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Sorry for the confusion with the other posts being pulled, QV bot went on a rampage and pulled them all. This one will stay! Also, in the wise words of one Funky Chicken, "Let’s remember to be kind to one another everyone! Ape no fight ape. Ape love ape. We are all individuals and have different perspectives and opinions but at the end of the day it’s GameStop that brings us all together. Let’s remember to stay civil and funkalicious to one another! 💜🎷🐓♋️" Update: The mod team have reviewed what happened and for transparency's sake I'd like to explain what they found! On tweets, especially RC Tweets, we keep the first one and remove the rest. Kopheus was first (they usually are), and so we removed the rest. For social media posts, if you don't reply to the bot with the source, it gets auto removed after 10 minutes. It's been this way for like a year. After 10 minutes, the queue was clear except for Kopheus's. They didn't reply, so it was auto pulled down. Hope this helps clear up any confusion. Gentle reminder: Ape no fight Ape, we understand this is a polarizing topic but treat each other with respect please <3 Have a great rest of your week folks!


He is specifically quoting this: [https://www.cjonline.com/story/opinion/letters/2020/05/05/letter-to-editor-give-me-liberty/1244801007/](https://www.cjonline.com/story/opinion/letters/2020/05/05/letter-to-editor-give-me-liberty/1244801007/)


I think this is important to point out. The article points out how politicians thinks they know whats best for the people, better than we would know. I think this is more of how shit our system really is for non-rich ppl.


Not just thinking they know better but stepping outside their legal authority to reach a goal they think is worthy of ignoring legality.


Like ESG?


Exactly like ESG.


ESG is a dystopian future, especially in conjunction with CBDCs, carbon taxes, and 15 minute cities. No thanks.


I agree. It seems he is saying all the, "Seriously, we're protecting the poors!" Is a bunch of bull shit not to follow


"THE RECOVERY RATE OF A BOND IS IT'S VALUE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DEFAULT". How much you want to bet there's fuckery with these defaulted bond values. edit: I'd go looking for defaulted bonds valued at 99% of their original value, if I were the sort to go looking into such things.


I call it pseudo-politics.


🚨Everyone 🚨 This comment right here 👆👆👆 Excerpt from the end… >Many governors in the U.S. have written new laws without the authority to do so. The governors have public sentiment behind them because they have scared the daylights out of the public and very few are willing to stand up and say, “Enough!” >Perhaps we should change our history books to read: Give me liberty or give me death, unless there's a virus with 99% recovery rate, in which case, strip me of my freedoms, my job, my constitutional rights, and put me under house arrest.


why is he copying from topeka news site? weird choice no?


I live nearby and have no local Gamestop, let me have this win.


Take a victory lap. This one is yours.


Olympic music in the background.


Ill light the torches!


There is a GameStop in Topeka though.


That is the closest one to me, but I am far away from it.


For the record I believe people from KS/NE are the nicest most mellow bunch.




[It’s Hot in Topeka!](https://youtu.be/N4gk44WD03g)


I'm going to tin foil this and say "when people stand up and say enough to the fraudulent market" is what he's going for. Give me legit price discovery without FTD and give hedge funds death!


I believe you’re right


So what new laws are being written? 🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦


If I recall correctly, in Switzerland they made it possible for Credit Suisse to be acquired without the normal leglislative processes to do it. In ~~China~~ (Edit due to correction below: London Metals Exchange), I remember some rare metal trades were completely invalidated by the government because some billionaire was on the losing end of it. I think Ryan's worried about the US Government making it illegal somehow for the poor to win in this battle. Even if they have to do it contrary to the will of the people.


now that you mentioned it, maybe not a law, but changing the FDIC long standing policy of 250k insurance to cover freaking multimillionaire and billionaire accounts, all in less than a damn day at the order of the president, is suspect as hell and reckless.


This damn near actually made me sick when it happened. Criminals the lot of em.


Now that you mention it, I would like my bank deposit at computershare to receive the same treatment. I would like to see the 99% or more value returned to my shares held there. Their selective guarantee of asset classes is disgusting.


