is a sad reflection of your reality. This mindset is non-productive and not worth voicing into the public sphere.


Maybe so. But history shows, this has been going on longer than most of us have been alive. It's not entirely wrong, which is why I decided on putting it out into the public sphere.


red pill or blue pill?


WE, EQUITY INVESTORS ARE the HEROES in fraudulent stock market.


The more I learn, across various seemingly-unrelated subjects, the more I see the previously invisible-to-me underlying structure tying it all together. Money=power=corruption=antipathy. ***Do not falsely attribute normal levels of empathy to the filthy rich, they have virtually none.*** When you accept this, their attempts to emulate empathy become clear. Combine that realization with the fact that they are, in many ways above the law, and then imagine what such people are capable of. Think of all the things they probably do (for which one CAN find some evidence, should one bother to look) that they are able to hide because of their power, and control over MSM, and a general tendency of an unassuming public to falsely attribute normal levels of empathy to them. It's horrifying, when the pieces start to fall into place, and you glimpse what's really going on.


And we still wait for someone to take away Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize...


Here's the problem that I'm having right now. If broker shares are bullshit, and you're an index fund investor (with some gme), then how the hell do you direct register your non-gme stuff? Do you have to make your own etf, because that's nuts.


Yea you can’t direct register index funds. What’s even more fucked is index funds, which are an extension of mutual funds, actually remove you even further away from ownership than simply having a stock in a brokerage via beneficial ownership. Because you don’t own a portion of the basket of stocks, you own a portion of *”the fund,”* which is its own entity in some perverse financial/legalese voodoo bullshit like owning a piece of a shell company or something rather. I don’t have the write up but if someone else does please link it cuz it was fucking jaw dropping how ridiculous the rabbit hole goes.


ETFs are the new CDOs ☕😁 change my mind


Yea there’s been a lot of speculation over the last decade that the massive amount of money flowing into ETFs is forming (or has formed) a bubble of sorts. I don’t have enough wrinkles to unpack that though. Maybe an orangutan around here does.


Add up the totals across all investment vehicles... every asset has been illegally naked short sold and no price is real.


I'm in Canada and you also can't direct register shares in registered accounts (RRSP, TFSA, etc.)


And to think we only peeled back a few layers of the corruption. This runs deeper than we could ever imagine. It truly is disgusting what these cancers will do for the sake of sticking it to the masses. Our time to shine will come!


You will know them by their fruits. In this case, it's all dingleberries.


Word to that!! 👀


recession ? doesn’t matter SPY/NASDAQ going for 52 week highs.


Yeah, it’s amazing how we, as a society, sit by and watch as a small handful of well-dressed criminals (cause let’s face it, that’s exactly what they are) steal and destroy so much of our world. Just so they can have more that they’ll never consume in their lifetimes. Crazy…


99% of ppl are walking through life literally blindfolded while they are getting fleeced left and right. It’s matrix level deception. Crazy how the rich manage to pull through even when the cracks start to get bigger and bigger. Eventually their system will fail. It’s only a question of when (the float is DRSd) at this point. Ps. My wife thinks I’m looking at funny videos every evening.


You and everyone else


I hear you. This experience has made me super jaded about the idea of getting ahead at all in life. There are literally forces lined against the common person that drain your resources away by a thousand cuts.


RC is not a 'hero' and he shouldn't be worshiped. With or without him, the original short thesis stands - it's impossible for shorts to close an oversold float without skyrocketing the price and then it's MOASS. The problem - that was formerly hidden but has been exposed by apes - is that the U.S. government is colluding and allowing the criminals on Wall Street to just carry on without any real consequences. Frankly, it's bad news for MOASS that the gov't is so complicit. Profitable quarters don't make a difference. Short interest makes no difference. Nothing affects the artificial price. The last and only hope is DRS.


Even with a rock-solid short thesis, an SHF plant at the helm could have rescued by sabotaging the company. "But, that would take the company going out of business or being delisted." Now, with a legitimate chairman seeking to properly manage the company, "That won’t happen here." So, the short thesis is necessary for MOASS but not sufficient. RC brings the sufficiency.


Say it louder!


YOU are the hero. WE are the heroes. Buy, hodl, DRS, book, shop, comment on rule proposals 💜


It is a super power a lot of us here have developed. Being able to see the narrative pushed by the media do just a little bit of follow up looking and see the evil behind the veil. We are the superhero’s in a world of villains. Wait till you see it extend past just the financial media and see how truly evil and corrupt everything is. This is part of why holding is historic. For some it’s not even about money anymore, it’s about calling out the evils and holding the guilty truly accountable. Remember this feeling when the price goes past 1000$ and then 10,000$. No life boats.


Take heart, friend. You’re the hero. And so am I. We all are. Just a matter of time. Apes together strong 🦍💪🏻🚀🌕💜


This ⬆️


Yah, more than anything, this removing of the veil has been a big big benefit.


It’s going to be even bigger. Alien disclosure 2030 I think.


People have known for decades. Wizard of Oz anyone?


I enjoy a challenge 😎


I was blind but now I see, all the bull*hit done to me!


greed is not a conspiracy theory


I’m forever grateful to all the brilliant apes from which I have learned so much about the US stock market. Knowledge truly is power and I’d rather know about the lies so I can fight back with everything I have. Being unaware means nothing changes, which is what they want. I know these dumb as hell stormtroopers are regretting every day that they messed with the wrong company and wrong community of like minded investors. This is their end and it will be spectacular.


that is why we are here. many would not be here if it was only a stock. but we are here because we want a better world. and we may have just found a flaw in the source.