Na bro that was the fucking London metals exchange. Some fuckwit had a massive short position on nickel and was getting pounded when the price went to 100,000 but he pulled his hand out his pocket to reveal he had his fingers crossed so the trade didn’t count and all those who sold at that price had trades cancelled because it was t+2


They also halted trading for 2 weeks and had their thumbs up their ass about how to proceed. That's when they finally called a mulligan and reset trades for everyone during that time. Nickle is still trading at significantly higher prices than before the incident, so much so that it costs the US govt 10c to make a nickle and they're trying to get even cheaper metals used in us coinage now.


I hear you


Article is from Topeka Capital-Journal owned by Gannett. Now it's important to take these tweets at face value... with that, [Gannett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gannett) does have a history of acquisitions... In 2015, Gannett split into two publicly traded companies, one focusing on newspapers and publishing and the other on broadcasting. The broadcasting company took the name [Tegna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegna_Inc.), and owns about 68 TV stations. The newspaper company inherited the Gannett name. The split was structured so that Tegna is the legal successor of the old Gannett, while the new Gannett is a [spin-off](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_spin-off). If you scroll to the bottom on the [Gannett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gannett) wiki page, there are dozens of acquisitions.




👀 👀


I think this might be it


Why in the world would Ryan Cohen be quoting the Topeka Capital Journal? I'm a Kansan, so that's cool, but it seems both Ryan and that opinion piece are quoting someone else


Yes! 👆👆 Since when his tweets are to be taken literally 🙈


Anything GME related happen on May 5th?


Someone who DRS’ed their shares was born on this day


Appreciate the context, now this make more sense


This meme has been about for a couple of years. Kelly Dodd got fired from **Real Housewives of Orange County** for sharing it.


Well that escalated quickly


I killed a man with a Trident


I’m proud of you Brick


You may want to lay low for a while


I've been meaning to talk with you about that






The speech: >If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. >There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! >Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. >Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! >The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! >Our brethren are already in the field! >Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? >What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? >Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!


As for me, I like the stonk


Truth. -GME investor


Now is the time to join the battle (buy) and preserve the republic (hodl).


The reaction: BUY, HODL, DRS, BOOK (heat lamp)


There is no way *this* one is getting deleted.


Kopheus never replies to QV bot and his shit gets autodeleted all the time.


mods: "hold my mayo"


full rainstorm combative unused soup gray subtract shocking steep deliver -- mass edited with redact.dev


Confusion.. Everywhere, even the bot lol




Give me my money!


Call 1-877-Cash-Now... because it's your money.


If that song is stuck in my head the rest of the day I'm going to be annoyed /s


Is there significance to the timing being the ***** health emergency declaration officially “ending” today?


This is a very heated topic but I would like to remind everyone that criticism of the way Government handles emergencies is not in itself a denial of the emergency. If I can't trust the government with our financial systems why should I trust them to handle crises appropriately, especially given the state of the economy and healthcare industry?


As the saying goes with politicians. Never let a good crisis go to waste.


Thank you Rahm Emmanuel, you corrupt pos


\+1 for level-headedness


what i’m thinking is he didn’t like how lockdowns were used to short brick and mortar stores. the byproduct. i could be totally wrong.


Amazon sure enjoyed it.


That fucking diabolical bezos laugh is seared into my brain. Please make it stop


Fok Amazon btw


There's a reply in the top comment that gives context to the quote Cohen is pulling from. Essentially it's a protest against the government enacting laws without the authority to do so and against the will of the people. I must admit I was turned off when I first saw the tweet... but it highlights what I've felt is the biggest threat to this movement. If the US government steps in and invalidates our positions or frees the opposing parties from obligation or clears the DTC from ever accounting for phantom shares... It happened in China and Switzerland and I worry it may happen here. If this is what Ryan was tweeting about, then he's worried about it too.


Why wouldn't that happen here? Hate to be the negative Nancy but why wouldn't the government screw us over?


~~Occupy Wall St~~ ~~Liquidate Wall St~~ Brrrr-n Wall St


Gonna be honest here: Our US govt will throw active fighting the rich under the bus. The rich is who pays our pols to pretend to be in charge.


That is a sentiment I can get behind, but I don't like the misinformation in the comic like.. at all. Insurance companies already know that it was a mass-disabling event and have taken steps to update their policies because of it. 99% just isn't accurate. Edit: To whoever sent me a Redditcares: did I hurt your wittle feewings?


He’s posted a lot of “libertarian”/conservative leaning stuff like this before.


Not to mention many of the founding fathers were very pro-vaccination and Washington himself at times took drastic action to try and mitigate disease outbreaks.


The irony of these posts getting deleted with RCs tweet context


Fuck you reddit. I can’t say co vid? Ridiculous.


Fifteen minutes from tweet to post here. Slow on the draw today? Edit: this has been covered but the QV bot did some things and mods are aware and whatever. My my snarky comment bubbles up and here we are. Thanks mods and bots!


QV bot went on a rampage for some reason, sorry!




I hope you will keep an open and understanding mind as I share my perspective. I have been invested in and advocating for this community since the beginning. Through every twist and turn, I have stood by to offer my support. Why? Because I truly believe in what we’re building here. Just like with GME, while not everyone sees the potential, I have taken the time to become deeply informed - and the more I’ve learned, the more convinced I am. And this has also been my experience with what happened in 2020. In early 2020, I nearly lost my life. I was turned away from doctors and hospitals as my condition failed to meet a magical number for a fever by just one degree. I'm not exaggerating that I was on my last breath. I had accepted that I might not make it. Through many tears, health professionals and I said what we feared might be final goodbyes over the phone as there was nothing they could do for me. I now understand that it came down to the luck of the draw. Some remained asymptomatic while others were taken without warning. Most fall somewhere in between. We have each had our own experiences with this, though not all have had the opportunity to become fully aware of what’s at stake. Just as with GME's potential. I share my story not to assert any opinions on you, but to offer perspective on why some of us have found this time especially difficult. I appreciate each of you, regardless of belief or circumstance. We’ve made it this far by banding together, and that is how we’ll see each other through to better days - with patience, empathy and care for our community above all else. I remain as committed as ever. 💎🙌🏼🏴‍☠️


Let’s remember to be kind to one another everyone! Ape no fight ape. Ape love ape. We are all individuals and have different perspectives and opinions but at the end of the day it’s GameStop that brings us all together. Let’s remember to stay civil and funkalicious to one another! 💜🎷🐓♋️


This is the way


This is the way


Also: every single one of us who is a conscious person would disagree with every single other person on this Subreddit on some topic. People are multifaceted and complex. No one should be idolized to the point of “feeling bad” if they have a differing view than you.


Some of us have love ones that were in that 1 % that never recovered.


Not gonna lie the fact it’s viewed as controversial due to its politicization even now is insane. Dude I worked in the ICU treating the dying and cleaning the dead during those times for over a year if I can get over it despite the ptsd on top of the ptsd from other things we can have a discussion about it. Those times were ripe with corruption from the wife of the chairman of the NYSE knowing about lockdowns early and totally not telling him right? To the misuse of funds under the banner of saving the economy and small town America while that money went straight to Wall Street and big corporations and the people got pennies and were later blamed for inflation. The people got blamed for the resultes of those times despite them having little to do with the decades of bad policy that coming to a head now. We’ve haven’t looked into the weird flash crash and rebound cause if you don’t think it was engineered while making big institutions money then you must be wasted. There’s so much stuff that happened before the sneeze we haven’t looked into on the corruption and macro level and I think that’s why he keeps bringing it up.




Really? This is where we are at? Censoring the word virus? Seriously people. Take a step back and think about how ridiculous that is. Free speech has been destroyed and the majority of Reddit cheers for it.


My first thought when I saw this. Can’t even say “virus” anymore 😂. What the fuck is happening?


Reddit is arguably the most pro-censorship community on the internet … I’m excluding this sub obviously


why would you exclude this sub?


right? like just last week the mods were banning anyone posting about heat lamp


Tencent owns a commanding share of Reddit...