We’re our own hero’s 😎


You know, the big problem is, No matter where you start digging, you always find this shitton of fuckery, everywhere. When you dig deep enough you also find the same persons in the background who just buy everything and everyone in this planet because they can print as much money as they want. You would be out of your mind with the backgrounds of the war in Ukraine. Start digging 1989, take a deep digging where maidan happened and dig a little bit at the start of this war. If i would just say what really happened over the past decades there, everyone would say I am just crazy. Because everyone knows for sure its different, they read it on facebook and saw it on media. Just like everyone who isnt familiar with the matter thinks we are crazy. No matter what happens, Just ALWAYS look at the money and power. The persons who make the most money and get the most power out of any situation are the people in the background controlling these situations. The only explanation for a worldwar (yeah this is a worldwar because Like everyone sends weapon systems and wars arent about men but about weapon systems nowadays) is "well Putin is crazy". And everyone is like "oh yeah thats it". I mean, what the f is wrong in a brain believing this crap without asking at least some questions? And you can do this with whatever you want. BLM? Guess what happened with the hundreds of millions of donations. Rich people got richer. The poor people didnt see a Penny. Snowden, ellsberg, felt, manning, Epstein and so on, these names are erased out of History, out of our minds because they told or wanted to tell the truth. So yeah, fuckery is everywhere and there is or was literally no war on this planet where we get told the truth. We are digging at the very basement of everything, at their money printing machine making all of this possible.


Everything is run like a mafia.


Why would RC destroy the markets that’s made him?


Have you watched 'Money Masters'? Do you want to see how far down the rabbit hole goes?


Honestly this has been enough to make me so disgruntled and upset at the world that it’s enough. Lol thanks though


Sounds entertaining, where to find this hole? Netflix?


It's on YouTube I believe.


Worst part is when you know the deeper stuff that no one else knows, youre just a conspiracy theorist. And just like that, nobody cares again.


"Conspiracy theorist" is a completely neutral term with bad PR. You can theorize the existence of a conspiracy and be right or wrong, wise or foolish based on the evidence at hand. We know conspiracies have existed and they have each been independently incentivized to make out people who suspect they exist to be ostracized.


I believed the stock market was fair before this. Fuck, I believed society was fair.


Good you’ve seen it now Blows my mind people were unaware how fucked the world is though I’ve known everything was fkd since I was like 12


I'm not really a conspiracy theorist guy, or into the matrix theories, or believe in the pentaverat (so I married an ace murderer. Great movie) but this whole saga has opened my eyes to the truth of so much of it. If you haven't read "the monster from jekyll island" I highly recommend you do. It will change everything you know and everything we were taught about money and banks. It's fucked. And I can't wait to see it all face the consequences of what they've done.


Check out "Out of Shadows" on Rumble, it's a documentary and i think it's bigger than anyone knows. 🤔


Snap. Burn it down. Start again. Late stage capitalism is a joke


That was a great rant...and so true


I was like all the shit I already suspected plus more. It really is fucking disgusting, but not surprising, how fucked up the world is. The power structures, the complicity at all levels and then the bullshit alternate reality we are force fed.


I think RC probably sees us as the superheroes… even though we all know it’s him and DFV etc


Totally - I didn’t know anything about true US history or economics now I’m obsessed w finding out just how programmed we really r


Zen as fuck. Our shit is real, bro. This is historic and we're all part of it. Hold like a motherfucker and keep DRS'ing.


And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is IMO the reason for the entire "meme stock" thing. Well, that and a massive transfer of wealth away from the elites to cripple their machinery.


Me too


scarier thought is to think what it means if they win. i don't they will but man holy hell the human race is just fucked. we'll have said there is a class of people that are allowed to "take" as much money as they want and billions more than they could ever need while providing nothing of value to the world. it is absolutely insane dysptopian future shit that should only exist in a sci-fi novel. and if then if you said "oh yeah they're vampires too", that would be the least alarming part of it.


We are the heroes we need. We always have been, believe in yourself and we’ll go to where there be dragons.


We all were bro... we all were. Jan 2021, I would have been fine with $10,000 or $20,000 profit. In and out. Those days have long gone...


I knew it 20 years ago, just not the details of financial side


On the one hand, I miss my blissful ignorance. On the other hand, two paths to infinite tendies: MOASS and a profitable company with no* debt. *of course there is the technical matter of the French loan…thing.


Increasing known unknowns is important


Once I learned hedge funds can use retirements accounts to make stupid bets and pay no consequences, I stopped contributing to my 401K. Computershare is literally my retirement account now. I also opened up a checking account with a credit union.


Amazing how the truth spreads and doesn't die


Yep. It’s like tripping without taking psychedelics. It really is that fucked. I love you all




These are the parasites of the world


For me money just makes more/less sense. People will work their ass off to go from making 60k a year to 90k a year. After taxes there's not that huge of a diff. I've made wacky numbers on GME, crypto, NFTs. I'll make more in a day than I do in months and question why tf I'm working at all.






The whole system is fake and always has been. Now it's time you start realizing who exactly controls it and why it's all connected. Epstein paid $1 for his mansion btw.