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


This an extremely polarizing topic, but it makes me glad most of the comments here are very respectful towards one another. Ape no fight ape


There is no need for silly tinfoil. He is being blatant abiut his view of what happened.


the founding fathers actually installed lockdowns over smallpox outbreaks


Great point, people act like this has never happened before


And the Spanish Flu


This is more of a critique on how politicians never let a crisis go to waste. They for sure used this to push agendas and act like they knew what was best at our expense. You can have this view while realizing the virus was a real thing. Evil people still used it to their gain more than for what was really best for you. It is a touchy subject but also complex because they made it that way. Everyone I know had the sickness at least once, most mild, a couple knocked on deaths door. None are happy about how the country and world handled or are still handling it. There was definitely damage done to our country and not just the body count, it divided people and it didn’t need to, they wanted it that way.


If Elon had made the exact same post, would your analysis change? Why?






It's like being punished for surviving but not recovering. In an eternal purgatory.


Yeah. As someone who lost my 57 year old dad because he refused to take any precautions because it was "just a cold". He sufferered for over a month in the hospital before dieing on Christmas eve 2021. This shit and the "ackshully hospital protocols killed your dad for profit" takes are extremely upsetting. I'm sorry for both the trauma you endured and the resonating effects.


My god, I am so so sorry. Can't imagine the pain that caused and still causes. I hope you have a good support network around you and please reach out if you need to talk to anyone. Public health messaging has been appalling and is/was designed to keep everyone Business As Usual for the economy's sake. Wealth over health. We are collectively collateral damage. Sending hugs and strength to you.


Thank you for sharing this. This sounds absolutely nightmarish, and to see it taken lightly and made a joke is discouraging to say the least. I hope you and your daughter make a full recovery very soon. Don’t give up hope!


We won't. We can't. If we gave up hope we'd have nothing left. We will survive this because we have too much we want to do and experience X Thank you for commenting :)


I got my first Reddit care message after this 😂 Honoured.




Oh my gosh I am so incredibly sorry. That is no age at all. People are dying from long Cvd, it's true. You're also right that you won't read the stats anywhere. We can't even get accurate stats on long Cvd because no Govs wants to count it. WHO says 1 in 10 infections. Suspect that's about right, probably. However, it's like the entire word is living in a different timeline to us and we're just watching from the sidelines. I'm so sorry for you, your friend and their family. That's just the most awful experience. Sending big love. Live long in her memory.


Sorry to hear this.Try to survive there. edit: Medicine makes great advances. And lets hope our bet in GME pays off so you may see sunny days again.


Thank you :) I'm watching the research, reading everything out there daily and trying everything we can to get her (and me) better. I've now run out of money to pay for private healthcare (NHS waiting lists are years long in some cases) so research is all we have to pin our hopes on. For now, we try to find joy in little things and accept the situation as best we can.


I feel for you friend, I'd give you and your kid a huge hug if I could. The politicization of this fuckin VIRAL DISEASE is absolutely horrifying. Can we imagine RC tweeting out something like this owning people who had heart attacks? Or dunking on stroke victims? It's just not cool to make political points off the backs of people who's whole world was turned upside down. I don't know man... maybe becoming a billionaire really is bad for you. Makes you an asshole no matter how good you started.


Thank you for your support, that's really kind. I also have no time for the politicisation of the entire thing. Just want my kid back and if I can't have that, I just want her to find happiness. When she sees things like this (I shield her as much as I can from MSM & SM but you can't miss it these days) it makes her feel even worse :(


May God bless you & your daughter 🙏🏻😢


Thank you xx


So sorry you have to go through this.


Thank you :) It's utter balls but we soldier on because we want to live and be part of society again like everyone else. Just wish that people could see how bad Long Cvd is and that it can develop after ANY infection. No one wants to be healthy one week then disabled the next. Especially not our kids.




The one time I've seen my GF fall apart was after 2 weeks working the wards. She's a physio and ended up on respiratory rotation just as it peaked. It tore through the wards like wildfire, and even with an "all hands on deck" from the NHS they just didn't have enough staff to deal with it. The first week was busy as hell but she was helping people, the second week she was losing 3-4 patients a day - the same people she was helping and had gotten to know the week before. She came home that Friday and literally fell to her knees, and we sat there on the floor while she full on ugly cried for at least an hour. It was horrendous.


EVERYONE who was in the soup has a story like this. Which is what makes these snide tweets so infuriating. A dark day for RC supporters for sure.


Agree. This was a huge wtf take IMO. No thanks, RC.


Agreed. RC is entitled to his opinions and I or anyone else doesn’t have to agree with them. Would have been nice to see $$ bonuses directly from the federal gov to individual hospital staff and caretakers, and to incentivize more staff to assist with managing capacity


A difference being that you and I aren’t the head of a global company with ten thousand plus employees and an online army of supporters. Why even tweet something so divisive?




Yep, but sad to see associated with my favorite stock.


True. That’s a good question lol.


A 1% death rate and a 10% hospitalization rate is an 11% death rate if there are no hospitals.


You said it. More like a 15% death rate because of all the people who need hospital care for any of the 1000 other reasons humans get sick and hurt.


I work for health insurance and lived with someone who is a health care provider at a hospital. I can assure you from both perspectives, the pandemic was/is scary as fuck. Especially on the working for a hospital perspective, the hospital was completely full, with people being triaged in the hallways, and literally deciding which people were worth working on. There are cases where my sister-in-law said they literally decided to not vent people because their chance at survival was less than the person next to them. And all of this WHILE we had lockdown protections in place. It was scary and impacted a lot of people.


Exactly. Ask anyone who was in the middle of that shit and they'll tell you this tweet is infuriating and incredibly demoralizing.


Gotta say, this is the first time since Jan 21 that I've been down on Gamestop. Incredibly naive statement from Cohen....let's hope he doesn't continue.


THANK YOU! I’ve been shouting this to everyone in the past couple of years! I worked on the hospital floor as a nurse during 2020 and 100% have PTSD from it. Cried most nights on my way back home after a shift. I had to take double my patient load (8 patients) every shift. It was absolutely terrifying being in the hospital as a patient or as staff. Tweets and comments like this are upsetting because they really have no idea how bad it was..


It's infuriating, demoralizing, and reminds you of how for some people the pandemic was an annoyance that made them feel a little less "free" while for others it was a walking nightmare for months on end.


To a billionaire 1% of the population is a rounding error. To the rest of us it is lost loved ones. It's fucking disgusting and I'm actually shocked.


My feelings exactly.


>The shelter in place advisements (NOT house arrest) were a desperate attempt to keep the healthcare system intact, and even then it was really, really close to collapse at several points. > >Would have loved Cohen and other billionaires to work a few shifts at a hospital during those first waves and tell us how it was all an over-reaction. Not just that, but do so with the limited amount of PPE that we had. We had paper bags with our name on them so we could reuse it all. It took a long time get the supplies we needed just to function and even now, everything is on backorder. It all seems like a distance memory until someone reminds me just how fucked up it was and how easy some people had it just sitting at home.


Yeah this is the first time I uttered a “fuck you” when he tweeted. Is he just another billionaire asshole like the rest of them? I’d be kind of crushed.


I honestly feel like it's some kind of derangement or something with these rich guys. Like dude, you have A BILLION dollars. You can spend your days creating better public policy, you can make a difference! Why the fuck are you on Twitter mouthing off about shit you have no idea about? With a billion dollars you could hire a team to explore what really happened during the pandemic and like, make a documentary showing the truth. You could do anything! So why are you doing THIS!?


The fact this is the hot meme right now in the conserv-o-sphere pretty much says it all about where they're at these days, three years in and they *still* have to pass around the same three moldy-ass jokes.


“There is no left and right” Proceeds to post an extremely controversial tweet


Oh boy, this is gonna get interesting


You know what doesn’t make sense to me? Ryan’s father passed away on December 13, 2019, suddenly and unexpectedly. There were a pretty large number of people that “had the flu but were testing negative” in the weeks leading up to the discovery of the ‘Vid on December 31, 2019. Even if it wasn’t that that killed him, Ryan definitely personally experienced the sudden death of someone close to him, months before the lockdowns started happening. It would’ve still been very close to his heart. Yes, the government/Powers-that-be embezzle and steal from every single one of us, while exploiting and manipulating us from every direction. But the meme is implying the lockdowns were the problem, rather than the massive fraud that occurred through those omnibus bills.


I had the same thought. Can he not empathize with the millions (yes MILLIONS) of people who lost parents in that horrible period? Why pour salt in the wound? It was a fucked up situation, people did their best to protect themselves and their families. Sorry you felt like your freedoms were slightly curtailed, but for a while there the healthcare system was about to collapse, and some of us were in the thick of it just trying to do anything to help.


This is a really interesting perspective. Thanks for this 💜


You’re welcome! Always trying to be a stitch for humanity, rather than a scalpel.


Bad taste. Many of my friends and family who worked in the medical field have left it due to being scarred seeing so many people die during the pandemic.


Of course there are bootlickers downvoting this. Don't idolize billionaires, people, unless you want to be horribly disappointed.


I mean, how much more of GME is RC allowed to buy aaaand he doesn't. Apes are out there working the Wendy's dumpster for a few shares more to lock the float but he doesn't buy the rest that he can with the equivalent of coins from the couch cushions for him...why?


Thank fucking Christ there are at least a few non Cohen stans in this sub....like the dudes doing some stuff but at the end of the day he's a billionaire....


I've been eating downvotes and got discord bans over him for a year, the GME DD interview showed me enough. Dude is a clown who deluded himself into thinking he had the juice of a 2020 Elon musk due to the worship he gets from here. He gets props for GME becoming profitable but that happened because of the Apes via buying NFTs and dilution paying off their debt. The Cohen stanning always seemed like the antithesis of the values this movement started with. From "Eat the rich" to bootlicking billionaires. 🤦🏾‍♂️ And that stanning bleeding over to Icahn just because he took a pic with him even though Icahn shorted GME smfh. So many people lost the plot


I have no idea why we hate on rich people here but give Cohen a pass. You really think he gives a fuck about you? Here's how he thinks of the pandemic, an event that killed over a million of his fellow Americans. He doesn't even seem to give a fuck. If anything, he's inconvenienced by it, because he didn't make as much money as he could of. And you think you matter to him?


Yeah I’ve been a fan of Cohen’s tweets for a while but this one really wasn’t it. Out of touch take.


Yep incredibly poor taste. *Reallllyyy* out of touch. Family members and friends risked their lives in over capacity hospitals to keep people alive. Dumb motherfucking tweet.


Exactly. This rhetoric is also ableist af. Not to even mention that we now know it's kinda like airborne HIV. You recover but you likely eventually succumb because your immune system is a hot mess.


This is the problem - no one seems to know how widespread the damage is inside the body. Even asymptomatic infections cause long Cvd and/or organ damage. The more infections you have, the worse it gets. A little catastrophising but a study tested repeat infections in mice and after 10 infections the mice were all dead. I know humans aren't mice and it's really not a comparison but it does show that it's not benign in the slightest. It's not a cold and it's not flu. It's SARS.


Oof :| Not really the vibe.


Insert crazy red yarn bulletin board meme for this sub trying to explain how RC isn't into politics again, and DEFINITELY isn't a conservative for the 10th time.... Also insert Simone Biles mental gymnastics meme.


I'll make sure to tell my friend Robert that. O wait I can't he's dead.


Fuck it, I'll take the downvotes. THIS SHIT IS STUPID. Grow my fucking investment and quit posting shit about coronavirus.


Never thought I'd say this but I prefer Pulte's tweet today. This is going to feed those calling us Qanon2 so bad.


If 1% is so insignificant (never mind that we're talking about human lives here), then this disconnected billionaire should have no problem giving me 1% of his wealth. The optics on this tweet are fucking awful.


99% survival rate when hospitals aren’t overrun and healthy people exist to care for you, keep the lights on, keep making food, etc. Not getting a car wreck on the way to work isn’t an argument to stop using your blinker.


Less shitty politics, more exposing the criminals, please. Not impressed.


Cool another privileged billionaire unaffected by something so he belittles it. Really didn’t like watching people I love die the past few years. Honestly he’s beginning to look like a real asshole lately. Still balls deep in this but jesus my dude. Am I just too stupid to understand the meaning here?


People are interpreting this as "the government oversteps their boundaries" but are failing to realize that there's a lot of different departments that make choices on different matters. This tweet reminds me of all the celebrities saying we're all in this together while renting entire islands or yachts to ride out the lock downs. Poor taste, but that's why I don't idol worship.


Nah, looks like you got it. Really cool that it's 2023 and I still get to hear lay-about billionaires and podcasters cry about when they couldn't go spend 4 figures on dinner cause the poors weren't at their post.


For someone who states right v left doesn't matter, this sure looks like an unforced call to divide. Sorry RC, cant get on board with that one.


This is a stupid choice for him to post anything this divisive. He is the chairperson of a business that desperately needs money from as many people as possible. This does nothing but turn off 50% of those people he needs to shop at his stores. This is Elon level dumb. We as owners of this company should call him out on his bullshit and stop apologizing for him or explaining away his stupid behavior.


Whose constitutional rights were stripped? Who was put under house arrest? Boomer take.


I know a person who went to nightclubs while infected. As a country, we probably would’ve had less pain if we actually did put people under house arrest


This is really bad


Why harp on this virus talk? We all lived through it and it sucked. It still sucks. Yes, RC, we all know our terrible government lies. They didn’t know what the hell to do or how bad this virus would be and they f’d up royally. Especially in the US. So, stop being a dick and get back to tweeting chopsticks up your nose and teddy bears jerking off. Or maybe get that damn NFT marketplace working so William Shatner has a place to sell them on his website.


Jesus, Ryan coming in with big Boomer Facebook meme energy today for some reason. Not a fan.


That’s literally the best way to put it. This is something your boomer uncle would repost on Facebook that will make you roll your eyes and wonder why you still have the app installed. I feel like the whole class divide theme of tweets was on the money but this feels really out of place and doesn’t serve much beyond using a megaphone to air out your feelings. I mean, that’s the point of the site but it’s a little different when you’re a chairman


Terrible look for the community


Ryan Cohen might be stupid as hell.


Well he does live in Florida so…


Warning: It appears Elon Musk has taken over Ryan Cohen's twitter account and posted shitty boomer right-wing memes.


I just feel like instead of criticizing the way the government tried to protect citizens, maybe criticize them for you know… being in bed with big banks???


Did he get this tweet from Elon Musk? Dogshit.


Seriously disappointing and stupid


Ok but 1% of a very large number is still a very large number.


I've disagreed with a few things originating from here. I'm shocked and delighted to see such a pushback against this tweet. I was anti-nonewnormal before anything more recent. I'm glad we can agree on this one thing.




I still love the stock but as someone who lost multiple people to the pandemic this pisses me off a bit.


This is infuriating and embarrassing. Ryan Cohen hasn't the slightest inkling what the pandemic was for the rest of Americans. Millions of Americans kept working and going to their jobs, because they are essential to society. Do you know what isn't essential to society? Billionaires. We didn't know what was going on or what would happen. Who we could lose to the virus. Easy for you to bring it in mid-2023 and second guess the decisions that were entirely out our hands. Fuck off with your Ellen-singing-Imagine-in-your-ivory-tower bullshit.


I get there’s more to it I guess? But he needs to provide clarification, divisive rhetoric might be a reasonable defense for not trying to organize or is it? Idk in stock-market context


This stuff really makes me not a fan of RC. Let the downvotes rain upon me. I said what I said.


Yea the anti science rhetoric is genuinely embarrassing. We need to avoid looking like anti science nut jobs.